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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

267 Documents Found in Legislative Session 86 (2009-2010)
for Authors of "Sterner"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3863 2 05/16/2010 Text icon Loon Child protection; guardian ad litem authority added.
House HF3862 2 05/16/2010 Text icon Marquart Minnesota Civic Compact, Civic Agency, Minnesota Youth Council, Volunteer Capacity Building Partnership, and Civic Innovation fund created, state strategic plan, public policy goals, and performance measures established, evaluation process established, Office Ombudsman created, and money appropriated.
House HF3854 3 05/16/2010 Text icon Hansen Senate and house of representatives member number reduced.
House HF3846 1 05/13/2010 Text icon Morgan Formula changed for assistance by the Metropolitan Council to cities and towns with replacement transit service.
House HF3844 2 05/13/2010 Text icon Sterner Counties authorized to designate business days for public business subject to certain limitations.
House HF3766 2 04/08/2010 Text icon Brod Human DNA vaccine and informed consent labeling required for administration of those vaccines.
House HF3669 2 04/21/2010 Text icon Sterner Open meetings required to be recorded and made available to the general public.
House HF3654 1 03/15/2010 Text icon Sterner Seat belt use evidence admissibility regulated in civil actions.
House HF3650 3 03/17/2010 Text icon Rosenthal Peace officers granted authority to take into custody and impound vehicles in certain circumstances.
House HF3634 10 04/07/2010 Text icon Jackson License revocation and license denial required for any health-related licensed professional convicted of a felony-level criminal sexual conduct offense.
House HF3628 2 03/11/2010 Text icon Sterner County offices authorized to be open on Saturdays, modification prohibited of certain collective bargaining agreements, and report required to the legislature.
House HF3627 4 03/25/2010 Text icon Sterner Corporate franchise tax rate reduced, and the JOBZ program repealed.
House HF3609 1 03/11/2010 Text icon Mack Law enforcement agency role clarified to accept a missing person report.
House HF3598 2 03/11/2010 Text icon Zellers Veteran plates authorized for recipient of silver star or bronze star.
House HF3592 1 03/09/2010 Text icon Sterner Employment discrimination based on credit history prohibited.
House HF3584 3 04/15/2010 Text icon Sterner State contracts prohibited with vendors convicted of crimes involving fraud, and legislative report required.
House HF3570 5 04/06/2010 Text icon Newton Loan program expanded to veteran-owned small businesses.
House HF3500 3 03/29/2010 Text icon Ward Number 1 diesel fuel exempt from biodiesel requirement during cold weather months.
House HF3479 5 03/15/2010 Text icon Rosenthal Office of Administrative Hearings authorized to review driver's license revocation or disqualification and motor vehicle plate impoundment resulting from implied consent violations.
House HF3471 5 03/29/2010 Text icon Nornes State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care duties modified.
House HF3470 5 03/25/2010 Text icon Slawik State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care membership and duties modified.
House HF3468 7 03/24/2010 Text icon Poppe Town meeting minutes provided.
House HF3437 2 03/09/2010 Text icon Loon Waterless urinal installation allowed.
House HF3436 2 03/09/2010 Text icon Loon Zero-based budgeting provided.
House HF3406 2 03/08/2010 Text icon Scalze Local government exceptions approval required to lower St. Croix River standards.
House HF3392 6 03/22/2010 Text icon Bunn Municipalities authorized to raise and spend money on 4-H, and a University of Minnesota Extension Service policy required.
House HF3386 28 05/10/2010 343 Text icon Swails Residential contracts performance guidelines required, statutory warranties modified, notice and opportunity to repair required, and dispute resolution procedures provided.
House HF3385 2 03/08/2010 Text icon Mullery Ignition interlock program eligibility extended to include violators of the "no alcohol" requirement of a restricted driver's license.
House HF3286 14 05/06/2010 273 Text icon Hornstein Metropolitan Council best value contracts and procurement for transit vehicles authorized.
House HF3271 3 04/21/2010 Text icon Rosenthal Research credit extended to individual income tax.
House HF3260 2 03/01/2010 Text icon Sterner Dakota County; Dakota Future funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3245 6 03/22/2010 Text icon Atkins Interstate health insurance choice created, and flexible benefit plans regulated.
House HF3244 2 03/02/2010 Text icon Falk Annexation procedures limited.
House HF3210 9 05/13/2010 Text icon Davids Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association provisions modified.
House HF3205 8 04/13/2010 Text icon Mahoney Preference created for community banks and credit unions for the state's general revenue account, state depository accounts required to be held in community banks or credit unions, and a study required of possible further use of community banks and credit unions by the state and municipalities.
House HF3188 8 05/15/2010 Text icon Nornes Agent Orange; Congressional Delegation of the Great State of Minnesota called, by resolution, to fully support and fund passage of the Agent Orange Equity Act of 2009.
House HF3181 2 02/25/2010 Text icon Sterner City payments provided to towns following annexation.
House HF3157 22 04/21/2010 276 Text icon Mahoney Parent notification of child maltreatment in a school facility modified.
House HF3151 9 04/15/2010 262 Text icon Laine Viewing, transportation, and removal of a dead human body provisions modified.
House HF3147 11 03/18/2010 Text icon Jackson Assessor duties specified.
House HF3143 9 04/13/2010 252 Text icon Nornes Explore Minnesota Tourism Council membership requirements amended.
House HF3131 7 03/24/2010 Text icon Mullery Interstate Compact for Juveniles adopted.
House SF3131 2 04/27/2010 Text icon Nornes State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care duties modified.
House SF3119 2 04/21/2010 Text icon Slawik State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care membership and duties modified.
House HF3111 13 03/25/2010 194 Text icon Winkler Ballot board use required to process absentee ballots, absentee ballots permitted to be counted starting on the fourth day prior to election, and other absentee ballot processing procedures modified.
House HF3109 12 04/06/2010 Text icon Kalin Local governments authorized to finance energy improvements for property owners to install energy efficient or renewable energy improvements, repayment provided as a special assessment, and bonds issued.
House HF3108 24 04/06/2010 201 Text icon Winkler Elections provisions modified.
House HF3106 29 05/13/2010 366 Text icon Bigham Implied consent, driving while impaired, and ignition interlock provisions modified.
House HF3095 2 02/25/2010 Text icon Bly History of organized labor and collective bargaining included in the academic standards.
House HF3079 8 03/22/2010 Text icon Hortman Permitting efficiency provided, and environmental review provisions modified.
House HF3061 12 04/21/2010 272 Text icon Hornstein Minnesota's waste management hierarchy amended.
House HF3017 15 04/07/2010 227 Text icon Atkins Municipalities authorized to permit certain solicitations by firefighters.
House HF2988 9 03/29/2010 222 Text icon Pelowski Minnesota Data Practices Act provision added on computer data, and state agency use of temporary session cookies on government Web sites clarified.
House HF2987 2 02/16/2010 Text icon Paymar Open alcohol container law expanded to apply to off-road recreational vehicles.
House HF2979 3 02/22/2010 Text icon Rosenthal Alcohol concentration lowered from 0.20 to 0.16 for an aggravating factor under DWI law.
House HF2978 6 03/24/2010 Text icon Rosenthal First-degree driving while impaired crime amended to include prior felony convictions from other states.
House HF2968 5 03/08/2010 Text icon Peterson Environmentally sensitive cleaning products required to be used in public buildings, and guidelines and a task force established.
House HF2958 9 04/28/2010 Text icon Pelowski Open Meeting Law changed.
House HF2943 4 02/22/2010 Text icon Sterner Army National Guard members funding provided for payments to satisfy federal obligations.
House SF2941 3 04/26/2010 Text icon Bunn Municipalities authorized to raise and spend money on 4-H, and a University of Minnesota Extension Service policy required.
House HF2918 12 04/06/2010 209 Text icon Greiling Beverage production in basements authorized, and commissioner of agriculture directed to amend Minnesota Rules.
House HF2917 6 04/12/2010 Text icon Brod Federal Respite Leave Benefit payment urged for members of the 1st infantry of the 34th Brigade of the Minnesota National Guard who served in Iraq during the Troop Surge of 2007.
House HF2908 8 02/22/2010 Text icon Sterner Federal Respite Leave Benefit payment urged for the members of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 34th Division of the Minnesota National Guard who served in Iraq during the Troop Surge of 2007.
House HF2907 19 04/21/2010 277 Text icon Johnson State goals set for the deployment and speed of high-speed broadband.
House SF2891 9 05/15/2010 378 Text icon Mullery Interstate Compact for Juveniles adopted.
House SF2885 9 05/11/2010 354 Text icon Jackson Assessor duties specified.
House HF2882 9 04/19/2010 Text icon Hansen Outdoor heritage funding provided from constitutionally dedicated funds, and money appropriated.
House HF2856 11 03/23/2010 190 Text icon Atkins Continuing education requirements changed for real estate brokers and salespersons.
House HF2849 22 04/28/2010 Text icon Norton Minnesota and Wisconsin small business start-ups comparative study of state laws provided.
House HF2840 13 04/15/2010 Text icon Swails Collaborative governance council established.
House HF2839 12 03/17/2010 Text icon Bunn Minnesota entrepreneur virtual assistance network authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2801 34 05/15/2010 388 Text icon Obermueller Special license plates provided, trunk highway funding provided, bonds issued, public safety programs and activities funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2776 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Sterner Dakota County; Hennepin County; Trunk Highway 77 funding provided for capacity and safety improvements, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2775 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Sterner Dakota County; funding provided for Trunk Highway 52 interchange at County State-Aid Highway 42, and money appropriated.
House HF2774 3 02/11/2010 Text icon Hansen Dakota County; Robert Street Corridor Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2758 11 04/26/2010 283 Text icon Bunn Minnesota entrepreneur virtual assistance network authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2754 6 05/16/2010 Text icon Winkler Secretary of state filings regulated.
House HF2750 8 03/09/2010 Text icon Davnie Small business investment tax credit provided.
House HF2744 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Masin Dakota County; Hennepin County; Cedar Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2732 8 03/30/2010 Text icon Anderson, S. Higher education residency requirements eliminated for spouse and children of deceased veterans.
House SF2720 2 03/29/2010 Text icon Kalin Local governments authorized to finance energy improvements for property owners to install energy efficient or renewable energy improvements, repayment provided as a special assessment, and bonds issued.
House HF2713 4 03/08/2010 Text icon Peterson Probationary period lengthened for newly hired peace officers in certain statutory cities.
House HF2706 16 03/25/2010 191 Text icon Atkins Certified public accountant licensing requirements clarified.
House HF2699 8 05/14/2010 Text icon Hilstrom Notice requirements during foreclosure amended.
House HF2695 15 04/08/2010 216 Text icon Lenczewski Omnibus jobs bill.
House HF2690 15 05/07/2010 Text icon Sertich Executive agency appropriations required to include proportionate reductions in expenditures on contracts, requirements provided during periods of projected deficits, and executive branch positions eliminated.
House HF2674 5 04/13/2010 Text icon Newton Veterans of Foreign Wars Day designated as May 28.
House HF2673 4 02/11/2010 Text icon Dettmer Disabled veterans' eligibility expanded for a free annual state park permit.
House HF2659 6 03/15/2010 Text icon Juhnke Discharge permit requirements for feedlots modified.
House HF2639 24 05/10/2010 342 Text icon Johnson Wireless telecommunications service providers authorized to provide call locations for emergencies, and Kelsey Smith Act provided.
House SF2625 3 04/01/2010 Text icon Dettmer Disabled veterans' eligibility expanded for a free annual state park permit.
House HF2568 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Carlson Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare construction project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2538 13 03/01/2010 Text icon Ward American Legion Day designated as September 16 of each year.
House HF2484 4 02/11/2010 Text icon Sterner Rosemount; park and ride lot and transit shelter grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2459 3 02/08/2010 Text icon Sterner Minnesota Zoo capital projects funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2405 15 05/14/2010 Text icon Reinert Temporary successors provided to members of the legislature called into active military service, implementation of statutory language provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2391 2 12/22/2009 Text icon Dill Metropolitan area shooting sports facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2350 1 04/25/2009 Text icon Sterner Nonprofit fund-raising sales exemption increased.
House HF2349 1 04/25/2009 Text icon Sterner Nonprofit eligibility expanded, and fund-raising sales exemption increased.
House SF2341 3 04/01/2010 Text icon Anderson, S. Higher education residency requirements eliminated for spouse and children of deceased veterans.
House HF2318 2 04/17/2009 Text icon Rosenthal Individual income tax research credit allowed, and credit rate increased.
House HF2228 1 03/30/2009 Text icon Ward Information displayed prior to an abortion established, wrongful death action added, and civil and criminal penalties provided.
House HF2192 2 03/26/2009 Text icon Sterner Minnesota Irish Cultural Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2164 1 03/25/2009 Text icon Sterner Noncampaign disbursement costs and fees specified.
House HF2118 3 04/02/2009 Text icon Rukavina National Guard postdeployment health assessment funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2117 4 03/30/2009 Text icon Sterner Waste management reporting requirements changed, work group created, and report required.
House HF2099 8 05/07/2009 Text icon Zellers Commerce licensing and regulation provided, and prelicense and continuing education requirements established.
House HF2066 2 03/23/2009 Text icon Mack Minnesota Zoo water quality funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2062 16 05/14/2010 Text icon Lanning Ladder Out of Poverty Task Force established, membership and duties provided, and legislative appointments provided.
House HF2060 7 04/06/2010 Text icon Sterner Contract cancellations regulated and insurance claims for residential roofing goods and services regulated.
House HF2059 2 03/24/2009 Text icon Sterner Unpaid leave of absence from employment provided for an immediate family member of a person ordered into active military service during a time of war or other national emergency.
House HF2058 3 03/08/2010 Text icon Sterner Automatic external defibrillators required in certain structures.
House HF2044 2 03/24/2009 Text icon Sterner Mental health counseling services availability required for recently deployed service members.
House HF2043 2 03/23/2009 Text icon Sterner Gold Star Family license plates created for family members of military personnel who have died in active military service, and plate fee and registration tax exemptions provided for certain survivors.
House HF2042 2 03/24/2009 Text icon Sterner Financial counseling services availability required for recently discharged veterans.
House HF2041 1 03/23/2009 Text icon Sterner Probation violation provided for impaired driving offenders driving with any presence of alcohol during the period of probation.
House HF2035 2 03/25/2009 Text icon Swails Gifted and talented students' programs clarified.
House HF1996 2 03/24/2009 Text icon Sterner Alcohol and chemical dependency counseling services availability required for recently discharged veterans.
House HF1995 1 03/23/2009 Text icon Sterner Alcohol concentration limit for commercial driving reduced from .04 to .03.
House HF1984 4 12/22/2009 Text icon Sterner Minnesota Zoo funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1981 5 04/06/2009 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Geospatial Information Office created.
House HF1966 2 03/23/2009 Text icon Sterner Persons serving in active service or retired from active service application fees waived.
House HF1916 2 04/06/2009 Text icon Olin Fire protection and first responder services advisory task force established.
House SF1910 8 05/06/2009 63 Text icon Zellers Commerce licensing and regulation provided, and prelicense and continuing education requirements established.
House HF1897 2 03/19/2009 Text icon Masin Dakota County; Metropolitan Council conveyance of land and buildings required.
House SF1886 8 05/06/2010 324 Text icon Sterner Contract cancellations regulated and insurance claims for residential roofing goods and services regulated.
House SF1867 2 05/07/2009 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Geospatial Information Office created.
House HF1865 8 03/09/2010 Text icon Gottwalt MinnesotaCare service provision modified, healthy Minnesota plan requirements established, and healthy Minnesota accounts established for MinnesotaCare enrollees.
House HF1857 7 04/29/2009 Text icon Pelowski State agency rulemaking; notice by electronic mail authorized.
House HF1849 24 05/18/2009 152 Text icon Nelson Local governmental unit mandates removed, extended, and modified, and requirements changed for a qualified newspaper.
House SF1770 7 05/14/2010 374 Text icon Lanning Ladder Out of Poverty Task Force established, membership and duties provided, and legislative appointments provided.
House HF1757 6 02/18/2010 Text icon Brod Department of Health and Human Services established, and merger of the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services required.
House HF1756 6 04/07/2009 Text icon Kath Public Facilities Authority; federal use of funds allocated to the state by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act authorized; clean water and drinking water loans and grants provided; and money appropriated.
House HF1744 18 05/17/2009 131 Text icon Hilty Technology accessibility standards created for the state, advisory committee established for technology standards for accessibility and usability, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1739 1 03/16/2009 Text icon Sterner No-fault auto insurance policies modified, first-party benefits increased, arbitration awards regulated, balance billing by health care providers prohibited, accident record information regulated, and civil liability in recovery of health care expenses clarified.
House HF1736 1 03/16/2009 Text icon Masin Medical provider conflicts of interests prohibited, and criminal and civil penalties provided.
House HF1677 12 05/14/2009 105 Text icon Simon Sex offenders excluded from the safe at home program, and protected address use limited by landlords and local government entities.
House HF1665 15 05/18/2009 Text icon Swails Clearing house creation allowed for procurement and shared services examples.
House HF1663 3 03/30/2009 Text icon Jackson Green Acres and agricultural property tax provisions modified, and land conservation property tax program established.
House HF1619 6 05/18/2009 Text icon Atkins Minnesota No-Fault Automobile Act's funeral and burial expense benefits increased.
House HF1618 3 03/16/2009 Text icon Persell Beneficial reuse of wastewater grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1610 2 03/16/2009 Text icon Davnie Taxation; levy limits abolished.
House HF1601 3 04/26/2010 Text icon Otremba Prenatal and maternity health insurance benefits waiting periods prohibited, pregnancy eliminated as a preexisting condition, parenting support grant program established, various adoption provisions provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1539 7 04/27/2009 Text icon Rosenthal Public water temporary drawdown provided.
House HF1400 12 03/30/2009 Text icon Kalin June 13, 2009 declared as Honoring All Vietnam Era Veterans Day.
House HF1356 7 04/07/2009 Text icon Newton Free public transit use provided for disabled veterans and current uniformed active service members.
House HF1339 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Ruud Wireless communications device use while operating a motor vehicle provisions modified.
House SF1329 7 04/06/2009 16 Text icon Kath Federal funds allocated for clean water and drinking water loans and grants relating to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and money appropriated.
House HF1320 19 04/28/2010 289 Text icon Swails Board of Pharmacy required to adopt rules regarding the substitution of drugs used for the treatment of epilepsy or seizure if the United States Food and Drug Administration determines that substitution may cause a health risk to patients.
House HF1278 3 03/09/2009 Text icon Sterner County offices appointment and consolidation provided, subject to notice, hearing, and reverse referendum.
House HF1273 5 03/13/2009 Text icon Rosenthal Domestic abuse arrest time expanded.
House HF1242 22 05/05/2009 38 Text icon Seifert Brandon's law established, and procedures implemented for investigating missing person cases.
House HF1237 30 02/04/2010 176 Text icon Dill Natural resources and state park provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1231 28 05/18/2009 172 Text icon Murphy, M. Omnibus cultural and outdoor resources finance bill.
House HF1206 9 02/18/2010 Text icon Simon Campaign finance and reporting requirements changed, and contribution limits provided for judicial candidates.
House HF1202 4 05/18/2009 Text icon Masin Life insurance proceeds and the cash surrender value of certain life insurance contracts exempted from attachment, garnishment, or sale.
House SF1142 8 03/26/2009 10 Text icon Kalin Honoring All Vietnam Era Veterans Day declared on June 13, 2009.
House HF1105 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Swails Transit taxing district redefined, and tax levy outside existing transit taxing district authorized.
House HF1093 4 03/02/2009 Text icon Hosch Positive abortion alternatives base funding increased.
House HF1059 8 04/15/2010 Text icon Otremba State-sponsored health program funds limited for funding abortions.
House HF1058 8 04/15/2010 Text icon Fritz Saline amniocentesis abortions prohibited.
House HF1014 2 02/26/2009 Text icon Laine Homeless Management Information System data required.
House HF1013 2 02/26/2009 Text icon Laine Homeless program providers allowed to impose requirements on clients and require consistency in program guidelines.
House HF1010 5 05/18/2009 Text icon Kalin Military and overseas voting provisions changed.
House SF0978 8 04/20/2009 26 Text icon Sterner Shaken baby syndrome training requirements changed in licensed programs.
House HF0968 4 03/18/2009 Text icon Hosch Board of Residential Construction established, and license regulation modified.
House HF0964 2 02/26/2009 Text icon Holberg Legislative and congressional districts coordinated.
House HF0960 2 02/22/2009 Text icon Masin Dakota County; Cedar Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0955 3 04/01/2009 Text icon Morrow Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board renamed, and duties and membership of board clarified.
House HF0921 3 02/26/2009 Text icon Fritz Safe patient handling plans in clinical settings required.
House HF0877 9 05/18/2009 Text icon Hortman Idling reduction technology purchases grant program established.
House HF0837 3 02/27/2009 Text icon Juhnke Property tax refund definitions modified for disabled military veterans.
House HF0831 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Hosch Tax exemption for township road materials expanded.
House HF0830 3 02/27/2009 Text icon Hosch Agricultural products definition expanded.
House HF0825 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Murphy, M. Volunteer firefighter retirement plan established.
House HF0823 8 05/05/2009 Text icon Norton Dental therapist fees, licensing, and practice limitations established.
House HF0820 8 12/22/2009 Text icon Hausman Como Zoo improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0819 20 05/07/2009 61 Text icon Atkins Unfair ticket sales prohibited.
House HF0818 25 05/16/2009 119 Text icon Hilstrom Vulnerable adults; financial records disclosure in connection with financial exploitation investigations authorized; procedures for reporting and investigating maltreatment modified; human services commissioner directed to seek federal grants; duties of financial institutions specified in cases alleging financial exploitation; financial exploitation crime amended; and money appropriated from the federal government.
House HF0816 5 03/25/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Former legislators, constitutional officers, agency heads, and certain legislative employees prohibited from lobbying for legislative or administrative action for one year after leaving office.
House HF0801 12 04/28/2009 32 Text icon Pelowski State report and document laws modified.
House HF0783 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Slocum Emergency vehicle status accorded to vehicles operated by protective agent for escorting funeral procession or oversized loads, and technical correction made.
House HF0782 6 03/19/2009 Text icon Sterner Shaken baby syndrome training requirements changed in licensed child care and child foster care programs.
House HF0753 7 12/22/2009 Text icon Sterner Minnesota Zoo improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0735 2 02/12/2009 Text icon Sterner Licensure law changed to include professional counselors as licensed mental health professionals.
House HF0734 1 02/12/2009 Text icon Sterner Corporate adult foster care and corporate child foster care disqualification bars extended.
House HF0721 5 03/23/2009 Text icon Hornstein Metropolitan Council restructured as a council of governments.
House HF0715 13 02/04/2010 Text icon Newton Disabled veteran owned businesses designated as targeted group businesses for purposes of awarding certain state and metropolitan agency contracts.
House HF0704 7 04/17/2009 Text icon Knuth Life insurance regulated, and stranger-originated life insurance prohibited.
House HF0689 8 05/18/2009 Text icon Knuth Strategic tree planting consideration mandated for energy conservation improvement project for buildings.
House HF0680 31 05/08/2009 Text icon Kalin Federal stimulus funding direction provided for energy programs.
House HF0671 8 03/23/2009 Text icon Dettmer Residency requirements eliminated for veterans obtaining complimentary state park passes.
House HF0668 9 05/15/2009 113 Text icon Morrow Postcrash procedures provided for school buses in accidents.
House SF0657 21 05/17/2009 138 Text icon Kalin Federal stimulus funding direction provided for energy programs, and money appropriated.
House SF0640 8 05/04/2009 48 Text icon Rosenthal Public water temporary drawdown provided.
House HF0635 5 02/26/2009 Text icon Hosch Green Acres program 2008 changes delayed by one year.
House HF0624 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Downey Safe School Zone Law enacted, and clarifying and technical changes made.
House HF0609 2 02/09/2009 Text icon Newton Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal license plate established.
House HF0606 2 02/12/2009 Text icon Hortman Fluorescent or high-intensity discharge lamp manufacturers required to organize collection and recycling programs for household generators, registration required, efficient lighting program modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0602 8 03/23/2009 Text icon Beard Public Utilities Commission proceeding recording provisions modified, and cold weather rule technical changes made.
House SF0594 8 05/18/2009 Text icon Fritz Safe patient handling plans in clinical settings required.
House HF0573 4 02/12/2009 Text icon Juhnke Minnesota Puppy and Kitten Mill Cruelty Prevention Act; dog and cat breeder required permit created.
House HF0569 12 04/27/2009 Text icon Sailer Recycled paint pilot program implementation required by paint manufacturers.
House HF0562 5 02/26/2009 Text icon Wagenius Higher education asset preservation standards modified.
House HF0558 4 03/02/2009 Text icon Severson Military retirement pay subtraction provided and military retirement pay credit repealed.
House HF0543 2 02/12/2009 Text icon Scott Child support provisions and deadlines changed, and payment of child support redirected.
House HF0541 8 03/30/2009 Text icon Juhnke Eligibility time frame extended for the surviving spouses of disabled military veterans to receive the residential homestead market value exclusion.
House HF0540 3 03/16/2009 Text icon Koenen Rural vacant land assessment provided, and recapture modified that applies to certain property in the Green Acres program.
House HF0536 4 05/18/2009 Text icon Persell Local match requirements for certain grants modified.
House SF0532 7 05/07/2009 71 Text icon Pelowski State agency rulemaking; notice by electronic mail authorized.
House HF0525 9 04/16/2009 Text icon Mullery Current DWI ignition interlock device pilot program expanded by two years and applied statewide.
House HF0523 23 05/15/2009 115 Text icon Bigham School background check requirements modified relating to disciplinary actions.
House HF0508 4 02/19/2009 Text icon Bly Congress of the United States memorialized to not reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act in its current form.
House HF0506 6 03/12/2009 Text icon Abeler Licensed mental health professional counselors included as qualified providers under medical assistance.
House SF0477 16 05/16/2009 121 Text icon Sailer Recycled paint pilot program implementation required by paint manufacturers.
House SF0474 5 05/18/2009 Text icon Sanders Retail sales of recalled toys prohibited.
House SF0462 6 04/25/2009 29 Text icon Mullery Current DWI ignition interlock device pilot program expanded by two years and applied statewide.
House HF0452 6 03/02/2009 Text icon Murdock Gold Star license plate created for family members of military personnel who died in active service, and plate fee exempted for certain survivors.
House HF0433 5 03/26/2009 Text icon Obermueller Medal of Honor Day designated as March 25.
House HF0424 16 04/06/2009 Text icon Hansen Critical Areas Act of 1973 modified, and money appropriated.
House SF0423 5 05/18/2009 Text icon Swails Noncampaign disbursements specified.
House HF0422 4 02/12/2009 Text icon Obermueller Minnesota Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day designated as the first Sunday in October.
House HF0418 10 03/25/2010 Text icon Gardner Buckthorn control ordinances allowed by municipalities.
House HF0403 9 03/24/2009 Text icon Gardner Plastic yard waste bags required to be compostable, and biodegradable and compostable standards for certain plastics established.
House HF0400 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Anderson, S. Income tax credit provided for telecommuting conversion expenses and ongoing telecommuting expenses.
House HF0399 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Anderson, S. Fuel-efficient vehicles allowed to be operated on high-occupancy vehicle lanes.
House HF0396 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Kohls Aggravated forgery law clarified to cover documents associated with federal I-9 employment eligibility verification forms.
House HF0392 26 04/01/2009 12 Text icon Lenczewski Federal update provided relating to income, corporate franchise, and property taxation; Green Acres program modified; rural preserve property tax program created; and reports required.
House SF0358 2 05/15/2009 Text icon Bly Congress of the United States memorialized to not reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act in its current form.
House HF0328 5 03/26/2009 Text icon Murphy, E. Adoption record and original birth certificate governing provisions modified.
House HF0326 13 05/04/2009 Text icon Clark Bisphenol-A prohibited in products for young children.
House HF0320 4 02/23/2009 Text icon Dettmer School districts allowed to pay the costs of conducting a criminal history background check on an employee, contractor, or volunteer.
House HF0306 2 04/01/2009 Text icon Swails Noncampaign disbursements specified.
House HF0303 10 05/18/2009 Text icon Lillie Congress of the United States memorialized to appoint an independent counsel to investigate the Prisoner of War - Missing in Action issue.
House HF0285 6 05/11/2009 Text icon Clark WIC coupons allowed to be used to purchase organic food.
House SF0275 7 05/05/2009 49 Text icon Morrow Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board renamed, and duties and membership of board clarified.
House HF0267 12 05/08/2009 Text icon Hortman Motor vehicle restraint required for child passengers under the age of eight and shorter than four feet nine inches, and seat belt requirements modified accordingly.
House SF0265 7 04/14/2009 22 Text icon Thissen Crime alerts required to be distributed in a format that disabled citizens can access.
House HF0254 5 03/26/2009 Text icon Thissen Crime alerts required to be distributed in a format that disabled citizens can access.
House HF0253 13 02/16/2010 Text icon Tillberry Dog and cat breeder standards of care provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0247 6 05/05/2009 40 Text icon Clark Bisphenol-A prohibited in products for young children.
House SF0237 7 05/12/2009 87 Text icon Obermueller Minnesota Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day designated as the first Sunday in October.
House SF0236 7 03/26/2009 8 Text icon Obermueller Medal of Honor Day designated as March 25.
House HF0224 11 04/26/2010 Text icon Simon Retention elections for judges established, judicial performance commission created, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0217 12 03/18/2009 Text icon Faust Agricultural property tax law modified, and certain property classification requirements changed.
House SF0213 7 05/15/2009 114 Text icon Clark WIC coupons allowed to be used to purchase cost-neutral organic food.
House HF0202 5 02/23/2009 Text icon Brod Deceptive or misleading contribution solicitations prohibited.
House HF0200 8 05/18/2009 Text icon Abeler Broker use for medical transportation services prohibited, county social workers allowed to make level of need determinations, special transportation services renamed, and medical transportation requirements modified.
House HF0195 6 02/24/2009 Text icon Norton Labor Day school start provisions repealed for two years, and study provided.
House HF0166 15 04/29/2009 Text icon Sanders Retail sales of recalled toys prohibited.
House SF0166 19 05/06/2009 52 Text icon Knuth Insurable Interest Act; stranger-originated life insurance prohibited.
House HF0161 9 04/28/2009 Text icon Thissen Medical response unit reimbursement pilot program established, emergency medical services programs funded, and money appropriated.
House HF0149 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Demmer Residential heating fuel sales tax exemption expanded.
House HF0109 2 01/22/2009 Text icon Dettmer Watershed districts and watershed management organizations required to submit information to counties.
House HF0108 22 02/04/2010 165 Text icon Norton Seat belt violation made a primary offense in all seating positions regardless of age, and increased speed limit provided when passing.
House SF0099 9 05/11/2009 82 Text icon Hortman Motor vehicle restraint required for child passengers under the age of eight and shorter than four feet nine inches, and seat belt requirements modified accordingly.
House HF0092 9 12/22/2009 Text icon Murphy, M. Duluth; Lake Superior Zoo facility repairs funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0079 3 01/15/2009 Text icon Brown Wind energy production tax removed from county apportionment deduction for school districts.
House HF0032 3 01/15/2009 Text icon Benson Special education revenue formulas full funding provided, and appropriation for special education aid made open and standing.
House HF0022 5 02/23/2009 Text icon Juhnke Anglers permitted to use two lines to take fish.
House HF0010 11 02/13/2009 Text icon Doty 2008 Green Acres law changes repealed.
House HR0006 1 02/25/2010 Text icon Mahoney A house resolution expressing the sense of the Minnesota House of Representatives concerning support for small community banks and credit unions.
House HF0005 3 01/15/2009 Text icon Kalin Green infrastructure state plan development required by the commissioner of commerce, funding provided for energy-efficient residences, public buildings, renewable energy for public schools, green industrial parks, and a solar certification laboratory.
House HF0003 4 02/02/2009 Text icon Welti Unnecessary state mandates eliminated.
House SF0003 2 04/14/2009 Text icon Welti Unnecessary state mandates eliminated.
House HF0002 27 05/13/2009 96 Text icon Greiling Omnibus K-12 education bill.
House HF0001 1 01/12/2009 Text icon Sertich State partnership created with federal efforts to restore the American economy, federal Economic Rescue and Recovery Act supplemented, bonds issued, and money appropriated.