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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

86 Documents Found in Legislative Session 86 (2009-2010)
for Authors of "McNamara"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3770 4 04/27/2010 Text icon Hausman Natural resources, board of water and soil resources, transportation, and metropolitan council funding provided, bonds issued, previous appropriation modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3683 1 03/17/2010 Text icon Bigham Cottage Grove; tax increment financing district special rules provided.
House HF3680 2 03/17/2010 Text icon McNamara Bus service from Hastings to Minneapolis-St. Paul provided during bridge construction, and money appropriated.
House HF3506 9 04/06/2010 Text icon Swails Washington County; portion of fines and civil penalties imposed for excessive weight violations in Washington County allocated to Washington County.
House HF3497 5 03/11/2010 Text icon Hansen Tree care and tree trimming company registration required, and sale and distribution of firewood regulated.
House HF3437 2 03/09/2010 Text icon Loon Waterless urinal installation allowed.
House HF3386 28 05/10/2010 343 Text icon Swails Residential contracts performance guidelines required, statutory warranties modified, notice and opportunity to repair required, and dispute resolution procedures provided.
House HF3373 4 04/06/2010 Text icon Eastlund Green Acres program remaining property deadline extended without additional taxes.
House HF3355 3 03/11/2010 Text icon Bigham Water drainage from watercraft required before transportation on public roads, and civil penalties modified.
House HF3315 2 03/11/2010 Text icon Bigham Criminal penalty provisions modified, participation in comprehensive incident-based reporting system provided, and silencers for wildlife control use extended.
House HF3289 2 03/04/2010 Text icon Gardner Urban storm water retention pond buffers required.
House HF3249 1 03/01/2010 Text icon McNamara Wild rice provisions modified.
House HF3152 8 04/19/2010 Text icon Bunn Land use allowed within the Lower St. Croix River area.
House HF3126 3 03/04/2010 Text icon Cornish Deer, moose, and elk stand height restrictions removed.
House HF3107 5 03/24/2010 Text icon Dettmer Property, agricultural land, and boarding of horses provisions modified.
House HF3106 29 05/13/2010 366 Text icon Bigham Implied consent, driving while impaired, and ignition interlock provisions modified.
House HF3077 3 02/25/2010 Text icon McNamara Afton; flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2983 3 02/23/2010 Text icon Eastlund Green Acres program and agricultural classifications made in 2008 and 2009 changes repealed.
House HF2982 1 02/15/2010 Text icon Reinert Off-sale intoxicating liquor sales modified.
House HF2975 8 04/06/2010 Text icon Lanning Salvia divinorum sale and possession crime established, and penalty provided.
House HF2932 2 02/12/2010 Text icon Jackson Aquatic and wildlife management areas and critical habitat funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2911 5 02/25/2010 Text icon Kohls Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission directed to offer the Metrodome to the professional football team, and commission abolished.
House HF2909 3 02/16/2010 Text icon Anderson, S. State agencies required to track and report on the number of jobs created or retained as a result of capital project funding.
House HF2882 9 04/19/2010 Text icon Hansen Outdoor heritage funding provided from constitutionally dedicated funds, and money appropriated.
House HF2801 34 05/15/2010 388 Text icon Obermueller Special license plates provided, trunk highway funding provided, bonds issued, public safety programs and activities funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2775 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Sterner Dakota County; funding provided for Trunk Highway 52 interchange at County State-Aid Highway 42, and money appropriated.
House HF2774 3 02/11/2010 Text icon Hansen Dakota County; Robert Street Corridor Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2773 8 05/13/2010 368 Text icon Lanning Salvia divinorum sale and possession crime established, and penalty provided.
House HF2763 10 02/25/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Income tax charitable deduction accelerated for relief of Haitian earthquake victims.
House HF2755 4 03/24/2010 Text icon Swails Voting equipment and vote-counting equipment grant funding provided, grant terms and procedures specified, and money appropriated.
House SF2752 7 05/10/2010 338 Text icon Bunn Land use allowed within the Lower St. Croix River area.
House HF2742 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Garofalo Cannon River pedestrian bridge funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2741 2 02/08/2010 Text icon Garofalo Lake Byllesby Dam spillway on the Cannon River funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2740 1 02/08/2010 Text icon McNamara Watershed district boundary changes prohibited until one year has passed if the request is made via citizen petition.
House HF2738 3 02/11/2010 Text icon Wagenius Lake Vermilion State Park; acquisition restrictions removed.
House SF2629 8 05/15/2010 379 Text icon Swails Voting equipment and vote-counting equipment grant funding provided, grant terms and procedures specified, and money appropriated.
House HF2560 6 04/07/2010 Text icon Hausman Financial assurance provided for nonferrous metallic mineral mining.
House HF2477 4 02/11/2010 Text icon Hansen Reinvest in Minnesota reserve program funds prohibited from being used for mitigation, bond fund recipients required to use certain low-impact development standards, bonds issued, and money appropriated for natural resources asset preservation and replacement and RIM conservation reserve.
House HF2467 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Bigham Red Rock Corridor Park-and-Ride facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2391 2 12/22/2009 Text icon Dill Metropolitan area shooting sports facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2352 9 03/11/2010 187 Text icon Lenczewski Income tax charitable deduction accelerated for relief of Haitian earthquake victims.
House HF2347 4 04/29/2009 Text icon Lanning Flood and storm disaster relief provided, federal matching funds provided, Hugo tornado aid provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2221 3 04/06/2009 Text icon McNamara Bow fishing to take rough fish restrictions modified.
House HF2197 2 03/26/2009 Text icon McNamara Lake St. Croix comprehensive water monitoring and phosphorus reduction funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2191 4 04/06/2009 Text icon Davnie Tobacco provisions modified relating to moist snuff.
House HF1984 4 12/22/2009 Text icon Sterner Minnesota Zoo funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1958 3 03/30/2009 Text icon Juhnke Water regulation technical advisory group study provided.
House HF1875 1 03/18/2009 Text icon McNamara Environmental review requirements modified, certain projects exempted that are subject to standards from environmental review, and project proposers required to prepare environmental impact statements and environmental assessment worksheets.
House HF1712 3 03/23/2009 Text icon Jackson Residents 90 years of age or older provided free angling licenses.
House HF1680 8 05/15/2010 4 Text icon Clark Minnesota legislature resolved to apologize on behalf of citizens of the state to all persons with mental illness and development and other disabilities who have been wrongfully committed to state institutions.
House HF1665 15 05/18/2009 Text icon Swails Clearing house creation allowed for procurement and shared services examples.
House HF1638 2 03/16/2009 Text icon Magnus Federal taxable income provisions modified.
House HF1493 8 04/14/2009 Text icon Lillie Natural resources account created, planning and report required, state parks and trails funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1478 1 03/09/2009 Text icon Sailer Distributed energy resources regulated.
House HF1440 1 03/09/2009 Text icon McNamara Financial assurance required for nonferrous metallic mineral mining defined.
House HF1367 4 03/30/2009 Text icon Juhnke Minnesota Noxious Weed Law provisions changed, fund established, grants provided, and advisory committee created.
House HF1260 5 03/23/2009 Text icon Sailer Solar energy installation projects in K-12 public schools funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1246 1 03/02/2009 Text icon Urdahl Speed violations in excess of ten miles per hour over a speed limit of 60 miles per hour kept off of driver's driving record.
House HF1143 5 03/16/2009 Text icon McNamara Department of Natural Resources programs that duplicate market activities eliminated.
House HF1066 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Bunn Interstate Highway 94 Corridor Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1032 7 05/11/2009 Text icon Fritz Self-advocacy program established for persons with developmental disabilities, and appropriated money transferred.
House HF1016 2 03/02/2009 Text icon Scalze Prescribed content of property tax statements modified.
House HF0997 7 02/04/2010 Text icon Seifert Federal government memorialized to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States and affirming Minnesota's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
House HF0990 5 03/16/2009 Text icon Bunn General fund forecast additional revenue priorities modified.
House HF0843 3 03/12/2009 Text icon Slocum Charter school students allowed to participate in extracurricular activities of their resident district.
House HF0797 9 03/11/2010 Text icon Emmer Horses and other equines clarified as livestock and that raising them is an agricultural pursuit.
House SF0727 6 05/18/2009 Text icon Fritz Self-advocacy program established for persons with developmental disabilities, and appropriated money transferred.
House HF0707 5 03/02/2009 Text icon Hortman Absentee ballot rejection notice required to voter.
House HF0689 8 05/18/2009 Text icon Knuth Strategic tree planting consideration mandated for energy conservation improvement project for buildings.
House HF0680 31 05/08/2009 Text icon Kalin Federal stimulus funding direction provided for energy programs.
House SF0657 21 05/17/2009 138 Text icon Kalin Federal stimulus funding direction provided for energy programs, and money appropriated.
House HF0646 3 02/19/2009 Text icon Seifert MFIP electronic benefit transfers modified, and commissioner directed to apply for demonstration project to give bonus for buying Minnesota-grown foods.
House HF0598 7 02/26/2009 Text icon Eken Nursery law provisions changed.
House HF0512 5 02/19/2009 Text icon Simon Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote enacted.
House HF0472 2 02/02/2009 Text icon McNamara Independent School District No. 200, Hastings, allowed to participate in the alternative facilities bonding and levy program.
House HF0443 1 02/02/2009 Text icon Swails Washington County; construction materials and equipment used to construct courts facility exempted, and obsolete provision removed.
House HF0436 5 02/26/2009 Text icon Drazkowski Deer hunting season extended.
House HF0423 2 03/02/2009 Text icon McNamara Legislative employee reduced commuting provided to help reduce carbon emissions.
House HF0421 2 02/02/2009 Text icon Hansen Wildlife area land acquisition and improvement and publicly owned dams funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0400 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Anderson, S. Income tax credit provided for telecommuting conversion expenses and ongoing telecommuting expenses.
House HF0183 1 01/22/2009 Text icon McNamara Long-distance phone records approved.
House SF0119 8 05/18/2009 Text icon Hansen Lessard Outdoor Heritage Council support provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0078 6 01/22/2009 Text icon Eastlund 2008 Green Acres law changes repealed.
House HF0057 5 02/05/2009 Text icon Emmer Voters required to provide picture identification before receiving a ballot, issuance of voter identification card provided at no charge, and provisional balloting procedure established.
House HF0033 5 02/25/2010 Text icon Anderson, B. New nuclear power plant certificate of need prohibition abolished.
House HF0018 6 02/12/2009 Text icon Hansen Lessard Outdoor Heritage Council support provided, and money appropriated.