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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

112 Documents Found in Legislative Session 86 (2009-2010)
for Authors of "Nornes"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3830 4 05/11/2010 Text icon Drazkowski Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act enacted and various illegal immigration provisions modified, Minnesota Illegal Immigration Enforcement Team created, and attorney general required to represent the state against any challenges to this act.
House HF3766 2 04/08/2010 Text icon Brod Human DNA vaccine and informed consent labeling required for administration of those vaccines.
House HF3681 2 03/18/2010 Text icon Beard Greenhouse gas emissions consideration repealed in resource planning.
House HF3670 3 03/17/2010 Text icon Nornes Early childhood education funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3640 9 05/12/2010 Text icon Eken Advance determination allowed for prudence determination by Public Utilities Commission for certain environmental projects of a public utility.
House HF3565 3 03/15/2010 Text icon Anderson, S. Textbook price information provided to students.
House HF3474 7 03/23/2010 Text icon Urdahl Incandescent light bulbs manufactured in Minnesota use and sale authorized.
House HF3472 2 03/08/2010 Text icon Nornes Cap raised for revenue bonds authorized for the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System.
House HF3471 5 03/29/2010 Text icon Nornes State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care duties modified.
House HF3432 1 03/08/2010 Text icon Downey Quality rating and improvement system modified.
House HF3399 3 05/05/2010 Text icon Juhnke Jobs, family, and economic development fund developed, funding mechanism provided for agricultural, rural, early childhood, bioscience, medical technology, economic development, and athletic, recreational, and extracurricular activities, and regulation provided for gaming activities at racetracks and increasing purses.
House HF3354 2 03/04/2010 Text icon Nornes Grant eligibility modified, loan limits and terms modified, private institution fees increased, high school-to-college developmental transition program, terms defined, funds transferred, and appropriations modified and reduced.
House HF3348 6 04/14/2010 Text icon Magnus Propane and anhydrous ammonia terminal capacity study required, and money appropriated.
House HF3256 2 03/01/2010 Text icon Anderson, P. Retired firefighter license plates issuance authorized.
House HF3248 3 04/21/2010 Text icon McFarlane January 15 deadline repealed by which school districts must reach a collective bargaining agreement or face a state aid penalty.
House HF3195 5 04/15/2010 Text icon Peterson Early childhood education program created for at-risk four-year-olds.
House HF3188 8 05/15/2010 Text icon Nornes Agent Orange; Congressional Delegation of the Great State of Minnesota called, by resolution, to fully support and fund passage of the Agent Orange Equity Act of 2009.
House HF3171 2 03/01/2010 Text icon Cornish Public safety radio communications equipment exemptions provided.
House HF3158 3 03/15/2010 Text icon Olin Electric energy importation from coal-fired power plants in other states prohibition repealed.
House HF3143 9 04/13/2010 252 Text icon Nornes Explore Minnesota Tourism Council membership requirements amended.
House SF3131 2 04/27/2010 Text icon Nornes State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care duties modified.
House HF3104 3 02/25/2010 Text icon Kohls Level of budgeted spending limited to the amount collected in the prior biennium, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3015 5 03/10/2010 Text icon Murphy, M. Film production cost reimbursement provided.
House HF2983 3 02/23/2010 Text icon Eastlund Green Acres program and agricultural classifications made in 2008 and 2009 changes repealed.
House HF2911 5 02/25/2010 Text icon Kohls Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission directed to offer the Metrodome to the professional football team, and commission abolished.
House HF2909 3 02/16/2010 Text icon Anderson, S. State agencies required to track and report on the number of jobs created or retained as a result of capital project funding.
House HF2882 9 04/19/2010 Text icon Hansen Outdoor heritage funding provided from constitutionally dedicated funds, and money appropriated.
House HF2862 3 02/25/2010 Text icon Seifert Congress urged to refuse to enact cap-and-trade legislation that would increase costs of goods and services and encourage states to establish and develop their own renewable energy portfolio standards.
House HF2853 2 02/12/2010 Text icon Downey Nonunion teacher contracts permitted.
House HF2851 11 04/15/2010 265 Text icon Nornes Trunk highway routes Nos. 332 and 297 routes modified.
House HF2845 5 02/22/2010 Text icon Downey Judges authorized to prohibit juvenile sex offenders from residing near their victims.
House HF2843 2 02/12/2010 Text icon Downey Liberty school district pilot program created.
House HF2779 5 03/24/2010 Text icon Torkelson Public safety radio system exemption expanded.
House HF2760 5 03/26/2010 Text icon Slawik Statewide child care provider training, coaching, consultation, and supports funding provided to prepare for the voluntary Minnesota quality rating system, and money appropriated.
House HF2546 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Nornes Glendalough State Park new trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2542 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Nornes Fergus Falls; Tower Road Bridge funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2541 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Nornes Fergus Falls; ice arena funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2505 18 05/11/2010 346 Text icon Slawik Early childhood education, prevention, self-sufficiency, lifelong learning, and child care and assistance provisions modified.
House HF2458 2 02/04/2010 Text icon Slawik Early childhood learning and child protection facility funding provided for construction and rehabilitation, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2365 1 05/04/2009 Text icon Anderson, B. A resolution memorializing the President, the Secretary of Energy, and Congress to review national policy on used nuclear fuel.
House HF2347 4 04/29/2009 Text icon Lanning Flood and storm disaster relief provided, federal matching funds provided, Hugo tornado aid provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2214 2 03/30/2009 Text icon Abeler Facilitated postsecondary enrollment options pilot program established.
House HF2189 2 03/26/2009 Text icon Nornes Textbook information amended, terms defined, resident status appeal allowed, additional award grant provided for online courses, and report required.
House HF2087 2 03/24/2009 Text icon Nornes Higher education funding provided, terms defined, appeals process provided, report required, awards provided for online courses, and money appropriated.
House SF2083 19 05/13/2009 95 Text icon Rukavina Omnibus higher education bill.
House HF2062 16 05/14/2010 Text icon Lanning Ladder Out of Poverty Task Force established, membership and duties provided, and legislative appointments provided.
House HF1954 1 03/19/2009 Text icon Nornes Dentists exempted from certain electronic transaction requirements.
House HF1870 1 03/18/2009 Text icon Dettmer Marriage between a man and a woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in Minnesota, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House SF1770 7 05/14/2010 374 Text icon Lanning Ladder Out of Poverty Task Force established, membership and duties provided, and legislative appointments provided.
House HF1757 6 02/18/2010 Text icon Brod Department of Health and Human Services established, and merger of the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services required.
House HF1658 2 03/18/2009 Text icon Westrom County officer appointment law authorization repealed.
House HF1623 2 03/18/2009 Text icon Kalin Energy storage equipment and its installation in publicly owned buildings included in the definition of a qualifying solar electric project.
House HF1560 2 03/12/2009 Text icon Atkins State grant program modified.
House HF1523 2 03/09/2009 Text icon Haws Confinement fee modified for booking a person at a county or regional jail.
House HF1503 10 03/17/2010 Text icon Abeler Massage therapist registration provided.
House HF1420 1 03/09/2009 Text icon Nornes Racetracks allowed outside of the seven-county metropolitan area, and racetracks allowed to operate card clubs.
House HF1411 2 03/09/2009 Text icon Downey Early, community, and adult education programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1408 3 03/16/2009 Text icon Eken Small power producer grant program created, and money appropriated.
House HF1280 1 03/02/2009 Text icon Westrom Moose Lake correctional facility control transferred to the commissioner of human services, offender housing requirements modified, and private and state-funded prison comparison standards established.
House HF1194 9 02/11/2010 Text icon Downey Green job incentives provided, green job opportunity building zones provided, small business investment company and job growth investment tax credits provided, tax benefits allowed, conforming changes made, terms defined, and biomethane energy projects allowed.
House HF1173 5 03/19/2009 Text icon Dean Charter school students allowed to participate in extracurricular activities of their resident district.
House HF1172 4 03/02/2009 Text icon Garofalo Early childhood and family, prekindergarten through grade 12, and adult education provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1099 2 02/26/2009 Text icon Lanning Perham; Northern Connections grant funding provided to implement and operate a workforce program, and money appropriated.
House HF1020 2 02/25/2009 Text icon Drazkowski Sale of agricultural leased lands required.
House HF1017 1 02/23/2009 Text icon Peppin MFIP work activities modified.
House HF1008 2 02/23/2009 Text icon Solberg Public television and noncommercial radio station grant timing and requirements modified.
House HF0997 7 02/04/2010 Text icon Seifert Federal government memorialized to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States and affirming Minnesota's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
House HF0989 2 02/26/2009 Text icon Gottwalt Driver's license and identification card required to show full head and face.
House HF0977 6 03/24/2009 Text icon Juhnke Let's Go Fishing community outreach grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0970 5 04/28/2009 Text icon Brod Recount requirement in statewide elections removed, runoff election requirement established, public money use authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0965 1 02/19/2009 Text icon Gottwalt Taxation; long-term care insurance credit adjusted.
House HF0872 6 03/25/2009 Text icon Marquart Property tax exemption eligibility clarification provided for institutions of public charity.
House HF0871 4 05/18/2009 Text icon Rukavina Minnesota Office of Higher Education report required on certain financial transactions.
House HF0869 6 04/20/2009 Text icon Rukavina Omnibus higher education bill.
House HF0861 1 02/16/2009 Text icon Rukavina Regent nomination joint committee regulated.
House HF0860 4 05/18/2009 Text icon Rukavina University of Minnesota; meeting requirement eliminated for regent candidate nominations.
House HF0859 6 01/11/2010 Text icon Rukavina Higher education asset preservation and replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0805 1 02/16/2009 Text icon Nornes Tax benefit allowance extended in certain job opportunity building zones.
House HF0797 9 03/11/2010 Text icon Emmer Horses and other equines clarified as livestock and that raising them is an agricultural pursuit.
House HF0718 3 03/09/2009 Text icon Nornes I-94 designated as POW/MIA Memorial Highway, and POW/MIA flag and interpretive sign required at each official safety rest area.
House HF0685 2 02/12/2009 Text icon Nornes Operation Happy Note grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0662 1 02/09/2009 Text icon Lanning Positive child and youth development grant program established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0646 3 02/19/2009 Text icon Seifert MFIP electronic benefit transfers modified, and commissioner directed to apply for demonstration project to give bonus for buying Minnesota-grown foods.
House HF0628 4 02/16/2009 Text icon Rukavina State Lottery director authorized to establish video lottery terminals, powers and duties provided to the director, video lottery revenues provided, gambling taxes modified, and clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made.
House HF0597 6 12/22/2009 Text icon Slawik Early childhood learning and child protection facility construction and rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0571 9 02/04/2010 Text icon Sailer Mini truck titling, registration, and operation regulated.
House HF0542 3 02/12/2009 Text icon Smith Grandparent visitation rights on behalf of child provided, grandparent visitation rights expanded, procedures specified, and mediation required.
House SF0492 18 05/18/2009 158 Text icon Sailer Mini truck use and operation on public roadways regulated, and administrative traffic citations authorized.
House HF0489 2 02/05/2009 Text icon Kohls Periodic sunset and evaluation of state agencies provided.
House HF0451 2 02/05/2009 Text icon Murdock Small wind power generator installations tax credit provided.
House HF0394 1 01/29/2009 Text icon Urdahl Farm machinery definition expanded, and construction and other materials used in livestock farming operations exempted.
House HF0387 3 02/02/2009 Text icon Anderson, B. Green Acres law 2008 changes repealed.
House HF0378 4 02/19/2009 Text icon Slawik Early childhood education funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0368 4 03/02/2009 Text icon Urdahl New nuclear power plant certificate of need existing prohibition abolished.
House HF0363 6 02/11/2010 Text icon Zellers Corporate income tax rate gradual phase out provided beginning in 2010.
House HF0331 3 02/09/2009 Text icon Nornes Seat belt requirements amended for motor coaches used in school-related transportation.
House HF0328 5 03/26/2009 Text icon Murphy, E. Adoption record and original birth certificate governing provisions modified.
House HF0325 2 01/26/2009 Text icon Nornes Glendalough State Park new trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0322 6 03/02/2009 Text icon Nornes Signature requirement increased for an election to revoke an operating referendum.
House HF0319 2 01/26/2009 Text icon Nornes Fergus Falls; Tower Road Bridge project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0318 1 01/26/2009 Text icon Nornes Service credit purchase authorized for a period of past due omitted contributions.
House HF0317 1 01/26/2009 Text icon Nornes Adult certification for juveniles age lowered, and violent juvenile offense defined.
House HF0291 1 01/26/2009 Text icon Westrom Mini truck titling, registration, and operation regulated.
House HF0277 6 03/05/2009 Text icon Fritz State cemetery improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0272 1 01/26/2009 Text icon Shimanski Public assistance program finger imaging system established to identify applicants and recipients.
House HF0179 2 01/26/2009 Text icon Davnie Head Start program modified.
House HF0085 11 03/19/2009 Text icon Juhnke Mounting global positioning systems on windshields authorized.
House HF0078 6 01/22/2009 Text icon Eastlund 2008 Green Acres law changes repealed.
House HF0073 8 04/06/2009 Text icon Lieder General fund money transfer to state airports fund required.
House HF0057 5 02/05/2009 Text icon Emmer Voters required to provide picture identification before receiving a ballot, issuance of voter identification card provided at no charge, and provisional balloting procedure established.
House HF0033 5 02/25/2010 Text icon Anderson, B. New nuclear power plant certificate of need prohibition abolished.
House HF0015 3 01/15/2009 Text icon Slawik Early childhood program established for at-risk four-year-olds.