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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

33 Documents Found in Legislative Session 86 (2009-2010)
for Chief Authors of "Lenczewski"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3756 1 04/06/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Construction rules provided, and technical and clarifying changes made to the estate tax.
House HF3729 24 05/16/2010 389 Text icon Lenczewski Omnibus tax bill.
House HF3282 2 03/25/2010 Text icon Lenczewski 24-hour waiting period required before consideration of certain conference committee reports.
House HF3082 2 03/04/2010 Text icon Lenczewski State budget balancing appropriations reduced, calculation modified for state aids and credits to cities, counties, school districts, and other local governments, and money appropriated.
House HF2972 3 05/11/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Taxation; policy, technical, administrative, and clarifying changes made relating to individual income, corporate franchise, sale and use, property, petroleum, cigarette, tobacco, insurance, local taxes, and other taxes and tax-related provisions.
House HF2971 3 05/11/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Tax provisions changed and modified relating to individual income, corporate franchise, estate, sales and use, gross receipts, cigarette, tobacco, insurance, property, credits, payments, minerals, local government aid, job opportunity building zones, emergency debt certificates, and various taxes and tax-related provisions.
House HF2763 10 02/25/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Income tax charitable deduction accelerated for relief of Haitian earthquake victims.
House HF2746 1 02/08/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Internal Revenue Code conforming changes made, and certain dividend deduction disallowed in tax year 2010.
House HF2734 3 02/11/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Bloomington; Cedar Avenue Bridge replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2716 1 02/04/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Single sales apportionment adoption accelerated.
House HF2704 1 02/04/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Internal Revenue Code conforming changes made, and deduction of certain dividends disallowed.
House HF2695 15 04/08/2010 216 Text icon Lenczewski Omnibus jobs bill.
House HF2580 6 02/22/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Angel investment grant provided, phase-in of single sales apportionment delayed, and money appropriated.
House SF2352 9 03/11/2010 187 Text icon Lenczewski Income tax charitable deduction accelerated for relief of Haitian earthquake victims.
House HF2331 1 04/17/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Tax increment financing plan and reporting requirements modified, administrative expenses definition clarified, and interfund loan requirement modified.
House HF2323 27 05/06/2010 179 Text icon Lenczewski Omnibus tax bill.
House HF2263 1 04/01/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Corporate franchise, income, mining occupation, sales and use, and cigarette tax provisions modified; governor's 21st century tax commission recommendations adopted; tax bases, credits, and rates modified; and corporate franchise tax repealed.
House HF2172 1 03/25/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Sales tax technical changes made.
House HF2077 2 03/17/2010 Text icon Lenczewski State budget and local government aid credit calculation modified.
House HF1782 1 03/16/2009 Text icon Lenczewski State government financing provisions modified relating to taxes, individual income, corporate franchise, property, and sales and use; additions required; federal section 179 expensing allowances conformed; subtractions disallowed; nonrefundable credits allowed; refundable Minnesota child credit allowed; various provisions repealed; and money appropriated.
House HF1298 14 05/12/2009 88 Text icon Lenczewski Omnibus public finance bill.
House HF1136 1 02/26/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Taxation; corporate income tax rate reduced, green job incentives provided, small business investment company credit and job growth investment credit established, political contribution refund eliminated, various other tax provisions provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0885 29 05/17/2009 77 Text icon Lenczewski Omnibus technical tax bill.
House HF0858 1 02/16/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Public water temporary drawdown provided.
House HF0832 1 02/16/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Bloomington; state-operated or state-licensed gambling facilities prohibited unless approved by voter referendum.
House HF0816 5 03/25/2010 Text icon Lenczewski Former legislators, constitutional officers, agency heads, and certain legislative employees prohibited from lobbying for legislative or administrative action for one year after leaving office.
House HF0686 3 02/16/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Cities and towns authorized to issue certificates for unexpected revenue shortfalls.
House HF0479 4 03/02/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Revenue commissioner required to conduct a study of the metropolitan fiscal disparities program, and money appropriated.
House HF0395 1 01/29/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Location of state-operated or state-licensed gambling facility prohibited in a city unless the voters of the city have approved the facility in a referendum.
House HF0392 26 04/01/2009 12 Text icon Lenczewski Federal update provided relating to income, corporate franchise, and property taxation; Green Acres program modified; rural preserve property tax program created; and reports required.
House HF0347 2 02/02/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Mandatory retirement age eliminated for administrative law judges and compensation judges.
House HF0095 9 02/05/2009 Text icon Lenczewski Health Insurance premium credit created.
House SF0049 11 02/16/2009 3 Text icon Lenczewski Health insurance premium credit created.