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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

231 Documents Found in Legislative Session 85 (2007-2008)
for Authors of "Hansen"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4227 2 05/05/2008 Text icon Hansen Public official definition expanded in the campaign finance and public disclosure law.
House HF4213 1 04/28/2008 Text icon Hornstein Prairie Island nuclear waste storage expansion certificate of need prohibited.
House HF4188 6 04/21/2008 Text icon Gardner Maximum property tax refund increased, income threshold for homeowners' property tax refund decreased, and a second exemption amount allowed for married claimants who are both 65 or older or disabled.
House HF4185 3 04/24/2008 Text icon Hansen License plates established for contributions to cure pediatric cancers, and money appropriated.
House HF4178 3 04/07/2008 Text icon Greiling School finance system modified, and new education funding framework created.
House HF4119 2 03/27/2008 Text icon Bly Health care availability and affordability for Minnesota children guaranteed, Minnesota Health Plan, Board, and Fund established, Office of Health Quality and Planning, ombudsman, and inspector general established, and money appropriated.
House HF4065 4 03/18/2008 Text icon Davnie Mississippi River license plate created, and money appropriated.
House HF4060 5 03/25/2008 Text icon Knuth Regional Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Cap and Trade Accord memorializing the governor to incorporate greenhouse gas emission reduction principles.
House HF4059 1 03/13/2008 Text icon Erhardt Reproductive privacy right established.
House HF4021 7 05/18/2008 Text icon Hansen Pollution Control Agency temporarily prohibited from establishing or holding stakeholder groups or meetings.
House HF4010 1 03/13/2008 Text icon Kahn Urban riverfront model ordinance required.
House HF4009 3 03/17/2008 Text icon Peterson, A. Walleye fishing stamp established for the purpose of increased walleye stocking.
House HF3875 3 03/27/2008 Text icon Swails Gifted and talented student services clarified.
House HF3861 2 03/05/2008 Text icon Hansen Metropolitan area sewer inflow and infiltration funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3762 8 03/18/2008 Text icon Murphy, E. Veterans Health Care Advisory Council created.
House HF3742 1 03/03/2008 Text icon Poppe Subsurface sewage treatment system training programs offered by private sponsors accreditation required.
House HF3627 4 03/11/2008 Text icon Dill Vermillion Highlands Wildlife Management Area shooting sports facilities funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3625 9 05/07/2008 Text icon Hansen Disposition of proceeds from sale of administrative sites and administrative penalty orders provided, environmental learning center provisions modified, forestry office relocation and Pine Grove Zoo funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF3576 7 05/08/2008 307 Text icon Hansen Viral hemorrhagic septicemia control provided.
House HF3550 6 03/25/2008 Text icon Hansen Viral hemorrhagic septicemia control provided.
House HF3545 4 03/13/2008 Text icon Atkins Gas purchase and sale reporting required, air conditioner leakage rates in motor vehicles disclosure required, certain refrigerant sale prohibited, and report required.
House HF3444 2 02/26/2008 Text icon Bigham Fall turkey hunting season extended.
House HF3437 8 04/23/2008 Text icon Moe Star lake or river designation process provided, star lake or river signs allowed on highways, and report required.
House HF3429 5 03/25/2008 Text icon Hansen Administrative penalty orders provided, civil penalties provided, implementation plan required, and rulemaking exemption provided.
House HF3379 2 02/26/2008 Text icon Hansen Dakota County; tax-forfeited land bordering public water or wetlands conveyance authorized.
House HF3362 3 03/10/2008 Text icon Juhnke Pesticide and fertilizer regulating administrative actions authorized.
House HF3354 1 02/25/2008 Text icon Hansen Annexation stay of action provided.
House HF3350 2 02/26/2008 Text icon Dill Artificial light shining restrictions modified.
House SF3281 3 05/15/2008 Text icon Murphy, E. Veterans Health Care Advisory Council created.
House HF3163 5 03/18/2008 Text icon Atkins Construction debris and residue prohibited as cover material at disposal facilities.
House HF3138 18 04/14/2008 194 Text icon Bigham Compensation plan required for employees of the legislative auditor and plan subject to legislative review and approval, and state labor contracts ratified.
House HF3122 5 03/27/2008 Text icon Scalze Metropolitan Council funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3095 2 03/13/2008 Text icon Simon Equitable compensation limits modified, and state commissioner salary caps modified.
House SF3089 4 04/10/2008 Text icon Hansen Strategic tree planting inclusion mandated as eligible for direct expenditures as energy conservation improvement.
House HF3062 2 02/18/2008 Text icon Scalze Outdoor traditions investment funding provided for environment and natural resources purposes, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF3056 18 05/17/2008 357 Text icon Hansen Permanent school fund provisions modified, proceed disposition from sale of administrative sites provided, environmental learning center requirements modified, state park provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3053 3 02/19/2008 Text icon McNamara Vermillion Highlands Wildlife Management Area land acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3045 3 03/05/2008 Text icon Hansen Presidential primary election provided.
House HF3005 4 02/19/2008 Text icon Gardner Groundwater monitoring wells installation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3003 3 03/06/2008 Text icon Bly Dan Patch commuter rail line planning and development restrictions repealed.
House SF2990 2 04/07/2008 Text icon Bly Dan Patch commuter rail line restrictions modified to allow study and planning.
House HF2963 3 02/25/2008 Text icon Hansen Lake Superior ballast water discharge regulation established; water exchange, discharge, and treatment standards adopted; and civil penalties imposed.
House HF2946 8 04/10/2008 Text icon Hansen Strategic tree planting inclusion mandated as eligible for direct expenditures as energy conservation improvement.
House HF2942 5 03/05/2008 Text icon Juhnke Livestock investment grant program created and money appropriated.
House HF2904 15 04/24/2008 247 Text icon Pelowski Natural disaster assistance procedures established for state agencies.
House HF2890 3 03/10/2008 Text icon Ruud Colorectal cancer screening for the uninsured provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2854 2 02/19/2008 Text icon Hansen Local government aid city aid base increased for specified cities.
House HF2852 2 02/19/2008 Text icon Hansen Local government aid city aid base increased for specified cities.
House HF2824 1 02/12/2008 Text icon Kalin Comfort Lake - Forest Lake Watershed District classified as a watershed management organization.
House HF2823 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Bigham Dakota County restorative justice services funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2821 2 02/12/2008 Text icon Hansen High resolution digital elevation data funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2731 5 02/19/2008 Text icon Hansen Water and Soil Resources board statewide projects funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2725 1 02/12/2008 Text icon Hansen Public Employees Retirement Association police and fire fund annuity authorized for a divorced spouse of a deceased retiree who elected a single life annuity.
House HF2573 8 04/10/2008 Text icon Hansen Pesticide use prohibitions modified.
House HF2548 2 05/24/2007 Text icon Ozment Dakota County; County Road 42 at Trunk Highway 52 interchange reconstruction funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2540 3 04/28/2008 Text icon Hansen Dakota County; Robert Street corridor transitway funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2538 4 02/20/2008 Text icon Madore Dakota County; Cedar Avenue Bus Rapid Transit funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2536 3 02/25/2008 Text icon Lanning Basin boards established and money appropriated.
House HF2535 5 03/03/2008 Text icon Benson Long-term homeless supportive housing funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2504 2 05/19/2007 Text icon Madore Minnesota Zoological Garden asset preservation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2490 1 05/16/2007 Text icon Gunther Compensation Council provided the authority to establish salaries for legislators, judges, and constitutional officers.
House HF2450 3 04/26/2007 Text icon Hansen Farmed cervidae harvesting on licensed shooting preserves regulated.
House SF2449 4 04/10/2008 Text icon Hansen Pesticide use prohibitions modified.
House HF2447 2 04/26/2007 Text icon Hansen Bear hunting special permits authorized for scientific, conservation, and educational purposes.
House HF2440 2 04/20/2007 Text icon Hausman Minnesota State Fair; fish habitat educational display funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2401 1 04/02/2007 Text icon Loeffler Public employees group long-term care insurance program eligibility expanded.
House HF2285 61 02/19/2008 151 Text icon Sertich Natural resources and cultural heritage dedicated funding provided through increased sales tax revenue, funds established, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2261 3 02/19/2008 Text icon Hansen Mendota local food and beverage tax authorized.
House HF2248 2 04/11/2007 Text icon Nelson Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted.
House HF2199 3 02/12/2008 Text icon Hansen South St. Paul span arch bridge funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2196 4 03/23/2007 Text icon Sailer Waste pesticide collection program provisions modified, and minimum annual program expenditure amount increased.
House HF2168 4 03/06/2008 Text icon Kahn Hemp industry development and regulation provided, possession and cultivation of industrial hemp defense provided, and definition of marijuana modified.
House HF2142 7 04/10/2007 Text icon Marquart Property tax class rates modified, rural woodlands classification provided, seasonal recreational property tax deferral program established, market value exclusions provided, monthly payments authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2139 2 03/21/2007 Text icon Mahoney Electricians extra unemployment benefits provided.
House HF2135 8 04/19/2007 Text icon Loeffler Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission provisions modified.
House HF2102 3 02/19/2008 Text icon Hansen Lilydale food and beverage tax authorized.
House HF2071 1 03/13/2007 Text icon Simon Federal nutrition program reimbursements federal taxable income subtraction provided.
House HF2070 1 03/13/2007 Text icon Simon Dependent care income tax credit for licensed family day care providers equalized.
House HF1975 6 04/24/2008 Text icon Kranz Local Community Rail Security Act of 2007 adopted providing for protection of railroad property from terrorism, criminal activities, and accidents; civil penalties and remedies imposed; and money appropriated.
House HF1972 2 03/13/2007 Text icon Dittrich Pollution Control Agency's public education program expanded, Minnesota Cleanup Day designated, and minimum criminal penalties established for littering.
House SF1949 8 04/25/2007 29 Text icon Loeffler Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission duties, powers, and procedures modified.
House HF1935 1 03/12/2007 Text icon Ozment Wetland conservation provisions modified, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
House HF1930 7 04/02/2007 Text icon Hansen Local water management oversight improvement provided, public official definition modified, watershed district board of managers authority modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1918 4 03/23/2007 Text icon Wagenius County program aid withholding authorized if certain reporting requirements are not met, county grants provided to improve individual sewage treatment systems, and money appropriated.
House HF1913 5 03/23/2007 Text icon Wagenius Natural resources terms defined relating to native prairie restoration.
House HF1885 5 03/23/2007 Text icon Hansen Invasive species emergency management provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1884 4 03/23/2007 Text icon Atkins Minnesota Land Conservation Incentives Act of 2007 adopted providing an income tax credit for land donations.
House HF1866 2 03/09/2007 Text icon Hansen Game and Fish Oversight Committee membership expanded to include legislators.
House HF1786 10 02/14/2008 Text icon Hansen Carbon sequestration demonstration project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1750 5 03/21/2007 Text icon Hansen Mississippi River critical area program report required.
House HF1739 2 03/07/2007 Text icon Wardlow Trunk Highway No. 149 upgrades funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1714 4 03/24/2007 Text icon Hornstein Railroad Walkways Safety Act adopted, state rail safety inspector position established, special account provided, penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House SF1696 5 05/12/2007 Text icon Bly Low-income residential customers energy affordability programs criteria specified.
House HF1666 6 04/18/2007 Text icon Eken Terrestrial and geologic carbon sequestration reports and studies required, and money appropriated.
House HF1663 5 03/27/2007 Text icon Moe Wild rice; genetically-engineered organisms regulation provisions modified, and study required.
House HF1662 4 03/21/2007 Text icon Moe Wild rice management plan required.
House HF1661 3 03/20/2007 Text icon Hansen Railroad prairie right-of-way management provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1651 6 03/29/2007 Text icon Wagenius Omnibus environment and natural resources finance bill.
House HF1645 8 04/13/2007 Text icon Bly Low-income residential customers energy affordability programs criteria specified.
House HF1612 11 04/10/2008 Text icon Fritz Veterans and soldiers counseling services access improved, and money appropriated.
House HF1599 7 03/29/2007 Text icon Masin Northwest Airlines, Inc., mechanics unemployment benefits eligibility and extra benefits provided.
House HF1546 19 03/27/2008 165 Text icon Simon Automatic updates provided for voter registration.
House HF1540 6 03/23/2007 Text icon Wagenius Endocrine disruptors in waters of the state report required.
House HF1536 6 01/22/2008 Text icon Hansen Mississippi River barrier construction provided to prevent aquatic invasive species from migrating up river, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1534 4 03/26/2007 Text icon Hilstrom Local government aid distribution modified, and appropriation increased.
House HF1523 8 01/22/2008 Text icon Bigham Washington County Disabled Veteran's Rest Camp improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1477 5 05/12/2007 Text icon Knuth Individual sewage treatment systems disclosure provisions modified.
House HF1476 6 03/23/2007 Text icon Knuth Individual sewage treatment systems provisions modified and money appropriated.
House HF1468 3 03/05/2007 Text icon Eken Legislators' salaries established by council, composition of the compensation council provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1466 1 02/26/2007 Text icon Atkins Dakota County authorized to impose a county mortgage registry and deed tax, and use of the proceeds provided.
House HF1449 5 03/07/2007 Text icon Hansen Natural resources and clean water purposes dedicated funding provided, sales tax increased, funds and council established, bonds issued, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1444 8 04/24/2007 Text icon Bigham Health risk limits established for perfluorochemicals, and report required.
House SF1443 4 05/08/2007 Text icon Masin Unemployment insurance waiver from certain filing requirements provided.
House HF1437 6 05/21/2007 Text icon Hornstein Metropolitan Airports Commission required to meet in a neighborhood affected by airport noise, and advance notice of proposed annual budget required.
House HF1421 6 03/23/2007 Text icon Wagenius Natural Resources Department easement acquisition requirements established.
House HF1420 8 05/21/2007 Text icon Poppe Individual sewage treatment design, installation, maintenance, inspection, and operation licensing requirements modified.
House HF1373 4 03/07/2007 Text icon Hansen Roadsides for wildlife program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1360 2 05/11/2007 Text icon Hansen Game and Fish Budgetary Oversight Committee membership expanded to include legislators.
House HF1343 7 04/10/2007 Text icon Hansen Wetland conservation provisions and agency service requirements modified, civil enforcement provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1343 2 04/18/2007 Text icon Loeffler Community forest management and control of forest and shade tree pests provided.
House HF1334 5 03/16/2007 Text icon Lesch Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces Act adopted establishing minimum standards of sick leave.
House HF1326 4 03/14/2007 Text icon Hilstrom Local Community Rail Security Act of 2007 adopted providing for protection of railroad property from terrorism and other criminal activities.
House HF1316 10 05/16/2007 Text icon Hortman Mercury; certain mercury-containing products sales prohibited; sales, use, and disposal requirements modified; consumer information required; lamp recycling requirements modified; and mercury reduction and abatement study required.
House HF1314 12 04/10/2008 191 Text icon Atkins Live musical performances or productions advertising regulated.
House HF1310 1 02/22/2007 Text icon Atkins Lawful gambling tax rates temporary reduction provided.
House SF1298 21 04/21/2008 244 Text icon Hilty Voter registration procedures, filing requirements, voting procedures, election day prohibitions, and ballot preparation requirements modified; complaint and resolution process established; and challengers required to prove residency.
House SF1274 6 05/21/2007 Text icon DeLaForest Conservation Reserve Program; resolution memorializing Congress to reauthorize the Conservation Reserve Program as part of the 2007 Farm Bill.
House HF1249 5 04/16/2007 Text icon Atkins Senior independent living personal technology income tax credit provided.
House HF1239 12 03/27/2008 Text icon Simon Sexual abuse against a minor civil actions limitation period modified.
House HF1221 7 03/27/2007 Text icon Kalin Energy efficiency, conservation, energy savings, and auditing provisions modified.
House HF1202 3 02/22/2007 Text icon Juhnke Environment, natural resources, and agriculture funding provided, revenue and fund disposition modified, food safety and defense task force established, NextGen energy provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1183 8 03/27/2007 Text icon Loeffler Community forest management and forest and shade tree pest control provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1144 3 03/14/2007 Text icon Atkins Printing industry capital equipment sales tax exemption provided.
House HF1143 4 03/15/2007 Text icon Morrow Minnesota River Basin Joint Powers Board funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1128 8 05/08/2008 324 Text icon Walker Personal sick leave benefit use modified.
House HF1128 4 04/18/2007 Text icon Moe No net loss of forest land and hunting opportunities provided.
House HF1110 4 03/15/2007 Text icon Hilty Election definitions and procedures modified, complaint and resolution process established, penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House SF1105 7 04/30/2007 37 Text icon Bigham Health risk limits and reporting required for certain perfluorochemicals.
House HF1093 6 03/05/2007 Text icon Hansen Environment and natural resources trust fund provisions modified, clean water legacy and trust fund expenditures provided, state lottery in lieu tax disposition modified, money appropriated, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House SF1085 20 05/17/2007 109 Text icon Hortman Mercury; sale of certain mercury-containing products prohibited; sale, use, and disposal restrictions modified; consumer information required; and lamp recycling facility operation requirements modified.
House HF1084 12 03/27/2007 Text icon Davnie Special education programs funding increased and restored.
House HF1063 12 05/21/2007 144 Text icon Simon Omnibus higher education finance bill establishing and amending higher education programs, and appropriating money.
House HF1055 1 02/15/2007 Text icon Kahn State Lottery ticket sales on State Fairgrounds authorized.
House HF1016 10 04/27/2007 Text icon Hansen Forest pest control measures provided, approved firewood required on land administered by the commissioner of natural resources, and sale and distribution of firewood regulated.
House HF1009 3 03/01/2007 Text icon Hansen Sesquicentennial celebration income tax checkoff provided, and fund established.
House HF0998 3 02/22/2007 Text icon Atkins Local government purchases sales tax eliminated.
House SF0997 6 05/21/2007 Text icon Kalin Energy programs and funding provisions expanded and modified.
House HF0995 16 05/16/2008 3 Text icon Hilty Peak Oil; Governor memorialized, by resolution, to take action to prepare a plan of response and preparation to meet the challenges of Peak Oil.
House HF0954 5 03/09/2007 Text icon Welti Agricultural research funding provided to the University of Minnesota, and money appropriated.
House HF0949 5 03/05/2007 Text icon Moe Great Outdoors Council and fund established, Clean Water Council modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0948 5 03/12/2007 Text icon Moe Clean water legacy account modified, lottery net proceeds deposit modified, clean water funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0934 19 04/21/2008 Text icon Clark Products containing commercial decabromodiphenyl ether banned, exemptions and fees provided, multistate clearinghouse participation authorized, and report required.
House HF0855 3 02/15/2007 Text icon Atkins Trunk Highway No. 52 east and west frontage roads in Dakota County construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0854 27 05/02/2007 48 Text icon Sailer Video display device collection, transportation, and recycling provided; civil penalties imposed; and money appropriated.
House HF0845 6 03/07/2007 Text icon Bly Alternative livestock research and outreach funding provided to the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture at the University of Minnesota, and money appropriated.
House HF0834 3 02/15/2007 Text icon Scalze Metropolitan Regional Parks System funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0828 8 05/02/2007 Text icon Kahn Cuba; a resolution urging the President and Congress to end trade, financial, and travel restrictions to Cuba.
House HF0820 2 02/13/2007 Text icon Rukavina University of Minnesota regent candidate advisory council and regent nomination and election provisions repealed.
House HF0816 3 03/02/2007 Text icon McNamara Prairie and wetland restoration planning and resource inventory funding provided relating to University of Minnesota land in Dakota County, and money appropriated.
House HF0789 4 02/22/2007 Text icon Kalin Public utilities energy efficiency and conservation improvement plans required, and energy savings goals set.
House HF0774 6 03/01/2007 Text icon Dill Bois Forte Band of Chippewa renewable energy facility feasibility grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0769 5 03/15/2007 Text icon Hansen Native plant agronomic research funding provided, technical advisory committee established, and money appropriated.
House HF0721 11 03/23/2007 Text icon Fritz Long-term care provisions modified, provider rates increased, new nursing facility case mix indices use required, MinnesotaCare employer-subsidized coverage exemption provided, moratorium exceptions authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0708 6 03/01/2007 Text icon Thissen Managed care ombudsman provision modified; MnDHO provision modified; limited medical assistance coverage provided for individuals eligible under Medicare Part D, and money appropriated.
House HF0673 4 03/14/2007 Text icon Hornstein Metropolitan Airports Commission agreements legislative authorization required.
House HF0669 3 02/22/2007 Text icon Beard Unclaimed lottery prize money allocated to environment and natural resources trust fund.
House HF0655 9 05/02/2007 Text icon Huntley Medicinal use of marijuana authorized, civil and criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF0654 7 02/19/2007 Text icon Loeffler Diseased shade tree removal and replacement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0651 18 05/07/2008 301 Text icon Clark Polybrominated diphenyl ether manufacture and sale restricted, report required, and penalties provided.
House HF0643 9 03/14/2007 Text icon Hansen Meatpacking industry workers bill of rights and ombudsman position established, and money appropriated.
House SF0642 3 04/20/2007 Text icon Hansen Ditch buffers requirements modified; annual drainage authority reports required and drainage repair and inspection requirements modified.
House HF0632 6 03/14/2007 Text icon McNamara Vermillion Highlands Wildlife Management Area designated.
House HF0623 3 02/12/2007 Text icon Solberg Language immersion summer school required, and money appropriated.
House HF0615 16 05/16/2008 Text icon Walker Sexually transmitted infections and diseases education program modified, and information on immunizations required.
House HF0601 6 04/10/2008 Text icon Walker Crisis nursery grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0600 3 03/05/2007 Text icon Eken Legislators and certain officers required to be elected by a majority of votes cast at the general election for the office, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House SF0599 11 04/17/2008 1 Text icon Kahn Cuba; a resolution urging the President and Congress to end trade, financial, and travel restrictions to Cuba.
House HF0597 4 02/12/2007 Text icon Brown Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding authorized, and full funding phased in.
House HF0592 6 01/22/2008 Text icon Loeffler Diseased shade trees removal and replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0587 4 05/21/2007 Text icon Bly Contested case hearing notice requirements modified relating to waters of the state.
House HF0577 11 03/22/2007 Text icon Hansen Ditch buffer and drainage and inspection requirements modified, annual drainage authority reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0548 12 05/21/2007 148 Text icon Simon Omnibus state government finance bill appropriating money for general legislative and administrative expenses of state government, regulating state and local government, and abolishing the Department of Employee Relations.
House HF0544 7 02/26/2007 Text icon Moe State parks and trails funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0538 6 02/26/2007 Text icon Peterson, A. Minnesota Conservation Corps funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0508 3 02/19/2007 Text icon Tingelstad Zero discharge requirements provided for wastewater treatment grants and loans to municipalities.
House HF0507 3 02/19/2007 Text icon Tingelstad Zero discharge grants provided to municipalities for wastewater treatment facilities.
House HF0501 6 04/27/2007 Text icon Thissen Radiation therapy facility construction limitations expiration date eliminated.
House HF0484 4 03/08/2007 Text icon Koenen Beginning farmer program administered by the Rural Finance Authority provisions modified, and income tax credits provided to beginning farmers for participating in farm management programs.
House HF0478 4 03/03/2008 Text icon Walker Universal health care system provided, preventive care and early intervention focus required, cost reductions and comprehensive benefits provided, plan implementation required by 2010, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House SF0475 6 05/21/2007 Text icon Thissen Radiation therapy facility construction limitations expiration date removed, and two-year moratorium on construction in certain counties provided.
House HF0464 50 05/21/2007 142 Text icon Sertich School employee statewide health insurance plan established, and money appropriated.
House SF0420 9 04/30/2007 36 Text icon Hansen Forest pest control measures provided, approved firewood required on land administered by the commissioner of natural resources, and sale and distribution of firewood regulated.
House HF0418 6 01/22/2008 Text icon Bigham Red Rock Corridor transitway funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0417 6 02/22/2007 Text icon Bigham Elementary and middle school years education international baccalaureate pilot program established and money appropriated.
House HF0402 6 04/02/2007 Text icon Hansen Residential microbial pesticide applicator licensure study required.
House HF0382 4 02/08/2007 Text icon Atkins State employees political activities limitations restricted.
House HF0374 9 04/11/2007 Text icon Hansen Board of Water and Soil Resources general services grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0361 3 02/22/2007 Text icon Welti Regional investment income and franchise tax credit provided.
House HF0359 4 03/22/2007 Text icon Hansen Metropolitan Airports Commission expanded to include mayors.
House HF0347 3 02/01/2007 Text icon Gardner Yard waste bags required to be compostable.
House SF0345 8 04/16/2008 Text icon Huntley Medical use of marijuana provided, civil and criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF0333 7 03/23/2007 Text icon Lillie State employees compensated for time they were not able to work due to the 2005 partial government shutdown.
House HF0313 8 03/13/2008 Text icon Fritz Home care tax credit established.
House HF0312 5 03/08/2007 Text icon Hornstein Metropolitan Council elections provided.
House HF0305 10 03/26/2007 Text icon Huntley Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 adopted establishing public policy to protect employees and the public from hazards of secondhand smoke and prohibiting persons from smoking in specified areas.
House HF0303 8 03/05/2007 Text icon Paymar Youth intervention program grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0299 3 02/22/2007 Text icon Dill Timber permits voluntary termination provided.
House HF0298 13 05/14/2007 Text icon Huntley Nurses authorized to dispense oral contraceptives at clinics, and governmental units definition expanded relating to joint exercise of powers.
House SF0289 3 04/20/2007 Text icon Johnson Mississippi River Parkway Commission expiration date changed to 2012.
House HF0278 10 05/19/2007 Text icon Hansen Deer license surcharge imposed for deer management, venison donations provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0238 30 05/11/2007 82 Text icon Huntley Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 established, providing public policy to protect employees and the public from the hazards of secondhand smoke, prohibiting smoking in certain areas, and providing penalties.
House HF0219 14 05/05/2008 Text icon Walker Personal sick leave benefits extended to include care for specified relatives.
House HF0206 4 04/10/2007 Text icon Hilstrom Capital equipment sales tax imposition and refund eliminated.
House HF0196 16 03/21/2007 Text icon Greiling Mental health provisions modified, inmate assessments required, children's mental health grants and training established, medical assistance covered services modified, Crisis Intervention Team State Council created, and money appropriated.
House SF0184 17 05/21/2007 139 Text icon Huntley Registered nurses authorized to dispense oral contraceptives in family planning clinics; governmental unit definition expanded; medical assistance reimbursement rates adjustment provided.
House HF0162 17 03/07/2007 Text icon Haws Minnesota GI Bill program established to provide postsecondary education assistance to veterans, and money appropriated.
House HF0159 5 02/22/2007 Text icon Kahn Universal health care system working group established, universal coverage plan required, basic health care services rights provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0151 11 05/20/2007 Text icon DeLaForest Conservation Reserve Program; Congress memorialized, by resolution, to reauthorize the Conservation Reserve Program and the Wetlands Reserve Program as part of the 2007 Farm Bill.
House HF0147 5 02/08/2007 Text icon Johnson Mississippi River Parkway Commission expiration date extended to 2012.
House HF0146 3 01/31/2007 Text icon Johnson Great River Road historic roadside restoration funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0145 7 04/13/2007 Text icon Hansen Lake Superior oceangoing vessels ballast water discharge regulation established, rules required to set treatment and management standards, and formation of Great Lakes basin coalition required.
House HF0142 7 03/08/2007 Text icon Wardlow Property tax refund household income definition modified to exempt the amount of any military disability pay received by a veteran from the federal government.
House HF0132 12 02/05/2008 Text icon Mahoney Minnesota Biomedical Sciences Research Facilities Authority and funding program established, University of Minnesota authorized to apply for funds, and bonds issued.
House HF0110 18 02/19/2007 2 Text icon Huntley Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact enacted.
House HF0083 3 01/16/2007 Text icon Hansen Legislative auditor authorized to retain certain audit fees.
House HF0074 13 04/13/2007 Text icon Hansen Great Lakes; President and Congress memorialized, by resolution, to protect the Great Lakes from aquatic invasive species.
House SF0065 8 03/18/2008 Text icon Hansen Great Lakes; President and Congress memorialized, by resolution, to protect the Great Lakes from aquatic invasive species.
House HF0038 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Lesch Conveyances of homestead by spouses provisions modified.
House HF0007 4 01/22/2007 Text icon Loeffler Appropriations specified by the house and senate by joint resolution continued in effect unless a law is enacted eliminating or amending the appropriation.
House SF0004 9 02/19/2007 3 Text icon Peterson, A. Renewable energy standard established.
House HF0004 3 01/11/2007 Text icon Peterson, A. Renewable energy standard established.