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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

122 Documents Found in Legislative Session 85 (2007-2008)
for Authors of "Ruth"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4226 1 04/30/2008 Text icon Ruth Notary public fees modified, commissions and notarial stamps and seals regulated, clarifications provided, and accomodations of physical limitations provided.
House HF4218 1 04/30/2008 Text icon Dean Health care reform goals set, insurance reform provided, savings accounts established, targets set, MinnesotaCare CMF established, tax procedures, treatment and credit provisions modified, liability claims limited, and money appropriated.
House HF4087 1 03/17/2008 Text icon Shimanski English established as the official state language, illegal immigration offenses and penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4030 2 03/17/2008 Text icon Ruth Carbon monoxide detectors required in fish houses and dark houses.
House HF4014 11 04/30/2008 Text icon Fritz Steel County; Nursing home and assisted living facility and related assets transfer authorized, acquisition of membership interest in nonprofit corporation authorized, and nursing home new bed moratorium exception provided.
House HF3947 1 03/10/2008 Text icon Otremba Abortion; saline amniocentesis prohibited and civil and criminal penalties provided.
House HF3946 1 03/10/2008 Text icon Otremba Abortion; saline amniocentesis prohibited and civil and criminal penalties provided.
House HF3935 17 04/30/2008 Text icon Moe Outdoor heritage fund and Lessard Heritage Enhancement Council established.
House HF3901 1 03/10/2008 Text icon Fritz Steele County; nursing home bed moratorium exception provided.
House HF3727 6 04/10/2008 Text icon Madore Long-term disability parking city permit program minimum requirements established.
House SF3715 7 05/01/2008 285 Text icon Fritz Steele County nursing home and assisted living facility transfer to nonprofit corporation authorized, interest in nonprofit corporation provided, and nursing home moratorium exception provided.
House HF3707 4 03/27/2008 Text icon Hortman Industry sector training initiatives funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3704 2 03/11/2008 Text icon Bunn Research activity credit increase modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3628 4 03/13/2008 Text icon Eastlund Minnesota State Colleges and Universities common course numbering system required.
House HF3573 3 03/11/2008 Text icon Otremba State health care program county-based purchasing requirements revised, and mandated report required.
House SF3372 9 04/30/2008 272 Text icon Madore Long-term disability parking city permit program minimum requirements established.
House HF3294 3 03/03/2008 Text icon Drazkowski Identity theft crime expanded to include using another's identity to obtain employment, and penalty provided.
House HF3217 6 04/10/2008 Text icon Shimanski False police and fire emergency calls included as misdemeanor offense.
House HF3150 5 03/27/2008 Text icon Norton Small business development assistance provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3127 3 02/19/2008 Text icon Ruth Wind energy production tax removed from county apportionment deduction for school districts.
House HF3126 4 03/31/2008 Text icon Ruth Tax registration for intracity buses fixed.
House HF3089 7 03/31/2008 Text icon Ruth Temporary permit use allowed while awaiting delivery of license plates.
House HF2985 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Dettmer School district military pay salary differential assistance provided and money appropriated.
House HF2936 1 02/14/2008 Text icon Westrom Sex offenders required to wear tracking and monitoring bracelets after release from prison, penalties prescribed, and money appropriated.
House HF2923 3 02/19/2008 Text icon Drazkowski State lands sales required to provide funding for transportation projects, and money appropriated.
House HF2891 3 02/15/2008 Text icon Ruth Minnesota Wildlife Art Museum funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2880 4 02/18/2008 Text icon Moe Greater Minnesota development funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2879 4 02/25/2008 Text icon Brynaert Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2709 4 02/19/2008 Text icon Demmer Wind energy revenue payments to school districts restored.
House SF2576 7 04/30/2008 270 Text icon Shimanski False police and fire emergency calls included as misdemeanor offense.
House HF2513 1 05/18/2007 Text icon Mariani Compensation Council provided the authority to establish salaries for legislators, judges, and constitutional officers.
House HF2471 4 04/03/2008 Text icon McFarlane Charitable organizations financial statement requirements modified.
House HF2433 21 05/19/2007 122 Text icon Marquart Browns Valley flood relief funding provided, flood mitigation projects authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2254 3 03/24/2007 Text icon Ruth Waseca County nursing facility payment rates modified for services to ventilator-dependent persons.
House HF2219 2 03/19/2007 Text icon Koenen Gasoline and special fuel tax rates increased, and phase-in of motor vehicle sales tax revenues to transportation provided.
House HF2200 8 04/18/2007 Text icon Magnus Hydrogen use as energy resource promoted to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, and money appropriated.
House HF2172 17 04/23/2008 Text icon Brod Charter school students authorized to participate in extracurricular activities in their resident school district.
House HF2132 3 04/13/2007 Text icon Gottwalt Income tax checkoffs provided for education, health care, and state parks.
House HF2110 4 01/22/2008 Text icon Lieder Greater Minnesota transit funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2080 1 03/14/2007 Text icon Slawik Electronic Library for Minnesota access provided.
House HF2043 4 04/10/2007 Text icon Abeler Professional clinical counselors licensing established, and mental health professionals definitions modified.
House HF2025 4 02/14/2008 Text icon Greiling Families with adolescents educational support pilot program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1943 3 03/14/2007 Text icon Mariani Employment opportunities for persons with disabilities grant provided to a nonprofit organization and money appropriated.
House HF1844 7 03/29/2007 Text icon Walker Hair braiding registration required.
House HF1764 6 02/19/2008 Text icon Ruth Owatonna College and University Center purchase funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1590 5 03/27/2007 Text icon Brynaert Regional Children's Mental Health Initiative pilot project authorized, enhanced regional children's mental health service system developed, and money appropriated.
House HF1537 4 03/23/2007 Text icon Gunther Education loans principal and interest payments income tax subtraction provided.
House HF1535 4 02/12/2008 Text icon Poppe Workforce Development, Inc., employment and training services pilot project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1499 6 03/15/2007 7 Text icon Holberg Students authorized to participate in high school league-sponsored activities after completing licensed treatment programs.
House SF1483 6 04/27/2007 33 Text icon Berns Minnesota Council on Disability sunset repealed.
House HF1425 8 03/19/2007 Text icon Holberg Students allowed to participate in high school league-sponsored activities after completing licensed treatment programs.
House HF1363 2 02/26/2007 Text icon Morrow Trunk Highway No. 14 and Nicollet County State-Aid Highway No. 41 interchange construction provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1355 5 03/05/2007 Text icon Clark WomenVenture grant provided for women's business development program, and money appropriated.
House HF1338 4 03/05/2007 Text icon Brynaert Extended employment services for persons with disabilities funding provided, purpose and need established, and money appropriated.
House HF1318 6 03/12/2007 Text icon McFarlane Special education funding increased, and two-year lag in base funding increased.
House HF1294 8 04/19/2007 Text icon Berns Minnesota Council on Disability sunset eliminated.
House HF1256 4 03/14/2007 Text icon Masin Bioscience business development and commercialization grants provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1252 7 04/10/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and deaf-blind student transition services funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF1189 17 04/10/2008 Text icon Thissen Physical therapy licensure provisions changed.
House HF1150 3 02/20/2007 Text icon Morrow Rural Policy and Development Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1149 4 03/05/2007 Text icon Morrow Rural Policy and Development Center fund grant provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1018 6 04/14/2008 199 Text icon Thissen Physical therapy licensure provisions changed.
House HF0994 1 02/15/2007 Text icon Urdahl Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act adopted prohibited actions for weight gain as a result of consuming certain foods.
House HF0992 3 02/12/2008 Text icon Otremba Abortion; state-sponsored health program funds use for abortions prohibited.
House HF0964 4 03/08/2007 Text icon Ruth Motor vehicle sales tax proceeds allocated.
House HF0963 3 02/19/2007 Text icon Ruth Local bridge replacement and rehabilitation and local road improvement program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0955 2 02/19/2007 Text icon Nornes Federal income tax conformity provided relating to federal rules on section 179 expensing retroactively.
House HF0938 5 02/19/2007 Text icon Hortman Minnesota State Colleges and Universities tuition stability provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0937 6 02/05/2008 Text icon Brynaert Minnesota State University - Mankato; Trafton Hall phase 2 funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0930 4 03/14/2007 Text icon Dean Health insurance premiums income tax subtraction authorized.
House HF0915 3 03/24/2007 Text icon Ruth Steele County nursing facilities payment rates increased to the geographic group III median rate.
House HF0884 5 03/05/2007 Text icon Otremba Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0873 12 04/02/2007 Text icon Rukavina Centers for Independent Living funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0870 8 02/15/2008 Text icon Fritz Medford wastewater treatment facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0851 4 02/19/2007 Text icon Gunther Jobs and economic development funding provided, mortgage licensing requirements modified, construction codes and licensing recodified and modified, State Building Code modified, and penalties provided and money appropriated.
House HF0837 6 02/19/2007 Text icon Lanning Debt service equalization aid increased, and equalizing factors indexed.
House HF0814 11 03/27/2008 Text icon Bly Teacher education and compensation helps (TEACH) program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0799 2 02/08/2007 Text icon Holberg Transportation, Metropolitan Council, and public safety funding provided; bonds issued; fees, funds, and accounts modified; motor vehicle sales and lease tax proceeds allocated; and money appropriated.
House HF0727 3 02/15/2007 Text icon Tschumper Waivered services program for persons with developmental disabilities county repayment requirement eliminated for certain expenditures and money appropriated.
House HF0709 2 02/08/2007 Text icon Ruth Trunk highway project expedited construction authorized.
House HF0701 6 03/23/2007 Text icon Brynaert Mankato district transportation headquarters funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0675 4 02/15/2007 Text icon Rukavina Higher education office, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, University of Minnesota, and the Mayo Clinic funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0666 7 03/21/2007 Text icon Welti Dairy animal revolving loan program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0663 4 03/24/2007 Text icon Urdahl Nursing facility payment rates increased to the 60th percentile rate.
House SF0642 3 04/20/2007 Text icon Hansen Ditch buffers requirements modified; annual drainage authority reports required and drainage repair and inspection requirements modified.
House HF0618 7 03/07/2007 Text icon Winkler Bioscience business development programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0577 11 03/22/2007 Text icon Hansen Ditch buffer and drainage and inspection requirements modified, annual drainage authority reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0562 18 05/21/2007 143 Text icon Lieder Transportation, Metropolitan Council, and public safety funding provided, motor vehicle sales tax provisions modified, Public Safety Department fees increased, and money appropriated.
House HF0518 5 02/12/2007 Text icon Seifert Licensed nursing home beds surcharge reduced.
House HF0501 6 04/27/2007 Text icon Thissen Radiation therapy facility construction limitations expiration date eliminated.
House HF0498 17 02/25/2008 Text icon Cornish Self-defense; use of force in defense of home and person laws clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws extended and codified, and common law duty to retreat eliminated.
House SF0475 6 05/21/2007 Text icon Thissen Radiation therapy facility construction limitations expiration date removed, and two-year moratorium on construction in certain counties provided.
House HF0427 3 02/08/2007 Text icon Hamilton Medical assistance operating payment rates for low-payment rate nursing facilities adjusted, and money appropriated.
House HF0426 3 02/01/2007 Text icon Hamilton Workforce development fund for extended employment services for persons with severe disabilities base appropriation redefined and money appropriated.
House HF0415 10 05/21/2007 Text icon Poppe Noise standards exemptions extended.
House HF0388 3 02/26/2007 Text icon Cornish Waseca; Minnesota Agricultural Interpretive Center operations funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0377 5 03/19/2007 Text icon Thao Lifetrack Resources immigrant and refugee collaborative programs grant provided and money appropriated.
House HF0374 9 04/11/2007 Text icon Hansen Board of Water and Soil Resources general services grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0337 4 01/29/2007 Text icon Mahoney Small business growth acceleration program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0300 12 03/19/2007 Text icon Haws Military pay tax deduction expanded, and military pension subtraction including survivor benefits created.
House HF0290 6 02/14/2007 Text icon Mahoney University Enterprise Laboratories, Inc., funding provided for bioscience business development; and money appropriated.
House HF0284 9 03/20/2007 Text icon Ruth Special assessment deferments authorized for members of the armed forces.
House HF0283 4 02/22/2007 Text icon Ruth Cities, counties, and townships exempted from sales tax.
House HF0271 3 01/29/2007 Text icon Haws Lawful purpose gambling expenditures modified to include licensed fraternal organizations.
House HF0264 2 01/22/2007 Text icon Ruth Trunk Highway No. 14 between Dodge Center and Owatonna reconstruction funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0231 7 03/21/2007 Text icon Moe Greater Minnesota business development investment fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF0194 8 02/26/2007 Text icon Norton Biotechnology and medical genomics research funding provided to research partnership between the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Foundation, and money appropriated.
House HF0193 4 03/15/2007 Text icon DeLaForest Capital equipment sales tax imposition and refund eliminated.
House HF0187 3 03/05/2007 Text icon Brod Estate tax federal exemption amount conformity provided.
House HF0158 8 03/07/2007 Text icon Urdahl Farm machinery definition expanded, and livestock farming operations construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
House SF0122 3 03/05/2007 Text icon Hortman Seat belts; passenger restraint required for children under the age of eight in motor vehicles.
House HF0105 8 03/25/2008 Text icon Hortman Passenger restraint required for children under age eight in motor vehicles.
House HF0103 2 01/16/2007 Text icon Berns Tax conformity provided for tax year 2006 to the federal teacher expense deduction, tuition subtraction, and other provisions of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act, Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunity Act, and Pension Protection Plan.
House HF0101 10 03/05/2007 Text icon Demmer Agricultural land excluded from the tax base for school bonded debt levies.
House HF0100 4 01/29/2007 Text icon Demmer Farm enhancement loan program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0099 2 01/16/2007 Text icon Erickson Tax conformity provided for tax year 2006 to the federal teacher expense deduction, tuition subtraction, and other provisions of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act, Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunity Act, and Pension Protection Plan.
House HF0064 3 01/16/2007 Text icon Urdahl Dairy and livestock investment income and corporate franchise credit provided for qualifying investments.
House HF0052 3 01/16/2007 Text icon Urdahl Dairy operations income and corporate franchise tax provided for qualifying investments in dairy operations.
House HF0044 3 03/13/2007 Text icon Urdahl Rural Minnesota Catch-Up Credit provided allowing a credit against the income tax of an employer for the creation and retention of certain jobs, and money appropriated.
House HF0030 4 03/11/2008 Text icon Severson Veteran-owned small businesses designated as targeted group businesses for purposes of awarding state and metropolitan agency procurement contracts.
House HF0029 8 05/05/2008 Text icon Severson Military pensions federal income tax subtraction provided.
House HF0009 8 03/07/2007 Text icon Juhnke Dairy operations and livestock investment income and corporate franchise tax credits provided for qualifying investments.