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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

46 Documents Found in Legislative Session 84 (2005-2006)
for Chief Authors of "Beard"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0600 1 01/31/2005 Text icon Beard Electric generation facility personal property tax exemption provided.
House HF0951 2 02/14/2005 Text icon Beard Airports or aviation system separate plan requirement removed, and Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Airports Commission planning administration provisions and other obsolete provisions repealed.
House HF1297 2 02/28/2005 Text icon Beard Campaign expenditure definition clarified and certain exceptions to ban on gifts to public officials provided.
House HF1353 1 02/28/2005 Text icon Beard Motor fuel tax rates increased, county and city transportation fees and taxes authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1710 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Beard Broadband telecommunications revolving loan fund established.
House HF1711 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Beard Radioactive waste or material transport fee imposed.
House HF1712 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Beard Scott County Community Corrections Act subsidy funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1727 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Beard Off-sale wine licenses authorized for supermarkets.
House HF1728 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Beard Basic services regulation of telephone companies provided.
House HF1842 1 03/16/2005 Text icon Beard Scott County land sale wetland development restriction clarified.
House HF1843 1 03/16/2005 Text icon Beard Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport safety zones and land use restrictions defined for runway 17-35.
House HF1232 4 04/06/2005 Text icon Beard Metropolitan Airports Commission prohibited from authorizing facility demolition or work on Northwest Airlines 20/20 vision until airline demonstrates compliance with financing agreement and reporting requirements.
House HF0899 5 04/18/2005 Text icon Beard State auditor authorized to waive certain rules and laws applying to local government units, and grants board created to fund cooperative efforts in public service delivery.
House HF1460 6 04/26/2005 Text icon Beard State construction contracts including design-build contracts regulation provided.
House HF0914 17 04/27/2005 Text icon Beard Teacher retirement association additional benefit provided.
House HF0912 6 04/29/2005 Text icon Beard Motorized foot scooters defined, use and operation regulated, tax and registration fees exemption provided, and business panel eligibility criteria modified.
House HF0915 12 04/29/2005 41 Text icon Beard Aeronautics transportation provisions clarified.
House SF1335 8 05/17/2005 78 Text icon Beard State construction contracts regulated.
House HF2530 1 05/19/2005 Text icon Beard Scott County public safety training facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF0629 14 05/21/2005 123 Text icon Beard Metropolitan Council requirement for adoption of separate airports or aviation system plan removed, airport taxicab requirements modified, and planning provisions relating to Metropolitan Airports Commission repealed.
House SF0808 9 05/23/2005 135 Text icon Beard Motorized foot scooters defined, use and operation regulated, tax and registration fees exemption provided, and business panel eligibility criteria modified.
House HF0913 5 05/23/2005 Text icon Beard State employee group insurance plan provisions modified and notice to former legislators required.
House HF2129 5 05/23/2005 Text icon Beard Card club provisions modified.
House HF1319 7 03/09/2006 Text icon Beard Additional cable franchise requirements modified.
House HF3164 2 03/09/2006 Text icon Beard Food and beverage public officials gift ban modified.
House HF1825 2 03/20/2006 Text icon Beard Ten-ton vehicle loading authorized under certain circumstances, and seven-ton vehicle loading authorized during spring weight restrictions.
House HF3767 1 03/21/2006 Text icon Beard Small biomass electric generation facility property tax exemption eligibility period for commencement of construction extended.
House HF3768 1 03/21/2006 Text icon Beard Scott County ethanol plant clarified as not in violation of the exclusive service territory law.
House HF3815 1 03/22/2006 Text icon Beard Horse racing occupation license provision modified.
House HF3871 1 03/23/2006 Text icon Beard Model airport zoning ordinance required to limit height of objects around airports.
House HF3287 4 03/27/2006 Text icon Beard State airports fund reimbursement accelerated.
House HF3926 1 03/27/2006 Text icon Beard State conservation objectives provided, investments by utilities regulated, conservation consideration required in regulatory proceedings, and rate decoupling study initiated.
House HR0020 3 03/28/2006 Text icon Beard House Rules; a house resolution proposing a change in the Permanent Rules of the House to allow members to choose an alternative payment plan.
House HF3100 3 03/30/2006 Text icon Beard Card club provisions modified.
House HF4088 1 04/04/2006 Text icon Beard Property assessment deferments for certain members of the armed forces authorized, and Support Our Troops grants authorized to eligible individuals to pay special assessments.
House HF3057 4 04/10/2006 Text icon Beard Lower Minnesota River Watershed District acquisition, maintenance, operation, and improvement of dredge material site authorized; fees imposed; and bonds issued.
House HF4132 1 04/10/2006 Text icon Beard Lower Minnesota River Watershed District authorized to acquire, maintain, operate, improve, and enlarge dredge material site; bonds issued; and fees authorized.
House HF1667 4 04/21/2006 Text icon Beard Ten-ton vehicle loading authorized under certain circumstances, and seven-ton vehicle loading allowed during spring weight restrictions.
House HF3391 8 04/26/2006 Text icon Beard Environmental permit timeline agency action established.
House SF2983 4 05/01/2006 Text icon Beard Notice required on vehicles received by dealers to be dismantled or destroyed, and motorized foot scooter definition modified.
House HF3201 6 05/01/2006 Text icon Beard Salvage certificate of title modified, vehicle dismantle or destruction notice required, and definition of "motorized foot scooter" modified.
House HF3214 4 05/09/2006 Text icon Beard Department of Transportation towing authority within metropolitan district granted.
House HF2086 10 05/11/2006 Text icon Beard Metropolitan Airports Commission membership provisions and reporting requirement modified.
House SF1604 13 05/20/2006 Text icon Beard Amtrak; a resolution memorializing the President and Congress to support funding for Amtrak.
House SF1940 12 05/20/2006 261 Text icon Beard Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Airports Commission residency and terms of office requirements provided, nominating committee established, state airports funds assistance requirements modified, and zoning disclosure required.
House SF3023 12 05/20/2006 226 Text icon Beard Environmental permits deadline for state agency action established, and Lower Minnesota River Watershed District authorized to own and operate a dredge material site and exercise certain powers.