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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

137 Documents Found in Legislative Session 84 (2005-2006)
for Authors of "Simon"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0839 3 02/14/2005 Text icon Abeler Prescription drug bulk purchasing provided.
House HF1349 1 02/24/2005 Text icon Abeler Radiation therapy facility construction limitations expiration date removed.
House HF2456 2 05/19/2005 Text icon Abeler University of Minnesota U special kids program funding required, and money appropriated.
House HF4152 9 05/21/2006 Text icon Abeler Legislative Commission to End Poverty by 2020 created, and money appropriated.
House HF0864 2 02/16/2005 Text icon Abrams Special school breakfast and lunch diets based on religious beliefs of students provided as a pilot program, and money appropriated.
House HF1789 5 03/29/2005 Text icon Abrams Marriage penalty relief federal tax conformity provided.
House HF2407 2 05/19/2005 Text icon Abrams Metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditures financing provided, and Hiawatha light rail transit line bond restrictions clarified.
House SF2160 7 05/23/2005 128 Text icon Anderson, B. Claims against the state settled, amount of allowable reimbursement for damage by inmates increased, and money appropriated.
House HF2371 1 04/07/2005 Text icon Anderson, B. Claims against the state settlement provided, reimbursement for damage by escaping inmates or runaway patients increased, and money appropriated.
House HF3995 11 05/20/2006 238 Text icon Anderson, B. Claims against the state settled, and money appropriated.
House HF0561 8 05/17/2005 Text icon Atkins Sex offenders prohibited from becoming custodians of unrelated children.
House HF1663 1 03/09/2005 Text icon Bernardy Special school breakfast and lunch diets based on religious beliefs of students provided as a pilot program, and money appropriated.
House HF4150 1 04/18/2006 Text icon Bernardy School district property taxes and equity levy reduced, and operating capital levy eliminated.
House HF4156 2 04/21/2006 Text icon Bernardy Local government aid program modified, foreign operating corporations taxation modified, and property tax relief provided.
House HF0775 15 04/19/2005 Text icon Bradley Long-term care provider inflation adjustments provided.
House HF3635 2 03/28/2006 Text icon Brod Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board staffing authority modified.
House HF2078 4 04/11/2005 Text icon Charron Education price index created and annual computation of basic revenue provided.
House HF3232 1 03/08/2006 Text icon Charron Cost factor and wage rate difference in school districts examination required.
House HF0834 3 04/14/2005 Text icon Dittrich School district authority granted to offer certain rewards to persons who provide information that leads to the apprehension and arrest of a person or persons who have committed a crime against school property, students, or personnel.
House HF1567 2 03/21/2005 Text icon Ellison Primary election moved from September to June.
House HF3622 2 03/20/2006 Text icon Ellison Lead risk assessment medical assistance coverage provided.
House HF3193 7 04/04/2006 Text icon Entenza State employees compensated for time they were not able to work due to the 2005 partial government shutdown.
House SF0953 17 05/23/2005 169 Text icon Erhardt Local government employee compensation limit increased and indexed.
House HF0995 9 05/21/2005 Text icon Erhardt Local government employee compensation limit repealed.
House HF1564 4 03/28/2006 Text icon Erhardt Diseased shade trees removal and replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3999 3 03/30/2006 Text icon Erhardt County state-aid highway fund distribution formula adjusted, automobile registration taxes modified, motor fuel taxes increased, metropolitan transit tax imposed, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0204 3 02/17/2005 Text icon Garofalo Traffic signal override device possession restricted and penalty provided.
House HF0971 1 02/10/2005 Text icon Garofalo Designated offense definition expanded, and seizures and forfeitures of computers and related property addressed.
House HF1164 18 05/21/2005 120 Text icon Gazelka Passing of a parked emergency vehicle provisions modified to include requirement to slow down and when possible to provide one full lane of separation, and eligibility criteria modified for business panels on logo sign panels.
House HF3558 2 03/30/2006 Text icon Goodwin Statutory housing warranties regulated and legislative intent clarified.
House HF3559 2 03/30/2006 Text icon Goodwin Statutory housing warranties regulated and modified.
House HF2975 3 03/27/2006 Text icon Greiling Mental health parity required in group disability income insurance policies.
House HF1665 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Hackbarth Metropolitan Regional Parks System funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3712 23 05/08/2006 201 Text icon Hackbarth Mercury Emissions Reduction Act of 2006 adopted requiring mercury emission reductions by public utilities, and notice required regarding disposal of fluorescent lamps containing mercury.
House SF2840 7 05/17/2006 220 Text icon Hansen Paid organ donation leave provided for certain public employees.
House HF3217 11 04/24/2006 Text icon Hansen Paid organ donation leave for certain public employees provided.
House HF2960 6 03/20/2006 Text icon Hilstrom Social Security number use restricted.
House HF2202 1 03/30/2005 Text icon Hilty Campaign and candidate committees prohibited from having certain public officials serve as chairs or treasurers.
House HF3657 4 03/30/2006 Text icon Holberg Highway funding provided, trunk highway motor vehicle sales tax collection account established, proceeds allocated, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1171 1 02/21/2005 Text icon Hornstein Fuel-efficient hybrid motor vehicles exempted from the motor vehicle sales tax.
House HF3822 1 03/22/2006 Text icon Hornstein Sudan; state investment prohibited in companies with equity ties to Sudan.
House HF0638 3 02/10/2005 Text icon Hortman Northstar Rail Corridor final design funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3129 2 03/09/2006 Text icon Hortman Minnesota Early Learning Foundation money appropriated.
House HF3183 7 03/28/2006 Text icon Hortman Fluorescent lamps containing mercury; disclosure required regarding disposal of lamps containing mercury.
House HF3643 5 05/04/2006 Text icon Hortman Olympics bid task force created.
House HF3686 3 03/27/2006 Text icon Hortman Identity theft; standards created for disposal of personal information to limit the potential for identity theft.
House HF1102 2 03/01/2006 Text icon Hosch Per diem payments for legislators prohibited during special sessions called within 60 days of adjournment because the legislature failed to pass necessary legislation during the regular session.
House HF3576 5 04/18/2006 Text icon Hosch Legislative procedure and meeting time modifications provided, per diem payments during special sessions called due to failure of legislature to pass major budget bills prohibited.
House HF1635 1 03/09/2005 Text icon Huntley Individuals and small employers authorized to purchase state health coverage at their own expense, and MinnesotaCare coverage authorized at full cost.
House HF3303 1 03/09/2006 Text icon Huntley Pharmacy and pharmacy-related costs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3660 2 03/27/2006 Text icon Johnson, J. Children of incarcerated parents mentoring grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3804 2 04/10/2006 Text icon Kahn Genetic information held by government entities regulated, and reports required.
House HF0239 2 01/20/2005 Text icon Kelliher Minneapolis; Minnesota Planetarium and Space Discovery Center development funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0613 2 02/07/2005 Text icon Kelliher Hennepin County; Cedar Lake Trail completion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2976 2 04/05/2006 Text icon Lanning Residency verification documents clarified relating to elections.
House HF3346 4 03/21/2006 Text icon Lanning State grant program student share modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3639 1 03/16/2006 Text icon Lanning Voter residency documentation clarified.
House HF1632 3 03/21/2005 Text icon Larson Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Airports Commission required to submit proposed budgets to legislative committees.
House HF0106 1 01/10/2005 Text icon Latz St. Louis Park flood hazard mitigation grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2365 2 05/18/2005 Text icon Latz Public Employees Retirement Association survivor benefits provided to the spouse of a police officer killed while on active duty in Iraq.
House HF2982 3 03/08/2006 Text icon Latz McLeod County railroad switching yard funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3054 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Latz St. Louis Park intersection reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3829 3 04/04/2006 Text icon Latz McLeod County railroad switching yard funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0010 7 04/07/2005 Text icon Lenczewski Revenue forecast required to account for inflation.
House HF2850 3 03/20/2006 Text icon Lenczewski Alternative minimum tax exemption amounts and phaseout thresholds increased.
House HF2873 4 03/20/2006 Text icon Lenczewski Revenue forecast required to account for inflation.
House HF2234 2 04/04/2005 Text icon Liebling Prescription drug bulk purchasing program established.
House HF3175 6 03/20/2006 Text icon Liebling School districts authorized to include energy efficiency improvement projects in alternative facilities plans.
House HF1895 2 04/14/2005 Text icon Loeffler Shade tree definition expanded relating to metropolitan area disease control, shade tree pest control provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3770 6 04/10/2006 Text icon Mariani Policing immigrant communities best practices course required, and money appropriated.
House HF0576 3 03/22/2006 Text icon Meslow Paternity presumption provisions modified.
House HF1183 11 04/13/2005 Text icon Meslow Basic formula allowance increased, and special education growth factors restored.
House HF1572 3 03/29/2005 Text icon Meslow Special education delivery and funding task force established.
House HF2519 5 05/23/2005 Text icon Meslow Business corporation statute technical corrections provided.
House HF3599 2 03/20/2006 Text icon Meslow Socioemotional early childhood screening provided.
House HF4157 7 05/21/2006 283 Text icon Meslow Revisor's bill correcting miscellaneous oversights and providing technical corrections.
House HF1122 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Moe Minnesota Fishing Protection Act established providing authority, direction, and funding to achieve and maintain water quality standards to protect the quantity, edibility, and health of Minnesota fish.
House HF0986 8 05/23/2005 142 Text icon Nelson, M. Urban initiative program definition of low income area modified.
House HF3373 2 03/20/2006 Text icon Nornes Child care assistance maximum rates and absent days modified.
House HF1315 2 02/28/2005 Text icon Opatz Age minimum to hold elected office lowered from 21 to 18, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0180 2 01/13/2005 Text icon Paymar Limited market value law made permanent.
House HF1561 5 04/20/2005 Text icon Peterson, A. Wind power usage goal established at twenty percent by 2020, and wind energy conversion system loan guarantee program established.
House HF1798 12 04/04/2006 Text icon Peterson, A. Utilities required to meet certain renewable energy standards.
House HF1739 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Peterson, S. Limited English proficiency programs funding restored.
House HF0780 6 05/20/2005 Text icon Ruud Educator expense income tax deduction federal conformity required.
House HF1121 2 03/10/2005 Text icon Ruud Operating referendum ballot language simplified relating to education finance.
House HF4047 3 04/10/2006 Text icon Ruud Per diem payments to legislators prohibited during special sessions called because the legislature failed to enact a budget during the regular session.
House HF0058 4 02/10/2005 Text icon Samuelson Early childhood family education program funding restored, and money appropriated.
House HF1589 3 03/10/2005 Text icon Scalze Prescription drug bulk purchasing program established.
House SF0255 2 03/31/2005 Text icon Sertich MinnesotaCare covered health services modified, and limited benefits for certain single adults and households without children repealed.
House HF1786 4 04/04/2005 Text icon Sertich MinnesotaCare covered health services modified, and limited benefits for certain single adults and households without children repealed.
House HF0407 1 01/24/2005 Text icon Sieben Wireless directory assistance service databases regulated to protect consumer privacy.
House HF0083 1 01/10/2005 Text icon Simon St. Louis Park pedestrian and trail crossing funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0243 3 01/27/2005 Text icon Simon Electronic use of false pretense to obtain identity of another person prohibited, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF1503 1 03/03/2005 Text icon Simon Education commissioner's role in recommending school finance changes strengthened.
House HF1906 4 05/16/2005 Text icon Simon Marriage penalty relief income tax federal conformity provided.
House HF2136 1 03/29/2005 Text icon Simon Driver's license reinstatement surcharge imposed to fund trauma care centers.
House HF2326 1 04/06/2005 Text icon Simon Landlords who apportion bills or charge fees for utility service defined as not exempt from regulation as a utility.
House HF2380 1 04/07/2005 Text icon Simon Major highway projects reporting required.
House HF2397 2 04/13/2005 Text icon Simon Full-day kindergarten authorized, state aid provided, sliding scale fee for full-day kindergarten provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3239 1 03/08/2006 Text icon Simon Mediation for state legislators required when major budget bills have not been enacted.
House HF3246 1 03/08/2006 Text icon Simon Attorney general identity theft and financial crimes prosecution funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3569 2 03/16/2006 Text icon Simon Judicial candidate contribution limits provided.
House HF3742 1 03/20/2006 Text icon Simon I-394 corridor light rail feasibility study required, and money appropriated.
House HF3758 1 03/21/2006 Text icon Simon Rental vehicle damage liability coverage time period extended for coverage on the renter's own auto insurance.
House HF3802 1 03/22/2006 Text icon Simon Hennepin or Dakota County nursing home construction moratorium exception provided for a facility for persons with eating disorders.
House HF3909 2 03/27/2006 Text icon Simon City election runoff voting method authorized.
House HF4057 2 04/03/2006 Text icon Simon Sudan; State Board of Investment required to monitor state investments in companies doing business with Sudan and to support shareholder resolutions that require action to end the crisis in Sudan.
House HF4075 1 04/03/2006 Text icon Simon School districts required to maintain a separate account to identify expenditures for nonpublic school pupil special education instruction and services.
House HF4087 1 04/04/2006 Text icon Simon Naturalization application filing fees income tax credit provided.
House HF4151 1 04/18/2006 Text icon Simon Income tax rate recovery regulated.
House HF4158 1 04/20/2006 Text icon Simon Environmental review requirements modified, and civil actions costs awarded.
House HF0141 3 01/20/2005 Text icon Slawik Technology and transportation school district levies authorized.
House HF0149 4 01/24/2005 Text icon Slawik Special education program growth factors restored, and money appropriated.
House HF0151 4 01/24/2005 Text icon Slawik General education basic formula allowance increased.
House HF0152 4 01/24/2005 Text icon Slawik Early childhood education program funding restored, and money appropriated.
House HF1088 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Slawik Prejudgment garnishments prohibited in certain circumstances.
House HF1329 5 04/13/2005 Text icon Slawik Child care assistance income eligibility provisions modified, provider rate differential for accreditation established, license fees temporarily suspended, and fee schedule modified.
House HF3259 11 05/08/2006 Text icon Slawik Child care assistance eligibility requirements modified, sliding fee child care schedule established, reimbursement rates for child care providers modified, provider rate differential established, and money appropriated.
House HF0963 5 03/17/2005 Text icon Smith Strangulation of family or household member crime established and penalties provided.
House HF2656 8 05/20/2006 260 Text icon Smith Criminal sentencing provisions provided; controlled substances, DWI, and driving provisions modified; corrections, courts, coroners and medical examiners regulated; and enhanced drug paraphernalia and other criminal penalties imposed.
House HF2985 22 05/02/2006 195 Text icon Smith Funeral, memorial, and burial service disruption prohibited; penalties imposed; and civil remedy provided.
House SF3349 2 05/04/2006 Text icon Smith Domestic abuse protective orders from other states enforced.
House HF3586 4 03/30/2006 Text icon Smith Domestic abuse foreign protective order enforcement provided.
House HF0291 5 02/24/2005 Text icon Sykora Community education facility levy authorized.
House HF3121 2 03/08/2006 Text icon Sykora Charter school start-up aid for certain charter schools restored.
House HF3231 5 04/11/2006 Text icon Sykora Operating capital levy reduced and operating capital equalizing factor restored.
House HF3687 2 03/27/2006 Text icon Sykora School boards authorized to annually increase operating levy by the rate of inflation.
House HF4173 4 05/08/2006 Text icon Sykora Early childhood family education funding increased.
House HF3971 2 04/10/2006 Text icon Thissen Open data format usage by state agencies required.
House HF0725 1 02/03/2005 Text icon Tingelstad Metropolitan regional park acquisition and betterment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0982 4 03/03/2005 Text icon Tingelstad Housing improvement area establishment sunset extended and reports required.
House HF2492 9 03/27/2006 Text icon Urdahl Uniform school lock down plan; schools required to adopt, implement, and practice a uniform lock down plan; emergency and hazard preparedness drills required; task force created; and rulemaking authorized.
House HF2169 2 05/20/2005 Text icon Walker Nonprofit entity grants to facilitate delivery of volunteer assistance to low-income taxpayers established, and money appropriated.
House HF3708 2 03/27/2006 Text icon Walker Comprehensive family life and sexuality education programs provided.
House HF2262 2 04/04/2005 Text icon Welti Employee energy savings suggestions incentives provided for state agencies and higher education institutions.
House HF3506 2 03/16/2006 Text icon Zellers Career offender sentencing law modified, counterfeiting federal currency crime established, federal law enforcement officer definition updated, and criminal penalties imposed.