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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

204 Documents Found in Legislative Session 84 (2005-2006)
for Authors of "Urdahl"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4164 2 04/27/2006 Text icon Urdahl Pupil transportation costs categorical funding reestablished.
House HF4153 1 04/18/2006 Text icon Brod Abortion notification data reporting required relating to abortions performed on a minor or specified other women, and civil penalties imposed.
House HF4142 22 05/16/2006 Text icon Krinkie Property tax rebate provided, state land sale authorized to offset administrative costs, and money appropriated.
House HF4116 1 04/10/2006 Text icon Davids University of Minnesota licensing and Minnesota market impact study provided, and horticulture department appropriations reduced.
House HF4109 1 04/05/2006 Text icon Demmer Agriculture education option included in social studies graduation requirements, and agriculture science defined as fulfilling science credit requirements.
House HF4092 4 04/10/2006 Text icon Westerberg Body armor provided for members of the National Guard being deployed to combat service, and money appropriated.
House HF4032 2 04/03/2006 Text icon Urdahl Textbook cost study provided relating to higher education.
House HF4012 3 04/12/2006 Text icon Lenczewski Educational mission and competitive extracurricular programs interrelationship advisory task force established.
House HF4010 1 03/28/2006 Text icon Peterson, A. School closings required during official storm warnings.
House HF3975 2 05/08/2006 Text icon Urdahl University of Minnesota supplemental funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3942 1 03/27/2006 Text icon Urdahl Independent School District No. 463, Eden Valley-Watkins, fund transfer authorized.
House HF3923 2 03/30/2006 Text icon Dorman Ethanol producer payment open appropriation restored, and money appropriated.
House HF3911 4 05/04/2006 Text icon Cox Resident tuition qualification requirements provided.
House HF3782 3 04/03/2006 Text icon Urdahl Basic library system support grants previous appropriation increased.
House HF3779 20 05/21/2006 240 Text icon Urdahl Adults-only businesses required to give notice to cities of intent to begin operating, zoning authority granted, and adult business ownership by persons convicted of certain crimes restricted.
House HF3759 3 04/03/2006 Text icon Urdahl School bus equipment standards updated, discipline policies and cost data clarified, and license standards modified.
House HF3730 2 04/03/2006 Text icon Scalze Geothermal heat pump study funding provided.
House HF3718 20 05/20/2006 245 Text icon Hornstein State purchasing of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles required in certain bid documents, and task force established.
House HF3675 4 04/10/2006 Text icon Demmer Farm enhancement loan program established, and money appropriated.
House HF3662 1 03/20/2006 Text icon Urdahl Environmental review and assessment required to include information on both favorable and adverse impacts.
House HF3659 2 03/22/2006 Text icon Urdahl Dairy investment credit provided relating to income and corporate franchise tax.
House HF3651 1 03/16/2006 Text icon Hortman Dentistry material purchases tax credit provided.
House HF3505 5 03/27/2006 Text icon Hamilton Greater Minnesota small employer health insurance premium reductions permitted.
House HF3502 3 03/27/2006 Text icon Brod Natural resources and environment project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3457 2 03/30/2006 Text icon Peterson, A. Working land productive conservation funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3425 3 03/27/2006 Text icon Urdahl Character development education revenue provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3411 5 04/10/2006 Text icon Demmer Professional teaching standards grant program established and money appropriated.
House HF3382 1 03/13/2006 Text icon Brod State wildlife management funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3376 7 05/16/2006 Text icon Magnus Grain buyer financial statement requirements modified.
House HF3375 2 03/16/2006 Text icon Magnus Bushel threshold related to grain buyer financial statements modified.
House HF3366 7 05/09/2006 Text icon Welti Milk volume production loan program private and public funding study and report provided.
House HF3365 2 03/14/2006 Text icon Welti Dairy heifer and cow acquisition loans provided.
House HF3269 5 03/15/2006 Text icon Ozment Natural and cultural resource funding provided through dedicated sales tax portion; arts and humanities fund, heritage enhancement fund, and other funds and councils established; and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3260 3 04/05/2006 Text icon Sertich Health and physical education requirements provided.
House HF3250 2 03/14/2006 Text icon Wardlow Rigorous course of study definition clarified.
House SF3236 9 05/20/2006 265 Text icon Magnus Grain buyers financial statements modified, beekeepers inspections and fees provided, University of Minnesota licensing and market impact study required, and money appropriated.
House HF3233 1 03/08/2006 Text icon Anderson, B. Wright County regional park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3208 1 03/08/2006 Text icon Urdahl Day training and habilitation provider rate reimbursement increased.
House HF3110 11 05/16/2006 Text icon Westrom Voting system criteria and voting machines operations working group established.
House HF3060 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Howes Forest land acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF3017 7 05/20/2006 268 Text icon Welti Milk volume production loan program funding study provided.
House HF2985 22 05/02/2006 195 Text icon Smith Funeral, memorial, and burial service disruption prohibited; penalties imposed; and civil remedy provided.
House HF2921 17 04/21/2006 Text icon Severson Leaves of absence for family members of seriously injured or killed member of the armed forces required, veterans programs provided and funded, military pension tax subtraction created, educational fairness required, and money appropriated.
House HF2896 6 03/16/2006 Text icon Knoblach Total maximum daily load developments relating to the Clean Water Act provided and money appropriated.
House HF2894 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Urdahl State aid destabilization of certain school district finances created.
House HF2884 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Dorman Special agricultural classification eligibility extended.
House HF2883 6 04/12/2006 Text icon Dorman Agricultural land eligible for the homestead classification maximum market value increased.
House HF2882 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Urdahl "Combat drug abuse" license plates authorized.
House HF2881 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Urdahl Superintendent sharing financial incentive for school districts created.
House HF2880 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Urdahl State park needs funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2879 8 03/20/2006 Text icon Urdahl Dairy operation qualifying investment income and corporation franchise tax credit provided.
House HF2856 9 03/23/2006 Text icon Wilkin Senior citizens protected from financial exploitation, and annuity transactions regulated.
House HF2841 2 03/08/2006 Text icon Tingelstad School safety emphasized, emergency / disaster preparedness planning encouraged, secondary school law enforcement teachers required to be licensed as a peace officer, and school safety procedures and fire drills integrated.
House SF2743 9 05/20/2006 242 Text icon Westrom Voter record data privacy provided, election law provisions modified, voting system criteria established, and voting machines options working group established.
House HF2733 5 03/16/2006 Text icon Juhnke Dental clinic serving southwest and west central Minnesota funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2663 3 03/16/2006 Text icon Lanning Minnesota Public Facilities Authority funding provided for maximum daily load grants relating to wastewater treatment, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2658 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Urdahl Dassel Lakeside Community Home pension benefits provided upon privatization.
House HF2657 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Urdahl Watkins infrastructure reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2617 5 03/08/2006 Text icon Davids Legislative appropriations continued in effect until amended or eliminated by law.
House HF2608 6 04/03/2006 Text icon Heidgerken Voting systems for individuals with disabilities requirements modified.
House HF2548 1 05/21/2005 Text icon Urdahl Reduced property tax rate for certain land bordering public waters authorized.
House HF2529 1 05/19/2005 Text icon Urdahl Driver's license verification checks fees limited.
House HF2492 9 03/27/2006 Text icon Urdahl Uniform school lock down plan; schools required to adopt, implement, and practice a uniform lock down plan; emergency and hazard preparedness drills required; task force created; and rulemaking authorized.
House HF2480 36 05/20/2006 257 Text icon Finstad Baseball stadium financing, construction, and operation provided; Minnesota Ballpark Authority established; community ownership option provided; and Hennepin County and future Anoka County sales taxes authorized.
House HF2441 2 04/19/2005 Text icon Davids Agricultural farm to market account established, statutory appropriation provided for value-added agricultural projects, and town road maintenance and construction provided for roads serving the needs of livestock operations.
House HF2436 3 03/01/2006 Text icon Brod Agricultural land valued at production value for property tax purposes, and money appropriated.
House HF2428 6 05/09/2005 Text icon Howes Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of 2003 reenacted.
House HF2426 1 04/14/2005 Text icon Jaros Gift ban exception modified to eliminate requirement of making a speech as part of a program.
House HF2424 2 04/18/2005 Text icon Cornish Personal Protection Act of 2003 reenacted.
House HF2384 1 04/11/2005 Text icon Demmer School bus drivers' license verification required by June 30 of each year.
House HF2382 2 04/14/2005 Text icon Urdahl Feedlots; a memorial resolution asking the residents of Minnesota for tolerance of different views of livestock production, and ending the feedlot war in Minnesota.
House HF2357 3 04/19/2005 Text icon Lanning Methamphetamine use prevention grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2346 3 04/11/2005 Text icon Wagenius Atrazine in well water testing grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2272 1 04/04/2005 Text icon Juhnke Independent School District No. 2396, A.C.G.C., fund transfer authorized.
House SF2259 9 05/18/2005 83 Text icon Howes Personal Protection Act of 2003 reenacted with certain amendments, right of self-protection recognized, pistol permit requirements provided, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF2257 2 04/11/2005 Text icon Welti Feedlot environmental compliance individual income and corporate franchise tax credit provided.
House HF2233 1 03/31/2005 Text icon Seifert Private prison housing of inmates authorized, pilot project to house short-term offenders established, and proposals requested.
House HF2198 1 03/30/2005 Text icon Mariani Charter school pupil transportation formulas modified.
House HF2069 1 03/22/2005 Text icon Dorman Education funding increased, motor vehicle sales tax dedicated to transit eliminated, property tax levy for transit authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2059 3 04/13/2005 Text icon Davids Education funding increased, local government aid formula modified and increased, motor vehicle sales tax portion dedicated to transit eliminated, local sales tax or property tax levy for transit authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2045 3 04/14/2005 Text icon Welti Ethanol combustion efficiency research grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2041 1 03/22/2005 Text icon Heidgerken School milk program milk required to be provided in single service plastic containers, by the glass, or from bulk containers.
House HF2006 10 05/19/2005 Text icon Hackbarth Shooting Range Protection act adopted.
House HF2000 1 03/21/2005 Text icon Abeler Cesarean sections medical assistance coverage provisions modified.
House HF1967 4 03/29/2005 Text icon Finstad Nursing facility closure and alternative service development process provided, appropriation bond issuance required, critical access nursing facility designation established, moratorium exception process updated, and money appropriated.
House HF1956 3 03/29/2005 Text icon Finstad Citizenship requirements for the general assistance and MFIP programs modified.
House HF1933 2 04/04/2005 Text icon Cornish Game and fish license and stamp issuing fees modified.
House SF1908 6 05/20/2005 105 Text icon Hackbarth Shooting Range Protection Act adopted.
House HF1857 4 05/23/2005 Text icon Urdahl Licensed food handler violation penalties application modified.
House HF1838 10 04/27/2006 189 Text icon Blaine Low-speed neighborhood electric vehicles authorized on streets and highways under certain conditions.
House HF1793 2 03/16/2005 Text icon Urdahl Postsecondary tuition and fee expenses income tax deduction provided.
House HF1791 2 03/16/2005 Text icon Peterson, A. Sustainable agriculture grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1746 1 03/14/2005 Text icon Urdahl University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory building addition funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1743 3 04/04/2005 Text icon Blaine Milk and water sold through vending machines exempted from sales tax.
House HF1731 6 03/08/2006 Text icon Lanning Historic structure rehabilitation expenditure income tax credit provided.
House HF1682 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Eastlund On-farm qualified biogas recovery facility definition expanded.
House HF1661 3 04/07/2005 Text icon Olson Character development education promoted in schools.
House HF1618 1 03/07/2005 Text icon Thissen Eminent domain attorney fee requirements and provisions modified for taking for public purposes.
House HF1612 4 03/22/2005 Text icon Hamilton Department of Transportation required to indicate on specific service signs those businesses that sell E85 at retail.
House HF1596 3 03/29/2006 Text icon Emmer Polling place regulations and election day prohibitions modified.
House HF1560 3 04/04/2005 Text icon Heidgerken Rural economic development base funding level established including ethanol producer payments.
House HF1559 1 03/07/2005 Text icon Urdahl Meeker County nursing facilities placed into geographic group II.
House HF1552 2 03/09/2005 Text icon Magnus Transportation sparsity formula modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1469 1 03/03/2005 Text icon Urdahl Minnesota State Horticultural Society funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1457 2 03/14/2005 Text icon Urdahl Aquatic invasive species management funding provided, account established, watercraft decal required, and money appropriated.
House HF1409 2 03/14/2005 Text icon Scalze State fire marshal budget base increased.
House HF1389 9 04/29/2005 Text icon Gunther County agricultural society exemption from local zoning ordinances clarified.
House HF1385 26 05/20/2005 107 Text icon Nornes Omnibus higher education funding bill appropriating money for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, the University of Minnesota, and the Mayo Medical Foundation; and modifying various higher education provisions.
House HF1349 1 02/24/2005 Text icon Abeler Radiation therapy facility construction limitations expiration date removed.
House HF1322 3 03/23/2005 Text icon Smith Marriage dissolution, child custody and support, maintenance, and property division law recodified and reformed; data classified; and additional procedures clarified.
House HF1319 7 03/09/2006 Text icon Beard Additional cable franchise requirements modified.
House HF1302 1 02/24/2005 Text icon Abeler Lead hazard and children lead poisoning reduction project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1282 3 03/29/2005 Text icon Magnus Biodiesel usage as home heating fuel technical and economic feasibility study authorized and report required.
House HF1279 2 03/03/2005 Text icon Heidgerken Section-based school finance formula task force created.
House HF1233 1 02/22/2005 Text icon Urdahl Driver's license applicant proof of identity requirements expanded.
House HF1227 2 02/28/2005 Text icon Carlson Health professional education loan forgiveness account participation criteria expanded, and money appropriated.
House SF1218 2 05/23/2005 Text icon Urdahl Feedlots; a memorial resolution asking the residents of Minnesota for tolerance of different views of livestock production, and ending the feedlot war in Minnesota.
House HF1211 1 02/21/2005 Text icon Urdahl Agricultural land sale or lease limited if the land was acquired by eminent domain within the previous five years.
House HF1205 2 03/10/2005 Text icon Urdahl Rural economic development base funding level established including ethanol producer payments.
House HF1196 3 02/28/2005 Text icon Lanning Child care assistance provider reimbursement rate grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1195 3 02/28/2005 Text icon Lanning Child care provider rates modified.
House HF1172 12 05/23/2005 Text icon Olson Local government state mandate opt-out provided.
House SF1146 8 05/10/2005 58 Text icon Gunther County agricultural society exemption from local zoning ordinances clarified.
House HF1136 2 02/22/2005 Text icon Dorman Rural road safety account established, local road improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1104 10 03/10/2005 Text icon Seifert State Fair recreational camping area regulations exception provided.
House HF1089 1 02/17/2005 Text icon Ozment Minnesota Conservation Corps funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1050 4 03/17/2005 Text icon Davids Second Harvest Heartland food bank milk purchase grant provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1031 9 03/21/2005 15 Text icon Seifert State Fair recreational camping area regulations exception provided.
House HF0991 6 04/04/2005 Text icon Heidgerken E85 motor vehicle fuel pump installation tax credit provided.
House SF0969 5 05/23/2005 Text icon Hamilton State policy on minimizing energy use and requiring renewable fuels clarified.
House HF0952 11 05/11/2005 Text icon Finstad Abortion alternative grants and public information provided, "Positive Alternatives Act" adopted, and money appropriated.
House SF0917 17 05/23/2005 124 Text icon Finstad Abortion alternative grants provided, "Positive Alternatives Act" adopted, and money appropriated.
House HF0914 17 04/27/2005 Text icon Beard Teacher retirement association additional benefit provided.
House HF0909 3 02/28/2005 Text icon Klinzing Prepared food definition amended to exclude ice cream cakes relating to sales tax.
House HF0893 1 02/10/2005 Text icon Urdahl Child care higher education grant maximum amount increased.
House HF0881 3 02/17/2005 Text icon Urdahl Peace officers required to make all reasonable efforts to contact parent or guardian of a cited minor.
House HF0868 9 05/13/2005 Text icon Peterson, A. Coyote (Canis latrans) destruction bounties authorized.
House HF0858 3 03/09/2005 Text icon Wardlow State Office Building renamed the Edward A. Burdick State Office Building.
House HF0831 2 02/10/2005 Text icon Fritz Absentee ballot voting eligibility requirements eliminated.
House HF0801 4 02/17/2005 Text icon Dempsey Flag; a resolution memorializing Congress to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution, for ratification by the states, specifying the Congress and the states shall have the power to prohibit desecration of the flag.
House HF0796 3 02/28/2005 Text icon Heidgerken Alternative livestock production programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0795 2 02/16/2005 Text icon Urdahl Agricultural pesticides in groundwater and surface water monitoring provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0783 1 02/03/2005 Text icon Tingelstad Adoption record access provided, and data classification modified.
House HF0724 8 03/16/2005 Text icon Urdahl Health and physical education course requirements provided.
House HF0719 4 05/13/2005 Text icon Urdahl Dairy operation investments income and corporate franchise tax credit provided.
House HF0670 10 04/07/2005 Text icon Abeler Minnesota State Colleges and Universities tuition freeze funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0645 1 01/31/2005 Text icon Urdahl Historic preservation grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0632 8 03/27/2006 Text icon Urdahl Employer income tax credit for creation and retention of certain rural county jobs authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0621 3 02/07/2005 Text icon Ruth Bridge replacement, rehabilitation, and repair grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0591 3 02/14/2005 Text icon Samuelson Senior citizens program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0584 3 02/28/2005 Text icon Urdahl Manure digester loans interest-free status extended.
House HF0572 22 04/20/2005 Text icon Johnson, J. Methamphetamine and methamphetamine precursor drug crime provisions established, technical conformity provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0566 10 04/10/2006 Text icon Cox In-state tuition rate regulations provided for students attending state universities and colleges including the University of Minnesota.
House HF0565 2 02/03/2005 Text icon Gazelka Global War on Terrorism veterans bonus provided, bonds issued, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0564 4 03/07/2005 Text icon Holberg Clean Indoor Air Act modified to preempt local regulation of smoking in public places, establishments allowing smoking required to register, criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF0560 7 04/29/2005 Text icon Hamilton State policy on minimizing energy use and requiring renewable fuels clarified.
House HF0550 6 02/24/2005 Text icon Demmer Safe school levy funds reserved for certain schools, and school districts authorized to use safe school levy funds for school counselors.
House HF0534 1 01/27/2005 Text icon Juhnke Intermediate care facility payment system exception created for persons with mental retardation and related conditions.
House HF0530 6 03/16/2006 Text icon Wardlow Child support services provisions modified.
House HF0488 3 02/24/2005 Text icon Urdahl Natural and scenic area grants, outdoor recreation grants, and greater Minnesota regional park grants provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF0461 2 03/09/2006 Text icon Knoblach Nonmetro parks acquisition and improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0428 2 01/27/2005 Text icon Lanning Wastewater treatment project municipality grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0427 2 02/07/2005 Text icon Sertich Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program and redevelopment account provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0426 10 03/07/2005 Text icon Penas Farmer-lender mediation program expiration date extended and codified.
House HF0414 3 02/03/2005 Text icon Paulsen Wildlife management area land acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0402 4 03/01/2006 Text icon Dempsey Long-term care maximum income tax credit increased.
House HF0374 2 02/10/2005 Text icon Nornes Child care license fees modified.
House HF0361 1 01/20/2005 Text icon Juhnke Willmar Regional Treatment Center Master Plan and Reuse Study recommendations funded including methamphetamine treatment facilities, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0333 9 05/16/2006 Text icon Brod Senators provided staggered terms of office, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0297 5 02/24/2005 Text icon Johnson, S. Senior nutrition funding restored, targeted senior nutrition grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0276 1 01/20/2005 Text icon Magnus Town road sign replacement program developed, and money appropriated.
House HF0275 3 02/24/2005 Text icon Juhnke Let's Go Fishing grant provided to promote opportunities for fishing, and money appropriated.
House HF0263 23 04/06/2006 Text icon Abrams University of Minnesota football stadium state support process provided, Dakota County land transfer to University of Minnesota provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0249 2 01/20/2005 Text icon Westrom Special agricultural homestead property tax classification extended to include grandchildren.
House HF0245 3 01/24/2005 Text icon Peppin Abortion standard in the state constitution required to match the United States Constitution, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0235 1 01/13/2005 Text icon Otremba Unborn Child Pain Prevention Act adopted, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF0232 3 03/14/2005 Text icon Bernardy Basic education formula allowance increased; special education, limited English proficiency programs, early education, after-school programs, and adult basic education funding restored; levy authority reinstated; and money appropriated.
House HF0229 8 03/14/2005 Text icon Newman Income tax checkoff provided to fund grants for members of the National Guard and reserves who have incurred financial need as a result of active service since 9/11, administration by the adjutant general authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0226 4 03/17/2005 Text icon Smith Abortion notification data reporting required relating to abortions performed on a minor or specified other women.
House HF0223 8 04/22/2005 Text icon Davids Ethanol minimum content in gasoline increased.
House HF0216 5 03/01/2006 Text icon Davids Ethanol minimum content required in gasoline, renewable liquid fuel goal established, and promotion activities required.
House HF0214 6 03/31/2005 Text icon Lanning Medical assistance recoveries effective date modified, and refunds required.
House HF0213 2 01/20/2005 Text icon Erickson Library accessibility and improvement grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0207 3 02/03/2005 Text icon Hamilton Sex offender mandatory life and indeterminate sentencing imposed, Sex Offender Review Board established, data access granted, and Open Meeting Law exemption provided.
House HF0202 2 01/31/2005 Text icon Urdahl University of Minnesota Joint Plant Pathology Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0200 4 02/03/2005 Text icon Howes Military pension income tax deduction authorized.
House HF0165 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Opatz Applied doctoral degrees at state universities authorized.
House HF0144 1 01/10/2005 Text icon Hosch Lake Koronis Recreational Trail construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0118 7 05/23/2005 Text icon Urdahl Food manufacturers and sellers protected from legal actions taken against them to recover damages for alleged injury or weight gain resulting from consumption of food.
House HF0069 4 01/20/2005 Text icon Urdahl World War II veterans exempted from veterans license plate fees.
House HF0068 9 05/10/2005 57 Text icon Urdahl Coaching contract nonrenewal timely notice and opportunity to respond required.
House HF0065 2 01/12/2005 Text icon Cornish Farm truck definition expanded to include trucks used to transport animal carcasses to places of rendering.
House HF0060 2 01/13/2005 Text icon Greiling Education commissioner eliminated as an eligible charter school sponsor.
House HF0058 4 02/10/2005 Text icon Samuelson Early childhood family education program funding restored, and money appropriated.
House SF0051 9 04/21/2005 Text icon Johnson, J. Methamphetamine precursor drug sales regulated, controlled substance schedule updated, prescriptions required for animal medications, and centralized computer for pharmacies plan required.
House HR0017 1 05/11/2005 Text icon Urdahl Vietnam; a house resolution recognizing the flag of the Republic of Vietnam as the official symbol of the Vietnamese American Community of Minnesota.
House HR0014 4 05/16/2005 Text icon Heidgerken Banking; a house resolution recognizing Minnesota's unique role in 75 years of Independent Community Banking.
House HF0007 9 01/27/2005 Text icon Holberg Motor vehicle sales tax proceeds dedicated to transportation, dedication phased in over a five-year period, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0005 8 02/10/2005 Text icon Hamilton Basic education formula allowance increased.
House HR0005 9 02/28/2005 Text icon Sertich Roger Maris; a house resolution expressing the sense of the Minnesota House of Representatives that the Baseball Hall of Fame elect Roger Maris to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
House SF0004 22 05/05/2005 52 Text icon Davids Ethanol minimum content in gasoline increased, and petroleum replacement goal established.
House HF0004 4 01/20/2005 Text icon Johnson, J. Methamphetamine precursor drug sales regulated, reporting of suspicious activity authorized, education program for retailers required, criminal penalties increased, violent crime definition expanded, and money appropriated.
House HF0003 25 04/11/2005 20 Text icon Dorman Omnibus bonding bill providing capital improvements funding for various state departments and higher education institutions including the University of Minnesota, modifying previous bonding, issuing new bonds, and appropriating money.
House HF0002 7 01/24/2005 Text icon Bradley Consumer-driven health plans and health plan efficiency encouraged, health care cost containment implemented, government mandates reduced, health maintenance organization regulatory authority changed, and malpractice liability reformed.