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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

167 Documents Found in Legislative Session 84 (2005-2006)
for Authors of "Rukavina"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4220 1 05/20/2006 Text icon Sertich Taconite economic development fund use requirements modified.
House HF4163 1 04/25/2006 Text icon Anderson, I. Railroad remote-control operation of trains over highway intersections and bridges and near international border regulated.
House HF4122 1 04/10/2006 Text icon Vandeveer Market value of certain nonconforming properties limited, and ownership of property defined as not relevant for certain purposes.
House HF4103 1 04/05/2006 Text icon Hansen Heritage enhancement, parks and trails, clean water, and arts and humanities funds established; sales tax increased and funds dedicated; Heritage Enhancement Council and Clean Water Council created; and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF4034 1 03/29/2006 Text icon Zellers Movie, television, documentary, and music video production sales tax exemption provided.
House HF4019 2 05/04/2006 Text icon Sertich Carbon monoxide alarms required in all rental dwellings.
House HF4006 1 03/28/2006 Text icon Sertich Consumer Assurance of Radiologic Excellence Act adopted providing public access to quality medical imaging and radiation therapy procedures.
House HF3883 6 03/27/2006 Text icon Peterson, A. Renewable energy standards utility requirements provided.
House HF3882 2 03/30/2006 Text icon Vandeveer Nonprofit community service-oriented organization class 4c property tax classification provided.
House HF3821 1 03/22/2006 Text icon Sertich Legislative employees authorized to organize and select representatives to negotiate collective bargaining agreements.
House HF3820 2 03/23/2006 Text icon Sertich Nongovernmental Pharmaceutical Contracting Alliance funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3798 1 03/22/2006 Text icon Loeffler Property tax statements required to contain additional information on targeting and special property tax refund eligibility.
House HF3768 1 03/21/2006 Text icon Beard Scott County ethanol plant clarified as not in violation of the exclusive service territory law.
House HF3767 1 03/21/2006 Text icon Beard Small biomass electric generation facility property tax exemption eligibility period for commencement of construction extended.
House HF3737 1 03/20/2006 Text icon Rukavina Minnesota minerals 21st century funds apportioned.
House HF3568 1 03/15/2006 Text icon Jaros State living wage established, tax penalty imposed on certain employers, and tax proceeds appropriated.
House HF3558 2 03/30/2006 Text icon Goodwin Statutory housing warranties regulated and legislative intent clarified.
House HF3455 1 03/13/2006 Text icon Rukavina Armed Forces member property purchase homestead classification provided.
House HF3377 2 03/14/2006 Text icon Heidgerken Snowmobile state trail sticker exemptions provided.
House HF3226 5 03/28/2006 Text icon Charron Film production tax credit provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3221 1 03/08/2006 Text icon Goodwin Taxpayers' Transportation Accountability Act; private contract cost comparisons required, privatization cost savings minimum specified, and report required.
House HF3215 5 03/27/2006 Text icon Erickson Video lottery terminals established, state lottery director duties and powers expanded, use of video lottery revenues clarified, lawful gambling taxes modified, and conforming changes provided.
House HF3114 2 03/09/2006 Text icon DeLaForest Labor agreements and compensation plans for various public employees ratified.
House HF2908 5 03/09/2006 Text icon Seifert Allowable gambling expenses restrictions modified and technical changes provided.
House HF2876 12 05/08/2006 204 Text icon Severson Mutual insurance companies conversions and reorganization provisions modified, and exception modified to the restriction on insuring property in certain cities.
House HF2873 4 03/20/2006 Text icon Lenczewski Revenue forecast required to account for inflation.
House SF2832 8 04/11/2006 179 Text icon Rukavina Volunteer emergency personnel recruitment and retention task force formed, and study required.
House HF2821 4 03/08/2006 Text icon Lillie MinnesotaCare premiums for military personnel and their families eliminated.
House HF2791 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Rukavina Minnesota minerals 21st century fund transfer authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2790 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Rukavina Disabled hunter provisions modified.
House HF2788 6 04/06/2006 Text icon Rukavina Volunteer emergency personnel recruitment and retention task force established.
House HF2787 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Rukavina White connecting road and recreational trail project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2786 3 03/23/2006 Text icon Rukavina Large employers required to report information on employee health insurance costs, assessments required, and funds deposited into the Health Care Access Fund.
House HF2785 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Rukavina Vehicle forfeitures and fees for information releases provisions modified.
House HF2784 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Rukavina State supplemental benefit increased for survivors of deceased active volunteer firefighters.
House HF2783 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Sertich Central Iron Range Sanitary Sewer District wastewater treatment facilities funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2634 14 05/20/2006 256 Text icon DeLaForest State labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
House HF2631 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Rukavina East Range Joint Powers Board wastewater collection and treatment system funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2630 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Rukavina Virginia Regional Medical Center helipad funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2622 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Rukavina Mountain Iron renewable energy industrial park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2621 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Rukavina Eveleth Water Treatment Facility renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2547 1 05/21/2005 Text icon Anderson, I. Legislative adjournment deadline removed, number of legislative days modified, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2478 1 04/26/2005 Text icon Rukavina White and Biwabik; general obligations of the town of White authorized.
House HF2454 5 05/23/2005 Text icon Rukavina Mesabi Trail previous appropriation error corrected.
House HF2428 6 05/09/2005 Text icon Howes Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of 2003 reenacted.
House HF2426 1 04/14/2005 Text icon Jaros Gift ban exception modified to eliminate requirement of making a speech as part of a program.
House HF2352 1 04/06/2005 Text icon Larson Metropolitan Airports Commission labor agreement required with airport concession operators.
House HF2294 6 05/09/2006 Text icon Westerberg Anoka County football stadium financing provided, stadium authority established, county authorized to levy and collect certain taxes, and Metrodome proceeds account created.
House SF2259 9 05/18/2005 83 Text icon Howes Personal Protection Act of 2003 reenacted with certain amendments, right of self-protection recognized, pistol permit requirements provided, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF2235 1 03/31/2005 Text icon Hansen Meatpacking industry workers rights established.
House HF2220 1 03/30/2005 Text icon McNamara Aggregate resource preservation property tax program established, and classification provided for property containing unmined aggregate.
House HF2178 5 05/12/2005 Text icon Krinkie Definition of "tax" specified.
House HF2169 2 05/20/2005 Text icon Walker Nonprofit entity grants to facilitate delivery of volunteer assistance to low-income taxpayers established, and money appropriated.
House HF2119 1 03/23/2005 Text icon Olson University of Minnesota - Duluth personal rapid transit safety facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2075 4 04/14/2005 Text icon Davids Health plan pharmacy and pharmacy benefits manager contracts limited.
House HF2014 2 03/22/2005 Text icon Hilty Large retail establishment gross receipts tax imposed.
House HF1979 1 03/21/2005 Text icon Jaros Sales to counties that support certain judicial functions tax exemptions provided.
House HF1929 9 05/11/2005 Text icon Klinzing Construction code inspectors competency and certification criteria required, and continuing education provided.
House HF1927 1 03/17/2005 Text icon Solberg School district refunding bonds made eligible for taconite production tax revenue payments.
House SF1819 7 05/21/2005 Text icon Klinzing Construction code inspectors competency and certification criteria adoption required, and continuing education provided.
House HF1805 2 03/16/2005 Text icon Clark Businesses that possess personal data required to notify persons whose information has been disclosed to unauthorized persons.
House HF1803 1 03/14/2005 Text icon Sertich State higher education grant program application deadline extended.
House HF1786 4 04/04/2005 Text icon Sertich MinnesotaCare covered health services modified, and limited benefits for certain single adults and households without children repealed.
House HF1745 1 03/14/2005 Text icon Lesch One-week waiting period eliminated from unemployment insurance benefits eligibility.
House HF1737 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Rukavina Employee invention agreements regulated.
House HF1730 10 03/20/2006 Text icon Lieder Amtrak; a resolution memorializing the President and Congress to support Amtrak funding.
House HF1703 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Smith Railroad and employees prohibited from obstructing treatment of a railroad worker injured on the job or from disciplining or threatening to discipline the employee injured for requesting treatment or first aid.
House HF1702 2 03/31/2005 Text icon Smith Railroad company prohibited from obstructing treatment of railroad worker injured on the job, or from disciplining or threatening to discipline injured employee for requesting treatment or first aid.
House HF1697 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Dill Mineral research funds transferred to the University of Minnesota for core sampling at the Tower-Soudan mine complex, and money appropriated.
House HF1696 2 03/16/2005 Text icon Sieben Prescription drug discount program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1692 7 05/10/2005 55 Text icon Peterson, N. State Board of Investment compensation plans regulated.
House HF1681 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Penas Off-highway vehicle forest classification requirements modified.
House SF1604 13 05/20/2006 Text icon Beard Amtrak; a resolution memorializing the President and Congress to support funding for Amtrak.
House HF1600 2 03/10/2005 Text icon Solberg School districts authorized to levy for school bus purchases.
House HF1599 1 03/07/2005 Text icon Rukavina School districts authorized to levy for employee health care premium increases.
House HF1598 1 03/07/2005 Text icon Sertich Alternative facilities bonding program qualifications modified.
House HF1597 2 03/10/2005 Text icon Sertich All-day kindergarten levy authorized.
House HF1536 6 03/29/2005 Text icon Gazelka Marriage and marriage dissolution fees adjusted to fund employment opportunities, and money appropriated.
House HF1512 2 03/09/2005 Text icon Liebling Sales to political subdivisions exempted from the sales tax.
House HF1509 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Moe Homestead resort property tax class rate reduced.
House SF1486 6 05/03/2005 46 Text icon Rukavina Quotas prohibited for traffic and vehicle inspection citations.
House HF1472 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Davnie CAFTA; a resolution memorializing Congress to oppose the Central American Free Trade Agreement.
House HF1459 1 03/03/2005 Text icon Kahn National Guard tuition reimbursement program time period extended for members who have served in active duty, income tax surcharge imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF1427 1 03/03/2005 Text icon Sieben Social Security; a resolution memorializing Congress to preserve Social Security.
House HF1388 1 02/28/2005 Text icon Hornstein Foreign operating corporation tax definition modified.
House HF1387 1 02/28/2005 Text icon Hornstein Foreign operating corporations definition modified, foreign royalties tax subtraction repealed, and certain income excluded.
House HF1383 1 02/28/2005 Text icon Dill Direct reduced ore production tax clarified.
House HF1368 6 03/22/2006 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Twins community ownership process provided.
House HF1362 4 04/04/2005 Text icon Jaros Credit scoring prohibited for automobile and homeowner's insurance.
House HF1341 2 03/09/2005 Text icon Peterson, N. State Board of Investment compensation plans regulated.
House HF1338 3 04/13/2005 Text icon Zellers Tobacco product delivery sales regulated.
House HF1314 2 05/12/2005 Text icon Davids Health care provider credit established for services to state health program recipients, third-party purchaser responsibilities provided, and itemized taxes authorized on certain billings.
House HF1264 1 02/24/2005 Text icon Anderson, I. Property taxpayers' trust fund established, revenues dedicated to paying property tax relief, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1242 1 02/22/2005 Text icon Westrom Telecommunications/Internet access equity aid provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1214 4 05/06/2005 Text icon Knoblach Blind and disabled persons accessible electronic information service established and money appropriated.
House HF1206 1 02/21/2005 Text icon Rukavina Municipal utilities construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
House HF1205 2 03/10/2005 Text icon Urdahl Rural economic development base funding level established including ethanol producer payments.
House HF1187 3 03/09/2006 Text icon Finstad Minnesota high school league events admissions exempted from the sales tax.
House HF1067 2 02/17/2005 Text icon Kohls Wage detail reports filing requirements modified relating to unemployment insurance.
House SF1064 9 05/18/2005 81 Text icon Knoblach Blind and disabled accessible electronic information service established, and money appropriated.
House HF1042 2 02/28/2005 Text icon Rukavina Video lottery terminals authorized, state lottery director duties and powers provided, and revenue uses specified.
House HF1026 5 05/23/2005 Text icon Rukavina Biomass; farm-grown closed-loop biomass definition expanded, and conditions for Public Utilities Commission approval of a pending request for a biomass project modified.
House HF0998 7 05/02/2005 Text icon Rukavina Traffic and vehicle inspection citation quotas prohibited.
House HF0991 6 04/04/2005 Text icon Heidgerken E85 motor vehicle fuel pump installation tax credit provided.
House HF0985 1 02/14/2005 Text icon Anderson, I. Rest area operation funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0968 2 02/14/2005 Text icon Kahn Sports wagering and sports wagering pool game established by state lottery, sports bookmaking licenses authorized, tax imposed, and Minnesota active recreation fund established.
House HF0963 5 03/17/2005 Text icon Smith Strangulation of family or household member crime established and penalties provided.
House HF0921 1 02/10/2005 Text icon Murphy Regent Candidate Advisory Council abolished.
House HF0905 6 05/02/2005 Text icon Rukavina County boards authorized to contract for the sale of biomass.
House SF0893 6 05/23/2005 Text icon Rukavina County boards authorized to contract for the sale of biomass.
House HF0883 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Vandeveer Disabled American Veterans members specified as eligible for special veterans service group license plates.
House HF0881 3 02/17/2005 Text icon Urdahl Peace officers required to make all reasonable efforts to contact parent or guardian of a cited minor.
House HF0868 9 05/13/2005 Text icon Peterson, A. Coyote (Canis latrans) destruction bounties authorized.
House SF0834 2 05/16/2005 Text icon Davnie CAFTA; a resolution memorializing Congress to oppose the Central American Free Trade Agreement.
House HF0785 39 05/20/2006 259 Text icon Krinkie Omnibus tax bill modifying income, franchise, property, sales and use, health care provider, cigarette and tobacco products, and other tax provisions; and appropriating money.
House HF0768 1 02/03/2005 Text icon Gunther Redevelopment account fund transfer authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0767 1 02/03/2005 Text icon Vandeveer Pull-tab purchase by employees of licensed organization lessors permitted.
House HF0754 1 02/03/2005 Text icon Rukavina City formula aid modified.
House HF0739 1 02/03/2005 Text icon Rukavina Cold weather protection established for consumers of delivered fuels.
House HF0696 1 02/03/2005 Text icon Solberg Grand Rapids Forest History Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0607 1 01/31/2005 Text icon Ellison Citizenship rights and eligibility to vote restored for certain convicted felons who are not incarcerated.
House HF0589 1 01/31/2005 Text icon Rukavina Virginia and Hibbing municipal utilities joint biomass energy venture authorized.
House HF0564 4 03/07/2005 Text icon Holberg Clean Indoor Air Act modified to preempt local regulation of smoking in public places, establishments allowing smoking required to register, criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF0563 9 04/07/2005 Text icon Knoblach Service cooperatives permitted to provide group health coverage to private employers.
House HF0546 2 02/03/2005 Text icon Lieder Bridge repair, replacement, and rehabilitation funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF0492 1 01/27/2005 Text icon Rukavina Aurora wastewater treatment plant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0479 2 01/31/2005 Text icon Rukavina Long-term care program funding restored, and money appropriated.
House HF0471 7 03/30/2006 Text icon Atkins Customer sales or service call center requirements imposed, and criminal penalty imposed.
House SF0467 7 05/02/2005 43 Text icon Vandeveer Washington County; Disabled Veterans Rest Camp on Big Marine Lake conditions and requirements provided, and property tax exemption provided.
House SF0418 5 05/23/2005 Text icon Rukavina County environmental trust fund deposit alternative investments authorized.
House HF0409 4 02/16/2005 Text icon Rukavina Minimum wage rate adjusted to account for annual inflation, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0401 1 01/24/2005 Text icon Rukavina Raffles with prizes under a specified limit per calendar year not required to register.
House HF0398 1 01/24/2005 Text icon Solberg Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board early separation incentive program authorized.
House HF0370 2 01/27/2005 Text icon Solberg Shooting range generally accepted operating practices defined relating to local ordinances, closing and relocation, noise standards, public access, and nuisance liability.
House HF0359 1 01/20/2005 Text icon Sertich Central Range Economic Development Initiative project predesign funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0339 3 02/16/2005 Text icon Howes Reforestation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0338 2 01/31/2005 Text icon Howes Public Facilities Authority wastewater infrastructure and other program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0320 1 01/20/2005 Text icon Anderson, B. Transportation certificates of assignment for funding of transportation provided.
House SF0310 2 02/28/2005 Text icon Blaine Township levy and spending authority clarified.
House HF0303 3 02/14/2005 Text icon Rukavina County environmental trust fund deposits alternative investments authorized.
House HF0283 3 02/03/2005 Text icon Zellers Minneapolis; Minnesota Shubert Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF0255 2 03/31/2005 Text icon Sertich MinnesotaCare covered health services modified, and limited benefits for certain single adults and households without children repealed.
House HF0240 1 01/13/2005 Text icon Rukavina Volunteer firefighter relief association consolidation provisions specified for Aurora, Biwabik, Hoyt Lakes, and Palo associations.
House HF0238 1 01/13/2005 Text icon Rukavina American flags sold required to be made in America.
House HF0231 2 01/20/2005 Text icon Dill Quick-response fire suppression aircraft funding provided to the Department of Natural Resources, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0210 4 03/07/2005 Text icon Blaine Fire departments reimbursed for expenses incurred in extinguishing motor vehicle fires, cities and towns authorized to collect unpaid bills for emergency services from nonresidents, and money appropriated.
House HF0209 4 02/24/2005 Text icon Blaine Township levy and spending authority clarified.
House SF0181 2 05/16/2005 Text icon Hilty St. Louis County; Biauswah Bridge over the St. Louis River and Roussain Cemetery in St. Louis County dedicated.
House HF0169 9 03/30/2006 Text icon Rukavina Homestead property tax exemption for permanently and totally disabled veterans or their spouses provided.
House HF0157 2 01/13/2005 Text icon Anderson, I. Itasca County Canisteo mine flooding alleviation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
House HF0156 3 02/10/2005 Text icon Anderson, I. Itasca County Canisteo mine pits water level control funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0154 1 01/12/2005 Text icon Rukavina Health commissioner required to seek federal approval for home delivery of WIC supplemental foods.
House HF0117 1 01/10/2005 Text icon Rukavina Virginia central steam heating system capital repair funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0104 2 01/12/2005 Text icon Rukavina Snowmobile insurance premium reduction required for snowmobiles installed with hazard lighting systems.
House HF0094 1 01/10/2005 Text icon Rukavina Eveleth police and fire trust fund benefits ad hoc postretirement adjustment provided.
House HF0066 6 02/21/2005 Text icon Otremba Medical assistance estate recovery provisions modified, alternative care costs recoveries eliminated, life estates and joint tenant interests liens removed, and money appropriated.
House HF0059 1 01/10/2005 Text icon Hilty Carlton County; Biauswah Bridge over the St. Louis River and Roussain Cemetery in Jay Cooke State Park dedicated.
House HF0056 1 01/06/2005 Text icon Rukavina No-fault automobile insurance benefit terminations and denials regulation provided.
House HF0055 2 01/10/2005 Text icon Rukavina Motor vehicle insurance samplings required to be sent by certified mail.
House HF0048 14 04/07/2005 Text icon Rukavina Minimum wage increased.
House HF0034 10 04/28/2005 Text icon Vandeveer Washington County; Disabled Veterans Rest Camp on Big Marine Lake excluded from the Big Marine Park Reserve, and veterans property protected from certain condemnation powers.
House HF0020 7 05/04/2005 Text icon Paulsen Organ donation income tax deduction provided.
House HF0015 1 01/06/2005 Text icon Rukavina Mesabi Station on the Mesabi Trail construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0012 7 03/20/2006 Text icon Rukavina Minors prohibited from employment where liquor is served or consumed.
House HF0008 1 01/06/2005 Text icon Rukavina Laurentian Energy Authority wood yard construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HR0005 9 02/28/2005 Text icon Sertich Roger Maris; a house resolution expressing the sense of the Minnesota House of Representatives that the Baseball Hall of Fame elect Roger Maris to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
House SF0003 16 05/03/2005 44 Text icon Rukavina Minimum wage increased.