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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

245 Documents Found in Legislative Session 84 (2005-2006)
for Authors of "Greiling"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4219 2 05/19/2006 Text icon Dittrich Financial literacy curriculum incorporated into high school graduation economics course requirements.
House HF4211 1 05/17/2006 Text icon Kahn Stem Cell Research Act of 2005; passage of the act by the United States Senate urged by resolution of the legislature.
House HF4197 2 05/21/2006 Text icon Anderson, B. Human services appeals oversight board established.
House HF4175 2 05/01/2006 Text icon Bernardy School district levies reduced, state tax treatment of foreign operating corporations clarified, and money appropriated.
House HF4173 4 05/08/2006 Text icon Sykora Early childhood family education funding increased.
House HF4150 1 04/18/2006 Text icon Bernardy School district property taxes and equity levy reduced, and operating capital levy eliminated.
House HF4140 2 04/12/2006 Text icon Greiling All-day kindergarten provided, and transitional tuition authorized.
House HF4139 4 05/15/2006 Text icon Greiling Education levies reduced, and foreign operating corporation income treatment modified under the corporate franchise tax.
House HF4077 1 04/03/2006 Text icon Greiling Secondary sparsity funding authorized for certain schools that primarily serve students who have been assessed as chemically dependent.
House HF4065 2 04/05/2006 Text icon Loeffler Special education litigation costs reporting required.
House HF4023 1 03/29/2006 Text icon Paymar Mental health assessments implemented for presentence investigations.
House HF4005 1 03/28/2006 Text icon Greiling Elderly income tax subtraction increased.
House HF3943 2 03/28/2006 Text icon Peterson, S. Child-relevant American sign language usage for second-language skills pilot program established, and money appropriated.
House HF3903 1 03/23/2006 Text icon Greiling Scholars of distinction program continued, and money appropriated.
House HF3883 6 03/27/2006 Text icon Peterson, A. Renewable energy standards utility requirements provided.
House HF3846 1 03/22/2006 Text icon Kelliher HIV information and referral service funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3820 2 03/23/2006 Text icon Sertich Nongovernmental Pharmaceutical Contracting Alliance funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3818 1 03/22/2006 Text icon Greiling Mental health services reimbursement expanded.
House HF3800 1 03/22/2006 Text icon Eastlund Minnesota Child, Family, and School Communications Protection Act adopted.
House HF3741 1 03/20/2006 Text icon Greiling Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3708 2 03/27/2006 Text icon Walker Comprehensive family life and sexuality education programs provided.
House HF3684 1 03/20/2006 Text icon Samuelson Day care providers authorized to use an alternative to chlorine bleach as a disinfectant in diaper changing areas.
House HF3672 2 03/22/2006 Text icon Davnie Minnesota Early Learning Foundation duties expanded, and money appropriated.
House HF3667 1 03/20/2006 Text icon Gunther Chiropractors advertising restrictions implemented.
House HF3661 2 03/23/2006 Text icon Samuelson Chemical health services interstate contracts provided.
House HF3654 1 03/16/2006 Text icon Knoblach Online learning providers required to include notice of state academic and testing requirements on course information memorandum, and online learning aid for nonresident students calculated as actual cost and administrative fees.
House HF3625 4 04/03/2006 Text icon Peppin Public employee insurance provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3599 2 03/20/2006 Text icon Meslow Socioemotional early childhood screening provided.
House HF3582 2 03/20/2006 Text icon Klinzing Student assessment and achievement evaluation funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3577 3 03/21/2006 Text icon Kelliher Program growth factor for regular special education added and aid increased.
House HF3570 1 03/15/2006 Text icon Welti Integration revenue school district process modified, integration activities emphasized, and plans and assistance required.
House HF3522 4 05/18/2006 Text icon Knoblach Prekindergarten through grade 12, early childhood, family, adult education, and human services programs forecast adjustments provided, human services savings implemented, and money appropriated.
House HF3469 1 03/13/2006 Text icon Greiling Residential lease termination upon tenant's admission to nursing home provided.
House HF3467 2 03/14/2006 Text icon Sailer Referendum equalization levy factor increased.
House HF3462 2 03/16/2006 Text icon Greiling Extended time revenue link to general education basic formula allowance provided.
House HF3425 3 03/27/2006 Text icon Urdahl Character development education revenue provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3339 3 03/16/2006 Text icon Abeler Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding phased in, fees authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF3332 3 03/27/2006 Text icon Greiling School performance report cards required to indicate the cut scores and corresponding percentages of items students must answer correctly at set performance levels.
House HF3323 3 03/27/2006 Text icon Cox General education basic formula allowance increased, and money appropriated.
House HF3318 2 03/13/2006 Text icon Nelson, P. Rush Line Corridor parking lots funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3317 2 03/13/2006 Text icon Ellison Elevated blood lead level prevention program established, and money appropriated.
House HF3296 1 03/09/2006 Text icon Greiling Independent School District No. 623, Roseville, fund transfer authorized.
House HF3294 1 03/09/2006 Text icon Greiling Mandatory retirement prohibited.
House HF3259 11 05/08/2006 Text icon Slawik Child care assistance eligibility requirements modified, sliding fee child care schedule established, reimbursement rates for child care providers modified, provider rate differential established, and money appropriated.
House HF3257 3 03/13/2006 Text icon Mariani Prekindergarten program funding restored in certain cases.
House HF3252 3 03/23/2006 Text icon Seifert Postsecondary courses offered in secondary schools agreement requirements clarified.
House HF3232 1 03/08/2006 Text icon Charron Cost factor and wage rate difference in school districts examination required.
House HF3231 5 04/11/2006 Text icon Sykora Operating capital levy reduced and operating capital equalizing factor restored.
House HF3230 3 03/13/2006 Text icon Meslow School district technology funding increased, and money appropriated.
House HF3223 4 03/21/2006 Text icon Dorman Increased school district heating and transportation fuel cost grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3205 1 03/08/2006 Text icon Clark Registered predatory offender attendance of chemical abuse treatment groups including members of the same gender as their victims prohibited.
House HF3182 2 03/09/2006 Text icon Jaros Cell phone use prohibited while operating a motor vehicle.
House HF3175 6 03/20/2006 Text icon Liebling School districts authorized to include energy efficiency improvement projects in alternative facilities plans.
House HF3159 2 03/09/2006 Text icon Ellison Pesticide application notice required.
House HF3131 5 03/28/2006 Text icon Sykora Health reinsurance program provision by service cooperatives and local government participation in programs authorized.
House HF3109 1 03/02/2006 Text icon Samuelson Ramsey County teen parents child care pilot project authorized.
House HF3107 1 03/02/2006 Text icon Samuelson Ramsey County nursing facility rate increase determination provided.
House HF3104 2 03/08/2006 Text icon Goodwin Failure to dispense prescriptions drugs penalties provided.
House HF3060 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Howes Forest land acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3034 2 03/08/2006 Text icon Hornstein Mental health fatality review team established, and money appropriated.
House HF3025 2 03/08/2006 Text icon Lesch Fair Share Health Care Fund established, large employers required to report health care costs, and payments and subsidies established.
House HF2992 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Greiling Prescriptions; notice required when a prescription drug is removed from the formulary due to the failure of the manufacturer to sign a rebate agreement.
House HF2979 3 03/08/2006 Text icon Hausman Central Corridor Transit Way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2975 3 03/27/2006 Text icon Greiling Mental health parity required in group disability income insurance policies.
House HF2963 4 03/20/2006 Text icon Liebling California low emission vehicle standards adopted, and federal Clean Air Act updates provided.
House HF2958 4 03/20/2006 Text icon Greiling Lobbyist disclosure requirements increased, certain conference committee communications required to be open to the public, former legislators and employees prohibited from lobbying for two years, and contributions limited.
House HF2957 4 03/09/2006 Text icon Ruud Special education federal funding urged by resolution to the President and Congress.
House HF2927 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Abeler Sick leave benefits use modified, Internet-based caregiver support system established, and money appropriated.
House HF2885 2 03/08/2006 Text icon Erickson Library accessibility and improvement grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2873 4 03/20/2006 Text icon Lenczewski Revenue forecast required to account for inflation.
House HF2868 2 03/08/2006 Text icon Greiling Adult consultation prior to juvenile waiving guaranteed rights required.
House HF2864 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Tingelstad Metropolitan regional park acquisition and betterment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2835 7 03/21/2006 Text icon Cox Mercury emissions limits for coal-fired electric generating facilities imposed, emissions report requirements and reduction-rate rider modified.
House HF2830 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Greiling Retired pensioners income tax subtraction created.
House HF2777 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Scalze Legislative appropriations continued in odd-numbered years unless amended or eliminated.
House HF2738 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Meslow School districts belonging to an intermediate school district authorized to levy for school safety activities.
House HF2710 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Greiling Roseville; John Rose Minnesota Oval renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2705 2 03/20/2006 Text icon Howes Health impact fee references changed to health impact tax, and tax repealed.
House HF2671 2 03/09/2006 Text icon Greiling Volunteer income tax credit provided for parents volunteering at child's school or child care.
House HF2650 2 03/02/2006 Text icon Fritz Minnesota State Academies capital improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2644 1 03/01/2006 Text icon Scalze Rice Street bridge over Highway 36 in Ramsey County funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2504 1 05/06/2005 Text icon Erhardt Motor fuel tax rates increased, vehicle registration tax modified, county state-aid fund distribution formula revised, local wheelage taxes authorized, trunk highway bonds issued, money appropriated, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2473 1 04/22/2005 Text icon Greiling School districts authorized to participate in the state employee health insurance plan.
House HF2458 2 04/21/2005 Text icon Greiling Child care assistance, early childhood family education, community education, special education, and general education funding increased; child care fees reduced; temporary income tax surtax imposed; and money appropriated.
House HF2435 3 05/03/2005 Text icon Lenczewski Dependent care credit and working family credit inflationary and family size adjustments provided.
House HF2430 2 04/03/2006 Text icon Ellison Quantum opportunities program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2410 1 04/13/2005 Text icon Greiling School administrators retirement option provided to elect defined contribution plan coverage, and Teacher Retirement Association authorized to enter into cooperative agreements with other states.
House HF2370 1 04/07/2005 Text icon Lenczewski Tax increment financing; new districts or expansions of existing districts prohibited.
House HF2368 2 04/21/2005 Text icon Mariani College in the schools program aid provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2345 3 04/03/2006 Text icon Eken Declining pupil unit aid formula modified.
House HF2340 1 04/06/2005 Text icon Zellers School readiness project planning grants authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2199 3 04/13/2005 Text icon Johnson, R. Suicide prevention program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2198 1 03/30/2005 Text icon Mariani Charter school pupil transportation formulas modified.
House HF2194 4 04/06/2005 Text icon Mariani Mercury emissions limits imposed for coal-fired electric generating facilities, and grant program established to research mercury reduction technology for taconite processing.
House HF2158 3 04/11/2005 Text icon Johnson, R. Middle school math and science initiatives funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2128 2 03/30/2005 Text icon Sykora Regular special education revenue restored and state budget reserve priority added.
House HF2124 1 03/29/2005 Text icon Kahn Interaction with third-party consultant regarding bond underwriting services by bonding authorities and political subdivisions prohibited.
House HF2122 1 03/29/2005 Text icon Goodwin Social services for children with serious emotional disturbances specified.
House HF2116 7 04/10/2006 Text icon Emmer Campaign finance disclosure requirements modified, independent political party expenditures limited, electioneering communications regulated, specified expenditure limits increased, and online campaign finance working group established.
House HF2106 3 04/21/2005 Text icon Carlson Basic education formula allowance increased, early childhood family education program revenue restored, and money appropriated.
House HF2078 4 04/11/2005 Text icon Charron Education price index created and annual computation of basic revenue provided.
House HF2052 1 03/22/2005 Text icon Abeler Pupil transportation cost equalized aid and levy authorized.
House HF2050 1 03/22/2005 Text icon Anderson, B. Health care records access modified.
House HF2016 1 03/21/2005 Text icon Abeler Positive educational behavioral supports authorized, including physical intervention, and isolation time-outs.
House HF1974 1 03/21/2005 Text icon Erhardt School district levy authorities restored.
House HF1960 1 03/21/2005 Text icon Slawik Special instruction provided for prekindergarten children with disabilities.
House HF1947 1 03/17/2005 Text icon Peterson, S. Desegregation / integration plan learning opportunities clarified.
House HF1946 1 03/17/2005 Text icon Peterson, S. School finance system provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1876 2 04/21/2005 Text icon Huntley Nursing home license surcharge reduced, and cigarette tax increased.
House HF1856 2 04/07/2005 Text icon Tingelstad Law enforcement teachers required to be licensed as peace officers.
House HF1852 1 03/16/2005 Text icon Klinzing Teacher content-based professional development grant provided to the Minnesota Humanities Commission, and money appropriated.
House HF1823 1 03/16/2005 Text icon Eken Income tax rates modified, credit provided for nursing home residents, and money appropriated.
House HF1798 12 04/04/2006 Text icon Peterson, A. Utilities required to meet certain renewable energy standards.
House HF1769 2 04/06/2005 Text icon Hornstein No Child Left Behind Act and other student testing laws evaluated by the Office of Educational Accountability.
House HF1760 5 04/11/2005 Text icon Tingelstad Human trafficking crimes specified, forfeiture of property provided, sex trafficking included in prostitution crimes, study and training required, victim services and public awareness programs provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1759 2 05/04/2005 Text icon Meslow Early childhood development screening expanded, school readiness kindergarten assessment initiative established, and money appropriated.
House HF1733 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Kahn Adverse Health Care Events Reporting Act expanded to include facility-acquired infection rates.
House HF1714 3 04/11/2005 Text icon Kahn Coya Knutson memorial construction required for the Capitol grounds and in the city of Oklee.
House HF1695 2 03/14/2005 Text icon Sykora Regent candidate recommendation method modified.
House HF1680 2 04/14/2005 Text icon Meslow Licensed student support services student access provided.
House HF1665 1 03/10/2005 Text icon Hackbarth Metropolitan Regional Parks System funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1646 1 03/09/2005 Text icon Ruud School districts required to comply with the schools interoperability framework specifications, and school data sharing working group established.
House HF1544 3 03/17/2005 Text icon Klinzing Charter school student participation in resident school district extracurricular activities authorized.
House HF1536 6 03/29/2005 Text icon Gazelka Marriage and marriage dissolution fees adjusted to fund employment opportunities, and money appropriated.
House HF1516 1 03/03/2005 Text icon Paymar Individual income tax rates increased.
House HF1513 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Greiling Socioemotional development included in early childhood health and development screening, and mental health screening availability included in notice to parents of truant children.
House HF1503 1 03/03/2005 Text icon Simon Education commissioner's role in recommending school finance changes strengthened.
House HF1491 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Greiling Postpartum depression information provided to mothers and their families.
House HF1490 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Greiling No Child Left Behind Act; a resolution memorializing Congress to amend the No Child Left Behind Act according to the recommendations of the National Conference of State Legislatures' task force on No Child Left Behind.
House HF1489 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Greiling No Child Left Behind continued implementation conditions imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF1483 1 03/03/2005 Text icon Greiling State vendor preference provided to vendors with certain mental health benefits.
House HF1476 2 04/11/2006 Text icon Slawik Antibullying staff development training directed under the safe schools levy.
House HF1427 1 03/03/2005 Text icon Sieben Social Security; a resolution memorializing Congress to preserve Social Security.
House HF1419 7 05/04/2005 Text icon Sykora Minnesota Early Learning Foundation established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1409 2 03/14/2005 Text icon Scalze State fire marshal budget base increased.
House HF1393 2 04/11/2005 Text icon Holberg Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport additional taxicabs provided, taxi services fees increased, transfer of permits authorized, unsafe rules prohibited, and report provided.
House HF1373 1 02/28/2005 Text icon Clark AIDS prevention initiative grants established focusing on African-born Minnesotans, and money appropriated.
House HF1331 1 02/24/2005 Text icon Greiling Parenting time expeditor fees jurisdiction provided, and court communication about parenting time disputes authorized.
House HF1330 1 02/24/2005 Text icon Greiling Allergenic latex limited in food and beverage service establishments.
House HF1329 5 04/13/2005 Text icon Slawik Child care assistance income eligibility provisions modified, provider rate differential for accreditation established, license fees temporarily suspended, and fee schedule modified.
House HF1315 2 02/28/2005 Text icon Opatz Age minimum to hold elected office lowered from 21 to 18, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1311 4 03/01/2006 Text icon Paymar Mourning dove hunting prohibited.
House HF1310 2 02/28/2005 Text icon Sykora Minnesota Learning Resource Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1301 1 02/24/2005 Text icon Walker Sexuality and comprehensive family life education programs provided.
House HF1300 1 02/24/2005 Text icon Greiling Sexuality and comprehensive family life education program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1283 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Abeler Pupil units modified and formula allowance increased.
House HF1266 3 04/11/2005 Text icon Bradley Discharge plans for offenders with mental illnesses modified, medical assistance eligibility clarified, prescription drug purchasing pool authorized, and housing funds allocated to employment support.
House SF1245 2 03/21/2005 Text icon Greiling No Child Left Behind Act; a resolution memorializing Congress to amend the No Child Left Behind Act according to the recommendations of the National Conference of State Legislatures' task force on No Child Left Behind.
House HF1225 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Sieben International baccalaureate pilot program provided for elementary and middle school years, and money appropriated.
House HF1216 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Abeler Charter schools provided state facilities aid for lease, purchase, renovation, or construction of school buildings, or for rent, lease, or purchase of land.
House HF1210 4 04/14/2005 Text icon Ruud Student information and reporting system working group established, and report required.
House HF1199 2 03/10/2005 Text icon Carlson Motor vehicle lemon law extended to include motor boats.
House HF1183 11 04/13/2005 Text icon Meslow Basic formula allowance increased, and special education growth factors restored.
House HF1167 1 02/21/2005 Text icon Abeler Adult basic education formula modified, grants awarded, and money appropriated.
House HF1166 4 03/16/2005 Text icon Erickson Library and library programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1148 1 02/17/2005 Text icon Greiling Discharge plans provided for offenders with serious and persistent mental illness who are released from county jails or county regional jails, and money appropriated.
House HF1121 2 03/10/2005 Text icon Ruud Operating referendum ballot language simplified relating to education finance.
House HF1117 1 02/17/2005 Text icon Greiling Medical assistance asset limit modified for persons who are aged, blind, or disabled.
House HF1111 1 02/17/2005 Text icon Sykora Collaborative urban educator recruitment and training program grants authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF1108 2 04/04/2005 Text icon Greiling Early intervention services expanded relating to civil commitment of chemically dependent pregnant women.
House HF1106 6 04/24/2006 Text icon Greiling Limited liability provided for certain conduct of persons released from confinement related to use or nonuse of prescribed medicines.
House HF1098 4 04/11/2005 Text icon Clark Human services, medical assistance liens, and individual income tax and corporate franchise tax provisions modified.
House HF1090 1 02/17/2005 Text icon Buesgens Noncurricular athletic and fine arts activities for youth transferred from school districts to local governments.
House HF1088 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Slawik Prejudgment garnishments prohibited in certain circumstances.
House HF1086 5 03/21/2005 Text icon Powell School districts authorized to replace state shortfalls in special education funding with local levy authority, and local discretionary levy authorized.
House HF1079 3 02/22/2005 Text icon Greiling Nonpublic schools subjected to the pupil fair dismissal law and other requirements if families of students attending claim a tax credit for education-related expenses.
House HF1060 1 02/16/2005 Text icon Davnie Individual education plan development and tuition billing resident district participation conditions provided.
House SF1040 9 05/20/2006 266 Text icon Greiling Released prisoners and committed persons physicians liability limited relating to use of prescriptions.
House HF1040 3 03/29/2005 Text icon Finstad School and mental health provider collaboration task force established.
House HF1023 1 02/14/2005 Text icon Johnson, R. Supportive community partnerships grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1017 2 02/16/2005 Text icon Paymar Advertising adjacent to highways regulated.
House HF0992 4 04/11/2005 Text icon Vandeveer Homestead property tax computation usage of household income provided.
House HF0970 1 02/10/2005 Text icon Greiling Teachers Retirement Association grandparenting of certain career-end school administrator salary arrangements provided.
House SF0969 5 05/23/2005 Text icon Hamilton State policy on minimizing energy use and requiring renewable fuels clarified.
House HF0937 1 02/10/2005 Text icon Goodwin Medical assistance covered services modified.
House HF0927 2 02/14/2005 Text icon Sieben Gift certificates and gift cards regulated and remedies provided.
House HF0903 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Sykora Charter schools authorized to limit admission to chemically dependent students.
House HF0897 1 02/10/2005 Text icon Abeler Mental health epidemiological studies directed, mental health epidemiologist provided within the Health Department, and money appropriated.
House HF0891 1 02/10/2005 Text icon Thissen Prescription drug provisions under medical assistance clarified and modified.
House HF0878 2 02/16/2005 Text icon Erickson School districts authorized to determine the school year starting date.
House HF0876 2 02/14/2005 Text icon Greiling Special education excessive costs state payment required.
House HF0875 3 02/28/2005 Text icon Abrams Cigarette cost mitigation fee established, and health care provider tax repealed.
House HF0858 3 03/09/2005 Text icon Wardlow State Office Building renamed the Edward A. Burdick State Office Building.
House HF0834 3 04/14/2005 Text icon Dittrich School district authority granted to offer certain rewards to persons who provide information that leads to the apprehension and arrest of a person or persons who have committed a crime against school property, students, or personnel.
House HF0831 2 02/10/2005 Text icon Fritz Absentee ballot voting eligibility requirements eliminated.
House HF0828 2 02/10/2005 Text icon Greiling Political parties receiving a public subsidy prohibited from making independent expenditures, specified funding available only to candidates who agree to spending limits, spending limits imposed on caucuses, and refund amount increased.
House HF0827 7 04/07/2005 Text icon Greiling World language programs state coordinator provided, grants provided to model extended world languages programs, and money appropriated.
House HF0826 11 05/19/2005 Text icon Ozment Clean Water Legacy Act established providing authority, direction, and funding to achieve and maintain water quality standards for surface waters in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act, and money appropriated.
House HF0780 6 05/20/2005 Text icon Ruud Educator expense income tax deduction federal conformity required.
House HF0777 1 02/03/2005 Text icon Johnson, S. Limited English proficiency program funding restored.
House HF0772 2 02/28/2005 Text icon Davnie Staff development funding for school districts with schools not making adequate yearly progress authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0763 2 03/16/2005 Text icon Goodwin Collaborative services for at-risk children program funding required.
House HF0762 2 04/14/2005 Text icon Kelliher Truant children parental notice inclusion of possible availability of mental health screening provided.
House SF0762 25 05/20/2006 251 Text icon Ozment Clean Water Legacy Act established, water quality standards provided in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act, loans and grants established, phosphorous discharge rules report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0758 3 03/10/2005 Text icon Mahoney Manufactured home park sale notices required.
House HF0721 2 02/10/2005 Text icon Meslow Student support services advisory committee established, and school districts required to adopt support services plan.
House HF0712 3 02/16/2005 Text icon Clark Self-defense and conflict resolution training authorized for sixth through eighth grade students, and model curriculum required.
House HF0710 3 03/07/2005 Text icon Sykora Basic community education program funding restored, and money appropriated.
House HF0706 1 02/03/2005 Text icon Lenczewski Candidate statements of economic interest required to contain disclosures concerning immediate family members and certain contracts and other specified arrangements.
House HF0687 2 02/24/2005 Text icon Bernardy Alcohol sales to underage persons minimum administrative penalties imposed.
House HF0659 4 03/01/2006 Text icon Tingelstad Adoption records access and services provided.
House HF0655 6 04/26/2005 Text icon Clark WIC coupons authorized for purchase of organic foods.
House HF0646 6 04/21/2005 Text icon Sieben Family planning services access increased, pregnancy education expanded, wholesome after-school youth activities increased, comprehensive family life and sexuality education plan required, and money appropriated.
House HF0629 6 03/30/2005 Text icon Kelliher University of Minnesota health professional programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0617 1 01/31/2005 Text icon Greiling Contract alternative education program students over the age of 21 allowed to continue to receive instruction until graduation.
House HF0594 6 03/21/2005 Text icon Bernardy Gifted and talented student program guidelines established, and permanent gifted and talented program funding made a component of general education revenue.
House HF0560 7 04/29/2005 Text icon Hamilton State policy on minimizing energy use and requiring renewable fuels clarified.
House HF0515 5 05/23/2005 Text icon Holberg Legislature size specified and legislative districts coordinated.
House HF0490 6 04/13/2005 Text icon Cox Intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation division of costs modified, and plan required.
House HF0481 3 02/16/2005 Text icon Mariani Minnesota Universal Health Board established, universal health program and health care trust fund created, statewide and regional health care budgets provided, public health goals requirement repealed, and money appropriated.
House HF0414 3 02/03/2005 Text icon Paulsen Wildlife management area land acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0412 2 01/27/2005 Text icon Latz Freedom to Breathe Act of 2005 established requiring persons to refrain from smoking in certain areas including places of employment, public transportation, bars, and restaurants.
House HF0409 4 02/16/2005 Text icon Rukavina Minimum wage rate adjusted to account for annual inflation, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0408 1 01/24/2005 Text icon Slawik Intimidation and bullying model school policy provided.
House HF0396 2 01/27/2005 Text icon Davnie Outcome standards required for supplemental education service providers.
House HF0393 3 03/01/2006 Text icon Latz Gift certificate and gift card expiration dates and service fees prohibited.
House HF0363 2 02/14/2005 Text icon Davnie Middle school students provided access to higher grade level courses.
House HF0322 2 01/24/2005 Text icon Nelson, P. Rush Line Corridor Busway funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0312 1 01/20/2005 Text icon Hosch School health and safety program expansion authorized to include school safety costs associated with student support services.
House HF0291 5 02/24/2005 Text icon Sykora Community education facility levy authorized.
House HF0264 2 03/07/2005 Text icon Slawik Early childhood learning and child protection facilities funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0247 2 01/20/2005 Text icon Johnson, J. School district referendum allowance limit repealed.
House HF0232 3 03/14/2005 Text icon Bernardy Basic education formula allowance increased; special education, limited English proficiency programs, early education, after-school programs, and adult basic education funding restored; levy authority reinstated; and money appropriated.
House HF0195 3 03/13/2006 Text icon Greiling Open enrollment student referendum aid adjustment modified and statewide property tax altered.
House HF0191 5 01/24/2005 Text icon Hausman Central Corridor Transit Way funding provided between St. Paul and Minneapolis, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0180 2 01/13/2005 Text icon Paymar Limited market value law made permanent.
House HF0169 9 03/30/2006 Text icon Rukavina Homestead property tax exemption for permanently and totally disabled veterans or their spouses provided.
House HF0153 4 03/17/2005 Text icon Huntley Health care premium rate restrictions, cost containment provisions, loan forgiveness programs, medical assistance, general assistance medical care, and MinnesotaCare programs modified; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF0150 2 01/13/2005 Text icon Peterson, S. Principled pay practices and site-based achievement contracts provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0149 4 01/24/2005 Text icon Slawik Special education program growth factors restored, and money appropriated.
House HF0148 8 03/09/2005 Text icon Greiling Education finance funding for special education, LEP, early education, after-school, and adult basic education programs restored; basic formula allowance increased; levy authority restored; and money appropriated.
House HF0141 3 01/20/2005 Text icon Slawik Technology and transportation school district levies authorized.
House HF0132 13 05/01/2006 Text icon Thissen Children's health security account and program created; eligibility criteria, services, and administrative procedures specified; tobacco tax increased; and money appropriated.
House HF0111 1 01/10/2005 Text icon Greiling Office of Educational Accountability funding provided through the University of Minnesota, and money appropriated.
House HF0087 4 03/09/2005 Text icon Kahn Hospitals and outpatient surgical centers required to report acquired infections, and advisory committee established.
House HF0060 2 01/13/2005 Text icon Greiling Education commissioner eliminated as an eligible charter school sponsor.
House HF0049 3 01/12/2005 Text icon Scalze Voluntary clean campaign council, pledge, and advertising code established; campaign and independent expenditures definitions clarified; and disclaimer requirements provided for campaign material.
House HF0048 14 04/07/2005 Text icon Rukavina Minimum wage increased.
House HF0023 3 01/12/2005 Text icon Mariani No Child Left Behind Act; education commissioner directed to seek a waiver from ineffective provisions of the federal No Child Left Behind Act, reports required, supplemental educational services funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0018 3 01/31/2005 Text icon Jaros Cell phone use in motor vehicles required to be hands-free except in case of emergency.
House HF0017 1 01/06/2005 Text icon Greiling Criminal responsibility of mentally ill or deficient provided, and insanity defense clarified.
House HF0016 6 02/17/2005 Text icon Carlson Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding established.
House HF0013 4 02/07/2005 Text icon Kahn Stem cell research state policy established, criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF0010 7 04/07/2005 Text icon Lenczewski Revenue forecast required to account for inflation.
House SF0003 16 05/03/2005 44 Text icon Rukavina Minimum wage increased.