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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

103 Documents Found in Legislative Session 83 (2003-2004)
for Authors of "Westrom"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0001 15 01/30/2003 Text icon Stanek Anti-terrorism; driver's license information regulation provided including proof of identity and residency, and federal laws and regulations adopted.
House HF0587 1 02/24/2003 Text icon Urdahl Rural Minnesota Catch-Up Credit income tax credit provided for job creation and retention.
House HF0245 2 02/27/2003 Text icon Westrom Alexandria; Lakes Area Economic Development Authority established.
House HF0669 1 03/03/2003 Text icon Holberg Woman's Right to Know Act requiring informed consent of a female upon whom an abortion is performed, and providing civil remedies.
House HF0596 3 03/06/2003 Text icon Westrom Service animals; harming a service animal criminal penalties and restitution provided.
House HF0003 4 03/10/2003 Text icon Magnus Tax-free property zones established, exemptions provided for individuals and businesses, state aid and repayment of tax benefits provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0296 2 03/10/2003 Text icon Peterson General education aid increased proportionately for rural and metropolitan school districts.
House HF0664 5 03/13/2003 Text icon Eastlund Child support guidelines provided, fee imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF0884 2 03/17/2003 Text icon Pelowski Higher education financial aid provisions modified to include a service requirement for certain stipends.
House HF0928 1 03/17/2003 Text icon Nornes Fergus Falls veterans home dementia special care unit addition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0940 1 03/17/2003 Text icon Kelliher Distributed generation cooperatives formation authorized.
House HF0006 9 03/20/2003 Text icon Anderson, B. Pledge of Allegiance recitation required in all public schools, and United States flag etiquette instruction provided.
House HF0005 9 03/24/2003 Text icon Bradley Prescription drug program established and money appropriated.
House HF0450 3 03/24/2003 Text icon Brod License plates; alternative E85 fuel special license plates authorized, and use of high-occupancy vehicle lanes authorized.
House HF0502 3 03/24/2003 Text icon Seifert Prison privatization proposals requested, prison services contracting standards established, and report required.
House HF1138 1 03/24/2003 Text icon Clark Minneapolis authorized to issue an on-sale wine and malt liquor license to the Jungle Theater.
House HF0277 4 03/26/2003 Text icon Penas Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of 2003 adopted recognizing the right of law-abiding citizens to self-protection, authorizing pistol permits, providing criminal penalties, and appropriating money.
House HF0477 4 03/26/2003 Text icon Olson, M. Minnesota Regulated Public Transit Utilities Act established.
House HF1013 3 03/26/2003 Text icon Olson, M. Public debt allowed for loans for personal rapid transit systems and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1175 1 03/26/2003 Text icon Otremba Hearing instrument dispensers fee and reimbursement provisions modified and certain rule amendments required.
House HF1240 1 03/26/2003 Text icon Magnus Wind energy eligible for incentive payments amount increased.
House HF1250 1 03/26/2003 Text icon Dorn Electric generation facility personal property exempted from taxation.
House HF0617 7 03/31/2003 Text icon Soderstrom Prescription drug assistance program established through the Board on Aging, and appropriations transferred.
House HF0625 2 03/31/2003 Text icon Westrom Central Lakes Region Sanitary Sewer District established.
House HF0590 3 04/03/2003 Text icon Haas Child care assistance fraud prevention provisions adopted and criminal background check county fee permitted.
House HF0899 3 04/03/2003 Text icon Dorman Ethanol content increased in all gasoline sold in Minnesota.
House HF1498 1 04/07/2003 Text icon Davids Open video telecommunications systems regulation provided.
House HF1096 3 04/09/2003 Text icon Harder Rural economic infrastructure opportunities expanded, and annual appropriation established for ethanol production and other rural infrastructure.
House HF1307 2 04/09/2003 Text icon Westrom Corrections commissioner authorized to contract with private agencies, and requests for proposals relating to privatizing state prison system required.
House HF1508 2 04/10/2003 Text icon Hackbarth Game farm and hunting preserve fees exempted from the sales and use tax.
House HF1533 1 04/14/2003 Text icon Westrom Poultry litter biomass electric generation facility property tax exemption construction date requirement extended.
House HF0496 7 04/22/2003 Text icon Abeler Nurse temporary licensure provisions modified.
House HF1333 8 04/22/2003 Text icon Westrom Renewable energy production incentive requirements clarified relating to small wind energy conversion and on-farm biogas recovery facilities, electric utilities assessed for funding, and megawatts limit increased.
House HF1560 1 04/22/2003 Text icon Erickson Family planning grant funds prohibited from being used to subsidize abortion services.
House HF1502 4 04/29/2003 Text icon Dorman Market value homestead credit reimbursement to cities payment eliminated, transit levy authority reinstated, additional transit financing means provided, and local government aid to cities reduced.
House HF1592 1 04/30/2003 Text icon Westrom Property tax refund schedule modified for homeowners and renters.
House HR0009 10 05/05/2003 Text icon Boudreau A house resolution recognizing May 1, 2003, as a Day of Prayer in Minnesota.
House HF0775 10 05/15/2003 Text icon Westrom Radioactive waste management provisions modified, dry cask storage at Prairie Island authorized, commission approval required for additional storage capacity for spent nuclear fuel, and renewable energy source funding required.
House HF0984 16 05/16/2003 105 Text icon Swenson Minnesota Cooperative Associations Act adopted authorizing businesses to organize as cooperative associations.
House HF1105 4 05/16/2003 Text icon Dorman Individual income tax checkoffs provided for additional funding to K-1 education, health care, higher education, early childhood and family education, and state parks.
House HF0110 14 05/19/2003 Text icon Smith Minnesota Child Support Act established; family law reform and recodification relating to marriage dissolution, child custody, child support, maintenance, and property division provided; and money appropriated.
House SF0233 5 05/19/2003 Text icon Abeler Nurse temporary licensure provisions modified.
House SF0287 23 05/19/2003 120 Text icon Anderson, B. Pledge of allegiance recitation required in all public schools, and United States flag etiquette instruction provided.
House HF0687 7 05/19/2003 Text icon Simpson Public Utilities Commission membership required to include at least two members from outside the metropolitan area, and utility regulatory review and report required.
House SF0794 20 05/19/2003 Text icon Westrom Radioactive waste management provisions modified, dry cask storage at Prairie Island authorized, commission approval required for additional storage capacity for spent nuclear fuel, and renewable energy source funding required.
House HF0923 12 05/19/2003 119 Text icon Westrom Township officer conflict of interest law exception provided, and town of White reimbursement from city of Biwabik authorized according to orderly annexation agreement.
House HF0964 6 05/19/2003 Text icon Beard Innovative energy generation technology promoted and incentives provided.
House HF1306 4 05/19/2003 Text icon Westrom Breath alcohol testing devices in liquor establishments immunity from liability provisions modified.
House HF1744 1 02/02/2004 Text icon Westrom Metro Mobility taxi fare subsidy expenditure required.
House HF1745 1 02/02/2004 Text icon Westrom Highway rest areas required to have at least one toilet useable by either gender if constructed or remodeled after August 1, 2004.
House HF1746 1 02/02/2004 Text icon Westrom Driver's license suspension made effective only after proof of delivery of notice, and expired license conviction prohibited if certain conditions are met.
House HF1772 1 02/02/2004 Text icon Westrom Independent School District No. 771, Chokio-Alberta, fund transfer authorized.
House HR0014 3 02/05/2004 Text icon Peterson A house resolution honoring the memory of Chuck Brown.
House HF1852 1 02/05/2004 Text icon Knoblach State regional park funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1952 1 02/09/2004 Text icon Nornes Fergus Falls campus of Minnesota State Community and Technical College funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2150 1 02/16/2004 Text icon Westrom Public Utilities Commission required to have two members from rural Minnesota.
House HF2201 1 02/19/2004 Text icon Westrom Wireless telecommunications service required to provide statewide service.
House HF2202 1 02/19/2004 Text icon Westrom Renewable energy expenditures required.
House HF1521 4 02/23/2004 Text icon Nornes Veterans Homes Board funding provided for state share of specified projects, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2369 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Westrom Cold weather utility disconnection rule modified.
House HF2451 1 02/26/2004 Text icon Simpson Energy capital assistance program funding using proceeds from renewable development account provided, and administrative changes specified.
House HF2481 1 02/26/2004 Text icon Dorn Electric generation facility property tax exemption extended.
House HF2542 1 02/26/2004 Text icon Westrom Cable franchise procedures and requirements modified.
House HF2507 2 03/01/2004 Text icon Dorman Nursing facility case-mix payment rates based upon statewide averages.
House HF2514 2 03/01/2004 Text icon Seifert Corrections commissioner required to request proposals for housing individuals committed to the state in private prisons.
House HF1670 7 03/03/2004 Text icon Urdahl Manure digester loans interest-free status extended.
House HF0885 13 03/04/2004 Text icon Seifert Canning; food licensing and inspection requirements exemption provided for producers of certain home-processed and home-canned foods, and food licensing and inspection requirements clarified.
House HF2268 2 03/04/2004 Text icon Magnus Wind energy development regulated, reliability administrator position duration extended, and renewable energy development director temporary position established.
House HF2761 1 03/04/2004 Text icon Wagenius Wind energy competitive bid exemption provided.
House HF1650 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Olson, M. Personal rapid transit local bonding authorized.
House HF1743 9 03/08/2004 Text icon Westrom Public utility performance-based regulation plan purpose modified, review and approval criteria deleted, reporting date changed, and sunsets repealed.
House HF2927 1 03/10/2004 Text icon Anderson, I. Biomass facilities defined as eligible for renewable energy production incentive.
House HF2948 1 03/10/2004 Text icon Lipman E-mail message transmission criminal penalties provided under specified conditions relating to consumer protection.
House HF0892 11 03/11/2004 Text icon Gunther Independent telephone companies deregulated.
House HF2497 4 03/11/2004 Text icon Westrom Child protection relative search requirements modified.
House HF2539 3 03/11/2004 Text icon Hornstein Toll facilities plan preparation required and noncompete provisions in toll facility development agreements restriction or prohibition of development, design, construction, or operation of public transit prohibited.
House HF2950 1 03/11/2004 Text icon Westrom Administration Department provision of telecommunications and information services modified.
House HF2965 1 03/11/2004 Text icon Westrom Debt service equalization aid program modified to encourage sound historic preservation and cost-efficient remodeling projects, and review and comment process clarified.
House HF2983 1 03/11/2004 Text icon Westrom Nondiscriminatory telecommunications intercarrier compensation provided.
House HF0985 2 03/15/2004 Text icon Westrom Gross weight restriction maximum increased for certain vehicles and combinations on noninterstate trunk highways.
House SF2182 6 03/15/2004 138 Text icon Westrom Performance-based gas utility regulation sunset repealed, and performance-based regulation plans regulated.
House HF2806 4 03/15/2004 Text icon Westrom Renewable energy working group established to study renewable energy development in the state, and report required.
House HF3036 1 03/15/2004 Text icon Peterson Swift County; Chuck Brown Memorial Building construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2839 2 03/18/2004 Text icon Clark Biomass electric generation facility property tax exemption provided.
House HF3108 1 03/22/2004 Text icon Westrom Lakes Area Economic Development Authority authorized to levy a property tax.
House HF2798 10 03/24/2004 Text icon Holberg Marriage defined as a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1668 4 03/25/2004 Text icon Urdahl Dairy operation investment individual income and corporate franchise tax credit provided for qualifying investments.
House HF3162 1 04/05/2004 Text icon Westrom County aid program tax base equalization aid formula adjusted.
House HF3164 1 04/05/2004 Text icon Urdahl Obesity and weight gain civil actions prohibited.
House HF3115 3 04/07/2004 Text icon Westrom Biomass electric generation facility property tax exemption construction date requirement extended, and sales tax exemption extended.
House SF1614 6 04/12/2004 159 Text icon Kohls Service animals; criminal penalties imposed, restitution required, and civil liability clarified for harm done by dogs to service animals.
House HF1830 7 04/15/2004 Text icon Westrom Low-income electric rate discount program modified, conservation improvement by cooperatives and municipalities regulated, and budget payment plans eliminated as a required customer option.
House HF2623 3 04/15/2004 Text icon Westrom Trailers recategorized for purposes of dealer bond requirements and alternative bond types provided.
House HF0995 10 04/19/2004 163 Text icon Cox Notice and plan requirements modified for excavating around utility facilities.
House HF1817 11 04/21/2004 Text icon Kohls Service animals; criminal penalties imposed, restitution required, and civil liability clarified for harm done by dogs to service animals.
House HF2525 11 04/21/2004 Text icon Lanning Life estate or joint tenancy interest continuation allowance effective date modified, and refund by commissioner of human services required.
House HF1978 8 04/23/2004 167 Text icon Beard Truck driver hours law technical corrections provided to conform to amended federal regulations.
House HF0979 9 04/28/2004 Text icon Beard Alternative forms of regulation of telephone companies provisions modified.
House HF2789 3 05/03/2004 Text icon Hornstein Fuel-efficient motor vehicles exempted from the motor vehicle sales tax.
House HF3194 1 05/07/2004 Text icon Westrom Supreme Court forms required to be available in electronic format, court submissions in civil and criminal cases required in electronic format, public database storage required, and money appropriated.
House SF1115 7 05/11/2004 214 Text icon Beard Telecommunications bills third-party billing regulated, and alternative forms of regulation of telephone companies provisions modified.
House SF1753 16 05/12/2004 216 Text icon Westrom School wind energy system provisions modified, low-income electric rate discount program modified, conservation improvement by cooperatives and municipalities regulated, and duplicate language related to payment plans eliminated.
House HF2151 19 05/15/2004 261 Text icon Westrom Telecommunications provisions modified, credits provided for incorrect directory assistance, utility deposits and cable franchises and systems regulated, and wireless consumer protection provided.