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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

113 Documents Found in Legislative Session 83 (2003-2004)
for Authors of "Atkins"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3170 1 04/08/2004 Text icon Abrams Tax increment financing technical and minor policy changes provided.
House HF3120 3 03/24/2004 Text icon Dorman Local sales tax authority granted to cities meeting specified criteria.
House HF3092 1 03/18/2004 Text icon Abrams Tax abatement duration limit increased.
House HF3081 9 05/10/2004 Text icon Abrams Local public finance authority provisions modified relating to purchase of computers, conservation easements, special service districts, and street reconstruction.
House HF3017 2 04/08/2004 Text icon Sertich Unemployment benefits extended for employees laid off by the airline industry and other specified companies.
House HF2988 1 03/11/2004 Text icon Atkins Retaliatory insurance provisions amended.
House HF2944 1 03/10/2004 Text icon Nelson, M. Peddlers and door-to-door solicitors regulated.
House HF2929 4 04/01/2004 Text icon Abrams Alternative minimum taxable income modified.
House HF2838 1 03/08/2004 Text icon Clark Property tax exemption limited for property used in certain tax shelter transactions, and political subdivisions prohibited from engaging in tax shelter transactions.
House HF2828 1 03/08/2004 Text icon Ruth Corporate franchise tax sales factor weight in the apportionment formula increased.
House HF2821 1 03/08/2004 Text icon Atkins Automated teller machine fees income tax subtraction authorized.
House HF2809 2 03/10/2004 Text icon Bernardy Advanced placement and international baccalaureate program appropriation increased.
House HF2751 1 03/04/2004 Text icon Slawik Woman's Right to Know Act information required to be medically and factually accurate.
House HF2732 1 03/03/2004 Text icon Sieben Organ donors paid leave of absence law made permanent.
House HF2731 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Sieben Family planning and education increased and expanded, after-school enrichment programs provided, contraceptive information provided, family planning website created, ENABL program modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2583 2 03/10/2004 Text icon Slawik Charitable contribution subtraction for nonitemizers increased.
House HF2580 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Strachan Aggressive driving crime established, reckless driving increased penalty provided, and driver's license suspension required for either crime.
House HF2574 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Hilstrom Bureau of Criminal Apprehension required to investigate level III sex offenders who fail to verify their living address.
House HF2568 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Hilstrom Sexual psychopathic personalities and sexually dangerous persons precommitment detention funding provided.
House HF2556 2 04/07/2004 Text icon Anderson, J. Natural resources and environment project bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2540 13 04/23/2004 Text icon Abrams Omnibus tax bill.
House HF2534 6 03/17/2004 Text icon Hilstrom Student athlete participation in sports competitions and on nonschool sports teams during high school sports season allowed.
House HF2526 2 03/03/2004 Text icon Gerlach Property tax notice first class mailing requirement removed.
House HF2519 3 03/18/2004 Text icon Jacobson Lawful gambling tax rates reduced.
House HF2501 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Abrams Life insurance tax rate reduced.
House HF2493 1 02/26/2004 Text icon Lanning Public funds deposit alternative collateralizing method provided, and existing collateralization language clarified.
House HF2440 2 03/03/2004 Text icon Rukavina Notice of intent to shift jobs out of the country required.
House HF2430 1 02/26/2004 Text icon Sieben Taxable income definition modified.
House SF2429 9 05/14/2004 Text icon Rukavina Notice of intent to shift jobs out of the country required.
House HF2415 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Wasiluk Accident prevention courses taken in other states recognized.
House HF2304 11 05/10/2004 Text icon Rhodes Provisional driver's license operation restrictions provided.
House HF2293 1 02/19/2004 Text icon Atkins Prescription drug program discounts obtained through Canadian pharmacies, website established for ordering drugs, and access provided to state and local health plans and residents.
House HF2283 4 03/15/2004 Text icon Goodwin Homeowners' Protection Act established, mold-contaminated structures property tax reduction provided, attorney fees added to warranty damages, warranty exclusions limited, and home inspector program established.
House HF2278 1 02/19/2004 Text icon Atkins Organ donation expense income tax deduction provided.
House HF2273 1 02/19/2004 Text icon Atkins State government telemarketing and telephone center service contracts regulated, customer sales or service call center requirements imposed, and criminal penalty provided.
House HF2264 2 02/26/2004 Text icon Goodwin State service contracts and solicitations required to state where work will be performed, state contractors required to disclose information from people they contact, and report required.
House HF2176 1 02/19/2004 Text icon Goodwin Social studies graduation standards proposal deadline extended.
House HF2171 1 02/16/2004 Text icon Davnie Telecommunications carrier charges to customers after cancellation of service prohibited.
House HF2169 8 03/25/2004 Text icon Bernardy Transition revenue calculation procedures modified.
House HF2145 1 02/16/2004 Text icon Entenza Executive branch agencies reorganized and secretary appointments provided.
House HF2136 8 05/07/2004 Text icon Holberg Metropolitan Radio Board composition changed and sunset repealed, and Metropolitan Council bond request and authorization modified.
House HF2134 1 02/16/2004 Text icon Jaros St. Mary's Duluth Clinic Health System construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
House HF2125 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Hornstein State funds prohibited from being used to encourage or discourage union organizing.
House HF2124 1 02/16/2004 Text icon Gunther St. Paul Ordway Center for the Performing Arts funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2081 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Ozment Minnesota Zoological Garden capital improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2046 1 02/12/2004 Text icon McNamara Inver Hills Community College capital improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2017 7 05/12/2004 212 Text icon Brod Joint underwriting association regulated and coverage modified.
House HF1996 2 03/03/2004 Text icon Pugh South St. Paul landfill reclamation and conversion to parkland funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF1973 6 05/10/2004 201 Text icon Holberg Public Safety Radio System Planning Committee transformed into the Statewide Radio Board, Metropolitan Radio Board composition changed and responsibilities transferred, regional radio boards established, and bonding requested.
House HF1960 1 02/09/2004 Text icon Atkins Inver Grove Heights flood hazard mitigation grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1951 1 02/09/2004 Text icon Anderson, I. Education reserve account established, and state property tax portion dedicated to the account.
House HF1931 6 03/30/2004 Text icon Bernardy Health and physical education required as an academic standard.
House HF1875 1 02/05/2004 Text icon Rukavina No-fault auto insurance benefit terminations or denials regulated.
House HF1825 5 02/23/2004 Text icon Wardlow National Guard members permitted to be considered nonresidents for income tax purposes while in active service.
House HF1721 6 03/15/2004 Text icon Strachan Collection of criminal booking fees expanded, and procedures modified for return of booking fees.
House HF1673 3 04/08/2004 Text icon Solberg Minnesota Historical Society funding restored, and money appropriated.
House HF1636 1 05/19/2003 Text icon Heidgerken Ethanol; retailers who install equipment to dispense E85 fuel provided tax credit.
House HF1632 1 05/16/2003 Text icon Latz City councils authorized to prohibit firearms in a city hall or city meeting.
House HF1627 1 05/16/2003 Text icon Clark Persons carrying firearms required to obtain permission from possessors of private residences before entry.
House HF1623 3 03/30/2004 Text icon Greiling Early childhood, family, and kindergarten through grade 12 education funding provided; money appropriated; and constitutional amendment proposed requiring early childhood development and education funding for children through age 5.
House HF1601 1 05/08/2003 Text icon Jaros Judges appointed and reappointed by the governor, judges term of office increased to ten years, merit selection commission recommendations provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1538 2 04/08/2004 Text icon Mullery Iraq war veterans tuition benefits provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1504 1 04/09/2003 Text icon Abrams Tax increment financing tax abatement technical and minor changes provided.
House HF1495 1 04/07/2003 Text icon Pelowski Veterans of active military service in Operation Iraqi Freedom provided free tuition at public colleges and universities, and money appropriated.
House HF1481 1 04/07/2003 Text icon Wilkin County maintenance of effort provisions and unnecessary reporting, publishing, and other requirements eliminated.
House HF1479 2 04/09/2003 Text icon Atkins Individual income tax rate brackets adjusted under certain conditions.
House HF1473 1 04/07/2003 Text icon McNamara Red Rock Corridor Transit Way from Hastings through St. Paul to Minneapolis funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1464 2 04/10/2003 Text icon Pugh Stormwater pollution prevention program plan grants provided for federally mandated municipalities.
House HF1403 2 04/03/2003 Text icon Atkins Power line construction prohibited in Sunfish Lake, Inver Grove Heights, Mendota Heights, and South St. Paul until environmental impact statements have been completed.
House HF1256 2 03/31/2003 Text icon Atkins College tuition income tax deduction provided.
House HF1215 1 03/26/2003 Text icon Rhodes Terrorist-targeted nonprofit community-based organizations applications for anti-terrorism equipment and training grants authorized.
House HF1209 4 02/26/2004 Text icon Pugh Homestead property tax computation procedure modified and money appropriated.
House HF1166 9 05/12/2004 Text icon Hackbarth Heritage Enhancement Fund and Council established to dedicate sales tax proceeds for game and fish purposes, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1144 1 03/24/2003 Text icon Atkins Early retirement levy authorized for school districts.
House HF1137 1 03/24/2003 Text icon Atkins College tuition cost income tax credit created.
House HF1122 5 04/03/2003 Text icon Adolphson Public notice and proceedings publication alternative methods provided.
House HF1120 2 03/26/2003 Text icon Hornstein Metropolitan Airports Commission required to meet annually in airport noise affected neighborhood and report on noise mitigation, and advance notice of proposed budget required.
House HF1087 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Osterman Wage and employment data use authorized by agency designated as the performance accountability and consumer information agency.
House HF1042 4 04/10/2003 Text icon Wardlow Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission name changed to Minnesota Sports and Entertainment Commission, commission membership modified, and Metrodome net sales proceeds disposition modified.
House HF1041 1 03/20/2003 Text icon Urdahl Reapportionment requirements modified once each 20 years to provide for uninterrupted four-year senate terms, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1022 1 03/20/2003 Text icon Eken Regressive tax, tuition, and fee increases and new regressive taxes or fees prohibited.
House HF1010 1 03/20/2003 Text icon Nelson, M. Iraq conflict; support urged by resolution to the President and Congress for armed forces in conflict in Iraq and military families in the United States, and governor called on to declare a day of prayer.
House HF0970 1 03/20/2003 Text icon Atkins Dakota County senior assisted living facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0851 2 04/03/2003 Text icon Stang Motor vehicle and American flag sales and distribution regulated.
House HF0727 6 04/09/2003 Text icon Wilkin Health coverage proposed mandates evaluation provided.
House HF0723 9 05/16/2003 92 Text icon Erhardt Seat belt law exemption modified relating to work vehicles traveling under 25 miles per hour.
House HF0722 11 05/12/2004 205 Text icon Erhardt Weight restriction exemptions provided for garbage trucks and recycling vehicles.
House HF0710 6 05/09/2003 46 Text icon Atkins Mandatory retirement obsolete language deleted.
House HF0654 1 02/27/2003 Text icon Bernardy Controlled substance analogue definition and treatment provided, and penalties prescribed for sale and possession of amphetamine and gamma hydroxybutyric acid.
House HF0640 1 02/27/2003 Text icon Powell Dakota County Highway 42 improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0634 1 02/27/2003 Text icon Holberg Health data released to county human and social services departments in order to coordinate benefits and services.
House HF0629 1 02/27/2003 Text icon Walker Equal rights for women provided by proposed constitutional amendment.
House HF0623 3 03/31/2003 Text icon Hackbarth Vapor recovery equipment required for gasoline deliveries in the metropolitan area and penalties provided.
House SF0575 17 05/19/2003 Text icon Holberg Childhood sexual abuse personal injury civil action limitation period modified.
House HF0570 2 03/20/2003 Text icon Gerlach Bloomington; Cedar Avenue bus transit way funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0569 1 02/24/2003 Text icon Holberg Lakeville; I-35 and Highway 50 interchange funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0522 1 02/20/2003 Text icon Strachan Search warrant regulations modified.
House HF0501 7 04/23/2003 Text icon Meslow Travel clubs regulated.
House HF0461 2 02/20/2003 Text icon Pugh Estate tax federal exemption amounts adopted.
House HF0453 1 02/17/2003 Text icon Meslow Uniform Parentage Act (2000) adopted.
House HF0427 3 03/03/2003 Text icon Strachan Municipal fire aid apportionment population definition modified.
House SF0420 10 05/19/2003 125 Text icon Meslow Travel clubs regulated.
House HF0386 8 05/07/2003 Text icon Holberg Childhood sexual abuse personal injury civil action limitation period modified.
House HF0339 7 03/20/2003 Text icon Davnie Graffiti damages recovery action provided.
House HF0338 2 02/20/2003 Text icon Davnie Adult basic education aid payment provided with portion of statewide property tax, and money appropriated.
House HF0324 1 02/06/2003 Text icon Sieben Contaminated land cleanup grant funds provided for a city of the second class, and money appropriated.
House HF0307 7 03/22/2004 142 Text icon Adolphson Noncommercial sign ordinance exemption provided during state general election years.
House SF0256 7 05/14/2003 86 Text icon Strachan Search warrant regulations modified.
House HF0251 3 02/06/2003 Text icon Beard State airports fund transfers restoration required.
House HF0178 4 02/13/2003 Text icon Jaros Property tax valuation exclusion made permanent for certain improvements.
House HF0119 3 02/03/2003 Text icon Thao Marriage solemnization alternate forms provided.
House HF0054 3 03/06/2003 Text icon Slawik Student-on-student abuse policy adoption by school districts required.
House SF0040 9 03/25/2004 149 Text icon Davnie Graffiti damages recovery action provided.