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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

90 Documents Found in Legislative Session 83 (2003-2004)
for Authors of "Walz"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3200 2 05/13/2004 Text icon Buesgens Legislative sessions limited to odd-numbered years.
House HF3102 1 03/18/2004 Text icon Gunther Cosmetology and barbering regulation merged under one state examiners board.
House HF3044 1 03/15/2004 Text icon Simpson Resort property subjected to limited market value property tax provisions, and first-year inclusion calculations modified.
House HF2985 2 03/18/2004 Text icon Blaine Camp Ripley Military Museum previous appropriation purpose clarified.
House HF2784 1 03/04/2004 Text icon Walz Crow Wing County tax-forfeited land sale authorized.
House SF2640 6 05/15/2004 252 Text icon Smith Blood sample nonconsensual collection from an inmate expedited process established when a corrections employee is significantly exposed to the potential transfer of a bloodborne pathogen.
House HF2615 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Rhodes Minneapolis; Minnesota Shubert Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2472 2 03/10/2004 Text icon Vandeveer Income tax checkoff provided to fund benefits for survivors of law enforcement officers and firefighters, injured public safety officers, and providing for maintenance of peace officer and firefighter memorials.
House HF2447 2 03/01/2004 Text icon Walz Failure to yield right-of-way resulting in injury or death criminal penalties imposed.
House HF2404 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Howes Wastewater treatment infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2387 7 05/05/2004 184 Text icon Johnson, S. Probation officers treated equally to correctional employees for purposes of certain assaults.
House HF2385 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Walz State parks and recreation areas additions provided.
House HF2360 6 04/28/2004 Text icon Walz State park fee and permit requirements modified, rulemaking authority modified, Fort Snelling lease provisions modified, and state park and recreation area additions provided.
House HF2352 6 04/08/2004 Text icon Johnson, S. Probation officers treated equally to correctional employees for purposes of certain assaults.
House HF2339 6 05/14/2004 Text icon Smith Nonconsensual inmate blood sample collection procedure established for instances when bloodborne pathogen transfer risk exists.
House HF2311 2 03/01/2004 Text icon Rukavina Homestead property tax exemption provided for permanently and totally disabled veteran or spouse.
House HF2308 7 03/15/2004 Text icon Zellers Sex offender sentencing provisions expanded including life penalties, indeterminate sentencing, and mandatory life sentences; Sex Offender Review Board established; and minimum sentences provided.
House HF2297 5 04/08/2004 Text icon Seifert Vocational rehabilitation program fund transfer authorized.
House HF2296 5 03/22/2004 Text icon Erhardt Peace officers authorized to operate any vehicle or combination of vehicles while on duty.
House SF2265 15 05/15/2004 253 Text icon Stang Industrial loan and thrift companies deposit acceptance authority restriction provided.
House HF2217 10 05/13/2004 229 Text icon Meslow Vehicles required to wait at railroad crossings until roadway is clear.
House HF2216 6 04/26/2004 Text icon Stang Industrial loan and thrift companies deposit acceptance authority restriction provided.
House HF2187 14 05/11/2004 208 Text icon Stang Debt collection agency employees required to be registered instead of licensed.
House HF2149 1 02/16/2004 Text icon Fuller Corrections Board created to determine parole, board authorized to refer selected level III sex offenders to the county attorney for civil commitment, and money appropriated.
House HF2127 11 05/07/2004 Text icon Boudreau Outpatient surgical center licensure and reports for diagnostic imaging facilities required, inspections provided, disciplinary grounds for physicians and medical assistance definitions modified, and money appropriated.
House SF2080 6 05/10/2004 198 Text icon Boudreau Outpatient surgical center requirements modified, diagnostic imaging facilities reporting requirements provided, Board of Medical Practice procedures modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2056 1 02/12/2004 Text icon Walz Paul Bunyan State Trail extension bonds authorized and money appropriated.
House HF2044 11 04/21/2004 Text icon Davids Tourism functions transferred from the Department of Employment and Economic Development to Explore Minnesota Tourism, and money appropriated.
House HF2029 4 02/26/2004 Text icon Anderson, J. Manufacture of controlled substances in the presence of a child defined as a crime of child endangerment.
House HF2015 2 02/16/2004 Text icon Smith Bullet resistant vests for peace officers increased reimbursement provided.
House SF2009 7 04/26/2004 171 Text icon Davids Tourism functions transferred from the Department of Employment and Economic Development to Explore Minnesota Tourism, and money appropriated.
House HF1989 10 03/17/2004 Text icon Fuller Methamphetamine precursor drug sale regulated, reporting of transactions authorized, education program for retailers required, criminal penalties expanded and increased, methamphetamine lab cleanup fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF1964 1 02/09/2004 Text icon Simpson Central Lakes College Staples campuses capital improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1928 2 02/16/2004 Text icon Howes Regional public library system increased staff hours funding requirements specified.
House HF1867 12 04/07/2004 Text icon Ozment Omnibus environmental and natural resources finance bill.
House HF1853 2 03/01/2004 Text icon Howes School start date postponed for the 2004-2005 school year only.
House HF1852 1 02/05/2004 Text icon Knoblach State regional park funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1812 1 02/05/2004 Text icon Howes Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act county review and approval of subdivisions required.
House HF1637 3 02/12/2004 Text icon Blaine Abortion; constitutional amendment proposed prohibiting a different standard from the United States Constitution relating to abortion.
House HF1502 4 04/29/2003 Text icon Dorman Market value homestead credit reimbursement to cities payment eliminated, transit levy authority reinstated, additional transit financing means provided, and local government aid to cities reduced.
House HF1482 6 05/16/2003 Text icon Soderstrom Predatory offender registration reporting requirements clarified.
House HF1394 1 04/01/2003 Text icon Fuller Methamphetamine labs; grant program established for cities to contain, clean-up, and preserve evidence at clandestine meth labs; local match required; and money appropriated.
House HF1360 2 04/01/2003 Text icon Walz State agencies and local government prohibited from spending money on CriMNet until reviews are complete and a risk response plan is implemented, and financial audit of CriMNet required.
House HF1340 2 04/24/2003 Text icon Howes Homestead classification provided for certain resorts owned by a limited liability company.
House SF1278 8 05/19/2003 Text icon Soderstrom Predatory offender registration reporting requirements clarified.
House HF1101 2 03/26/2003 Text icon Walz Tourism office performance-based revolving account established, and money appropriated.
House HF1087 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Osterman Wage and employment data use authorized by agency designated as the performance accountability and consumer information agency.
House HF1058 4 05/19/2003 Text icon Walz Silencing devices for firearms authorized for law enforcement tactical emergency response operations, and obsolete prohibition on sale of slungshot or sand clubs repealed.
House HF1031 5 02/19/2004 Text icon Jacobson Nonpublic assistance IV-D child support services eligibility standard established.
House HF1029 2 03/24/2003 Text icon Lindgren Triploid grass carp authorized for aquatic vegetation control.
House HF0997 1 03/20/2003 Text icon Mullery Plumbers and pipefitters local pension fund exception to restriction on public fund contributions authorized.
House HF0932 3 04/10/2003 Text icon Vandeveer Property appraisal provided every five years.
House HF0884 2 03/17/2003 Text icon Pelowski Higher education financial aid provisions modified to include a service requirement for certain stipends.
House HF0870 1 03/13/2003 Text icon Fuller Sewage treatment system pumper vehicle seasonal weight limitation temporary exemption provided.
House SF0857 7 05/16/2003 91 Text icon Olson, M. Lake improvement district creation and termination provisions modified.
House HF0851 2 04/03/2003 Text icon Stang Motor vehicle and American flag sales and distribution regulated.
House HF0849 4 04/09/2003 Text icon Walz Displaced homemaker program funding provided by increasing the marriage license fee.
House HF0831 14 05/14/2003 Text icon Gunther Unemployment insurance trust fund solvency provisions increased.
House HF0737 1 03/06/2003 Text icon Lesch Defendant attorney fee for certain appeals payment by government units not required.
House HF0688 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Krinkie Regional rail authorities in the seven-county metropolitan area abolished.
House HF0668 13 03/31/2003 Text icon Holberg Woman's Right to Know Act requiring informed consent of a female upon whom an abortion is performed, providing civil remedies, and appropriating money.
House HF0633 2 03/06/2003 Text icon Solberg Business incubator property tax exemption extended.
House HF0617 7 03/31/2003 Text icon Soderstrom Prescription drug assistance program established through the Board on Aging, and appropriations transferred.
House HF0606 23 05/14/2004 246 Text icon Smith Minnesota Health Plan Contracting Act adopted modifying prior authorization requirements for health care services, establishing contracting requirements, and modifying provisions for claims payment.
House HF0602 4 04/14/2003 Text icon Erickson Auto glass repair and replacement regulation provided.
House HF0582 6 05/13/2003 Text icon Olson, M. Lake improvement district creation and termination provisions modified.
House HF0566 1 02/24/2003 Text icon Howes Turtle license exemption provided to supply turtles for nonprofit turtle racing.
House HF0499 2 02/24/2003 Text icon Meslow DWI; refusing to submit to a chemical test penalty enhanced.
House HF0436 6 03/04/2004 Text icon Holberg Family planning grant funds prohibited from being used to subsidize abortion services.
House HF0434 3 03/10/2003 Text icon Severson Homesteads of persons at least age 65 valuation increase prohibited.
House HF0418 2 02/27/2003 Text icon DeLaForest License plates; "United We Stand" special license plates authorized, Minnesota anti-terrorism account established and annual contribution required, and money appropriated.
House HF0400 1 02/13/2003 Text icon Howes Mississippi Headwaters Board funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0395 4 04/22/2003 Text icon Abeler Driver's license revocation reinstatement fees increased and reallocated.
House HF0352 8 05/11/2004 Text icon Wilkin Parental consent for certain medical treatments modified, parental access to minor's medical records permitted, and minor consent agreements provided.
House HF0331 2 02/13/2003 Text icon Howes Homestead resort valuation and deferment of property taxes provided.
House HF0314 7 05/09/2003 49 Text icon Walz Blue lights display on front of emergency vehicles authorized.
House HF0283 8 04/10/2003 Text icon Vandeveer Income tax checkoff provided to fund benefits for survivors of law enforcement officers and firefighters, and to maintain peace officer and firefighter memorials.
House HF0268 11 04/23/2003 23 Text icon Strachan State Fair Police Department authorized to employ additional part-time peace officers.
House HF0265 4 02/13/2003 Text icon Walz Auto glass claims and coverages regulated.
House HF0261 10 04/30/2003 Text icon Boudreau Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of 2003 adopted recognizing the right of law-abiding citizens to self-protection, authorizing pistol permits, providing criminal penalties, and appropriating money.
House HF0217 6 02/17/2003 Text icon Vandeveer Legislators and constitutional officers four percent salary decrease provided until June 30, 2005.
House HF0164 2 01/30/2003 Text icon Haas Patient consent required to collect health data, and adoption of certain proposed rules prohibited.
House HF0125 2 02/17/2003 Text icon Dempsey Mississippi River Parkway Commission sunset extended.
House HF0096 4 04/02/2003 Text icon Smith Public safety officer health insurance benefit reimbursement policy modified, and specified claims reimbursed from available funds.
House HR0030 4 05/15/2004 Text icon Ellison A house resolution honoring Carl Eller on his induction in the National Football League Hall of Fame and contributions to the State of Minnesota.
House HR0016 3 02/12/2004 Text icon Harder A house resolution proclaiming February 18, 2004, to be Dairy Day on the Hill.
House HF0004 1 01/09/2003 Text icon Westerberg Trunk highway improvement bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0003 4 03/10/2003 Text icon Magnus Tax-free property zones established, exemptions provided for individuals and businesses, state aid and repayment of tax benefits provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0002 10 02/17/2003 Text icon Kielkucki Profile of learning repealed and replaced; and legislative review of proposed academic standards in language arts, mathematics, science, history, and geography required.
House HF0001 15 01/30/2003 Text icon Stanek Anti-terrorism; driver's license information regulation provided including proof of identity and residency, and federal laws and regulations adopted.