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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

66 Documents Found in Legislative Session 83 (2003-2004)
for Authors of "Krinkie"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3200 2 05/13/2004 Text icon Buesgens Legislative sessions limited to odd-numbered years.
House HF3164 1 04/05/2004 Text icon Urdahl Obesity and weight gain civil actions prohibited.
House HF3161 1 04/02/2004 Text icon Kahn Poet laureate appointment provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3137 1 03/25/2004 Text icon Kuisle State general levy increase provided to fund transit services, and public transit fund established.
House HF3135 1 03/25/2004 Text icon Krinkie Taxation and spending increase limits provided for state and local government through proposed constitutional amendment.
House HF2991 15 04/29/2004 Text icon Krinkie Omnibus bonding bill authorizing spending for capital improvements, making adjustments to previous bonding, issuing bonds, and appropriating money.
House HF2966 1 03/11/2004 Text icon Krinkie Disabled peace officers and firefighters continuing health care provisions modified.
House HF2924 1 03/10/2004 Text icon Seifert Prevailing wage rate definition modified.
House HF2798 10 03/24/2004 Text icon Holberg Marriage defined as a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2786 4 03/10/2004 Text icon Demmer Teacher contract negotiation during the school year prohibited, and January 15 deadline for settling contracts repealed.
House HF2749 3 03/15/2004 Text icon Westerberg Foreclosure consultants and equity purchasers regulated, contract provisions and notice requirements specified, and criminal and civil penalties imposed.
House HF2745 1 03/03/2004 Text icon Kahn Pension deficit bonding referendum required, and draft legislation required for 2005 legislative session.
House HF2684 16 04/07/2004 Text icon Haas Omnibus state government finance bill providing funding for the general legislative and administrative expenses of state government, establishing the Fair Campaign Reform Act, and appropriating money.
House HF2600 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Jacobson Gambling oversight citizens committee created and money appropriated.
House HF2595 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Vandeveer Legislative Commission on Metropolitan Government oversight responsibilities provided.
House HF2592 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Jacobson St. Paul; Ford Building demolition funding restrictions imposed.
House HF2534 6 03/17/2004 Text icon Hilstrom Student athlete participation in sports competitions and on nonschool sports teams during high school sports season allowed.
House HF2347 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Krinkie Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department included in Minnesota Public Employees Retirement Association.
House HF2346 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Krinkie Capital improvements spending authorized, bond authorization adjustments provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2026 5 04/07/2004 Text icon Wilkin Human embryo and stem cell research funding restrictions provided.
House HF1969 4 02/26/2004 Text icon Krinkie Summer school required for students not passing basic skills test required for high school graduation.
House HF1946 4 03/08/2004 Text icon Haas State employees required to reimburse employer for personal use of state vehicles.
House HF1925 10 05/13/2004 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Twins community ownership process provided.
House HF1846 2 03/03/2004 Text icon Olsen, S. School turn-around specialist development working group established.
House HF1815 1 02/05/2004 Text icon Olsen, S. Public schools efficiency reviews established.
House SF1769 4 05/07/2004 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Twins community ownership process provided.
House HF1590 2 05/01/2003 Text icon Jacobson Property tax increases prohibited for taxes payable in 2004 and 2005 unless approved by referendum.
House HF1576 1 04/24/2003 Text icon Krinkie Circle Pines tax increment financing district extension authorized.
House HF1524 1 04/10/2003 Text icon Demmer Higher education student grants made conditional upon students completing their education.
House HF1518 1 04/09/2003 Text icon Krinkie School finance simplification, clarification, and equity provided.
House HF1514 1 04/09/2003 Text icon Lenczewski Local impact notes provided at the request of the house ways and means committee chair or the senate finance committee chair.
House HF1486 1 04/07/2003 Text icon Krinkie State Employees Right-to-Know Act adopted requiring annual notice of right to reduce union dues expended for certain purposes.
House HF1442 2 04/03/2003 Text icon Krinkie Local government aids reduced to specified cities.
House HF1429 2 04/09/2003 Text icon Borrell Local government prohibited from providing services or goods that are provided by private business, municipal liquor stores authority repealed, and study required.
House HF1386 1 04/01/2003 Text icon Krinkie Local public employees phased retirement and voluntary unpaid leave options provided.
House HF1360 2 04/01/2003 Text icon Walz State agencies and local government prohibited from spending money on CriMNet until reviews are complete and a risk response plan is implemented, and financial audit of CriMNet required.
House HF1299 1 03/27/2003 Text icon Buesgens Education funding classroom focus provided, efficiencies in state government increased, and duplicative programs eliminated.
House HF1291 1 03/27/2003 Text icon Klinzing School districts required to direct at least 55 percent of their operating revenue directly to regular instruction.
House HF1265 1 03/27/2003 Text icon Klinzing Student-teacher ratios clarified to include only teachers whose primary duty is to provide language arts, math, science, or social studies instruction.
House HF1209 4 02/26/2004 Text icon Pugh Homestead property tax computation procedure modified and money appropriated.
House SF1180 15 05/19/2003 Text icon Krinkie Administration Department references updated and provisions modified relating to Designer Selection Board approval, and building code language; litigation proceeds settlement law made permanent; and report eliminated.
House HF1171 2 03/27/2003 Text icon Kohls Long-term capital gain individual income tax exclusion authorized.
House HF1111 7 05/13/2003 Text icon Krinkie Administration Department references updated and provisions modified relating to Designer Selection Board approval, and building code language; litigation proceeds settlement law made permanent; and report eliminated.
House HF1109 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Krinkie School board contracting requirements for certain noninstructional services modified.
House HF1105 4 05/16/2003 Text icon Dorman Individual income tax checkoffs provided for additional funding to K-1 education, health care, higher education, early childhood and family education, and state parks.
House HF1015 1 03/20/2003 Text icon Rukavina State motor vehicle leasing for the exclusive use of any state official or employee except the governor prohibited.
House HF0974 1 03/20/2003 Text icon Greiling Waste hauling contracts regulated.
House HF0958 10 04/14/2003 Text icon Krinkie Hydrogen energy economy goal declared, and hydrogen energy research and development funding provided at the University of Minnesota.
House HF0927 5 02/12/2004 Text icon Wilkin St. Paul segment of I-35E speed limit established.
House SF0904 2 05/15/2003 Text icon Rukavina State motor vehicle leasing for the exclusive use of any state official or employee except the governor prohibited.
House HF0889 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Hilstrom Metropolitan Council project local approval required for projects for which real property will be acquired by eminent domain.
House HF0846 1 03/13/2003 Text icon Adolphson Wetlands replacement requirements for public transportation projects modified.
House HF0843 1 03/13/2003 Text icon Seifert Higher education financial aid requirements modified to include service requirement for certain stipends.
House HF0838 2 03/20/2003 Text icon Krinkie Trunk highway maintenance county contracting provided.
House HF0832 2 03/20/2003 Text icon Seifert Prevailing wage requirements repealed.
House HF0745 2 03/20/2003 Text icon Adolphson Southwest Metropolitan Area Transit Corridor certain rail and bus transit actions by commissioner of transportation, Metropolitan Council, and Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority prohibited.
House HF0703 4 05/19/2003 Text icon Krinkie Legislators removed from various executive branch boards.
House HF0688 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Krinkie Regional rail authorities in the seven-county metropolitan area abolished.
House HF0669 1 03/03/2003 Text icon Holberg Woman's Right to Know Act requiring informed consent of a female upon whom an abortion is performed, and providing civil remedies.
House HF0555 7 05/19/2003 Text icon Krinkie Duplicating and printing service requirements relating to Administration Department repealed, and outside service contracts authorized.
House HF0502 3 03/24/2003 Text icon Seifert Prison privatization proposals requested, prison services contracting standards established, and report required.
House HF0411 9 02/24/2003 Text icon Boudreau Prescription drug assistance program established through the Board on Aging, and appropriations transferred.
House HF0217 6 02/17/2003 Text icon Vandeveer Legislators and constitutional officers four percent salary decrease provided until June 30, 2005.
House HF0136 1 01/23/2003 Text icon Krinkie Capital projects appropriations canceled to the general fund, trunk highway bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0075 6 02/24/2003 Text icon Johnson, J. Joint and several liability apportionment regulated.
House HF0002 10 02/17/2003 Text icon Kielkucki Profile of learning repealed and replaced; and legislative review of proposed academic standards in language arts, mathematics, science, history, and geography required.