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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

122 Documents Found in Legislative Session 83 (2003-2004)
for Authors of "Hilty"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3178 2 04/19/2004 Text icon Hornstein Foreign source income taxation modified, and foreign operating corporation provisions modified relating to corporate franchise taxation.
House HF3169 2 04/12/2004 Text icon Kelliher Parents as scholars pilot project established, and money appropriated.
House HF3166 1 04/08/2004 Text icon Peterson Wind power producer credit; Congress memorialized by resolution to reauthorize the wind power producer credit.
House HF3161 1 04/02/2004 Text icon Kahn Poet laureate appointment provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3134 1 03/24/2004 Text icon Kahn Public water works sale to private entity prohibited.
House HF3132 2 03/25/2004 Text icon Kahn Stem cell research state policy established, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF3123 1 03/22/2004 Text icon Sertich Unemployment wage credits earned exception extended relating to work in school food services.
House HF3120 3 03/24/2004 Text icon Dorman Local sales tax authority granted to cities meeting specified criteria.
House HF3040 1 03/15/2004 Text icon Hilty Carlton County nursing facility rate increase provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3005 6 04/07/2004 158 Text icon Soderstrom County seat; polling hours increased for voting on changing the location of a county seat.
House HF3001 1 03/11/2004 Text icon Mahoney Central American Free Trade Agreement; Congress memorialized by resolution to give high priority to preserving the rights of states and of local governments to govern themselves when considering ratification of CAFTA.
House HF2919 1 03/10/2004 Text icon Hilty Sexually dangerous and sexual psychopathic precommitment confinement costs county share decreased.
House HF2845 1 03/08/2004 Text icon Paymar Child care assistance reductions restored and money appropriated.
House HF2731 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Sieben Family planning and education increased and expanded, after-school enrichment programs provided, contraceptive information provided, family planning website created, ENABL program modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2593 2 03/15/2004 Text icon Sieben Students who are eligible to vote granted time off from school to vote.
House HF2590 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Ellison Restoration of civil rights and eligibility to vote required for certain offenders.
House HF2574 2 03/08/2004 Text icon Hilstrom Bureau of Criminal Apprehension required to investigate level III sex offenders who fail to verify their living address.
House HF2568 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Hilstrom Sexual psychopathic personalities and sexually dangerous persons precommitment detention funding provided.
House HF2543 5 03/24/2004 Text icon Thissen Children's health security account and related program established; eligibility criteria, covered services, and administrative procedures specified; tobacco products tax increased; and money appropriated.
House HF2430 1 02/26/2004 Text icon Sieben Taxable income definition modified.
House HF2401 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Juhnke Rest areas; closure or commercial activity besides vending machines prohibited at rest areas.
House HF2400 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Huntley Health care; proposing an amendment to the constitution that every resident of Minnesota has the right to affordable, basic health care.
House HF2340 7 04/28/2004 Text icon Haas Technology enterprise fund outstanding balance transferred to the general fund, funding provided for completion of projects underway, and money appropriated.
House HF2320 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Rukavina Annually-adjusted minimum wage provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2319 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Hilty Askov wastewater treatment plant and sewer extensions funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2318 1 02/23/2004 Text icon Hilty Monitoring and evaluation of public and private wells in areas where sewage sludge is applied to agricultural land required, assessment for agency costs authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2264 2 02/26/2004 Text icon Goodwin State service contracts and solicitations required to state where work will be performed, state contractors required to disclose information from people they contact, and report required.
House SF2241 10 05/13/2004 238 Text icon Haas Technology enterprise fund outstanding balance transferred to the general fund, funding provided for completion of projects underway, and money appropriated.
House HF2215 1 02/19/2004 Text icon Kahn Political subdivision equitable compensation reporting requirement restrictions removed and moratorium eliminated.
House HF2200 4 03/03/2004 Text icon Magnus Homestead property used for child care assessed as part of the homestead property.
House HF2176 1 02/19/2004 Text icon Goodwin Social studies graduation standards proposal deadline extended.
House HF2174 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Otremba Medical assistance estate recovery provisions modified, alternative care cost recoveries eliminated, and money appropriated.
House HF2173 3 03/01/2004 Text icon Otremba Medical assistance provisions effective date modified, and life estate and joint tenancy interest liens repealed.
House HF2172 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Otremba Medical assistance estate recovery provisions modified, alternative care cost recoveries eliminated, life estate and joint tenant interest liens removed, and money appropriated.
House HF2169 8 03/25/2004 Text icon Bernardy Transition revenue calculation procedures modified.
House SF2154 2 05/06/2004 Text icon Juhnke State agencies required to use E85 fuel in flexible-fuel vehicles, and periodic reports required.
House HF2145 1 02/16/2004 Text icon Entenza Executive branch agencies reorganized and secretary appointments provided.
House HF2129 3 02/23/2004 Text icon Boudreau Outpatient surgical center requirements modified, diagnostic imaging facilities licensure required, and Board of Medical Practice procedures modified.
House HF2125 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Hornstein State funds prohibited from being used to encourage or discourage union organizing.
House HF2116 2 03/17/2004 Text icon Hilty Independent School District No. 2580, East Central, school facility sale authorized; and Independent School District No. 566, Askov, outstanding loan balance forgiven.
House HF2113 1 02/16/2004 Text icon Otto Lottery service businesses regulated.
House HF2104 4 03/11/2004 Text icon Strachan Predatory offenders without a primary address required to register, and community notification law information disclosure clarified.
House HF2064 1 02/12/2004 Text icon Hilty Minnesota State Retirement System service credit purchase authorized for a former driver with the Department of Administration.
House HF2063 1 02/12/2004 Text icon Hilty Services for children with special health care needs program reinstated, and money appropriated.
House HF2059 2 02/16/2004 Text icon Ellison Driver's license reinstatement provisions modified.
House HF1992 2 02/19/2004 Text icon Juhnke State agencies required to use E85 fuel in flexible-fuel vehicles, and periodic reports required.
House HF1989 10 03/17/2004 Text icon Fuller Methamphetamine precursor drug sale regulated, reporting of transactions authorized, education program for retailers required, criminal penalties expanded and increased, methamphetamine lab cleanup fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF1959 2 02/16/2004 Text icon Johnson, S. Forest protection municipal grants program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1925 10 05/13/2004 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Twins community ownership process provided.
House HF1906 3 03/10/2004 Text icon Bernardy Gifted and talented student program guidelines established, and permanent funding for gifted and talented student programs provided.
House HF1905 1 02/05/2004 Text icon Latz Higher education capital improvement spending authorized with certain conditions, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1902 1 02/05/2004 Text icon Anderson, I. Minnesota Historical Society prohibited from charging fees for tours of the Minnesota State Capitol.
House HF1816 4 02/19/2004 Text icon Huntley State agency contracts for services required to be performed by United States citizens or by individuals authorized to work in the United States.
House SF1792 2 03/26/2004 Text icon Huntley State agency contracts for services required to be performed by United States citizens or by individuals authorized to work in the United States.
House SF1782 2 04/23/2004 Text icon Kahn Political subdivision equitable compensation reporting requirement restrictions removed and moratorium eliminated.
House SF1769 4 05/07/2004 Text icon Kahn Minnesota Twins community ownership process provided.
House HF1703 8 05/12/2004 Text icon Lipman Voting system; uniform statewide voting system acquisition, Help America Vote Act conformity, and election administration provided; and money appropriated.
House HF1623 3 03/30/2004 Text icon Greiling Early childhood, family, and kindergarten through grade 12 education funding provided; money appropriated; and constitutional amendment proposed requiring early childhood development and education funding for children through age 5.
House HF1621 5 03/01/2004 Text icon Cornish Local government planning assistance funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1617 1 05/14/2003 Text icon Walker Cities authorized to prohibit carrying firearms on city property.
House HF1616 1 05/14/2003 Text icon Kahn Antibiotics; Congress and the Food and Drug Administration memorialized by resolution to take steps to protect the health of the people, and to maintain the effectiveness of human antibiotics by limiting their use in animal feed additives.
House HF1578 4 05/08/2003 Text icon Thissen Tax preparers regulated, consumer protections established, and enforcement authority provided.
House HF1534 1 04/14/2003 Text icon Mariani Corporate liability imposed for damages caused to the public interest, and civil and criminal penalties prescribed.
House HF1529 2 04/16/2003 Text icon Ellison State agencies prohibited from spending public funds to investigate persons for the purpose of discrediting them.
House HF1513 1 04/09/2003 Text icon Anderson, I. Highway rest area continuing operation funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1498 1 04/07/2003 Text icon Davids Open video telecommunications systems regulation provided.
House HF1479 2 04/09/2003 Text icon Atkins Individual income tax rate brackets adjusted under certain conditions.
House HF1468 1 04/03/2003 Text icon Peterson Seed reservation mechanism provided for farmers for purposes of planting seeds in subsequent crop years, and fee authorized.
House HF1443 1 04/02/2003 Text icon Hilty Precinct caucuses moved to the third Tuesday in February.
House HF1428 2 04/09/2003 Text icon Goodwin Foodshelf programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1411 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Walker Universal health care system working group established; program requirements provided including focus on preventive care, early intervention, and elimination of bureaucratic costs; and plan required to be implemented by 2010.
House HF1398 1 04/01/2003 Text icon Hilty Immunization requirements modified relating to conscientious beliefs, newborn medical records, and notice to child care providers.
House HF1397 1 04/01/2003 Text icon Hilty Person references in the state constitution defined as natural person, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1322 7 05/13/2003 Text icon Rhodes Campaign finance terms clarified, reporting requirements modified, additional civil penalties provided, and obsolete rules repealed.
House HF1284 1 03/27/2003 Text icon Mariani Capitol Area Architecture and Planning Board and Designer Selection Board placed under the administrative control of the Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience, and Interior Design.
House HF1193 1 03/26/2003 Text icon Hilty Carlton County; Fond du Lac Band of Chippewa Indians provided first offer of tax-forfeited land within the Fond du Lac Indian Reservation.
House HF1190 1 03/26/2003 Text icon Hilty Convenience store security measures required and penalties prescribed.
House HF1188 1 03/26/2003 Text icon Hilty Corporation officers and directors required to consider other factors in addition to the interests of shareholders.
House SF1158 7 05/16/2003 96 Text icon Strachan DWI breath-testing instruments provisions modified.
House HF1125 1 03/24/2003 Text icon Abeler Alcohol and drug counselor licensure provisions modified, and Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors created.
House HF1094 3 03/27/2003 Text icon Haas Military Affairs Department funding provided for forces called to state active duty by the governor, and money appropriated.
House HF1060 2 03/24/2003 Text icon Wagenius Nuclear reactor phaseout and replacement of nuclear energy with alternative sources provided, metropolitan emissions reduction plan acceleration adopted, and conservation improvement funding increased.
House HF1035 8 04/22/2003 Text icon Strachan DWI breath-testing instruments provisions modified.
House HF1030 1 03/20/2003 Text icon Otremba Drug and alcohol counselor temporary practice supervision requirements modified.
House HF1022 1 03/20/2003 Text icon Eken Regressive tax, tuition, and fee increases and new regressive taxes or fees prohibited.
House HF1003 7 05/19/2003 Text icon Strachan Political subdivision compensation limit exclusion provided.
House SF0931 5 05/19/2003 Text icon Rhodes Campaign finance terms clarified, reporting requirements modified, additional civil penalties provided, and obsolete rules repealed.
House HF0925 1 03/17/2003 Text icon Hilty Cloquet local sales tax authorized and fund use specified.
House HF0914 4 03/11/2004 Text icon Hilty State contracts prohibited with tax haven countries.
House HF0887 5 05/19/2003 Text icon Abeler Vaccination education and precautions provided, and consultation required before modifying the schedule of immunizations.
House HF0833 1 03/13/2003 Text icon Hilty Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College baccalaureate programs established in elementary education and sustainable development.
House HF0773 2 03/26/2003 Text icon Hilty Electronic security system company employees and license applicant criminal background checks required, procedures established, discharge authorized, license endorsement disqualification authorized, and criminal penalties imposed.
House SF0755 3 03/11/2004 Text icon Hilty State contracts prohibited with tax haven countries.
House HF0675 1 03/03/2003 Text icon Clark Right to obtain judicial review of DWI-related vehicle forfeiture notice required to be printed in Somali language.
House HF0553 7 05/09/2003 Text icon Kielkucki Optional election of certain town offices provided.
House HF0552 1 02/20/2003 Text icon Eken Local government aid distributed via the city formula.
House HF0536 10 04/22/2003 21 Text icon Simpson Joint underwriting association coverage and market assistance responsibilities modified.
House HF0503 7 05/15/2003 76 Text icon Kielkucki Ballot preparation provisions clarified.
House HF0407 6 03/20/2003 Text icon Howes Minnesota Conservation Corps transferred to the Friends of the Minnesota Conservation Corps, assets transferred, and money appropriated.
House SF0407 6 05/12/2003 60 Text icon Kielkucki Optional election of certain town offices provided.
House HF0384 4 03/06/2003 Text icon Goodwin Consultant moratorium imposed on state government entities, and contracting law provisions modified.
House HF0361 11 05/12/2003 56 Text icon Kielkucki Special election procedures for town officials provided.
House HF0249 4 02/10/2003 Text icon Johnson, S. Hearing aid health coverage required for children.
House HF0248 2 02/12/2004 Text icon Otremba Universal Health Board, universal health program, health care trust fund, and statewide and regional health care budgets established; Health Care Commission abolished; and money appropriated.
House HF0242 1 01/29/2003 Text icon Solberg Aitkin County tax-forfeited land sale authorized.
House HF0240 1 01/29/2003 Text icon Soderstrom Waste processing grants outstanding obligations canceled for specified counties.
House HF0226 1 01/28/2003 Text icon Murphy Lake Superior Community College student services, smart classrooms, and open labs funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF0225 1 01/28/2003 Text icon Murphy Lake Superior Community College and Northwest Technical College dental clinics funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0214 4 02/06/2003 Text icon Dempsey Fourth-degree assault law expanded to include offenses committed towards employees or care providers at secure treatment facilities.
House HF0209 1 01/27/2003 Text icon Carlson Omnibus state government finance bill appropriating money and reducing state departmental appropriations.
House HF0204 1 01/27/2003 Text icon Murphy St. Louis County; political activity restrictions modified for certain officers and employees in the classified service.
House HF0192 4 02/10/2003 Text icon Hilty Lead sinkers sale and use prohibited.
House HF0186 1 01/27/2003 Text icon Dill Gitchi-Gami State Trail development funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0185 1 01/27/2003 Text icon Dill Knife River-Larsmont Sanitary District wastewater infrastructure grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF0174 7 05/13/2003 70 Text icon Murphy St. Louis County; political activity restrictions modified for certain officers and employees in the classified service.
House HF0117 3 02/06/2003 Text icon Goodwin Elder care leave provided.
House HF0097 3 04/23/2004 Text icon Strachan DWI; alcohol concentration level reduced to .08 for impairment offenses involving a motor vehicle, criminal vehicular homicide, operating recreational vehicles, hunting, and operating military vehicles.
House HF0096 4 04/02/2003 Text icon Smith Public safety officer health insurance benefit reimbursement policy modified, and specified claims reimbursed from available funds.
House SF0058 29 05/15/2004 283 Text icon Strachan DWI; alcohol concentration level reduced to .08 for impairment offenses involving a motor vehicle, criminal vehicular homicide, operating recreational vehicles, hunting, and operating military vehicles; and report required.
House HF0046 2 02/10/2003 Text icon Entenza Public safety officer's benefit account for death benefits and continued health insurance coverage allocation increased, and money appropriated.
House HR0005 1 03/10/2003 Text icon Hilty A house resolution commemorating the 85th anniversary of the Fires of .
House HR0003 4 02/27/2003 Text icon Entenza A house resolution proclaiming Friday, February 28, 2003, the anniversary of Katie Poirer's birth, as a day of remembrance for victims of sexual violence and abduction