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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

100 Documents Found in Legislative Session 83 (2003-2004)
for Authors of "Buesgens"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3200 2 05/13/2004 Text icon Buesgens Legislative sessions limited to odd-numbered years.
House HF3168 2 04/12/2004 Text icon Kohls Child maltreatment report notice to subject required.
House HF3164 1 04/05/2004 Text icon Urdahl Obesity and weight gain civil actions prohibited.
House HF3139 1 03/25/2004 Text icon Westerberg Gambling establishments required to acknowledge that the statewide toll-free compulsive gambling telephone number is paid for with state funds.
House HF3038 3 03/29/2004 Text icon Buesgens Education access grant pilot sites selected to provide access grants to low-income children residing in school districts with documented academic achievement gaps.
House HF2906 10 04/19/2004 165 Text icon Buesgens Payroll processing efficiency increased for local governments, and use of electronic time recording systems authorized.
House HF2863 1 03/08/2004 Text icon Buesgens Land detachment from existing school district for establishing new independent school district determination election provided.
House HF2837 1 03/08/2004 Text icon Buesgens State demographer required to provided demographic data to the Metropolitan Council.
House HF2818 1 03/08/2004 Text icon Buesgens Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act repealed.
House HF2798 10 03/24/2004 Text icon Holberg Marriage defined as a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2786 4 03/10/2004 Text icon Demmer Teacher contract negotiation during the school year prohibited, and January 15 deadline for settling contracts repealed.
House HF2772 2 04/19/2004 Text icon Knoblach Income tax education credit and education subtraction provisions modified.
House HF2667 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Hornstein No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 educational impact evaluation required in addition to evaluation of other state and federal laws requiring student testing.
House HF2649 6 03/31/2004 Text icon Buesgens Motor vehicle insurance premiums for private transit companies and taxi services study and report required.
House HF2595 1 03/01/2004 Text icon Vandeveer Legislative Commission on Metropolitan Government oversight responsibilities provided.
House HF2525 11 04/21/2004 Text icon Lanning Life estate or joint tenancy interest continuation allowance effective date modified, and refund by commissioner of human services required.
House HF2309 2 02/26/2004 Text icon Heidgerken Sauk Centre former Minnesota Correctional Facility operation as minimum-security prison proposal request authorized.
House SF2274 17 05/15/2004 258 Text icon Buesgens Municipal interim zoning ordinance limitations provided.
House HF2270 8 05/06/2004 182 Text icon Adolphson Newspaper public notice publication provisions modified and report required.
House HF2136 8 05/07/2004 Text icon Holberg Metropolitan Radio Board composition changed and sunset repealed, and Metropolitan Council bond request and authorization modified.
House HF2057 3 02/19/2004 Text icon Abrams Continuance of certain nonconforming zoning uses or occupancies provided.
House HF2021 6 05/07/2004 Text icon Buesgens Municipal interim zoning ordinance limitations provided.
House HF2011 12 05/06/2004 Text icon Buesgens Card club maximum table requirement eliminated.
House HF2010 2 02/16/2004 Text icon Buesgens Gambling activities at a class A licensed racetrack facility provided.
House HF2004 1 02/12/2004 Text icon Buesgens Elko Speedway on-sale license specifications provided.
House SF1973 6 05/10/2004 201 Text icon Holberg Public Safety Radio System Planning Committee transformed into the Statewide Radio Board, Metropolitan Radio Board composition changed and responsibilities transferred, regional radio boards established, and bonding requested.
House HF1947 3 02/16/2004 Text icon Buesgens Online learning funding provided at same rate for specified students.
House HF1868 6 03/17/2004 Text icon Buesgens Uniform election days for state and local elections provided.
House HF1822 6 03/03/2004 Text icon Buesgens Metropolitan Council government electronic funds transfer use authorized.
House HF1821 7 03/04/2004 Text icon Buesgens State Board of Investment authorized to invest Metropolitan Council postretirement reserves upon request.
House HF1815 1 02/05/2004 Text icon Olsen, S. Public schools efficiency reviews established.
House SF1815 15 05/03/2004 175 Text icon Buesgens State Board of Investment authorized to invest Metropolitan Council postretirement reserves upon request.
House HF1814 4 03/22/2004 Text icon Erickson Teacher training program for qualified professionals established.
House SF1814 7 03/15/2004 140 Text icon Buesgens Metropolitan Council government electronic funds transfer use authorized.
House HF1737 8 03/08/2004 Text icon Lipman Lake Elmo long-term comprehensive plan authorized.
House HF1637 3 02/12/2004 Text icon Blaine Abortion; constitutional amendment proposed prohibiting a different standard from the United States Constitution relating to abortion.
House HF1590 2 05/01/2003 Text icon Jacobson Property tax increases prohibited for taxes payable in 2004 and 2005 unless approved by referendum.
House HF1518 1 04/09/2003 Text icon Krinkie School finance simplification, clarification, and equity provided.
House HF1414 2 04/03/2003 Text icon Beard Highway rest area lease agreements authorized, lease funds deposited in special revenue fund, and money appropriated.
House HF1380 3 04/22/2003 Text icon Buesgens Public employment contracts financial parameters established.
House HF1299 1 03/27/2003 Text icon Buesgens Education funding classroom focus provided, efficiencies in state government increased, and duplicative programs eliminated.
House HF1291 1 03/27/2003 Text icon Klinzing School districts required to direct at least 55 percent of their operating revenue directly to regular instruction.
House HF1265 1 03/27/2003 Text icon Klinzing Student-teacher ratios clarified to include only teachers whose primary duty is to provide language arts, math, science, or social studies instruction.
House HF1264 2 03/31/2003 Text icon Klinzing School site pilot program established to provide schools with more local authority and flexibility.
House HF1260 1 03/27/2003 Text icon Seagren Online learning program established, student eligibility defined, online course revenue provided, district review and certification required, and money appropriated.
House HF1253 4 04/10/2003 Text icon Brod Local government pay equity reports required to be filed with the commissioner of employee relations every five years.
House HF1228 5 05/19/2003 Text icon Buesgens Metropolitan Council staggered terms provided, meeting requirements modified, council redistricting plan adopted, and old council district boundaries removed from statutes.
House HF1122 5 04/03/2003 Text icon Adolphson Public notice and proceedings publication alternative methods provided.
House HF1118 3 04/01/2003 Text icon Buesgens Virtual schools funding mechanisms provided.
House HF1109 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Krinkie School board contracting requirements for certain noninstructional services modified.
House HF1105 4 05/16/2003 Text icon Dorman Individual income tax checkoffs provided for additional funding to K-1 education, health care, higher education, early childhood and family education, and state parks.
House HF0944 11 05/12/2003 59 Text icon Holberg Local public notice newspaper designation requirements exception provided.
House HF0934 1 03/17/2003 Text icon Pelowski Teaching experience evaluation of education faculty at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities required.
House HF0932 3 04/10/2003 Text icon Vandeveer Property appraisal provided every five years.
House HF0927 5 02/12/2004 Text icon Wilkin St. Paul segment of I-35E speed limit established.
House HF0926 4 05/19/2003 Text icon Holberg Metropolitan Council service improvement plan authority repealed.
House HF0906 6 05/19/2003 Text icon Holberg Student survey notice requirements provided.
House HF0886 4 05/19/2003 Text icon Holberg Metropolitan Council agency long-range policy plan regional improvement cost analysis required.
House HF0846 1 03/13/2003 Text icon Adolphson Wetlands replacement requirements for public transportation projects modified.
House SF0829 5 05/19/2003 Text icon Buesgens Metropolitan government provisions modified relating to reporting requirements, Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission abolished, and dischargers directly assessed wastewater treatment user fees.
House HF0826 2 04/01/2003 Text icon Seifert Higher education financial aid requirements modified to include a service requirement for certain stipends.
House HF0822 4 05/19/2003 Text icon Buesgens Direct judicial review of district exclusion and expulsion decisions allowed.
House HF0820 4 05/19/2003 Text icon Buesgens Area learning center assignments by school districts authorized.
House HF0785 7 05/19/2003 Text icon Buesgens Metropolitan government provisions modified relating to reporting requirements, Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission abolished, and dischargers directly assessed wastewater treatment user fees.
House HF0745 2 03/20/2003 Text icon Adolphson Southwest Metropolitan Area Transit Corridor certain rail and bus transit actions by commissioner of transportation, Metropolitan Council, and Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority prohibited.
House HF0730 13 05/10/2004 196 Text icon Howes Home warranty statute of limitations specified for certain actions based on breach of warranty.
House SF0693 13 05/19/2003 Text icon Buesgens Metropolitan Council use of energy forward pricing mechanisms authorized.
House HF0689 6 04/01/2003 Text icon Buesgens Metropolitan Council use of energy forward pricing mechanisms authorized.
House HF0688 2 04/02/2003 Text icon Krinkie Regional rail authorities in the seven-county metropolitan area abolished.
House HF0668 13 03/31/2003 Text icon Holberg Woman's Right to Know Act requiring informed consent of a female upon whom an abortion is performed, providing civil remedies, and appropriating money.
House HF0646 17 04/25/2003 Text icon Buesgens Racino; gaming machines provided, and horse racing purse payments established.
House HF0618 1 02/27/2003 Text icon Smith Abortion; reporting required on notification before abortions are performed on a minor or specified other women, and civil penalties imposed.
House HF0616 7 03/06/2003 Text icon Finstad Prescription drug assistance program established through the Board on Aging, and appropriations transferred.
House HF0603 1 02/24/2003 Text icon Kielkucki Low-performing school student enrollment options established.
House HF0580 10 05/12/2004 Text icon Erickson Abstinence until marriage premised curriculum and instruction required.
House HF0554 6 04/01/2003 Text icon Buesgens Title examiner alternative means of compensation provided.
House HF0539 5 05/19/2003 Text icon Dorman Campaign and election contributions and solicitations prohibited during special legislative sessions.
House HF0427 3 03/03/2003 Text icon Strachan Municipal fire aid apportionment population definition modified.
House SF0422 11 05/09/2003 54 Text icon Buesgens Scott and Wright County title examiners alternative means of compensation provided.
House HF0421 3 02/20/2003 Text icon Buesgens Auto racing tracks extended valuation and tax deferment of open space.
House HF0394 6 03/13/2003 Text icon Wardlow Municipal guaranteed energy savings contracts maximum length extended to 15 years.
House HF0391 5 05/19/2003 Text icon Olsen, S. School districts authorized to convert, by election, from election by district to election at large.
House HF0390 5 05/19/2003 Text icon Erickson Elections conducted by mail; county auditor approval requirement eliminated.
House HF0348 7 03/13/2003 Text icon Kielkucki Type III vehicle usage for transport of school children age of vehicle provision extended.
House HF0342 2 02/13/2003 Text icon Buesgens Elko Speedway on-sale liquor license authorized.
House HF0341 5 03/13/2003 Text icon Lindner Sexual orientation removed as a protected class under the Human Rights Act and other statutory provisions.
House HF0302 10 05/19/2003 129 Text icon Sykora Profile of learning repealed.
House HF0293 9 05/16/2003 93 Text icon Brod Municipalities authorized to prescribe fees by a fee schedule.
House HF0261 10 04/30/2003 Text icon Boudreau Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of 2003 adopted recognizing the right of law-abiding citizens to self-protection, authorizing pistol permits, providing criminal penalties, and appropriating money.
House HF0233 2 01/30/2003 Text icon Carlson State Board of Education established.
House HF0217 6 02/17/2003 Text icon Vandeveer Legislators and constitutional officers four percent salary decrease provided until June 30, 2005.
House HF0206 3 03/26/2003 Text icon Seagren January 15 teacher contract deadline date repealed.
House HF0162 10 05/19/2003 Text icon Seifert Health commissioner required to obtain legislative approval for specified rules adoption.
House HF0083 2 01/21/2003 Text icon Buesgens Local governments prohibited from hiring lobbyists.
House HF0075 6 02/24/2003 Text icon Johnson, J. Joint and several liability apportionment regulated.
House HF0030 6 05/19/2003 Text icon Lipman Metropolitan Council limited to changing a local comprehensive plan only when the plan will have a substantial, demonstrable, and adverse impact on the infrastructure of a metropolitan system.
House HR0024 9 05/05/2004 Text icon Boudreau A house resolution recognizing May 6, 2004, as a Day of Prayer in Minnesota.
House HR0022 4 04/23/2004 Text icon Clark A house resolution remembering Molly Cade.
House HC0003 1 04/02/2003 Text icon Erickson A house concurrent resolution relating to gambling; requesting renegotiation of tribal-state gambling compacts.
House HF0002 10 02/17/2003 Text icon Kielkucki Profile of learning repealed and replaced; and legislative review of proposed academic standards in language arts, mathematics, science, history, and geography required.