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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

132 Documents Found in Legislative Session 82 (2001-2002)
for Authors of "Tingelstad"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House SF1090 6 05/07/2001 82 Text icon Jacobson Minor employee age certification requirement satisfied by form I-9.
House SF1706 6 05/07/2001 84 Text icon Tingelstad Asthma inhaler possession and use authorized for public elementary and secondary school students.
House SF1394 17 05/19/2001 178 Text icon Tingelstad Child placement and maltreatment investigation provisions modified, data classification and sharing authorized, duties imposed, and report required.
House SF1464 17 05/21/2001 205 Text icon Nornes Lead poisoning prevention provisions modified, pay toilet prohibition clarified, alternative compliance methods provided, and obsolete laws repealed.
House SF0058 7 02/21/2002 221 Text icon Greiling Revisor's instruction to replace phrase concerning mental illness.
House HF3116 6 03/06/2002 225 Text icon Ozment Legislative commission on Minnesota resources environmental and natural resources trust fund responsibilities and fund availability modified, land compliance failure penalty provided, and notices required.
House SF1811 7 04/03/2002 327 Text icon Olson Water management authority public drainage system transfer allowed and water management authority defined.
House SF3246 19 05/09/2002 367 Text icon Entenza Telemarketing; telephone solicitation limited and money appropriated.
House HR0018 1 05/21/2001 Text icon McGuire A house resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives of the state of Minnesota, in support of a Women's Health Platform that recognizes serious inequities in the health prevention and treatment of women, etc.
House HF0065 4 01/25/2001 Text icon Folliard Toxic air contaminants reduction and reports required.
House HF0070 9 05/21/2001 Text icon Seifert Presidential electors designated and duties specified.
House HF0075 2 01/22/2001 Text icon Hackbarth Minneapolis to Anoka county highway No. 22 express transit bus service appropriation provided.
House HF0097 6 02/14/2002 Text icon Greiling Revisor's instruction to replace phrase concerning mental illness.
House HF0110 3 04/11/2001 Text icon Wagenius Water quality standards risk evaluation and report required.
House HF0134 1 01/16/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Prior service credit purchase authorized for a former state highway department employee.
House HF0135 1 01/16/2001 Text icon Wagenius Drinking water standards risk evaluation and report required.
House HF0171 3 02/08/2001 Text icon Mulder Disabled access levy extended.
House HF0201 2 02/05/2001 Text icon McElroy Legislature size reduced incrementally.
House HF0269 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Anderson, B. Wright county aggregate materials production tax authorized.
House HF0271 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Anderson, B. Wright county authorized to impose production tax on aggregate materials removed from the county.
House HF0427 8 05/16/2001 Text icon Westerberg Bleacher safety act; Minnesota amateur sports facility exemption provided.
House HF0443 1 01/29/2001 Text icon Westerberg Blaine city hall and police department facility construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
House SF0453 7 05/17/2001 Text icon Westerberg Bleacher safety act; Minnesota amateur sports facility exemption provided.
House HF0469 1 02/01/2001 Text icon Abeler County agricultural societies authorized to retain sales tax on county fair event admissions, and use proceeds for improvements.
House HF0478 8 03/22/2001 Text icon Sykora ADD; parents and providers required to evaluate programs prior to prescribing drugs to children with attention deficit disorder, educational neglect definition clarified, number of children affected determined, and money appropriated.
House HF0480 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Kielkucki Voluntary accreditation program funding authorized to provide optimal educational support services, and money appropriated.
House HF0524 7 04/19/2001 Text icon Bernardy Fridley clean water partnership grant provided for Springbrook subwatershed implementation project, and money appropriated.
House HF0647 1 02/08/2001 Text icon Westerberg East Bethel; trunk highway No. 65 improvement funding provided, and bonds issued.
House HF0648 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Abeler Birth centers regulatory system study required.
House HF0714 2 02/15/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Plumber licensure required, inspection requirements for plumbing installations established, fees and rulemaking authorized, and restricted plumbing contractor licensure provided.
House HF0725 3 02/22/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Metropolitan regional parks system operation and maintenance provided and money appropriated.
House SF0750 2 04/23/2001 Text icon Sykora ADD; parents and providers required to evaluate programs prior to prescribing drugs to children with attention deficit disorder, educational neglect definition clarified, number of children affected determined, and money appropriated.
House HF0765 4 04/09/2001 Text icon Holsten Lottery ticket revenue dedicated for natural resource purposes reduction eliminated.
House HF0766 13 03/14/2002 Text icon Holsten Household hazardous waste program authority transferred, SCORE block grants funding provided, and appointing authority evaluation requested.
House HF0785 2 02/15/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Raptor center lead poisoning in bald eagles research provided at the University of Minnesota, and money appropriated.
House HF0786 2 02/19/2001 Text icon Abeler Adults with disabilities community education programs monitoring and technical assistance provided, and funding levels ensured.
House HF0787 3 04/02/2001 Text icon Abeler Anoka area nursing home moratorium exception priority extended and money appropriated.
House HF0796 2 02/22/2001 Text icon Davnie Arsenic; school districts notified annually to seal wood treated with arsenic, school districts and charter schools prohibited from purchasing wood treated with arsenic without safety commitment, and money appropriated.
House HF0822 3 03/15/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Northstar commuter rail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0853 1 02/15/2001 Text icon Ozment State park land acquisition provided and money appropriated.
House HF0898 2 02/26/2001 Text icon Kelliher Amphibian research; malformed amphibian research grant provided to the pollution control agency, and money appropriated.
House HF0959 1 02/15/2001 Text icon Folliard Chemicals; health risk value rules evaluation provided for chemicals emitted into the air.
House HF1031 2 03/01/2001 Text icon Hackbarth Local community forest ecosystem health program, community forestry assessments, and tree planting funding provided and money appropriated.
House HF1032 1 02/19/2001 Text icon Bernardy Referendum equalization allowance increased.
House HF1154 2 03/05/2001 Text icon Greiling Metropolitan mosquito control commission insecticide use restricted.
House HF1196 3 03/21/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Tobacco settlement fund modified, medical education endowment fund sunset extended, healthy kids learn endowment fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF1198 1 02/26/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Foster care, adoption assistance, and relative custody assistance advisory task force convened.
House HF1199 2 03/28/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Adoption expenses income tax deduction provided.
House HF1200 5 03/28/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Adoption expenses income tax credit provided.
House HF1300 2 03/15/2001 Text icon Jacobson Motor vehicle sales tax funds deposited in the highway user tax distribution fund and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1304 14 05/21/2001 Text icon Nornes Lead poisoning prevention provisions modified, property sellers required to provide well water test results, and obsolete laws repealed.
House HF1308 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Kelliher County biological survey funded and money appropriated.
House HF1313 3 03/12/2001 Text icon Ozment Soil and water conservation district grants provided for nonpoint engineering technical assistance, feedlot water quality management program, and special projects cost-share program; and money appropriated.
House HF1386 4 02/07/2002 Text icon Ozment Shoreland protection program established, grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1389 1 03/05/2001 Text icon Ozment Nongame wildlife account contribution matching funds provided and money appropriated.
House HF1394 10 04/19/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Asthma inhaler possession and use authorized for public elementary and secondary school students.
House HF1397 7 05/03/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Child placement provisions modified and definitions provided.
House HF1409 7 04/19/2001 Text icon Jacobson Minor employee age certification requirement satisfied by form I-9.
House SF1447 2 04/24/2001 Text icon Wagenius Parents' right to know act; parental notice required when Head Start program or child care provider plans to use certain pesticides.
House HF1478 1 03/08/2001 Text icon Wagenius Parents' right to know act; parental notice required when Head Start program or child care provider plans to use certain pesticides.
House HF1484 3 03/15/2001 Text icon Kelliher Child exposure to toxic chemicals awareness grants provided and money appropriated.
House HF1485 2 03/15/2001 Text icon Kelliher Pollution control agency required to provide emissions information and money appropriated.
House HF1504 2 03/21/2001 Text icon Mahoney Administration and health departments directed to adopt current electrical, mechanical, and plumbing standards.
House HF1508 1 03/08/2001 Text icon Howes Phosphorous fertilizer application restricted, adulteration factors clarified, and civil penalties provided.
House HF1511 1 03/08/2001 Text icon Westerberg Telework assessment and telecommuting expense income tax credits provided.
House HF1512 1 03/08/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Telecommuting effects on juvenile crime and other social issues study provided and money appropriated.
House HF1513 3 04/04/2001 Text icon Westerberg Telecommuting days designation authority provided to department of public safety and money appropriated.
House HF1523 1 03/08/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Ham Lake fire department facility construction materials and supplies sales tax exemption provided.
House HF1529 3 03/22/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Pesticide application in schools regulated.
House HF1534 3 03/28/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Independent school district Nos. 728, Elk River, and 535, Rochester, high performance school facilities pilot projects established and money appropriated.
House HF1595 3 04/09/2001 Text icon Holsten Forest resource management and education provisions modified, forest resource committees duties added, Minnesota forest resources council authorization extended, monitoring and reporting guidelines provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1629 7 05/21/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Uniform parentage act study and report required.
House HF1635 1 03/12/2001 Text icon Daggett Subwatershed unit tax levies authorized, and ad valorem tax levy authorized for watershed management cost increases.
House HF1644 1 03/12/2001 Text icon Kahn Capital improvement project and public building energy efficiency impact statement and energy efficiency standards required.
House HF1668 3 04/11/2001 Text icon Mullery Hennepin county Southeast Asian collaborative transitional employment training project federal TANF funding provided and money appropriated.
House HF1671 13 05/16/2002 Text icon Holsten Conservation heritage enhancement fund established, 3 16ths of one percent sales tax revenue dedicated to natural resources and education excellence fund, voter education guide posted, and constitutional amendments proposed.
House HF1672 3 04/02/2001 Text icon Koskinen Local government aid for mutual aid and emergency medical communication services provided from 911 fees.
House HF1763 11 04/02/2002 Text icon Olson Water management authority public drainage system transfer allowed and water management authority defined.
House HF1785 1 03/15/2001 Text icon Ozment Science Museum of Minnesota operating expenses provided and money appropriated.
House HF1850 6 04/17/2001 Text icon Abeler Flexible learning year program expansion three-year pilot project established.
House HF1853 1 03/15/2001 Text icon Abeler Special education; 100 percent state funding provided over a seven-year period and money appropriated.
House HF1854 2 04/09/2001 Text icon Abeler Special education services developed and access to information provided.
House HF1867 2 04/02/2001 Text icon Walker Minneapolis health education and promotion program on food safety in the Latino, Somali, and Southeast Asian communities grant provided and money appropriated.
House HF1903 1 03/19/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Relative custody assistance payment and adoption assistance provisions modified, and difficulty-of-care rates equalized.
House SF1963 2 05/08/2001 Text icon Ozment Recycled materials promotion provided for public entity bid specifications and commodity and services procurement.
House HF1972 3 03/28/2001 Text icon Koskinen Mississippi riverbank stabilization project grant provided and money appropriated.
House HF2012 1 03/19/2001 Text icon Bernardy State commitment to debt service equalization aid increased, initial local levy reduced, equalizing factor to the average statewide tax base adjusted, and money appropriated.
House HF2027 1 03/19/2001 Text icon Jacobson Rules; obsolete cigarette and tobacco products tax rules repealed.
House HF2047 3 04/04/2001 Text icon Ozment Recycled materials promotion provided for public entity bid specifications and commodity and services procurement.
House HF2118 1 03/22/2001 Text icon Haas Interregional trunk highway corridor coalitions grants provided and money appropriated.
House HF2209 1 03/26/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Health coverage outreach campaign established, preventive services pool created, income verification requirements for medical assistance reduced, continuous coverage provided, MinnesotaCare premiums limited, and money appropriated.
House HF2254 1 03/26/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Andover water treatment facility construction materials and equipment sales and use tax exemption provided.
House HF2255 2 04/02/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Tobacco settlement and medical education endowment funds modified, healthy kids learn endowment fund created, and money appropriated.
House HF2272 1 03/28/2001 Text icon Abeler Anoka county nursing facility rate adjustment provided.
House HF2283 1 03/28/2001 Text icon Johnson, R. Strontium 90 level in teeth of small children study provided and money appropriated.
House HF2319 1 03/28/2001 Text icon Johnson, R. Dislocated homemaker program funded and money appropriated.
House HF2477 1 04/19/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Oil sorbent materials placement in solid waste prohibited.
House HF2488 1 04/25/2001 Text icon Paulsen Redistricting principles for legislative and congressional plans established by resolution.
House HF2555 1 05/19/2001 Text icon Tingelstad Metropolitan regional parks system funding provided and money appropriated.
House HF2611 5 03/26/2002 Text icon Bernardy Anoka county emergency radio system levy authorized.
House HF2671 2 02/04/2002 Text icon Hackbarth Anoka county park-and-ride lot authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2691 2 02/13/2002 Text icon Tingelstad Pollution control agency required to amend rule to provide for bioremediation technologies in failed individual sewage treatment systems.
House HF2710 19 04/11/2002 Text icon Entenza Telemarketing; telephone solicitation limited and money appropriated.
House HF2764 5 03/06/2002 Text icon Abrams Unicameral legislature established with 134 members, voter guide required, initiative and referendum provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2818 2 03/18/2002 Text icon Tingelstad Northstar commuter rail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2819 4 02/21/2002 Text icon Tingelstad Assisted reproduction act adopted authorizing collaborative reproduction agreements and embryo agreements.
House HF2820 2 02/13/2002 Text icon Greiling Smoke detector battery manufacturers required to provide for safe disposal of radioactive batteries.
House HF2821 1 02/04/2002 Text icon Tingelstad Teacher retirement association optional accelerated retirement annuities payment age revised.
House HF2831 1 02/04/2002 Text icon Tingelstad High performance facility grant program established, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2900 3 02/07/2002 Text icon Tingelstad St. Paul high performance office building and educational center construction grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2952 3 02/27/2002 Text icon Abeler Anoka; trunk highway No. 169 pedestrian-activated traffic signal installation required if paid for by nonstate sources.
House HF3018 1 02/07/2002 Text icon Ozment Citizens advisory committee for the environment and natural resources trust fund funding provided for specified projects and money appropriated.
House HF3087 1 02/07/2002 Text icon Tingelstad School building construction and repair ten-year warranty required.
House HF3095 1 02/07/2002 Text icon Tingelstad Asthma surveillance system established, and money appropriated.
House HF3103 2 02/18/2002 Text icon Stanek Colin Powell youth center construction provided for educational and job training support to disadvantaged youth, and money appropriated.
House HF3106 3 02/21/2002 Text icon Huntley Health; Congress and the Food and Drug Administration urged by resolution to take steps to protect the health of the people and to maintain effectiveness of human antibiotics.
House HF3126 3 02/26/2002 Text icon Evans Diesel fuel emissions notice provided to local school districts and parents.
House HF3136 1 02/11/2002 Text icon Daggett Local natural and scenic areas and regional parks funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3228 2 02/13/2002 Text icon Osthoff Metro greenways and natural areas program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3237 1 02/11/2002 Text icon Evans School building grant funding authorized, program criteria modified, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3255 1 02/11/2002 Text icon Tingelstad Military service credit purchase payment amounts in the Minnesota state retirement system modified.
House HF3280 1 02/11/2002 Text icon Kelliher Underutilized property cleanup for use as publicly owned parks and natural areas funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3341 2 02/14/2002 Text icon Entenza School employees authorized to collect unemployment benefits between academic years or terms under specific circumstances.
House HF3424 1 02/14/2002 Text icon McGuire Hennepin county Silver lake environmental education center construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3480 2 02/19/2002 Text icon Abeler Market value growth limited on all property, new improvements market value phased-in, current limited market value phase-out repealed, and limited market value made permanent.
House HF3508 4 03/06/2002 Text icon Tingelstad Cancer; drinking water, air, and land protection provided from chemicals found to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.
House HF3522 2 02/25/2002 Text icon Dorman Nexus sales tax rules for affiliated companies provided.
House HF3665 2 03/08/2002 Text icon Bernardy School district referendum equalization aid increased.
House HF3671 1 03/07/2002 Text icon Abeler Commercial improvements property tax valuation exclusion provided.
House HF3678 1 03/08/2002 Text icon Dempsey Mississippi river parkway commission extended to 2009.
House HF3722 8 05/16/2002 Text icon Abrams Unicameral legislature adopted consisting of 134 members, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3735 1 05/17/2002 Text icon Jacobson Homesteads owned by persons at least age 65 valuation increase prohibited if income standard is met.