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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

121 Documents Found in Legislative Session 82 (2001-2002)
for Authors of "Abrams"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0026 3 01/11/2001 Text icon Pawlenty Income tax; financial account location not to be used in determining residency.
House HF0002 5 01/16/2001 Text icon Walz Sales tax rebate provided, automatic rebate provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0010 5 01/16/2001 Text icon Johnson, J. Capital gains income tax exclusion provided.
House HF0048 3 01/16/2001 Text icon Abrams Sales tax rebate provided and money appropriated.
House HF0067 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Abrams S corporation federal tax conformity provided.
House HF0073 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Abrams Long-term capital gain income tax exclusion allowed.
House HF0145 1 01/16/2001 Text icon Abrams Lake Minnetonka multiuse water access site preparation and construction funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0146 1 01/16/2001 Text icon Abrams Lake Minnetonka multiuse water access site preparation and construction bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0168 1 01/16/2001 Text icon Folliard Education finance; growth factor included in referendum revenue cap, and original cap percentage restored.
House HF0179 1 01/18/2001 Text icon Abrams Foreign insurance company corporation franchise tax exemption extended to all insurance companies.
House HF0001 7 01/25/2001 Text icon Jacobson Individual income tax and alternative minimum tax rates reduced, and conforming changes provided.
House HF0015 4 01/25/2001 Text icon Pawlenty Charitable contributions income tax subtraction modified.
House HF0183 3 01/29/2001 Text icon Abrams Capital equipment sales and use tax collection and refund repealed.
House HF0335 2 01/29/2001 Text icon Erhardt Corporate franchise tax single sales apportionment adopted.
House HF0160 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Anderson, I. Veto override sessions of the legislature after sine die provided and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0161 2 02/01/2001 Text icon Anderson, I. Legislature; organization of house of representatives provided in case of tie vote for a house officer.
House HF0592 1 02/05/2001 Text icon Dorman Nonmixed municipal solid waste tax decreased, and specified accounting and recordkeeping requirements repealed.
House HF0403 3 02/08/2001 Text icon Vandeveer Passenger automobile registration tax credits provided and tax credit amount transferred from the general fund to the highway user tax distribution fund.
House HF0184 5 02/12/2001 Text icon Abrams June accelerated payments of sales taxes eliminated.
House HF0318 3 02/12/2001 Text icon Abrams Corporate franchise tax single sales apportionment adopted.
House HF0755 1 02/12/2001 Text icon Dorman Solid waste management tax rates reduced and automatic adjustment provided for future years.
House HF0759 1 02/12/2001 Text icon Kahn MinnesotaCare provider tax repealed, cigarette and tobacco taxes increased, health care access fund eliminated, MinnesotaCare transferred to the general fund, and unfair cigarette sales act repealed.
House HF0552 3 02/15/2001 Text icon Abrams Sales tax rebate payments provided, automatic rebate enacted, and money appropriated.
House HF0832 1 02/15/2001 Text icon Daggett Lawful gambling taxes reduced and reporting requirements modified.
House HF0868 1 02/15/2001 Text icon Abrams Patient rights and protections established, coverages regulated, carrier and provider duties specified, and remedies provided.
House HF1018 1 02/19/2001 Text icon Milbert Access to amusement devices removed from definition of a taxable service.
House HF1129 1 02/22/2001 Text icon Abrams Sales and use tax regulations clarified.
House HF1036 3 02/26/2001 Text icon Bishop Casino; state-operated casino authorized, 21st century economic development fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF1176 1 02/26/2001 Text icon Vandeveer Electronic tax filing requirements modified.
House HF1186 1 02/26/2001 Text icon Abrams Integration revenue provided for all members of a multidistrict integration collaborative.
House HF0662 3 03/05/2001 Text icon Rukavina Aurora housing and redevelopment tax increment financing district extended.
House HF1398 1 03/05/2001 Text icon Dorman Residential rental property class rates reduced, and homestead and agricultural credit aid computation adjusted to compensate for lost revenue.
House HF0889 3 03/08/2001 Text icon Solberg Independent school district No. 318, Grand Rapids, school-based health center levy authorized.
House HF1848 1 03/15/2001 Text icon Knoblach Marriage; income tax penalty for marriage reduced.
House HF1017 3 03/21/2001 Text icon Walker Taxpayer assistance services provided to low-income taxpayers through grants to nonprofit entities and money appropriated.
House HF2023 2 03/21/2001 Text icon Kuisle Telecommunications machinery and equipment sales and use tax exemption provided.
House HF2042 1 03/21/2001 Text icon Abrams Insurance premiums tax rate reduced.
House HF2077 1 03/21/2001 Text icon Lenczewski Hennepin county design-build contracts provided.
House HF2086 1 03/21/2001 Text icon Abrams Energy-efficient products exempted from sales tax.
House HF0880 4 03/22/2001 Text icon Solberg Independent school district No. 319, Nashwauk-Keewatin, additional levy authorized to finance library and community service project.
House HF2160 1 03/22/2001 Text icon Milbert Property tax public hearings requirements modified, and reverse referendum required for property tax increases in counties and certain cities.
House HF1874 3 03/28/2001 Text icon Abrams Tax data classification and access provided; seized property, civil and criminal penalty provisions modified; and money appropriated.
House HF2295 1 03/28/2001 Text icon Mullery Tax court jurisdiction provided in specified Hennepin county property tax cases.
House HF1765 3 03/29/2001 Text icon Abrams Election equipment upgrades authorized, obsolete language eliminated, voting instructions translated, more accurate election results provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2061 2 03/29/2001 Text icon Abrams County capital improvement bonding authority sunset repealed.
House HF0043 7 04/02/2001 Text icon Abrams School district operating referendum revenue inflationary increase granted.
House HF1963 2 04/02/2001 Text icon Abrams Local government referenda on bonding and levies authorized only at the general election, information about ballot questions regulated, and spending reports required.
House HF2019 2 04/02/2001 Text icon Sykora Elementary classroom website grants provided and money appropriated.
House HF1053 5 04/09/2001 Text icon Abrams Private health care coverage regulations revised, specified regulatory controls transferred, and managed care plan requirements established.
House HF2117 3 04/09/2001 Text icon Rhodes Raw food cost adjustment excluded from nursing facility rate computations.
House HF2158 3 04/09/2001 Text icon Abrams Metropolitan area transit and paratransit annual funding capital expenditures provided.
House HF2402 2 04/09/2001 Text icon Pugh State primary election moved from September to June.
House HF0047 21 04/11/2001 30 Text icon Rukavina Iron mining; closed iron mines and facilities required to be maintained for two years, and extra unemployment benefits provided for workers laid off from LTV mining company.
House HF1423 2 04/11/2001 Text icon Leppik Pupil transportation requirements for school districts removed and pupil transportation fees allowed.
House HF2339 3 04/11/2001 Text icon McElroy Utility generation property tax provisions modified, utility rate adjustments provided, trust fund established, rebate authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2350 2 04/11/2001 Text icon Lenczewski Hennepin county multijurisdictional programs financing means specified.
House HF2436 1 04/11/2001 Text icon McElroy Taconite production tax rate reduced, payment provided in installments, grants provided, distributions of the tax modified, and taconite industry equipment and personal property sales tax exemption provided.
House HF2447 1 04/11/2001 Text icon Abrams Tax increment financing, abatement, and related development statutes minor and technical changes provided.
House HF2244 3 04/17/2001 Text icon Abrams State funding of trial courts provided in unfunded judicial districts and county court facility requirements provided.
House HF0004 8 04/18/2001 Text icon Abrams MinnesotaCare premium and provider taxes repealed, pass-through consumer savings required, tobacco settlement proceeds allocated, financial management of MinnesotaCare provided, and health care access fund repealed on a contingent basis.
House HF1995 3 04/18/2001 Text icon Bernardy Full deductibility of health insurance premiums allowed.
House HF0867 7 04/19/2001 44 Text icon Seagren Hennepin; suburban regional park district authorized to set commissioner compensation, boundaries clarified, open meeting law conformity provided, donations accepted, and joint powers agreements authorized.
House HF2472 1 04/19/2001 Text icon Paulsen Local government redistricting deadlines extended, and districting principles modified.
House HF1907 5 04/23/2001 Text icon Biernat General education levy provided as a state-determined, state-collected levy.
House HF2481 1 04/23/2001 Text icon Abrams Electronic filing and payment of specified taxes provided.
House HF0149 15 04/24/2001 54 Text icon Pawlenty Islam; Halal food product serving, selling, and labeling regulated.
House HF2488 1 04/25/2001 Text icon Paulsen Redistricting principles for legislative and congressional plans established by resolution.
House HF1416 3 05/04/2001 Text icon Abrams Electronic filing and paying of taxes programs established, uniform sales and use tax administration provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1908 2 05/11/2001 Text icon Rhodes Raw food cost adjustment excluded from nursing facility rate computations.
House HF2534 2 05/16/2001 Text icon McElroy Public contracts relating to professional athletic teams definitions, legislative finding, and equitable remedy provided; and tortorious interference prohibited.
House HF2516 9 05/19/2001 Text icon Paulsen Legislative redistricting plan for use beginning in 2002 adopted.
House HF0084 4 05/21/2001 Text icon Daggett Income, property, sales and use, cigarette and tobacco, liquor, MinnesotaCare and other taxes technical corrections bill.
House HF0187 4 05/21/2001 Text icon Abrams Tax increment financing districts modifications prohibited and expenditures limited.
House HF1310 18 05/21/2001 207 Text icon Abrams Construction; state building official authorized to interpret the state building code, annual reports on construction-related fees required, construction fees regulated, and waivers of rights requirements prohibited.
House HF1424 7 05/21/2001 Text icon Krinkie Metropolitan airports commission capital improvement program legislation required and legislative approval of individual capital projects required.
House HF1876 4 05/21/2001 Text icon Wilkin Metropolitan council professional services contracting reports required.
House HF2037 7 05/21/2001 Text icon Abrams Public finance provisions technical modifications specified and certain county capital improvement bonds sunset date extended.
House SF2208 19 05/21/2001 214 Text icon Abrams Public finance provisions technical modifications specified and certain county capital improvement bonds sunset date extended.
House HF2506 4 05/21/2001 Text icon Abrams Bond allocation act update and modifications provided.
House HF2519 6 05/21/2001 Text icon Paulsen Legislative and congressional redistricting plans adopted for use beginning in 2002.
House HF2666 1 01/29/2002 Text icon Dorman Tax amnesty program established.
House HF2875 1 02/04/2002 Text icon Abrams Tax data classification and disclosure provisions technical changes provided.
House HF2878 1 02/04/2002 Text icon Abrams Taxation technical and administrative modifications provided.
House HF2811 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Abrams Minneapolis; Guthrie theater funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2876 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Abrams Bakery goods including bread specifically exempted from the prepared food sales tax.
House HF2879 2 02/07/2002 Text icon Abrams County and municipal public finance definitions and authorizations modified.
House HF3113 1 02/07/2002 Text icon Rhodes Independent school district No. 283, St. Louis Park, metropolitan magnet school grant authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2937 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Abrams Corporate franchise tax phasing-in apportionment based solely on sales.
House HF3174 1 02/11/2002 Text icon Wasiluk Gambling lawful purpose expenditures modified.
House HF3191 1 02/11/2002 Text icon Abrams Taxation policy and administrative provisions modified.
House HF3281 1 02/11/2002 Text icon Abrams Franchise taxes cross-references corrected.
House HF3285 1 02/11/2002 Text icon Abrams Sales tax exemption provided for delivery or distribution charges for printed materials.
House HF3376 1 02/13/2002 Text icon Mullery Low-income public housing units and developments materials and equipment sales and use tax exemption provided.
House HF3441 1 02/14/2002 Text icon Krinkie Budget submission and revenue forecast deadlines modified.
House HF3460 1 02/14/2002 Text icon Kuisle Aggregate materials and concrete block delivery charges taxed, and contract transition language provided.
House HF3476 1 02/14/2002 Text icon Anderson, I. Levy limit base calculation modified.
House HF2583 4 02/18/2002 Text icon Krinkie Legislative deadline imposed for action on omnibus bills.
House HF2621 3 02/18/2002 Text icon Abrams Bakery goods including bread specifically exempted from the prepared foods sales tax.
House HF1944 10 02/19/2002 Text icon Holberg Light rail; special taxing districts created to finance operating costs of light rail transit.
House HF2744 2 02/19/2002 Text icon Fuller Electric generation facility personal property tax exemption provided.
House HF3594 1 02/21/2002 Text icon Abrams Income tax federal update provided including victims of terrorism tax relief act of 2001.
House HF3595 1 02/21/2002 Text icon Paulsen Energy-efficient propane gas furnaces and water heaters sales tax exemption provided.
House HF3288 2 02/25/2002 Text icon Abrams Metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditures annual financing provided.
House HF3375 3 02/25/2002 Text icon Seagren Hennepin county environmental response fund continued.
House HF3522 2 02/25/2002 Text icon Dorman Nexus sales tax rules for affiliated companies provided.
House HF3628 1 02/25/2002 Text icon Abrams Electric generation facility personal property tax exemption provided, and hydroelectric generating facilities construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
House HF3621 2 02/27/2002 Text icon Abrams Tobacco use prevention and local public health endowment fund eliminated.
House HF2764 5 03/06/2002 Text icon Abrams Unicameral legislature established with 134 members, voter guide required, initiative and referendum provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2906 7 03/12/2002 Text icon Abrams Hennepin county board real property leasing and off-street parking facility construction limitations removed.
House HF3224 6 03/12/2002 Text icon Abrams Hennepin county health and medical center contracting authorized with public or private organizations.
House HF3664 2 03/12/2002 Text icon Abrams Local municipal bonding authority restrictions provided.
House HF3503 5 03/18/2002 Text icon Daggett Bakery goods including bread, and other foods sold in bulk or requiring cooking to prevent food borne illness specifically exempted from the prepared foods sales tax.
House HF2836 3 03/20/2002 Text icon Abrams Region nine development commission authorized to establish a specific nonprofit corporation to reduce the region's dependence on tax dollars.
House SF2859 2 03/20/2002 Text icon Krinkie Budget submission and revenue forecast deadlines modified.
House SF3034 7 03/22/2002 302 Text icon Abrams Hennepin county health and medical center contracting authorized with public or private organizations.
House HF1296 2 03/25/2002 Text icon Abrams Legislative days limit repealed and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2622 27 03/25/2002 Text icon Stanek Terrorism; anti-terrorism act of 2002 adopted providing civil and criminal penalties for agricultural, biological, and other mass destruction; modifying open meeting law and data sharing provisions; and appropriating money.
House SF2568 9 04/29/2002 359 Text icon Abrams Hennepin county board real property leasing and off-street parking facility construction limitations removed.
House HF2498 29 05/16/2002 377 Text icon Abrams Omnibus tax bill modifying provisions relating to income, franchise, sales and use, property, MinnesotaCare, liquor, and other taxes; providing for transfer of funds; providing for a budget reserve; and appropriating money.
House HF3722 8 05/16/2002 Text icon Abrams Unicameral legislature adopted consisting of 134 members, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House SF2572 19 05/17/2002 390 Text icon Abrams Public finance provisions modified relating to specified counties and municipalities, St. Paul independent library agency authorized, and tax-forfeited land sale funds distributed.