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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

86 Documents Found in Legislative Session 82 (2001-2002)
for Authors of "Leighton"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3699 1 03/20/2002 Text icon Dorman Motor home production facility construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
House HF3682 1 03/11/2002 Text icon Leighton Adams municipal grant provided to investigate possible contamination from a former coal gasification plant, and money appropriated.
House HF3679 2 03/11/2002 Text icon Dawkins Working family income tax credit increased.
House HF3601 1 02/21/2002 Text icon Leighton Health record and medical information release patient consent provisions clarified.
House HF3595 1 02/21/2002 Text icon Paulsen Energy-efficient propane gas furnaces and water heaters sales tax exemption provided.
House HF3586 1 02/21/2002 Text icon Leighton No-fault auto insurance inflationary adjustments provided.
House HF3497 5 03/12/2002 Text icon Davids Insurance fraud prevention division established within the department of commerce, criminal penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3455 6 03/13/2002 Text icon Leighton Marital agreement act adopted.
House HF3436 5 03/18/2002 Text icon Rukavina Minimum wage increased.
House HF3408 2 02/14/2002 Text icon Rukavina Labor agreements, plan amendments, and salary increase proposal ratified.
House SF3380 9 04/09/2002 338 Text icon Leighton Postnuptial contract provisions modified.
House HF3348 6 03/13/2002 Text icon Nornes Workers' compensation payment provisions, intervention procedures, and special compensation fund provisions modified.
House HF3342 5 03/21/2002 Text icon Gerlach Discrimination against older homes prohibited in manufactured home park lots.
House SF3136 8 03/19/2002 262 Text icon Nornes Workers' compensation payment provisions, intervention procedures, and special compensation fund provisions modified.
House HF3097 1 02/07/2002 Text icon Folliard School districts and charter schools required to use a uniform teacher employment application form.
House SF3015 10 04/03/2002 331 Text icon Davids Insurance fraud prevention division established within the department of commerce, criminal penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2937 2 02/11/2002 Text icon Abrams Corporate franchise tax phasing-in apportionment based solely on sales.
House HF2875 1 02/04/2002 Text icon Abrams Tax data classification and disclosure provisions technical changes provided.
House HF2854 1 02/04/2002 Text icon Leighton Shooting Star trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2825 1 02/04/2002 Text icon Leighton Attorney general authorized to prosecute commercial crimes against insurers.
House HF2807 1 02/04/2002 Text icon Leighton Occupational safety and health standard ergonomic standard adoption required.
House HF2785 6 03/22/2002 Text icon Goodno Limited liability companies and business corporations, corporate name usage, and investment company share issuance procedures regulated; and electronic record and signature legal recognition provided.
House HF2780 19 05/18/2002 403 Text icon Lipman Civil law medical malpractice actions regulated, liens against real property modified, curative act for conveyances by counties created, document recording provided, and sunset repealed.
House HF2682 3 02/13/2002 Text icon Daggett Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) conservation reserve program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2636 3 02/11/2002 Text icon Dorman Farmland Foods company employees extra unemployment benefits provided.
House HF2562 1 05/21/2001 Text icon Leighton Uniform principal and income act of 1997 adopted.
House SF2542 7 03/26/2002 311 Text icon Goodno Limited liability companies and business corporations, corporate name usage, and investment company share issuance procedures regulated; electronic record and signature legal recognition provided.
House HF2536 1 05/15/2001 Text icon Clark, K. Pollution control agency monitoring of potential conflicts with international environmental standards, and department of labor and industry monitoring of potential conflicts with international labor standards provided.
House HF2419 1 04/05/2001 Text icon Davnie Housing program funding provided for new and existing programs, programs created, and money appropriated.
House HF2402 2 04/09/2001 Text icon Pugh State primary election moved from September to June.
House HF2365 1 04/02/2001 Text icon McElroy High technology business investment capital gains tax exemption provided, research and development activities credit refund provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2293 1 03/28/2001 Text icon Leighton Manufactured homes utility services rates limited to actual amount billed to the owner.
House HF2249 1 03/26/2001 Text icon Leighton Adverse medical examinations regulated.
House HF2237 1 03/26/2001 Text icon Bernardy Dependent care income tax credit expanded.
House HF2225 7 04/30/2001 Text icon Nornes Workers' compensation technical provisions modified, special compensation fund interest revenue deposited in fund, pilot program extended, and penalties paid to department of labor and industry.
House HF2127 2 04/17/2001 Text icon Pawlenty Biomedical innovation and commercialization initiative established between the University of Minnesota and the state's medical technology industry, and tax credit provided.
House HF2068 1 03/21/2001 Text icon Kelliher Pharmacist scope of practice expanded to include emergency contraception.
House SF2046 8 05/14/2001 123 Text icon Nornes Workers' compensation technical provisions modified, special compensation fund interest revenue deposited in fund, pilot program extended, and penalties paid to department of labor and industry.
House HF1989 3 04/24/2001 Text icon Davids Flood mitigation and prevention grants provided to southeastern Minnesota counties, and money appropriated.
House HF1889 11 04/26/2001 64 Text icon Lipman Uniform Partnership Act of 1994 transition issues regulated, and orderly revocation of delinquent foreign corporations provided.
House HF1738 2 03/19/2001 Text icon Wilkin Public subsidies prohibited to candidates who fail to file a campaign report within five days.
House HF1733 9 05/16/2001 Text icon Entenza Uniform commercial code article 9 revision corrective and conforming amendments provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1626 3 03/19/2001 Text icon Haas Independent expenditures by political parties on behalf of candidates limited as a condition of receiving a public subsidy, additional public disclosure required, multicandidate expenditures limited, and contribution refund increased.
House HF1603 1 03/08/2001 Text icon Dibble Labor councils and boards extended.
House HF1576 3 03/15/2001 Text icon Clark, K. Pride in public art act of 2001 established creating task force on state capitol art work.
House SF1561 16 05/21/2001 195 Text icon Entenza Uniform commercial code article 9 revision corrective and conforming amendments provided and money appropriated.
House HF1504 2 03/21/2001 Text icon Mahoney Administration and health departments directed to adopt current electrical, mechanical, and plumbing standards.
House HF1467 1 03/08/2001 Text icon Holberg Payment bonds regulation clarifying and technical changes provided relating to notice of claims.
House HF1433 1 03/05/2001 Text icon Leighton Limitations on actions based on services or construction to improve real property modified.
House SF1419 8 04/20/2001 52 Text icon Holberg Payment bonds regulation clarifying and technical changes provided relating to notice of claims.
House HF1417 2 03/08/2001 Text icon Koskinen Nursing facilities minimum staffing standards established, facilities required to post information on staffing standards, studies required, and money appropriated.
House HF1410 7 04/19/2001 Text icon Gunther Rural policy and development center staff authorized to participate in state insurance, retirement, and other plans that apply to state employees.
House HF1408 3 03/21/2001 Text icon Gunther Minnesota state university, Mankato, rural policy and development center funding provided and money appropriated.
House HF1375 1 03/05/2001 Text icon Clark, K. Dishonored checks service charges, time limits, and civil penalties regulated.
House HF1369 2 04/09/2001 Text icon Leighton Rehabilitation council for the blind, juvenile justice advisory committee, and other specified committees and councils sunsets repealed.
House HF1268 1 03/01/2001 Text icon Kahn Genetic information insurance company use regulated under the genetic discrimination act.
House SF1246 2 05/08/2001 Text icon Leighton Manufactured homes utility services rates limited to actual amount billed to the owner.
House HF1209 1 02/26/2001 Text icon Slawik Patient rights and protections established, coverages regulated, carrier and provider duties specified, and remedies provided.
House HF1208 1 02/26/2001 Text icon Pugh Debt service tuition rebate provided to public post-secondary students and money appropriated.
House HF1096 1 02/22/2001 Text icon Leighton Electric generation facility property tax exemption limited to facilities constructed by specified laborers.
House HF1052 1 02/22/2001 Text icon Leighton Independent school district No. 500, Southland, disabled access levy extended.
House HF1018 1 02/19/2001 Text icon Milbert Access to amusement devices removed from definition of a taxable service.
House SF0997 2 04/25/2001 Text icon Dorman Austin municipal utilities commission joint ventures with Freeborn-Mower counties cooperative electric power association authorized.
House HF0948 1 02/15/2001 Text icon Winter Lawful gambling taxes reduced and reporting requirements modified.
House HF0947 1 02/15/2001 Text icon Winter Pork processing facility construction sales and purchases tax exemption extended.
House HF0902 1 02/15/2001 Text icon Lenczewski Gifted and talented revenue established as permanent education funding, and money appropriated.
House SF0859 9 05/10/2001 109 Text icon Stang Accountancy act of 2001 established, rulemaking authorized, and penalties imposed.
House SF0849 6 05/07/2001 86 Text icon Gunther Rural policy and development center staff authorized to participate in state insurance, retirement, and other plans that apply to state employees.
House HF0824 2 02/15/2001 Text icon Winter Sales tax rate reduced.
House HF0814 3 03/26/2001 Text icon Winter Medical assistance hospital surcharge repealed.
House HF0793 1 02/12/2001 Text icon Leighton Fillmore and Mower counties flood control retention ponds grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0780 2 02/22/2001 Text icon Carlson Heating fuel costs of public post-secondary institutions reimbursed, and money appropriated.
House HF0734 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Davnie School lunch and breakfast funding increased, eligibility for a fast break to learning grant expanded, and money appropriated.
House HF0722 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Leighton Civil remedy provided injured employees if employer willfully or repeatedly violates safety laws.
House HF0661 7 05/08/2001 Text icon Stang Accountancy act of 2001 established, rulemaking authorized, and penalties imposed.
House HF0629 1 02/08/2001 Text icon Dorman Austin municipal utilities commission joint ventures with Freeborn-Mower counties cooperative electric power association authorized.
House HF0605 1 02/05/2001 Text icon Leighton Independent school district No. 492, Austin, authorized to carry an operating capital account deficit.
House HF0602 1 02/05/2001 Text icon Leighton Special education revenue base year modified.
House HF0582 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Entenza Telemarketing; written consumer authorization required for electronic charges imposed by telemarketers.
House HF0580 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Entenza Telecommunications consumer privacy act established requiring consent for disclosure of consumer information.
House HF0579 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Larson Consumer financial record privacy provided, consumer authorization required for financial record disclosure, and remedies provided.
House HF0538 2 02/08/2001 Text icon Folliard Sales to political subdivisions tax exemption provided.
House HF0349 2 02/05/2001 Text icon Rifenberg Independent school district No. 492, Austin, previously canceled bonds to construct a television transmitter reauthorized.
House HF0239 7 04/23/2001 50 Text icon Lipman Real property ownership and application clarifications provided, Minnesota common interest ownership act modified, and torrens proceedings representation provided.
House HF0170 6 02/13/2002 Text icon Leighton Driving privileges and probation procedures modified for persons driving after suspension, revocation, or cancellation.
House HF0067 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Abrams S corporation federal tax conformity provided.