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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

58 Documents Found in Legislative Session 82 (2001-2002)
for Chief Authors of "Stanek"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3677 1 03/07/2002 Text icon Stanek License plates; "United We Stand" special license plates authorized, antiterrorism account created requiring annual contributions, and money appropriated.
House HF3651 1 02/27/2002 Text icon Stanek School year length requirement decreased by three days.
House HF3635 1 02/26/2002 Text icon Stanek Child advocacy center grants provided and money appropriated.
House HF3634 2 02/27/2002 Text icon Stanek Local metropolitan public safety radio communications capital improvement grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3559 1 02/19/2002 Text icon Stanek School closing additional notice required.
House HF3550 2 02/25/2002 Text icon Stanek DNA collection law scope expanded.
House HF3494 1 02/18/2002 Text icon Stanek Guilty but mentally ill plea and verdict provided.
House HF3395 2 02/18/2002 Text icon Stanek Public safety, criminal justice, and related agencies previous appropriations changed and reduced; specified fees allocated; and corrections ombudsman abolished.
House HF3373 6 03/07/2002 Text icon Stanek Domestic fatality review team pilot project in fourth judicial district extension authorized.
House HF3362 6 03/08/2002 Text icon Stanek Black patrol vehicle use by municipal police departments authorized.
House HF3302 1 02/11/2002 Text icon Stanek Trunk highway No. 610 four-lane freeway segment construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3190 7 03/12/2002 233 Text icon Stanek Juvenile courts required to send juvenile petition data to the statewide supervision system under the department of corrections.
House HF3146 2 02/13/2002 Text icon Stanek Terrorism; scratch-off lottery game provided to fund anti-terrorism initiatives.
House HF3114 1 02/07/2002 Text icon Stanek Transportation department radio communications system infrastructure funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3111 1 02/07/2002 Text icon Stanek Northwest metro busway between Rogers and Minneapolis funded, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF3109 7 03/19/2002 267 Text icon Stanek Black patrol vehicle use by municipal police departments authorized.
House HF3103 2 02/18/2002 Text icon Stanek Colin Powell youth center construction provided for educational and job training support to disadvantaged youth, and money appropriated.
House HF3080 8 03/19/2002 Text icon Stanek Metropolitan transit police jurisdiction clarified, part-time employment restriction removed, search warrant powers granted, and certain natural resources employees peace officer authority eliminated.
House SF3045 7 03/19/2002 266 Text icon Stanek Domestic fatality review team pilot project in fourth judicial district extension authorized.
House HF2909 6 02/19/2002 Text icon Stanek Terrorism prevention integrated public policy established, new crimes and penalties established to deter and punish terroristic activities, financial seizure authorized, anti-terrorism initiatives funded, and money appropriated.
House HF2812 1 02/04/2002 Text icon Stanek Transportation, public safety, criminal justice, and other agency appropriations modified and reduced; law enforcement and community grants reduced; bonds issued; fees provided; and language clarified.
House HF2662 8 03/13/2002 Text icon Stanek Interstate compact for adult offender supervision adopted, existing compact repealed, advisory council created, administrator appointed, and money appropriated.
House HF2629 9 03/11/2002 239 Text icon Stanek Retired individuals licensed by the board of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, and interior design authorized to use a retired professional designation.
House HF2622 27 03/25/2002 Text icon Stanek Terrorism; anti-terrorism act of 2002 adopted providing civil and criminal penalties for agricultural, biological, and other mass destruction; modifying open meeting law and data sharing provisions; and appropriating money.
House SF2611 7 03/19/2002 268 Text icon Stanek Interstate compact for adult offender supervision adopted, existing compact repealed, advisory council created, administrator appointed, and money appropriated.
House HF2566 3 02/07/2002 Text icon Stanek Anti-terrorism grants provided to local law enforcement agencies for training and equipment, and money appropriated.
House HF2332 1 03/29/2001 Text icon Stanek Government agencies exempted from court fees for civil and criminal instrument proceedings.
House HF2292 2 03/14/2002 Text icon Stanek Metropolitan council demonstration project funding provided for express bus service between downtown Minneapolis and locations outside the transit taxing district, and money appropriated.
House HF2284 1 03/28/2001 Text icon Stanek Hennepin county tax-forfeited land sale bordering public water or wetlands authorized.
House HF2228 1 03/26/2001 Text icon Stanek Metropolitan transit police pension coverage extended to part-time officers.
House HF2199 1 03/26/2001 Text icon Stanek Workers' compensation coverage provided for bomb disposal unit employees when acting outside the state, and liability limited for bomb disposal personnel and equipment suppliers.
House HF2161 7 04/17/2001 Text icon Stanek I-90; State Trooper Theodore "Ted" Foss memorial highway designated on I-90 in Winona county.
House SF2005 7 05/10/2001 113 Text icon Stanek I-90; State Trooper Theodore "Ted" Foss memorial highway designated on I-90 in Winona county.
House HF1960 2 04/04/2001 Text icon Stanek Sex offender and other offender registration law provisions clarified, DNA offender testing requirement expanded, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF1934 7 03/12/2002 Text icon Stanek National crime prevention and privacy compact ratified providing for an electronic information sharing system between state and federal government to access criminal history data.
House HF1909 1 03/19/2001 Text icon Stanek State patrol retirement plan coverage extended to officers employed by the office of special investigations of the department of corrections, and transfer of prior service credit authorized.
House HF1824 1 03/15/2001 Text icon Stanek Criminal gang strike force contribution reimbursement grants provided.
House HF1769 1 03/15/2001 Text icon Stanek Metropolitan council express bus service to downtown Minneapolis demonstration project provided and money appropriated.
House SF1712 2 04/27/2001 Text icon Stanek Sex offender and other offender registration law provisions clarified, DNA offender testing requirement expanded, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF1465 7 04/19/2001 Text icon Stanek Police civil service periodic examinations permitted and clarifying changes provided.
House SF1432 6 05/07/2001 87 Text icon Stanek Police civil service periodic examinations permitted and clarifying changes provided.
House HF1411 1 03/05/2001 Text icon Stanek Predatory offender registration provision repealed retroactively and legislative intent specified.
House HF1373 3 04/02/2001 Text icon Stanek Bureau of criminal apprehension authorized to charge a fee for Internet access to public criminal history data.
House HF1353 2 03/28/2001 Text icon Stanek Interstate compact for adult offender supervision impact statement recommendation required, and commissioner of corrections required to develop a plan to handle interstate transfers of adult offenders.
House SF1202 2 05/21/2001 Text icon Stanek Predatory offender registration provision repealed retroactively and legislative intent specified.
House HF1093 1 02/22/2001 Text icon Stanek DNA; biological specimen collection and analysis from criminal offenders expanded.
House SF1030 7 03/19/2002 269 Text icon Stanek National crime prevention and privacy compact ratified providing for an electronic information sharing system between state and federal government to access criminal history data.
House HF0827 1 02/12/2001 Text icon Stanek Capitol complex security technology purchase and installation provided and money appropriated.
House HF0783 12 05/14/2001 127 Text icon Stanek Deadly force definition modified to exclude use of less lethal munitions used by peace officers.
House HF0696 2 02/12/2001 Text icon Stanek Correctional officers disciplinary procedures established.
House HF0673 4 03/22/2001 Text icon Stanek telephone services maximum allowable fee increased.
House HF0556 12 04/04/2001 16 Text icon Stanek Federal law enforcement officers authorized to exercise powers of arrest in Minnesota under specified circumstances.
House HF0505 2 03/19/2001 Text icon Stanek Racial profiling study; statewide model policy and local agency policies required, peace officer training objectives developed, and money appropriated.
House HF0370 1 01/25/2001 Text icon Stanek Express bus service provided between Rogers and downtown Minneapolis, and money appropriated.
House HF0351 40 02/28/2002 220 Text icon Stanek Omnibus budget balancing and appropriations bill providing funding for crime prevention, judiciary finance, family law and other state departments, and appropriating money.
House HF0260 8 04/17/2001 Text icon Stanek Criminal justice information system improvements provided including fingerprinting, collection of aliases, and suspense file reporting; and money appropriated.
House HF0188 3 02/01/2001 Text icon Stanek Sales to political subdivisions tax exemption provided.
House HF0079 2 01/16/2001 Text icon Stanek Nursery stock production farm machinery sales tax exemption provided.