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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

162 Documents Found in Legislative Session 81 (1999-2000)
for Authors of "Pugh"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House SF0757 7 03/16/1999 2 Text icon Seifert, J. Tobacco; Congress memorialized to enact legislation prohibiting federal recoupment of state tobacco settlement funds.
House SF0464 6 03/04/1999 9 Text icon Broecker Carisoprodol schedule IV controlled substance listing effective date delayed.
House SF0343 6 03/04/1999 11 Text icon Seifert, J. Common interest ownership act, certificates of title, and real property provisions modified.
House HF0049 9 03/08/1999 12 Text icon Ozment Health coverage for survivors of police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty expanded to include spouses.
House HF0056 13 03/15/1999 23 Text icon Van Dellen Health care provider civil action limitation provisions modified.
House HF0142 11 04/19/1999 98 Text icon Pawlenty Subsequent controlled substance conviction definition expanded to include convictions subsequent to a stay of adjudication.
House HF0092 9 04/21/1999 124 Text icon Carruthers Driver's license revocation for chemical test implied consent violations judicial review petition content requirements modified and scope of discovery limited.
House SF0411 7 05/03/1999 142 Text icon Gerlach Counterfeited intellectual property manufacturing, distribution, selling, or possession criminal penalties imposed; and forfeiture provided.
House HF1494 8 05/15/1999 208 Text icon Olson Inmates; prohibited actions challenging rehabilitation program expenditure levels modified to include employee assignments.
House SF0145 19 05/15/1999 220 Text icon Rhodes Campaign finance, lobbyist registration, and conflicts of interest provisions clarified and simplified; and invalid provisions eliminated.
House SF1262 10 05/17/1999 234 Text icon Larsen, P. Y2K; year 2000 failure civil action liability limited.
House SF2485 9 03/13/2000 262 Text icon Broecker Carisoprodol schedule IV controlled substance listing effective date delayed.
House SF2569 15 03/24/2000 304 Text icon Haas Vicarious liability insurance coverage for punitive and exemplary damages authorized, and fraternal benefit society board member terms regulated.
House SF2510 9 03/28/2000 320 Text icon Smith Common interest ownership communities and redemption of realty technical changes provided, and procedural requirements modified.
House SF3423 9 04/05/2000 367 Text icon Abrams Holocaust victims insurance relief assistance provided by the commissioner of commerce.
House SF3290 9 04/05/2000 376 Text icon Osthoff Environmental response and liability agreement grants provided, and Western Lake Superior sanitary district landfill cleanup eligibility extended.
House SF0619 7 04/05/2000 389 Text icon Paulsen Collection agencies regulated and out-of-state agency licensure exemption provided.
House SF1495 10 04/06/2000 399 Text icon Pawlenty Uniform commercial code secured transactions provisions adopted and revised article 9 provided.
House SF2615 19 04/12/2000 421 Text icon Koskinen Persons leaving unharmed newborns at hospital emergency rooms not prosecuted, hospital duties specified, liability immunity provided, and relative search limited.
House HF3497 20 04/18/2000 439 Text icon Tuma State of Minnesota attorney fees recovery regulated and fee application procedures established.
House HF3047 16 04/26/2000 450 Text icon Kuisle Title insurance mortgage release certificate language modified to include assignment of rents and profits, and common interest ownership resale disclosure certificate requirements modified.
House SF3257 10 04/28/2000 457 Text icon Stang Legislative employment provisions modified.
House HR0013 3 02/07/2000 Text icon Pugh A house resolution commemorating the life and work of Representative Willard Munger.
House HR0019 3 04/03/2000 Text icon Tomassoni A house resolution honoring the Minnesota Twins on the occasion of their 40th season home opener on April 3, 2000.
House HF0042 2 01/11/1999 Text icon Folliard Medical malpractice action statute of limitations modified.
House HF0088 2 01/25/1999 Text icon Milbert Market value increases limited for 1998 property tax purposes.
House HF0143 8 04/06/1999 Text icon Pawlenty Domestic assault enhanced penalty provisions expanded to include convictions for malicious punishment of a child.
House HF0159 7 03/09/2000 Text icon Sviggum Unicameral legislature provided and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0198 2 01/25/1999 Text icon Carruthers Seasonal recreational property included in the 1997 and 1998 property tax rebates.
House HF0200 2 01/25/1999 Text icon Milbert Market value increases limited for property tax purposes.
House HF0203 1 01/21/1999 Text icon Greenfield Medical education and research endowment fund, children's endowment fund, and tobacco prevention endowment fund created; and money appropriated.
House HF0238 5 04/16/1999 Text icon Stanek Peace officer posttraumatic stress syndrome considered an occupational disease for the purpose of workers' compensation.
House HF0263 5 04/15/1999 Text icon Gerlach Counterfeited intellectual property manufacturing, distribution, selling, or possession criminal penalties imposed; and forfeiture provided.
House HF0289 4 01/28/1999 Text icon Rest Sales tax rebate provided, automatic rebate process established, tobacco settlement proceeds deposited, capital project financing converted to general obligation bonding, capital improvements provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0339 1 01/27/1999 Text icon Hasskamp Partial-birth abortions prohibited, and criminal and civil penalties provided.
House HF0341 1 01/27/1999 Text icon Hasskamp Abortion informed consent required and civil remedies provided.
House HF0345 2 03/01/1999 Text icon Bradley Home and community-based waivered services for persons with mental retardation waiting list eliminated, unspent resources reallocated, county partnerships required, reserve account authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0382 6 03/02/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Common interest ownership act, certificates of title, and real property provisions modified.
House HF0411 1 02/01/1999 Text icon Tomassoni Steel; President requested to ban imported steel products from specified countries.
House HF0435 1 02/01/1999 Text icon Milbert Minnesota state retirement system (MSRS) service credit purchase authorized for an eligible member.
House HF0461 2 02/08/1999 Text icon Smith Child support, custody, and visitation orders six-month review required.
House HF0507 1 02/04/1999 Text icon Daggett Lawful gambling, pull-tabs, tip-boards, and combined receipts tax rates reduced.
House HF0508 1 02/04/1999 Text icon Van Dellen Unimproved real estate bordering public waters property tax class rate reduction provided.
House HF0518 1 02/04/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Uniform correction or clarification of defamation act adopted.
House HF0534 4 02/25/1999 Text icon Hackbarth Municipal tort liability exclusion provided for special wildlife hunting or trapping season losses.
House HF0536 5 03/02/1999 Text icon Broecker Carisoprodol schedule IV controlled substance listing effective date delayed.
House HF0560 2 02/22/1999 Text icon Bishop Prosecutorial rebuttal report requested and order of final argument repealed.
House HF0562 5 03/30/2000 Text icon Paulsen Collection agencies regulated and out-of-state agency licensure exemption provided.
House HF0605 3 03/15/1999 Text icon Tuma Diabetes and schools task force established, and money appropriated.
House HF0618 1 02/10/1999 Text icon Abeler School districts with substantial enrollment of students eligible for free or reduced price lunches provided additional compensatory revenue.
House HF0667 1 02/11/1999 Text icon Milbert Proposed property tax optional public hearings authorized and reverse referendum for levy increases required.
House SF0690 6 05/03/1999 Text icon Tomassoni Steel; President requested to ban imported steel products from specified countries.
House HF0710 8 03/24/1999 Text icon Holsten Farmed cervidae hunting on licensed shooting preserves authorized, licenses provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0719 2 02/18/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Tobacco; Congress memorialized to enact legislation prohibiting federal recoupment of state tobacco settlement funds.
House HF0768 1 02/15/1999 Text icon Ness Administrative rule periodic legislative review and repeal provided.
House HF0769 1 02/15/1999 Text icon Ness State departments and agencies broad rulemaking authority repealed.
House HF0787 1 02/15/1999 Text icon Van Dellen Medical expenses income tax credit allowed and health insurance deduction for self-employed persons repealed.
House HF0831 2 02/22/1999 Text icon Lieder Surface transportation fund established, motor vehicle registration tax rate reduced, excise tax proceeds dedicated to transportation, money appropriated, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0861 7 04/28/1999 Text icon Rhodes Lobbyist registration, conflicts of interest, and campaign finance provisions clarified; and invalid provisions repealed.
House HF0914 1 02/22/1999 Text icon Krinkie Charitable organization annual reports required to include federal, state, and local government agency funding information.
House HF0933 2 03/01/1999 Text icon Holberg Legislative and congressional districts coordinated.
House SF0953 2 04/04/2000 Text icon Abrams Health care liability act adopted, health care plan coverage and treatment classification regulated, patient rights and protections provided, carrier and provider duties specified, and remedies provided.
House HF0961 1 02/22/1999 Text icon Pawlenty Ramsey action program grant provided for the family asset program and money appropriated.
House HF0973 3 03/11/1999 Text icon Tomassoni Lola and Rudy Perpich Minnesota center for arts education name changed to Perpich center for arts education.
House HF0980 2 03/01/1999 Text icon Pugh Motor vehicle emissions inspection program repealed.
House HF1006 2 03/15/1999 Text icon Milbert Inver Grove Heights tax increment financing district duration extended and tax increment use specified.
House HF1012 2 03/01/1999 Text icon Abrams Redistricting commission created to recommend legislative and congressional district boundaries, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1034 1 02/25/1999 Text icon Abrams Health care liability act adopted, health care plan coverage and treatment classification regulated, and remedies provided.
House HF1040 1 02/25/1999 Text icon Trimble Minnesota Technology, Inc.; Minnesota council for quality grant provided and money appropriated.
House HF1092 2 03/17/1999 Text icon Holsten Lottery ticket in-lieu tax deposited in the game and fish fund.
House HF1104 1 02/25/1999 Text icon Pugh Special school district No. 6, South St. Paul, full-day kindergarten program grant provided and money appropriated.
House HF1166 2 03/02/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Elementary class size reduction program established, referendum equalization revenue formula provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1188 1 03/01/1999 Text icon Gleason Real property loans and private mortgage insurance (PMI) regulated, prepayment penalties prohibited, escrow account interest required, and mortgage originators and servicers net worth requirements repealed.
House HF1281 4 03/22/1999 Text icon Osskopp Card club activities authorized for a class B operator of a class A racetrack.
House HF1302 1 03/02/1999 Text icon Pugh Teacher earning limitations resumed for returning retirees.
House HF1304 1 03/02/1999 Text icon Pugh Legislature size reduced, length of terms modified, unicameral law enactment provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1329 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Broecker Government data access and computer program copyright provisions modified.
House HF1338 2 03/11/1999 Text icon Smith Privatization of correctional facility services regulated, nonsecurity institutional contract review provided, inmate work for private employers restricted, and report required.
House HF1347 4 05/05/1999 Text icon Gerlach Dakota county community custody pilot program created as an alternative to jail terms.
House HF1377 3 03/17/1999 Text icon McElroy Dakota county housing and redevelopment authority renamed, and powers of the Dakota county community development agency provided.
House HF1394 4 03/13/2000 Text icon Pawlenty Uniform commercial code secured transactions provisions adopted and revised article 9 provided.
House HF1445 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Vandeveer Injury or death resulting from equine activities limited liability provided.
House HF1639 3 03/17/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Income tax credit allowed for children and money appropriated.
House HF1640 3 03/17/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Income tax credit allowed for children and money appropriated.
House HF1646 6 03/01/2000 Text icon Boudreau Extended family members provided child visitation rights.
House HF1668 3 03/17/1999 Text icon Abrams Lien established for commercial real estate broker commissions.
House HF1673 1 03/08/1999 Text icon Pawlenty Minnesota zoological gardens appropriated money for operating costs of the children's farm.
House HF1706 1 03/10/1999 Text icon McCollum National World War II memorial fund contribution provided and money appropriated.
House HF1721 1 03/10/1999 Text icon Kelliher Residential homestead first-tier property valuation limit increased, education homestead credit rate increased, and general education levy reduced.
House HF1792 1 03/10/1999 Text icon Pugh School district agreements time period limitation eliminated.
House HF1884 1 03/11/1999 Text icon Pugh Referendum revenue allowance maximum and voter-approved referenda state aid increased, and money appropriated.
House HF1913 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Pugh Metropolitan area utility transmission line upgrade siting regulated.
House HF1920 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Ozment Dakota county community justice zone pilot project established and money appropriated.
House HF1987 1 03/15/1999 Text icon McCollum Minnesota River valley birding trail developed and money appropriated.
House HF1998 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Rest Marriage penalty and property tax provisions modified, income tax rates reduced, alternative minimum tax exemption increased, motor vehicle sales taxes dedicated to the highway user trust fund, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2001 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Abrams Reapportionment commission established, legislative power to change the number of senators and representatives limited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2019 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Pawlenty Board of invention appropriation provided.
House HF2059 1 03/17/1999 Text icon Folliard First-year teacher induction program grants provided, national board for professional teaching standards certification process participation encouraged, and money appropriated.
House HF2200 1 03/22/1999 Text icon Pugh Negative option offers regulated.
House HF2206 2 03/24/1999 Text icon Abrams Holocaust claim settlement payments exempted from state income taxation.
House HF2218 1 03/22/1999 Text icon Pugh Laboratory school grants expanded to include school operations and money appropriated.
House HF2281 1 03/25/1999 Text icon Holberg Dakota county; Lakeville and Inver Grove Heights libraries construction materials sales and use tax exemption provided.
House HF2302 2 04/06/1999 Text icon Entenza Public radio funding provided and money appropriated.
House HF2337 5 04/12/1999 Text icon Larsen, P. Y2K; year 2000 failure civil action liability limited.
House SF2400 4 02/16/2000 Text icon Rest Sales tax rebate provided in 2000, 1999 rebate eligibility expanded, filing dates extended, agricultural assistance provided to at-risk farmers, and money appropriated.
House HF2433 1 05/04/1999 Text icon Mares Metropolitan sports facilities commission restructured as the Minnesota sports facilities commission.
House HF2447 2 03/09/2000 Text icon Holsten Recreational vehicle, hunting, and firearm training course provisions modified; and money appropriated.
House HF2458 2 05/15/1999 Text icon Abrams Omnibus tax bill passage deadline provided.
House HF2529 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Johnson Reduced class size and full-day kindergarten programs provided increased funding, and money appropriated.
House HF2541 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Rest Sales tax rebate extended to eligible dependents and persons over age , filing dates extended, and money appropriated.
House HF2589 3 02/21/2000 Text icon Smith Health care provider action expert review certification regulated.
House HF2632 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Luther Nonprofit service dog organization grants provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2637 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Senior citizen drug program eligibility expanded and money appropriated.
House HF2675 7 03/08/2000 Text icon Haas Vicarious liability insurance coverage for punitive and exemplary damages authorized, and fraternal benefit society board member terms regulated.
House HF2710 2 02/03/2000 Text icon Koskinen Anoka-Hennepin technical college facilities remodeled and repaired, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2715 2 02/07/2000 Text icon Daggett Lawful gambling tax rates reduced.
House HF2733 4 02/17/2000 Text icon Mares Soccer; amateur sports commission new facilities plan developed, grants and matching criteria provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2774 5 03/01/2000 Text icon Broecker Carisoprodol schedule IV controlled substance listing effective date delayed.
House HF2835 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Marko I-494 Wakota bridge completion funded, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2851 6 05/09/2000 Text icon Leighton Child labor law violations provided increased penalties.
House HF2870 2 02/07/2000 Text icon Bishop State revenue and expenditure forecast parameters and variables provided, and information sharing with the legislature required.
House HF2874 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Carlson General education funding increased for class size reduction and full-day kindergarten, and money appropriated.
House HF2931 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Rest Sales tax rebate provided in 2000, 1999 rebate eligibility expanded, filing dates extended, agricultural assistance provided to at-risk farmers, and money appropriated.
House HF2951 2 02/10/2000 Text icon McCollum Minnesota veterans homes maintained and repaired, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2964 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Pugh Passenger automobile and hearse additional registration tax rate reduced, and motor vehicle sales tax revenue distributed.
House HF2990 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Lenczewski Harassment restraining order violators provided felony penalties for intent to tamper with an investigation or retaliate against a peace officer.
House HF3001 5 04/26/2000 Text icon Milbert Fire insurance; failure to provide timely proof of loss regulated.
House HF3008 2 02/14/2000 Text icon Koskinen Safe place for newborns; persons leaving unharmed newborns at hospital emergency rooms not prosecuted, hospital duties specified, and liability immunity provided.
House SF3020 4 04/26/2000 Text icon Milbert Fire insurance; failure to provide timely proof of loss and Minnesota FAIR plan boundary waters canoe area (BWCA) property coverage regulated.
House HF3150 2 02/24/2000 Text icon McElroy Dakota county Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) diversionary assistance pilot project established and money appropriated.
House HF3160 1 02/10/2000 Text icon Pugh Debt service equalization aid funding increased, new school buildings property tax levy lowered, and money appropriated.
House HF3220 5 02/24/2000 Text icon Smith Common interest ownership communities, certificates of value, and redemptions of realty technical changes provided; and procedural requirements modified.
House HF3221 1 02/10/2000 Text icon Wagenius Criminal and juvenile justice information policy group membership modified, data group created, technology infrastructure improvements authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF3374 1 02/14/2000 Text icon Rest Property tax education homestead credit expanded to include seasonal recreational property and name changed to general education credit.
House HF3380 2 03/08/2000 Text icon Pawlenty Dakota county integrated criminal justice information system pilot project created and money appropriated.
House HF3384 6 03/21/2000 Text icon Van Dellen University of Minnesota board of regents type 1 diabetes research grant provided and money appropriated.
House HF3414 7 04/03/2000 Text icon Leighton Child labor law violations provided increased penalties.
House HF3440 3 03/13/2000 Text icon Pugh Debt service tuition rebate provided to public post-secondary students and money appropriated.
House HF3445 5 03/08/2000 Text icon Stang Legislative employment provisions modified.
House HF3502 1 02/16/2000 Text icon Leighton Polling places required on college campuses with 500 or more students.
House HF3518 1 02/16/2000 Text icon Smith Juvenile and adult criminal history data practices provisions modified.
House HF3520 3 03/13/2000 Text icon Osthoff Environmental response and liability settlement reimbursement provisions modified.
House HF3556 1 02/16/2000 Text icon Pelowski Profile of learning graduation requirements application delayed, and contract for independent review of state's standards and assessments required.
House HF3607 2 03/01/2000 Text icon Wilkin Mendota Heights tax increment financing district continued.
House HF3638 1 02/17/2000 Text icon Pugh Manufacturer refusal to sell gambling supplies to a distributor conditions specified.
House HF3639 1 02/17/2000 Text icon McCollum Periodic well testing recommendation notice to property owners required, notice created, and money appropriated.
House HF3658 3 03/06/2000 Text icon Smith Germany and Japan; forced labor actions statue of limitations waived.
House HF3742 6 04/05/2000 Text icon Smith Revenue recapture act collection of conciliation court judgements authorized, claims priority specified, and money appropriated.
House HF3756 6 03/22/2000 Text icon Abrams Holocaust victims insurance relief act established and civil penalties imposed.
House HF3782 1 02/23/2000 Text icon Westerberg Private noncommercial aircraft storage hangars on leased airport land property tax exemption provided and classification specified.
House HF3879 1 02/24/2000 Text icon Trimble United States Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun bust placement in the state capitol provided and money appropriated.
House HF3966 1 02/28/2000 Text icon Carruthers Hospitals, nursing facilities, and intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation (ICFs MR) automatic annual inflation adjustments provided; and additional rate increase provided.
House HF3990 1 03/01/2000 Text icon Rest Individual income tax personal and dependent exemption, and refundable child credit authorized.
House HF4002 1 03/01/2000 Text icon Rest Individual income tax dependent exemption authorized and working family credit increased.
House HF4017 1 03/02/2000 Text icon Koskinen Motor vehicle registration and driver's license federal data privacy regulation conformity provided.
House HF4018 1 03/02/2000 Text icon Winter Freedom to farm; Congress memorialized to repeal and rewrite the freedom to farm act.
House HF4057 1 03/06/2000 Text icon Pugh West St. Paul amortization of signs authorized.
House HF4069 1 03/08/2000 Text icon Pugh Equality of rights for men and women provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF4070 1 03/08/2000 Text icon Pugh Smoking cessation devices sales tax exemption provided.
House HF4115 1 03/15/2000 Text icon Milbert Department of revenue taxable sales interpretation instructions clarified.
House HF4118 1 03/15/2000 Text icon Milbert Income taxpayers electronically filing tax liability designation authorized and special accounts created.
House HF4152 1 04/13/2000 Text icon Peterson Energy independence task force created, alternative and renewable energy sources developed to reach specified goals, and annual reports required.