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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

84 Documents Found in Legislative Session 81 (1999-2000)
for Authors of "Pelowski"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HC0001 1 03/13/2000 Text icon Workman A house concurrent resolution in support of the inland transportation system.
House HF0349 1 01/28/1999 Text icon Pelowski Independent school district No. 861, Winona, Jefferson elementary school full-day kindergarten program grant authorized and money appropriated.
House HF0575 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Lenczewski Sales tax rate reduced.
House HF0736 1 02/15/1999 Text icon Bakk State park lifetime pass study required.
House HF0930 1 02/22/1999 Text icon Pelowski Winona county historical society technology upgrade grant provided and money appropriated.
House HF1071 1 02/25/1999 Text icon Rifenberg Persons with developmental disabilities crisis intervention project carryforward authorized.
House HF1320 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Pelowski School district discipline policy review participation expanded and crisis management policies provided.
House HF1353 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Carlson School district referendum equalization revenue increased, class size reduction program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1463 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Pelowski Commissioner of administration authorized to develop and distribute a policy on student records and other data on school-aged children, and money appropriated.
House HF1601 1 03/08/1999 Text icon Tuma Database access program for libraries and schools modified, and higher education services office appropriation provided.
House HF2001 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Abrams Reapportionment commission established, legislative power to change the number of senators and representatives limited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2452 1 05/14/1999 Text icon Pelowski Higher education services office abolished; post-secondary student services office established in the department of children, families, and learning; duties transferred; and money appropriated.
House HF2462 1 05/14/1999 Text icon Pelowski Railroad eminent domain powers limited.
House HF2497 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Rifenberg Independent school district No. 299, Caledonia, maximum effort capital loan authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2950 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Bishop University center Rochester horticultural facilities improvements provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2954 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Pelowski Law enforcement expanded notice to school chemical abuse preassessment teams provided in cases of student drug paraphernalia, alcohol, or tobacco possession.
House HF2987 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Pelowski Winona state university science building constructed, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3005 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Pelowski Winona state university Maxwell library renovated, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3230 1 02/10/2000 Text icon Koskinen Public higher education system exempt from debt service costs.
House HF3294 1 02/10/2000 Text icon Carlson Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU) increased enrollment efforts appropriated money.
House HF3323 1 02/14/2000 Text icon Biernat Statewide school district employee insurance benefits task force created.
House HF3417 1 02/14/2000 Text icon Opatz Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU) provided funding comparable to national peer institutions, and money appropriated.
House HF3556 1 02/16/2000 Text icon Pelowski Profile of learning graduation requirements application delayed, and contract for independent review of state's standards and assessments required.
House HF3703 1 02/21/2000 Text icon Pelowski Designer selection board process exception provided to the Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU), and design-build construction method authorized.
House HF3705 1 02/21/2000 Text icon Tomassoni Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU) board of trustees debt service requirements on specified projects modified.
House HF3843 1 02/23/2000 Text icon Pelowski Taxing authorities authorized to provide information on the Internet in lieu of conducting truth-in-taxation hearings.
House HF3953 1 02/28/2000 Text icon Carlson Higher education expenses income tax subtraction and credit provided.
House HF4016 1 03/02/2000 Text icon Larsen, P. Teacher training no interest loan program established, rulemaking provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4043 1 03/06/2000 Text icon Leppik Higher education bonding bill and money appropriated.
House HF4056 1 03/06/2000 Text icon Dorn General education revenue specified allocation provisions repealed.
House HF4142 1 04/05/2000 Text icon Seifert, M. Public service messages by specified candidates prohibited.
House HF0041 2 03/15/1999 Text icon Pelowski Minnesota academy of mathematics and science state scholarship grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0369 2 03/17/1999 Text icon Pelowski Minnesota land records study provided and money appropriated.
House HF0429 2 03/11/1999 Text icon Bradley Alternative licensing system pilot project duties transferred to the region 10 quality assurance commission, federal waiver request required, and money appropriated.
House HF0482 2 02/04/1999 Text icon Pelowski K-12 supervisory personnel required to teach at least one one-term course per school year as a condition of licensure.
House HF0520 2 03/08/1999 Text icon Pelowski Winona state university capital projects funded and money appropriated.
House HF0701 2 03/22/1999 Text icon Pelowski School staff development committee outcomes and revenue modified.
House HF0759 2 02/18/1999 Text icon Dorn Pupil unit definition modified for the purpose of creating a declining pupil unit aid.
House HF0987 2 03/17/1999 Text icon Davids Intergovernmental advisory council for technology established, intergovernmental information systems advisory council abolished, funds transferred, and money appropriated.
House HF1012 2 03/01/1999 Text icon Abrams Redistricting commission created to recommend legislative and congressional district boundaries, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1058 2 03/11/1999 Text icon Reuter Business, trade, and correspondence schools legislative review required; and training firms operation authorized.
House HF1324 2 03/15/1999 Text icon Cassell Teacher training improvement collaborative pilot program established, public college and school district involvement provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1360 2 03/08/1999 Text icon Tunheim Special education revenue and excess cost revenue modified, and prekindergarten special education pupil weighting increased.
House HF1547 2 03/29/1999 Text icon Bishop Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU) capital improvements authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF1663 2 03/22/1999 Text icon Pelowski Rollingstone wastewater funding provided, bond sale authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2236 2 04/06/1999 Text icon Bishop Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU) board of trustees property transactions authority expanded, and document storage and retention provided.
House HF2426 2 04/28/1999 Text icon Seifert, M. Post-secondary enrollment options program eligibility modified requiring students to pass basic skills tests.
House HF2592 2 02/07/2000 Text icon Winter Health care facilities provided automatic annual inflation adjustments and additional rate increases provided.
House HF2732 2 02/10/2000 Text icon Rostberg Home-sharing grant program extended and money appropriated.
House HF2754 2 02/07/2000 Text icon Dorn Teacher mentorship programs funded through increased general education revenue and money appropriated.
House HF2855 2 02/14/2000 Text icon Pelowski Profile of learning; charter schools alternative provided.
House HF3159 2 02/16/2000 Text icon Seifert, M. School district telecommunication access grant funding provided through reallocation of appropriations.
House HF3165 2 02/21/2000 Text icon Carlson Higher education bonding bill and money appropriated.
House HF3531 2 03/01/2000 Text icon Pelowski Winona tax increment financing district continued.
House HF3538 2 02/28/2000 Text icon Dorn DM E railroad mitigation grants authorized, work group established, public improvement acquisitions authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3583 2 02/23/2000 Text icon Pelowski Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU) and university of Minnesota board of regents asset preservation and replacement capital improvements authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF3646 2 03/01/2000 Text icon Bishop Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU) workforce center locations plan developed.
House HF3892 2 03/08/2000 Text icon Opatz Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU) issued revenue bonds aggregate principal amount increased, and bond requirements clarified.
House HF4097 2 03/15/2000 Text icon Leppik Technical college printing and publishing programs created, and money appropriated.
House HF4146 2 04/10/2000 Text icon Skoglund Challenge incarceration program offender participation county attorney notification provided and phase 1 participation for one-half of prison term required.
House HF0648 3 03/17/1999 Text icon Kielkucki State high school league provisions modified and ombudsperson provided.
House HF1161 3 03/22/1999 Text icon Dempsey Port authorities authorized to retain state commercial navigation project lease and management contract revenues.
House HF1215 3 03/22/1999 Text icon Pelowski Southern rail corridor improvement plan established.
House HF2730 3 02/28/2000 Text icon Dempsey Port development assistance grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3440 3 03/13/2000 Text icon Pugh Debt service tuition rebate provided to public post-secondary students and money appropriated.
House SF0060 4 05/15/1999 Text icon Abrams State partisan primary name changed to state party nominating election; date changed; party support of candidate required prior to ballot listing; and procedures, deadlines, and terms modified.
House HF0027 5 01/11/1999 Text icon Seifert, M. Profile of learning portion of high school graduation rule repealed.
House HF3164 5 02/28/2000 Text icon Larsen, P. Washington county housing and redevelopment authority membership increased.
House HF0272 6 05/15/1999 Text icon Abrams State partisan primary name changed to state party nominating election; date changed; party support of candidate required prior to ballot listing; and procedures, deadlines, and terms modified.
House HF1173 6 04/14/1999 Text icon Pelowski Firefighter arbitration procedures provided.
House SF0480 7 04/20/1999 114 Text icon Dempsey Port authorities authorized to retain state commercial navigation project lease and management contract revenues.
House HF0879 7 04/16/1999 Text icon Knoblach Local units of government regulatory relief provided.
House HF1301 7 04/12/1999 Text icon Vandeveer State park additions, deletions, and name changes provided; land exchange and transfer authorized; state wayside abolished; Rock county authorized to privately sell surplus state land; and Gooseberry Falls visitor's center renamed.
House SF1449 7 05/04/1999 157 Text icon Vandeveer State park additions, deletions, and name changes provided; land exchange and transfer authorized; state wayside abolished; Rock county authorized to privately sell surplus state land; and Gooseberry Falls visitor's center renamed.
House SF1605 7 05/06/1999 166 Text icon Pelowski Firefighter arbitration procedures provided.
House HF3082 7 04/03/2000 Text icon Tuma Higher education facilities authority bonding authority increased.
House HF3195 7 03/22/2000 Text icon Leppik State agency capital funding contingent on maintaining facilities data and higher education projects designer review process modified.
House HF3436 7 04/18/2000 Text icon Seifert, M. State board of teaching institution and teacher preparation program rules input provided, and teacher candidates skills examinations report required.
House HF3618 8 03/16/2000 Text icon Ness Profile of learning statewide accountability and district autonomy balance provided, graduation rule independently developed, content standards reduced, and North Star standard alternative provided.
House SF3701 9 04/05/2000 384 Text icon Leppik State designer selection board membership expanded; and designers designated for university of Minnesota, and state colleges and universities projects.
House HF3708 10 04/04/2000 Text icon Jennings Kondirator; municipalities required to issue building permits once special permits have been issued and environmental assessment worksheets have been completed.
House HF1015 11 05/17/1999 237 Text icon Abrams Election redistricting provided.
House SF1636 18 05/14/1999 193 Text icon Knoblach Local units of government regulatory relief provided.
House HF0015 22 05/03/1999 Text icon Kielkucki Graduation standards modified, rigorous academic standards adopted by school districts, and statewide accountability provided.