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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

114 Documents Found in Legislative Session 81 (1999-2000)
for Authors of "Seifert, J."

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4143 4 05/17/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Revisor's bill correcting miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors.
House HF4049 1 03/06/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Cable and modem communications modified, clarified, and recodified.
House HF4006 1 03/01/2000 Text icon Greenfield Temporary census employee income excluded from public assistance eligibility determinations.
House HF3829 1 02/23/2000 Text icon Greenfield Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) federal block grant funds transferred to federal title XX block grant for community social services.
House SF3819 6 05/17/2000 499 Text icon Seifert, J. Revisor's bill correcting miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors.
House HF3774 2 03/06/2000 Text icon Seagren School district electronic products and services requiring advertising contract criteria established.
House HF3750 1 02/21/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Board of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, and interior design licensing fees increased; and enforcement activities enhanced.
House HF3731 3 02/28/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Internet privacy policy provided for state and local governments, model online privacy notice developed, and subscriber personal information release restricted.
House HF3662 4 03/08/2000 Text icon Olson Internet parent information act adopted.
House SF3623 2 03/09/2000 Text icon Greenfield Temporary census employee income excluded from public assistance eligibility determinations.
House HF3552 2 02/21/2000 Text icon Larsen, P. Ramsey county law enforcement and firefighting training facilities constructed, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3497 20 04/18/2000 439 Text icon Tuma State of Minnesota attorney fees recovery regulated and fee application procedures established.
House HF3488 6 04/05/2000 Text icon Van Dellen Private attorney retention sunshine act adopted authorizing state agencies to employ private counsel.
House HF3465 9 04/05/2000 Text icon Larsen, P. Threats to harm school official provided criminal penalties.
House HF3438 2 02/17/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Insurance companies required to provide written notice of adverse underwriting decisions made on the basis of credit information obtained from a consumer reporting agency.
House HF3420 1 02/14/2000 Text icon Larsen, P. Political subdivision sales and use tax exemption provided.
House HF3413 1 02/14/2000 Text icon Vandeveer Three strikes; minimum imprisonment term provided defendants convicted of a third offense involving a firearm.
House SF3410 9 04/06/2000 401 Text icon Boudreau Child neglect definition modified and child exposed to domestic violence defined.
House HF3324 2 02/16/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. School district No. 6067, Tri-District, metropolitan magnet school grant provided to construct a new building, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3304 1 02/14/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Seat belt and child passenger restraint system use admissibility into evidence prohibition repealed.
House HF3259 1 02/10/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Metro greenways and natural areas grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3225 3 03/24/2000 Text icon Gerlach Health maintenance organization personal information disclosure circumstances specified.
House HF3222 10 03/21/2000 284 Text icon Rhodes Health-related boards reporting requirements modified, health professionals services program committee membership requirements modified, and diversion program authorized.
House HF3209 7 03/27/2000 307 Text icon Seifert, J. Health care cost containment major commitment expenditure report requirements modified.
House HF3176 5 03/29/2000 Text icon Boudreau Neglect definition modified for the purposes of repealing unfunded county child protection mandates.
House HF3149 9 05/17/2000 Text icon Bishop Geographic information systems (GIS) information municipal tort liability exception provided.
House HF3129 2 03/01/2000 Text icon Goodno Medical assistance income standard increased.
House HF3107 5 03/22/2000 Text icon Greiling Civil commitment relative notification provided and minor voluntary treatment consent provisions modified.
House HF3097 4 02/21/2000 Text icon Tingelstad Healthful school buildings; indoor air quality improved, portable classroom use limited, and operating capital revenue portion reserved for facilities purposes.
House HF3076 2 02/16/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Auto glass repair, replacement, and insurance claims practices regulated; and remedies provided.
House HF3066 6 03/01/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Secretary of state fees and annual corporate registrations regulated, digital signature technical changes provided, and specified nonprofits extended.
House HF2967 3 02/14/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Health care facilities specified employees wage increase provided and money appropriated.
House HF2930 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Woodbury center for the arts construction grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2865 15 05/01/2000 Text icon Tingelstad Homeless and runaway youth initiative created; and street outreach, drop-in services, basic center shelter, and transitional living programs established.
House HF2835 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Marko I-494 Wakota bridge completion funded, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2783 13 04/06/2000 395 Text icon Seifert, J. Secretary of state fees and annual corporate registrations regulated, digital signature technical changes provided, and specified nonprofits extended.
House SF2761 10 05/17/2000 Text icon Holberg Geographic information systems (GIS) information tort liability limited.
House SF2634 7 03/27/2000 316 Text icon Greiling Civil commitment relative notification provided and minor voluntary treatment consent provisions modified.
House HF2622 9 03/22/2000 Text icon Tingelstad Homeless and runaway youth initiative created; and street outreach, drop-in services, basic center shelter, and transitional living programs established.
House HF2608 2 02/03/2000 Text icon Westerberg Telecommuting expenses income and franchise tax credit provided for employers.
House HF2598 6 04/26/2000 Text icon Abeler School districts allowed to dispose of surplus computers.
House HF2555 6 03/24/2000 Text icon Carruthers Civil third-party liability imposed for damages caused by intoxicated persons under age 21.
House HF2553 3 02/28/2000 Text icon Seifert, J. Supportive housing and managed care pilot project established, temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) block grants authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2441 3 05/14/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Revisor's bill correcting miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors.
House HF2410 1 04/19/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Mediation and mediator testimony regulated, and nondisclosure privilege provided.
House SF2224 6 05/17/1999 249 Text icon Seifert, J. Revisor's bill correcting miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors.
House HF2053 1 03/17/1999 Text icon Greenfield Certified neonatal nurse practitioner medical assistance coverage provided.
House HF2024 5 03/29/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Board of government innovation and cooperation medicaid facility preadmission screening requirement exemption extended for Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington counties.
House HF1959 2 03/24/1999 Text icon Bradley Human services county-based purchasing implementation date and provisions modified.
House HF1890 5 05/04/1999 Text icon Mahoney Criminal offender rehabilitation requirements exemption provided for the licensing of taxicab drivers.
House HF1816 1 03/11/1999 Text icon Larsen, P. Retired teacher income limit increased for the purpose of retirement annuities received after resumption of teaching service.
House SF1733 15 04/12/2000 423 Text icon Carruthers Civil third-party liability imposed for damages caused by intoxicated persons under age 21, subrogation claims denied, and homeowner's insurance coverage exclusion provided.
House HF1728 7 04/12/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Board of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, and interior design fees and continuing education provisions modified; and civil penalties increased.
House HF1708 8 04/22/1999 120 Text icon Seifert, J. Fire insurance property and liability provisions modified, and FAIR plan coverage regulated.
House SF1660 6 03/30/1999 41 Text icon Seifert, J. Board of government innovation and cooperation medicaid facility preadmission screening requirement exemption extended for Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington counties.
House HF1651 2 04/08/1999 Text icon Wolf Minnesota retail electric competition act requiring transition to competitive industry, restructuring plans required, unbundling of services required, civil remedies provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1639 7 05/13/1999 191 Text icon Mahoney Criminal offender rehabilitation requirements exemption provided for the licensing of taxicab drivers.
House HF1620 1 03/08/1999 Text icon Greenfield Community health clinic grant programs appropriated money.
House SF1485 20 05/15/1999 213 Text icon Seifert, J. Board of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, and interior design fees and continuing education provisions modified; and civil penalties increased.
House HF1413 2 03/15/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Maltreatment investigative licensing data access use clarified and expanded, welfare and death review committee data classification provided, and revenue tax credit data access expanded.
House HF1348 6 04/08/1999 Text icon Holberg Tort liability exception clarified relating to snow and ice accumulation on municipal property.
House HF1336 5 03/25/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Contract continuity provided relating to European currency.
House HF1293 2 03/18/1999 Text icon Marko Washington county taxpayer's personal information disclosure provisions expiration date extended.
House HF1211 3 03/10/1999 Text icon Larsen, P. Sale, possession, purchase of, or mislabeling of dog or cat fur provided misdemeanor penalties.
House HF1183 5 04/12/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Secretary of state service of process, notice requirements, and business organization names regulated; and conforming changes provided.
House HF1178 8 04/19/1999 97 Text icon McElroy Landlord prelease deposits regulated and civil penalties provided.
House HF1115 3 04/06/1999 Text icon Haas Charity care equity fund established providing health care services to qualified low-income or uninsured persons, and money appropriated.
House SF1060 7 04/28/1999 133 Text icon Seifert, J. Secretary of state service of process, notice requirements, and business organization names regulated; and conforming changes provided.
House HF1035 5 03/29/1999 Text icon Larsen, P. Temporary restraining and civil action summonses required to include alternative dispute resolution process notice.
House SF1017 7 04/19/1999 104 Text icon Larsen, P. Temporary restraining summons required to include alternative dispute resolution process notice.
House HF0979 10 03/15/2000 268 Text icon Lindner Landlords authorized to apportion utility payments among units.
House HF0951 1 02/22/1999 Text icon Abeler Area agencies on aging provided funding for support and planning services, and money appropriated.
House HF0945 2 03/02/1999 Text icon Huntley Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) employment and training provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0923 4 03/18/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. School and libraries providing Internet access required to restrict harmful material from minors, and school district Internet use policies adopted.
House SF0891 13 05/13/1999 188 Text icon Holberg Tort liability exception clarified relating to snow and ice accumulation on municipal property.
House HF0856 1 02/18/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Washington county driver examination station constructed and money appropriated.
House HF0854 1 02/18/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Local government aid base increased for eligible cities.
House HF0817 5 03/25/1999 Text icon Wagenius Relative ex parte temporary child custody provisions expanded.
House HF0793 7 04/12/1999 78 Text icon Seifert, J. Rented replacement motor vehicle lien and right of detainer created.
House HF0771 1 02/15/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Structured settlement agreements regulated.
House SF0757 7 03/16/1999 2 Text icon Seifert, J. Tobacco; Congress memorialized to enact legislation prohibiting federal recoupment of state tobacco settlement funds.
House HF0744 2 03/15/1999 Text icon Haas Motor vehicle retail installment sales regulated and contract uniformity prescribed.
House SF0727 6 03/30/1999 40 Text icon Seifert, J. Contract continuity provided relating to European currency.
House HF0719 2 02/18/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Tobacco; Congress memorialized to enact legislation prohibiting federal recoupment of state tobacco settlement funds.
House HF0717 5 03/22/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Housing calendar consolidation program extended outside the second and fourth judicial districts.
House HF0716 2 02/25/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Service and membership contract automatic renewal provisions restricted.
House HF0643 6 04/08/1999 61 Text icon Bishop Civil commitment; all persons under civil commitment status provided the same legal rights.
House HF0634 1 02/10/1999 Text icon Bradley Crisis nursery development funding increased and money appropriated.
House HF0627 7 04/13/1999 89 Text icon Larsen, P. Washington county housing and redevelopment authority commissioners term length modified.
House HF0597 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Larsen, P. Health record defined and provider definition modified.
House HF0592 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Larsen, P. Municipal utilities customer data classification provided.
House HF0579 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Larsen, P. Metropolitan waste control commission established, and disposal system ownership and operation transferred from the metropolitan council.
House HF0574 1 02/08/1999 Text icon McCollum Independent school district No. 622, North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale, alternative facilities bonding and levy program authority provided.
House HF0524 1 02/04/1999 Text icon McCollum Maplewood historic farm buildings relocated and money appropriated.
House HF0518 1 02/04/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Uniform correction or clarification of defamation act adopted.
House HF0499 2 02/08/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Health care provider reimbursement and nonadministrative staff pay increased, and money appropriated.
House HF0448 3 03/01/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Intrusion upon seclusion, publication of private facts, and appropriation actions two-year statute of limitations established.
House HF0391 1 02/01/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Punitive damages limited in cases involving Food and Drug Administration approved products or devices.
House HF0383 2 02/01/1999 Text icon Goodno Nursing home employee compensation enhancement provided and money appropriated.
House HF0382 6 03/02/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Common interest ownership act, certificates of title, and real property provisions modified.
House HF0377 4 03/17/1999 Text icon Goodno Abortion notification data reporting required and civil penalties imposed.
House SF0370 2 03/01/1999 Text icon McCollum Independent school district No. 622, North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale, alternative facilities bonding and levy program authority provided.
House SF0346 16 05/15/1999 219 Text icon Wagenius Relative ex parte temporary child custody provisions expanded.
House HF0346 15 05/15/1999 215 Text icon Smith Freelance court reporter contract arrangements and practices limited, and services regulated.
House SF0343 6 03/04/1999 11 Text icon Seifert, J. Common interest ownership act, certificates of title, and real property provisions modified.
House SF0333 16 05/17/1999 244 Text icon Bishop Fraudulent use of another's personal identity provided felony penalties and property forfeiture, and free copies of consumer reports provided.
House SF0233 16 05/13/1999 184 Text icon Bishop Public service corporations private property easements definite and specific descriptions provided, requirement retroactively applied, and deficiency judgement requirements exception provided for qualified agricultural property.
House HF0183 7 03/29/1999 32 Text icon Buesgens Civil commitment; minor chemical dependency treatment parental consent provisions modified.
House HF0160 5 05/03/1999 Text icon Bishop Public service corporations private property easements definite and specific descriptions provided, and requirement retroactively applied.
House HF0112 9 03/17/1999 Text icon Bishop Fraudulent use of another's personal identity provided felony penalties and civil forfeiture of property authorized.
House HF0047 4 03/24/1999 Text icon Bishop Domestic abuse victim civil cause of action provided.
House HF0012 10 03/11/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Three strikes; mandatory life sentence imposed for persons convicted of a third violent felony offense.
House SF0011 16 05/09/2000 471 Text icon Bishop Domestic abuse victim civil cause of action six-year statute of limitations provided and Ramsey county joint domestic abuse prosecution unit pilot project authorized.
House HF0003 8 01/14/1999 Text icon Seifert, J. Early elementary class size reduction program funded and money appropriated.