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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

47 Documents Found in Legislative Session 81 (1999-2000)
for Chief Authors of "Clark, K."

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3999 1 03/01/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Ovarian cancer screening health plan coverage required.
House HF3847 1 02/24/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Publicly owned low-income disabled and elderly high rise air conditioning grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3779 1 02/23/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Youth shelter and juvenile prostitution prevention grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF3669 1 02/17/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Marijuana possession and sale for debilitating medical condition affirmative defense established.
House HF3636 1 02/17/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Healing touch therapy health plan coverage required.
House HF3563 1 02/16/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Minneapolis Hiawatha corridor affordable housing, and mixed commercial and residential development appropriation provided; streets, infrastructure, and capital improvements authorized; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF3367 1 02/14/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Spoken language and health care interpreter voluntary registry established, and money appropriated.
House HF3203 2 02/17/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Criminal vehicular homicide penalties increased.
House HF2926 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Urban Indian housing program regulated.
House HF2831 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Native American women reentry program plan developed for services and transitional housing after incarceration, and report required.
House HF2830 9 04/17/2000 431 Text icon Clark, K. Pimps and patrons of juvenile prostitution provided enhanced criminal penalties, and juvenile prostitution law enforcement training studied.
House HF2829 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Financial institutions required to process checks in numerical sequence during business day unless customer specifies differently.
House HF2662 2 02/03/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Crime victim loss of income reparations time limit extended for those with continued disabilities.
House HF2661 2 02/03/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Crime victims reparations not to be considered as assets for the purposes of determining medical assistance eligibility.
House HF2581 2 02/03/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Ovarian cancer blood test screening and healing touch therapy health plan coverage required.
House HF2568 2 03/01/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Youthbuild; adultbuild program and demonstration project created in conjunction with youthbuild to provide job training and affordable housing development, and money appropriated.
House HF2540 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Sales tax rebate extended to eligible taxpayers and filing dates specified.
House SF2408 2 03/06/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Crime victim loss of income reparations time limit extended for those with continued disabilities.
House SF2407 2 03/09/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Crime victims reparations not to be considered as assets for the purposes of determining medical assistance eligibility.
House HF2203 2 03/24/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Affordable housing production and preservation appropriation provided.
House HF2125 1 03/17/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Cities required to discharge unpaid tax obligations of neighborhood revitalization program nonprofit contractors.
House HF1941 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Substance abuse intervention in neighborhoods program grants provided and money appropriated.
House HF1897 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Substance abuse intervention in neighborhoods program grants provided and money appropriated.
House HF1814 1 03/11/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Gender fairness in the courts task force recommendations implemented and money appropriated.
House HF1680 2 03/17/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Voluntary registration programs established for general, specialized, and health care interpreters; pilot training program for interpreters developed; and money appropriated.
House HF1556 7 04/06/1999 47 Text icon Clark, K. Civil service pilot project extended in the housing finance agency.
House HF1365 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Commissioner of labor and industry required to adopt standards for ergonomics to reduce the incidence of repetitive motion injuries, and advisory task force established.
House HF1307 1 03/02/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Disabled working individuals medical assistance coverage provided.
House HF1306 1 03/02/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Lead center services medical assistance coverage provided and federal waivers authorizing window replacement medical assistance coverage required.
House HF1256 2 03/18/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Youth employment program provisions modified and money appropriated.
House HF1177 1 03/01/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) postemployment training authorized for eligible participants and money appropriated.
House HF1145 2 03/30/1999 Text icon Clark, K. HIV AIDS in the workplace education program funded, housing programs for individuals with HIV AIDS coordinated, and money appropriated.
House HF1082 1 02/25/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Native American women reentry pilot grant program established and money appropriated.
House HF0936 2 03/01/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Medical marijuana act adopted and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF0791 3 03/25/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Local and state business subsidies regulated.
House HF0714 3 03/01/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Adolescent HIV and sexually transmitted disease infection prevention services grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0713 2 03/15/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Businesses receiving public assistance requirement provisions expanded to include assistance to businesses for community development.
House HF0712 7 03/24/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Native Americans; Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota traditional cultural property protected and preserved.
House HF0711 4 02/17/2000 Text icon Clark, K. Coldwater Springs traditional cultural property preservation established in Hennepin county.
House HF0683 1 02/11/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Restorative justice program grants and training funded, and money appropriated.
House HF0674 2 04/06/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Family homeless prevention and assistance program appropriated money.
House HF0622 1 02/10/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Names of elected officials registering property complaints made public.
House HF0594 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Teenage prostitution prevention and intervention grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0570 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Intensive case management services provided for prostituted individuals and money appropriated.
House HF0568 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Clark, K. General and health care interpreter voluntary registration programs established, spoken language interpreter pilot training program developed, and money appropriated.
House HF0527 1 02/04/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Learn to earn summer youth employment and community initiative programs funded, and money appropriated.
House HF0422 1 02/01/1999 Text icon Clark, K. Vitamin, mineral, and whole food supplement sales and use tax exemption provided.