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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

41 Documents Found in Legislative Session 81 (1999-2000)
for Chief Authors of "Chaudhary"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4046 1 03/06/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Private noncommercial aircraft storage hangars on leased metro airport land property tax exemption provided.
House HF4014 1 03/02/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Grade six pupil units increased and revenue reserved for young adolescent programs.
House HF3961 1 02/28/2000 Text icon Chaudhary School district building lease levy expanded to include technology leasing and technology-related improvements.
House HF3888 2 02/28/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Graduation rule provisions modified and codified.
House HF3865 2 02/28/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Basic sliding fee child care assistance funded through temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) fund transfers and money appropriated.
House HF3816 1 02/23/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Early childhood family education (ECFE) state aid increased and money appropriated.
House HF3797 1 02/23/2000 Text icon Chaudhary General community education revenue increased and money appropriated.
House HF3759 1 02/21/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Level II predatory offender information disclosed to additional persons.
House HF3755 1 02/21/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Weight training equipment in state correctional facilities prohibited.
House HF3544 1 02/16/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Long-term care income tax credit expanded and money appropriated.
House HF2854 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Alien labor certification program appropriated money.
House HF2637 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Chaudhary Senior citizen drug program eligibility expanded and money appropriated.
House HF2375 1 04/12/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Small business equity investments credit allowed against corporate franchise taxes.
House HF2276 1 03/24/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Child care assistance provisions modified, dependent care income tax credit expanded, and basic sliding fee transition credit provided.
House HF2267 1 03/24/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Trust fund to support innovation and self-sufficiency in families and children act adopted, and money appropriated.
House HF2258 2 03/30/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Fridley tax increment financing district duration extended.
House HF2234 1 03/22/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Corporate franchise tax research credit rate increased.
House HF2232 1 03/22/1999 Text icon Chaudhary State share of education funding increased, income tax reduction provided, local property tax levies reduced, sales tax reduced, MinnesotaCare provider tax eliminated, and increases in market value limited.
House HF2174 2 03/24/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Columbia Heights tax increment financing district extended and expenditures authorized.
House HF2025 2 03/18/1999 Text icon Chaudhary General community education revenue increase provided and money appropriated.
House HF2022 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Adult graduation aid formula modified and money appropriated.
House HF2006 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Prison reform act; inmate chemical use, health assessment, and treatment required; records maintained; free weights and cable television prohibited; and work assignments and other programs required.
House HF1991 1 03/15/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Foster care placement deadline specified and permanency planning time period shortened.
House HF1640 3 03/17/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Income tax credit allowed for children and money appropriated.
House HF1639 3 03/17/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Income tax credit allowed for children and money appropriated.
House HF1623 2 03/29/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Fridley economic development assistance provided and money appropriated.
House HF1489 1 03/08/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Military bonus program established for members of the national guard or reserve components ordered to active duty, and money appropriated.
House HF1488 1 03/08/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Hilltop housing pilot project established and money appropriated.
House HF1469 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Chaudhary School districts with substantial enrollment of students eligible for free or reduced price lunches provided additional compensatory revenue.
House HF1457 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Red Tail project appropriation provided to honor the Tuskegee airmen.
House HF1230 1 03/01/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Senior citizen drug program eligibility expanded.
House HF1166 2 03/02/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Elementary class size reduction program established, referendum equalization revenue formula provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0926 1 02/22/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Fridley historical museum refurbishment grant provided and money appropriated.
House HF0854 1 02/18/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Local government aid base increased for eligible cities.
House HF0792 4 03/24/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Rental housing application disclosure requirements and penalties provided, and penalties prescribed for providing false information on rental applications.
House HF0587 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Columbia Heights authorized to establish an enterprise zone and high technology business tax incentives provided.
House HF0572 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Passenger automobile and hearse additional registration tax rate reduced, and motor vehicle sales tax revenue distributed.
House HF0554 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Chaudhary General education basic formula allowance inflationary increase provided and money appropriated.
House HF0552 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Northstar corridor joint powers board grant provided for Fridley commuter rail station planning and design, and money appropriated.
House HF0550 1 02/08/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Columbia Heights streetscape improvements funded and money appropriated.
House HF0514 2 02/18/1999 Text icon Chaudhary Real property alternative description method authorized by counties.