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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

145 Documents Found in Legislative Session 80 (1997-1998)
for Authors of "Winter"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0012 1 01/09/1997 Text icon Carlson School district levy recognition eliminated, and money appropriated.
House HF0141 1 01/23/1997 Text icon Seifert Emergency snow removal funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0154 1 01/23/1997 Text icon Murphy Livestock activity liability provisions modified.
House HF0475 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Kalis Farmamerica provided operating grants through department of agriculture, and money appropriated.
House HF0476 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Kalis FarmAmerica provided operating grants through state historical society, and money appropriated.
House HF0482 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Farrell Gangs; criminal gang council and strike force established, grants authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0497 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Rest Proposed property tax notice and truth in taxation advertising provisions modified.
House HF0501 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Evans Laurentian environmental learning center renovation provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0757 1 02/17/1997 Text icon Harder School district debt service equalization eligibility requirements modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0903 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Peterson Infected cattle herd identification program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0917 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Vickerman Children's mental health programs appropriated money.
House HF0940 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Winter Tourism and exposition center previous appropriation provisions modified.
House HF0942 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Wenzel Disaster relief account established.
House HF0976 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Winter CALS; comprehensive advanced life support program funded, and money appropriated.
House HF1084 1 02/27/1997 Text icon Anderson, I. Education cost financing with property taxes prohibited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1085 1 02/27/1997 Text icon Farrell Mentoring income tax credit provided.
House HF1319 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Slawik Motor vehicle insurer record availability to law enforcement agencies provided.
House HF1328 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Skoglund Third- and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct expanded to include acts involving school employees and students.
House HF1329 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Kalis Chemical dependency fund appropriated money for detoxification centers.
House HF1366 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Winter Independent school district No. 330, Heron Lake-Okabena, small school viability pilot project implemented, and money appropriated.
House HF1432 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Peterson Volunteer firefighter relief association actuarial valuation requirement removed.
House HF1443 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Wejcman Food stamps; temporary hunger prevention and community development initiative established for individuals terminated from the federal food stamp program, and money appropriated.
House HF1491 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Peterson Health plan managed care agreements regulated.
House HF1529 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Jefferson Minneapolis convention center expansion authorized, bond issuance authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF1566 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Winter Firefighter training program planning provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1640 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Harder Jackson medical center and Tracy municipal hospital employees provided retirement contribution refunds.
House HF1683 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Seifert Lyon county intermediate care facility size reduction pilot project established.
House HF1699 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Rukavina State colleges and universities system administrative costs limited.
House HF1742 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Huntley Health care purchasing alliances established, direct health care provider contracting provided, and hospital and supervised living facility licensing standard waivers permitted.
House HF1748 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Rukavina Governor's state budget information inclusion mandate provided.
House HF1798 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Murphy City aid base definition modified.
House HF1954 1 03/24/1997 Text icon Kahn Professional sports; Congress memorialized to discourage use of public resources for the movement of professional sports franchises.
House HF2041 1 04/01/1997 Text icon Ozment Police and firefighter retirement investment reporting requirements and penalty provisions modified.
House HF2047 1 04/01/1997 Text icon Winter GED high school diploma program televised, and money appropriated.
House HF2101 1 04/08/1997 Text icon Long Cigarette, tobacco product, and liquor excise tax accelerated payment requirement eliminated.
House HF2139 1 04/14/1997 Text icon Wenzel Flood federal disaster relief matching funds provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2242 1 05/19/1997 Text icon Wagenius Environmental protection; Congress memorialized to ensure environmental protection, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2281 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Winter Midwest interstate dairy compact established, and money appropriated.
House HF2324 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Carlson Pell grant percentage excluded from student financial aid calculation, and money appropriated.
House HF2466 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Winter Walnut Grove; Laura Ingalls Wilder pageant facilities provided capital improvements, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2467 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Winter Southwest regional development commission Prairieland Expo construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2549 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Winter Regional development commissions levy limit modified.
House HF2634 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Winter Marshall regional emergency response training center construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2716 1 01/26/1998 Text icon Kahn Minneapolis fire department relief association survivor benefit options made retroactive.
House HF2731 1 01/26/1998 Text icon Harder Windom area multi-purpose center bond issuance provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2774 1 01/26/1998 Text icon Kuisle County referendums conducted by county auditors clarified.
House HF2891 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Kubly Farm tractor clock-hour meter tampering prohibited, and criminal and civil penalties prescribed.
House HF2953 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Otremba, M. County grants provided for children's mental health services, and money appropriated.
House HF2958 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Otremba, M. Ottertail county; pioneer public television grant provided for construction of a noncommercial television translator tower, and money appropriated.
House HF2989 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Dawkins Two and three-unit nonhomestead property tax class rates reduced, class 4bb property target class rate eliminated, and city noncompliance provisions extended.
House HF3024 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Milbert Lawful gambling, pull-tabs, tipboards, and combined receipts tax rates reduced.
House HF3173 1 02/02/1998 Text icon Winter Children from a subsequent family taken into account when setting the level of child support.
House HF3225 1 02/02/1998 Text icon Jefferson Minneapolis convention center improvement materials and equipment sales tax exemption provided.
House HF3319 1 02/04/1998 Text icon Peterson Animal waste technician training and licensing provided, feedlot expansion permits limited, animal waste spill liability account created and funded, generic environmental impact statements required, and money appropriated.
House HF3348 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Kahn Twins baseball franchise community ownership provided, stadium construction conditions established, and money appropriated.
House HF3379 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Winter Ambulance services health plan company reimbursements provided.
House HF3578 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Dawkins State working family income tax credit provided.
House HF3622 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Delmont Children's endowment fund established, money appropriated, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3627 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Harder Southwest telecommunications cooperative fiber optics network established to link existing K-12 telemedia networks from Jackson to Marshall, and money appropriated.
House HF3789 1 02/23/1998 Text icon Winter Wind energy conversion systems sales tax exemption effective date extended.
House HF3811 1 02/27/1998 Text icon Winter Hunting and fishing rights confirmed and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3855 1 03/26/1998 Text icon Winter Agricultural cooperative competition with members limited, and exception provided.
House HF3865 1 04/01/1998 Text icon Harder Early payments of state aids to local governments affected by tornadoes allowed.
House HF3881 1 04/09/1998 Text icon Hausman Prairie Island nuclear generating plant operator required to provide a renewable development account expenditure plan.
House HF0006 2 01/13/1997 Text icon Wenzel Commercial industrial first-tier property tax class rate reduced, and additional state aid provided.
House HF0088 2 02/06/1997 Text icon Evans Sentencing guidelines application clarified.
House HF0489 2 02/10/1997 Text icon Murphy Capital gains tax exclusion provided for the sale of property used as a principal residence.
House HF0603 2 02/20/1997 Text icon Lieder State road operations appropriations provided.
House HF0644 2 02/13/1997 Text icon Skoglund Court defendant guilt adjudication refusal provisions clarified.
House HF0675 2 02/27/1997 Text icon Greenfield Home care provider and elderly housing with services provider licensure requirement provided.
House HF0685 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Rest Local government innovation and efficiency program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0712 2 05/12/1997 Text icon Lieder Aggregate material production tax increase provided.
House HF0764 2 03/26/1997 Text icon Winter Lewis and Clark rural water system developed, and money appropriated.
House HF0799 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Winter Wind energy conversion system property tax provisions modified.
House HF0809 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Winter Regional economic development commissions regulated.
House HF0987 2 04/01/1997 Text icon Kubly Biomass electric energy generation personal property use taxation exemption provided.
House HF1176 2 04/07/1997 Text icon Hausman St. Paul civic center improvements provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1184 2 03/05/1997 Text icon Milbert Heritage and historic subdistrict creation authorized within tax increment financing districts.
House HF1254 2 04/14/1997 Text icon Winter Trunk highway No. 60 designated as the Don Rickers memorial highway.
House HF1322 2 02/23/1998 Text icon Pugh ATM; automated teller machine use fees limited.
House HF1327 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Delmont State agency service contracts reviewed by employee relations commissioner.
House HF1368 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Ozment Firefighter training standards board established, firefighter training financial assistance program provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1444 2 04/09/1997 Text icon Wejcman Minnesota grown food coupon program established in conjunction with the temporary hunger prevention and community development initiative program, and money appropriated.
House HF1536 2 03/20/1997 Text icon Wagenius Economic policy and strategic planning survey provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1616 2 04/16/1997 Text icon Hausman Wind energy system and solar photovoltaic device sales and use tax exemptions reinstated.
House HF1639 2 04/08/1997 Text icon Harder University of Minnesota farm safety outreach program funded, and money appropriated.
House HF1658 2 04/16/1997 Text icon Holsten National pollutant discharge elimination system permit delegation authorized.
House HF1730 2 03/26/1997 Text icon Peterson Livestock and dairy processing and marketing grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1733 2 04/15/1997 Text icon Mulder Rural hospitals; Congress memorialized to establish a national limited service hospital program for rural primary service hospitals.
House HF1809 2 03/24/1997 Text icon Winter Minnesota agriculture education leadership council established, grant program provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1925 2 04/10/1997 Text icon Peterson Farm wind energy conversion system loan pilot program established.
House HF1927 2 04/01/1997 Text icon Kubly Buffalo Lake ethanol facility certification extension provided for tax increment financing purposes.
House HF1929 2 04/07/1997 Text icon Winter State colleges and universities land purchase, sale, and leasing provided.
House HF2718 2 02/02/1998 Text icon Peterson Snowmobile nonresident state trail sticker required.
House HF3066 2 02/18/1998 Text icon Winter Delivered fuel account established, and money appropriated.
House HF3101 2 02/11/1998 Text icon Skare Bemidji authorized to impose additional sales and excise taxes for the purpose of funding convention center construction.
House HF3318 2 02/11/1998 Text icon Peterson Southwest state university regional studies center established, and money appropriated.
House HF3320 2 02/11/1998 Text icon Peterson Animal feedlot construction moratorium established.
House HF3545 2 02/16/1998 Text icon Winter Soybean oilseed processing and refining facility established, and money appropriated.
House HF3659 2 03/10/1998 Text icon Murphy Homestead and agricultural credit aid payments increased to certain statutory cities.
House HF3676 2 02/18/1998 Text icon Winter Property tax simplification and reform provided, rebate specified, and money appropriated.
House HF3761 2 02/25/1998 Text icon Milbert Pari-mutuel pool tax abatement sunset removed.
House HF0015 3 04/03/1997 Text icon Lieder Gasoline and special fuel tax rate increased, major highway projects account created, revenue dedication provided, and bond issuance authorized.
House HF0017 3 04/03/1997 Text icon Lieder Gasoline and special fuel tax rate increased, county state-aid screening board composition modified, motor vehicle sales tax revenue percentage allocated to transit assistance fund, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0160 3 02/12/1997 Text icon Winter Independent school district No. 175, Westbrook, high school student entrepreneurship pilot program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0287 3 02/27/1997 Text icon Bakk Hastings, Luverne, and Silver Bay veterans homes improvements provided through the use of donated funds.
House HF0337 3 02/24/1997 Text icon Marko Motor vehicle sales and registration tax proceeds dedicated to the Minnesota transportation fund, gasoline tax rate increased, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0827 3 04/01/1997 Text icon Tomassoni University of Minnesota grape and wine research center established, and money appropriated.
House HF1166 3 03/19/1997 Text icon Clark, K. Minnesota 1997 employment and economic development program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1285 3 03/25/1997 Text icon Westrom Agricultural cooperative investment tax credit provided.
House HF1549 3 04/01/1997 Text icon Peterson Border city economic development district retail facility use allowed.
House HF1562 3 03/24/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. Statewide university system student evaluation of instructors information deemed public data.
House HF1583 3 02/02/1998 Text icon Mullery Nellie Stone Johnson bust placed in State Capitol.
House HF1686 3 04/02/1997 Text icon Kubly Farmer-lender mediation program modified and extended.
House HF2207 3 05/15/1997 Text icon Winter Major league sports findings and recommendations submitted to legislature by planning and fiscal policy commission.
House HF2344 3 02/19/1998 Text icon Clark, K. Employer contribution for employee housing income tax credit provided.
House HF2627 3 02/05/1998 Text icon Winter Regional development commission grants provided to assist local governments with land use planning preparation, and money appropriated.
House HF3869 3 04/06/1998 Text icon Long Disaster relief provided for 1997 flood loss and areas affected by tornado and other weather damage, special levy authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0812 4 03/17/1997 Text icon Dawkins Municipal and school district local performance aid eligibility requirements modified.
House HF1068 4 03/05/1997 Text icon Harder Soy-based biodiesel fuel use pilot project provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2270 4 02/09/1998 Text icon Winter Air ambulance registration exemption provided.
House HF3157 4 02/18/1998 Text icon Winter Luverne provided an exemption from the Minnesota investment fund grant limit for job loss offset.
House HF3421 4 02/16/1998 Text icon Winter Market Champ, Inc. established, upgrade loans and grants provided, feedlots and practices limited, environmental impact statement prepared, livestock industry environmental steering committee created, and money appropriated.
House HF0335 5 04/29/1997 Text icon Jennings Building and construction contracts, payments, and retainages regulated.
House HF1244 5 03/23/1998 Text icon McCollum Campaign finance definitions clarified, reporting requirements modified, public subsidy return required, and penalties provided.
House HF1257 5 04/14/1997 Text icon Winter Luverne cemetery body removal and reinterment authorized.
House HF1395 5 04/01/1997 Text icon Juhnke Employer contribution for employee housing income tax credit provided.
House HF1464 5 05/05/1997 Text icon Juhnke Municipal and cooperative utilities authorized to form joint ventures for the provision of utility services.
House HF2097 5 05/01/1997 Text icon Harder Agricultural corporation land ownership limitations modified.
House HF3258 5 02/26/1998 Text icon Greenfield Medicaid; Congress memorialized to remove Medicaid policy barriers to employment for people with disabilities.
House HF3441 5 02/16/1998 Text icon Peterson Feedlot expansion permits limited, cleanup fund created, ordinance update assistance and compliance grants provided, environmental impact statements required, paratuberculosis control program expanded, and money appropriated.
House HF3691 5 02/25/1998 Text icon Carlson Grade 13 program created to provide new high school graduates with the first year at a public two-year college tuition free, and higher education income tax credit allowed.
House HF0176 6 01/22/1998 Text icon Harder Distressed food donor injury liability limited.
House HF0265 6 04/07/1997 27 Text icon Molnau Farm crisis assistance personnel employment status clarified.
House HF1877 6 04/14/1997 Text icon Jefferson Strawberry workers rights recognized and respected by the strawberry industry.
House HF2065 6 04/28/1997 Text icon Winter Veterinarians allowed to dock horses, and dog house specifications modified.
House HF0645 7 04/17/1997 49 Text icon Tomassoni Health plan mental health coverage minimum standards provided for determining medically necessary care.
House HF1179 7 04/01/1997 Text icon Winter Petroleum release compensation fund cost reimbursement authorized.
House HF3841 7 03/25/1998 Text icon Entenza Air carrier agreements retroactive exemption from the franchise law removed.
House HF0454 9 05/19/1997 240 Text icon Johnson, A. Collector motor vehicle single license plate issuance and display allowed.
House HF3862 9 04/08/1998 383 Text icon Johnson, R. Federal disaster relief matching funds provided for tornado and other weather damages, and money appropriated.
House HF0001 18 02/13/1997 1 Text icon Johnson, A. K-12 education appropriation caps repealed, statewide educational testing provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0100 18 03/17/1997 12 Text icon Wenzel Emergency snow removal and severe weather funding provided, state road operations funded, state trooper overtime pay funded, and money appropriated.
House HF2722 18 04/08/1998 379 Text icon McCollum Red tag issuance authorized for underground petroleum storage tank violations, motor vehicle antifreeze in wastewater systems regulated, and penalties provided.
House HF3853 21 04/09/1998 395 Text icon Tunheim Farmer-lender mediation extended, emergency federal crop insurance premium assistance program established in certain counties, neighborhood insect infestation mitigated, timber permit extensions modified, and money appropriated.