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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

83 Documents Found in Legislative Session 80 (1997-1998)
for Authors of "Sviggum"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0125 9 03/03/1997 6 Text icon Sviggum Kenyon tax levy recertification authorized.
House HF0211 12 04/22/1997 59 Text icon Sviggum Telephone extended area service installation authorized within combined school districts.
House HF0601 16 04/25/1997 78 Text icon Wenzel Municipal boundary commissions established.
House HF3644 10 03/17/1998 326 Text icon Sviggum Combined school districts extended telephone area service voting requirements modified.
House HF0016 2 01/16/1997 Text icon Sviggum Same-sex marriages not recognized or allowed.
House HF0023 2 01/13/1997 Text icon Smith Abortion; constitutional standard established relating to abortion, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0033 2 01/23/1997 Text icon Koppendrayer Omnibus K-12 education policy and appropriations bill.
House HF0043 2 01/16/1997 Text icon Sviggum High school league tournament admission sales tax exemption provided.
House HF0044 1 01/13/1997 Text icon Sviggum Joint and several liability apportionment regulated.
House HF0045 1 01/13/1997 Text icon Sviggum Legislature to meet only in odd-numbered years, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0046 2 01/16/1997 Text icon Sviggum Legislator election provided without political party designation.
House HF0055 3 01/27/1997 Text icon Sviggum Nursing home minimum data set use and physician evaluation frequency provisions modified.
House HF0057 3 02/10/1997 Text icon Sviggum Unicameral legislature provided with 135 members, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0104 7 04/03/1997 Text icon Sviggum Former legislators prohibited from lobbying for one year after leaving office.
House HF0107 1 01/16/1997 Text icon Sviggum Metropolitan sports facilities commission abolished, met center sale required, metrodome ownership transfer provided, amateur sports commission youth sports funding provided, bond issuance authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0134 1 01/23/1997 Text icon Sviggum Independent school district No. 763, Medford, fund transfer provided.
House HF0145 1 01/23/1997 Text icon Sviggum Term limits imposed on legislative and executive offices, biennial legislative sessions and unicameral legislature provided, legislative procedures modified, state primary election date changed, and constitutional amendments proposed.
House HF0153 1 01/23/1997 Text icon Osskopp Nuclear waste; radioactive waste management facility dry cask storage alternative site requirement eliminated.
House HF0192 2 02/10/1997 Text icon Sviggum Legislator resignation required upon filing for or appointment to another office, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0214 1 01/27/1997 Text icon Paulsen Initiative and referendum provided and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0232 1 01/27/1997 Text icon Finseth Soil and water conservation district supervisors provided four-year terms of office.
House HF0237 1 01/27/1997 Text icon Sviggum Hunter, trapper, and angler harassment prohibition provisions modified.
House HF0279 1 01/30/1997 Text icon Delmont MinnesotaCare provider tax rate reduced.
House HF0364 1 02/03/1997 Text icon Sviggum Iron range resources and rehabilitation board, (IRRRB), composition and appointment provisions modified.
House HF0368 1 02/03/1997 Text icon Koppendrayer Omnibus K-12 education appropriations bill.
House HF0439 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Leighton Alternative dispute resolution presiders provided immunity from civil liability.
House HF0450 5 04/29/1997 Text icon Rest Legislative audit commission membership provisions modified.
House HF0475 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Kalis Farmamerica provided operating grants through department of agriculture, and money appropriated.
House HF0476 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Kalis FarmAmerica provided operating grants through state historical society, and money appropriated.
House HF0495 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Osskopp Gambling lawful purpose expenditures to include acquisition of property to replace property under threat of acquisition by eminent domain.
House HF0600 1 02/10/1997 Text icon Dempsey Goodhue and Wabasha public health service board joint purchaser demonstration project established, and money appropriated.
House HF0610 1 02/10/1997 Text icon Macklin Legislative audit commission membership provisions modified.
House HF0647 3 04/30/1997 Text icon Jefferson Public pension benefit accrual rates increased, pension plan financing adjusted, pension fund supplemental financial condition information provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0697 1 02/13/1997 Text icon Bettermann Tort claim state immunity provisions clarified.
House HF0716 1 02/13/1997 Text icon Sviggum Job training franchise tax credit provided, education investment fund established, corporate alternative minimum tax abolished, unfair cigarette sales act abolished, capital equipment sales and use tax exemption, and money appropriated.
House HF0796 1 02/20/1997 Text icon Delmont MSRS; deferred compensation investment options expanded.
House HF0902 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Entenza Public official telephone record data classification provisions modified.
House HF0912 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Sviggum Public official communication record data classification provisions modified.
House HF0915 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Osskopp Wabasha county intermediate care facility size reduction pilot project authorized.
House HF0926 2 03/19/1997 Text icon Sviggum Municipal tax increment financing district addition provisions modified.
House HF1126 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Jennings Hazardous products labeling law repealed.
House HF1191 2 04/18/1997 Text icon Rifenberg Balanced budget; Congress memorialized to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to balance the budget.
House HF1194 2 01/20/1998 Text icon Carlson Student financial aid determination asset consideration provisions modified, and state grant determination formula provided.
House HF1207 6 04/15/1997 Text icon Paymar Private corrections treatment facility liability limits provided.
House HF1209 2 03/25/1997 Text icon Sviggum Stagecoach trail established in Steele, Dodge, and Olmsted counties.
House HF1259 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Entenza School districts prohibited from requiring schools to start prior to 8:00 a.m.
House HF1338 3 03/25/1997 Text icon Molnau Municipal consolidation authorized.
House HF1347 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Smith Child support, visitation, and joint custody compliance periodic review required.
House HF1368 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Ozment Firefighter training standards board established, firefighter training financial assistance program provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1389 2 04/21/1997 Text icon Jennings Public employees and officials salary and compensation provisions modified; state agency head salary limits modified; minimum wage increased; and legislator, constitutional officer, and judge salaries increased.
House HF1535 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Sviggum Budget reserve account revenue allocation provided, and refundable income tax credit provided.
House HF1562 3 03/24/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. Statewide university system student evaluation of instructors information deemed public data.
House HF1566 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Winter Firefighter training program planning provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1733 2 04/15/1997 Text icon Mulder Rural hospitals; Congress memorialized to establish a national limited service hospital program for rural primary service hospitals.
House HF1776 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Hilty Statewide public ice arena facilities program appropriated money.
House HF1783 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Sviggum Former legislators prohibited from lobbying the legislature for one year after leaving office, and fair campaign practices advisory board established.
House HF1784 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Sviggum Legislative employee campaign activity limited, lobbying activities limited, campaign contributions restricted, and money appropriated.
House HF1885 3 04/03/1997 Text icon Solberg Mille Lacs fishing treaty implementation public safety funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1943 2 03/25/1997 Text icon Swenson, H. Agricultural land exempted from general education property tax levy.
House HF1954 1 03/24/1997 Text icon Kahn Professional sports; Congress memorialized to discourage use of public resources for the movement of professional sports franchises.
House HF2034 3 03/31/1998 Text icon Rukavina Legislative committee and commission statutory provisions modified.
House HF2094 1 04/07/1997 Text icon Jennings Ozone; Environmental Protection Agency memorialized to exempt Minnesota from ozone transport provisions.
House HF2157 1 04/17/1997 Text icon Jennings State agency heads, judges, and legislators compensation regulated.
House HF2166 1 04/23/1997 Text icon Anderson, I. Flood-related disaster relief provided for property damage grants and loans, and money appropriated.
House HF2228 1 05/16/1997 Text icon Jennings Minnesota responsible electric competition act adopted.
House HF2260 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Sviggum Abortion data reporting provisions modified, and criminal penalties provided.
House HF2322 3 01/26/1998 Text icon Sviggum Income tax reserve account established, income tax and general education tax rates reduced, property tax rebate provided for taxes assessed in 1997, and money appropriated.
House HF2388 2 02/16/1998 Text icon Clark, J. Independent school district No. 2758, Redwood Valley, multipurpose education and community center funded, bond issuance authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2446 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Sviggum Buses; additional school bus purchase levy authorized.
House HF2629 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Sviggum Former legislators, constitutional officers, commissioners, and certain deputies and assistants prohibited from lobbying the legislature or administrative agencies for one year after leaving office.
House HF2686 5 03/10/1998 Text icon Munger Board of water and soil resources hearing and review provisions modified, and wetland replacement approval required.
House HF2773 2 02/23/1998 Text icon Tunheim Private property protection act adopted.
House HF2884 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Otremba, M. Abortion data reporting provisions modified, and criminal penalties provided.
House HF3258 5 02/26/1998 Text icon Greenfield Medicaid; Congress memorialized to remove Medicaid policy barriers to employment for people with disabilities.
House HF3289 2 02/25/1998 Text icon Kielkucki University of Minnesota board of regents prohibited from requiring 4-H chapters to comply with human rights provisions and refrain from sexual orientation discrimination.
House HF3351 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Bishop Construction materials and supplies used to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sales tax exemption provided.
House HF3420 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Sviggum Hiring freeze imposed on certain public and legislative employers.
House HF3542 3 02/12/1998 Text icon Van Dellen Tobacco litigation proceeds deposited in a special account in the general fund to be used only for attorney fees and tax relief.
House HF3571 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Schumacher School district reimbursement for mandated additional instruction days provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3671 1 02/12/1998 Text icon McElroy Property tax class rates and the education homestead credit modified, general education levy reduced, and money appropriated.
House HF3707 2 02/18/1998 Text icon Sviggum Special levy authorized for new detention center staffing, and joint law enforcement center construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
House HF3759 2 02/23/1998 Text icon Sviggum School district reimbursement for mandated additional instruction days provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3872 5 04/08/1998 Text icon Tunheim Uniform commercial code fraud actions clarified relating to economic loss arising from the sale of goods.