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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

140 Documents Found in Legislative Session 80 (1997-1998)
for Authors of "Kelso"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF2318 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Leppik Accelerated instruction required for elementary and secondary students scoring three standard deviations above the norm on standardized tests.
House HF2611 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Kelso American Indian language and culture programs, post-secondary preparation grants, and scholarship funding increased; and money appropriated.
House HF1251 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Kelso Bell museum K-12 education science curriculum delivery process provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2511 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Pawlenty Building space average age threshold reduced relating to school district alternative facilities bonding and levy program qualifications.
House HF1428 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Dehler Central Minnesota area learning center established, and money appropriated.
House HF0009 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Van Dellen Charitable contribution income tax credit allowed.
House HF3266 1 02/04/1998 Text icon Kelso Charter school contractual agreements for teaching and administrative services clarified, and exemption created for existing arrangements.
House HF3199 1 02/02/1998 Text icon Leighton Charter school employment and operating provisions modified.
House HF0928 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Wejcman Child care service integration demonstration projects established, and money appropriated.
House HF1764 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Entenza Children attending schools with concentrated levels of poverty provided enhanced educational experience, general education formula allowance increased, and money appropriated.
House HF3696 1 02/12/1998 Text icon Long Children's endowment fund established, money appropriated, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1158 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Greiling Children's library service and regional public library system grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0792 1 02/17/1997 Text icon Biernat Cigarette and tobacco product sales tax increased, and revenue dedicated to tobacco and drug use prevention programs.
House HF3154 1 02/02/1998 Text icon Chaudhary Class size reduction program funding enhanced, and money appropriated.
House HF3468 1 02/09/1998 Text icon Entenza Collaborative urban educator program funding increased, and money appropriated.
House HF2054 1 04/01/1997 Text icon Johnson, R. College work study students placed in elementary and secondary schools, and money appropriated.
House HF0090 8 04/14/1997 35 Text icon Lieder Commercial motor vehicle driver's license possession requirement exemption provided for persons working as relief, replacement, or emergency snow plow operators.
House HF2572 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Kelso Counties with Indian casinos payment conditions modified relating to revenues under tribal tax agreements.
House HF1881 1 03/20/1997 Text icon Koppendrayer Counties with Indian casinos provided payments under tribal tax agreements, and money appropriated.
House HF1598 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Koppendrayer County agencies reimbursed for services provided to American Indians living on reservations, and money appropriated.
House HF3726 1 02/16/1998 Text icon Kelso Deaf and hard of hearing teacher licensure requirements modified.
House HF2093 1 04/07/1997 Text icon Entenza Deaf, deaf-blind, and hard-of-hearing children education bill of rights provided.
House HF3537 1 02/09/1998 Text icon Gunther Department of economic security school-to-work transition assistance pilot project developed, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0963 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Wagenius Early reading instruction included as part of teacher candidate curriculum, challenge grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0404 3 02/13/1997 Text icon Abrams Education fiscal year levy adjustment authorized related to the repeal of K-12 education appropriation caps.
House HF2364 2 02/23/1998 Text icon Rest Education income tax credit income limitations modified and maximum credit specified.
House HF0961 4 04/07/1997 Text icon Greiling Education supervisory and coaching personnel code of ethics established.
House HF1934 1 03/24/1997 Text icon Kelso Educational accountability office established, general education revenue increased, special program funding increased, technology revenue program established, advisory panel established, and money appropriated.
House HF1311 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Kelso Extended instructional time state aid established, and money appropriated.
House HF2079 5 05/05/1997 Text icon Solberg Finance department expenditure forecast duties clarified.
House HF1403 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Johnson, R. First-grade preparedness program grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2135 1 04/10/1997 Text icon Lieder Flood disaster area residents granted state tax filing and payment extension.
House HF2141 1 04/14/1997 Text icon Marko Flood-related disaster relief provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2145 1 04/14/1997 Text icon Kelso Flood-related disaster relief provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1695 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Pugh Gambling tax combined tax receipt tax schedule provisions modified.
House HF3427 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Jefferson Gary Neil Sudduth education reform act; nonwhite and white at-risk student educational success obstacles identified, staff development and community training provided, advisory council created, and money appropriated.
House HF1723 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Greiling Gifted and talented education program grants provided, school district eligibility criteria established, and money appropriated.
House HF2319 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Greiling Gifted and talented program grant local match requirement removed.
House HF3610 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Carruthers Graduation standards and graduation rule implementation funded, and money appropriated.
House HF3263 1 02/04/1998 Text icon Schumacher Graduation standards teacher training funding enhanced, and money appropriated.
House HF0772 3 03/05/1997 Text icon Evans Health and safety revenue program expanded to include indoor air quality, school construction project information requirements modified, indoor air quality task force established, and money appropriated.
House HF3426 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Greiling High school league governing board member appointment date established, rule review required, and commercial relationship prohibition repealed.
House HF1062 1 02/27/1997 Text icon Tomassoni Historic building revenue eligibility provided to school districts that maintain a school building listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and money appropriated.
House HF3217 2 02/18/1998 Text icon Kelso Historical educational program grants provided for elementary and secondary school curriculum design, Murphy's landing, and Ironworld; and money appropriated.
House HF2836 2 02/05/1998 Text icon Opatz Home school defined relating to extracurricular activities, and school boards required to allow full participation of all students.
House HF0607 2 03/03/1997 Text icon Davids Homework helpline funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2021 1 03/26/1997 Text icon Carlson Homework hotline funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3811 1 02/27/1998 Text icon Winter Hunting and fishing rights confirmed and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0893 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Delmont Independent school district No. 12, Centennial, class size reduction project established, and money appropriated.
House HF0014 1 01/09/1997 Text icon Jennings Independent school district No. 2144, Chisago Lakes Area, debt service levy allocation provided.
House HF2501 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Kraus Independent school district No. 241, Albert Lea, year-round school extended week or day pilot program examined, evaluation required, and money appropriated.
House HF1573 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Folliard Independent school district No. 283, St. Louis Park, Aquila community together project grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0263 1 01/30/1997 Text icon Abrams Independent school district No. 284, Wayzata, permitted to begin school year prior to Labor Day.
House HF3774 1 02/19/1998 Text icon Peterson Independent school district No. 62, Ortonville, graduation standards technology integration pilot project grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0082 1 01/16/1997 Text icon Mares Independent school district No. 624, White Bear Lake, year-round school extended week or day pilot program extended, evaluation required, and money appropriated.
House HF0437 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Kelso Independent school district No. 625, St. Paul, additional community-based charter school grant awards authorized.
House HF0891 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Harder Independent school district No. 638, Sanborn, authorized to enter into an interdistrict cooperation agreement.
House HF0752 1 02/17/1997 Text icon Tomassoni Independent school district No. 701, Hibbing, grant authorized for expenses due to fire, and common teacher retirement date established.
House HF2474 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Opatz Independent school district No. 742, St. Cloud, authorized to purchase a community education site with remaining bond proceeds.
House HF0134 1 01/23/1997 Text icon Sviggum Independent school district No. 763, Medford, fund transfer provided.
House HF1206 1 03/05/1997 Text icon Murphy Independent school district No. 99, Esko, community health and physical fitness center funded, and money appropriated.
House HF3149 1 02/02/1998 Text icon Kubly Independent school districts Nos. 421 and 426, McLeod West Interdistrict Cooperative, new preK-12 facility construction authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3425 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Anderson, I. Independent school districts Nos. 593, Crookston, 361, International Falls, 706, Virginia, and 2154, Eveleth-Gilbert, supplemental revenue modified.
House HF2875 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Greiling Interagency services for children with disabilities act adopted, and money appropriated.
House HF2871 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Carlson Interim superintendents earning limitations and annuity payment reductions exemptions provided.
House HF0002 1 01/09/1997 Text icon Folliard K-12 education appropriation caps repealed, school district revenue formula modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0523 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. K-12 education appropriation caps repealed, school district revenue formula modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3025 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Entenza K-12 education finance supplemental appropriations bill.
House HF2522 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Greiling K-12 education policy changes and rulemaking provided.
House HF3003 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Wolf Labor Day; school year start before Labor Day prohibition repealed.
House HF1171 3 03/24/1997 Text icon Jennings LATA; single statewide local access and transport area provided for telephone and other telecommunication services.
House HF0213 1 01/27/1997 Text icon Greiling Legislator per diem payments eliminated and salary recommendations required.
House HF1216 1 03/05/1997 Text icon Entenza Limited English proficiency program funding increased, statewide revenue cap removed, student instructor ratio lowered, and money appropriated.
House HF3307 1 02/04/1998 Text icon Biernat Minnesota learning resource center established to treat children with learning problems, and money appropriated.
House HF2792 1 01/26/1998 Text icon Johnson, R. Minnesota library for the blind and physically handicapped provided funding for the purchase of online catalog software, and money appropriated.
House HF0724 1 02/13/1997 Text icon Molnau Minnesota river valley special education cooperative computerized transportation routing system established, and money appropriated.
House HF1689 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. Motorcycle driver instruction permit provisions modified, and endorsement fees provided.
House HF0687 4 04/01/1997 Text icon Marko Motorcycle helmet use admissibility into evidence prohibited in personal injury litigation.
House HF0628 1 02/10/1997 Text icon McElroy Municipalities authorized to purchase electricity from any electric utility providing service within the applicable area.
House HF0974 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Jennings Noise abatement standard exemption provided for city streets, county highways, and town roads.
House HF3431 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Kelso Office of educational responsibility established, and money appropriated.
House HF3501 1 02/09/1998 Text icon Carlson Omnibus education bonding bill providing public improvements of a capital nature, bond issuance authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF1684 22 05/19/1997 242 Text icon Kelso Omnibus K-12 education appropriations bill.
House HF2874 29 04/09/1998 398 Text icon Kelso Omnibus K-12 education policy and supplemental appropriations bill.
House HF2174 5 03/19/1998 Text icon Kelso Omnibus K-12 education statutes recodification provided.
House HF1617 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Macklin Omnibus property tax and education financing reform bill, and money appropriated.
House HF1871 1 03/20/1997 Text icon Long Omnibus property tax and education financing reform bill, and money appropriated.
House HF1852 1 03/20/1997 Text icon Abrams Omnibus property tax and education financing reform bill, levy constraints provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1454 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Jennings Open enrollment technology project established, and money appropriated.
House HF2335 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Solberg Political subdivision sales and use tax exemption provided.
House HF0575 1 02/10/1997 Text icon Weaver Pornography blocking computer software required for schools.
House HF1272 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Kelso Professional teaching standards promotion established, grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3672 1 02/12/1998 Text icon Kelso Property tax class rates and the education homestead credit modified, general education levy reduced, and money appropriated.
House HF3435 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Macklin Proposed property tax levy notices permitted to include transit levy information.
House HF0660 1 02/12/1997 Text icon Kelso Proposed property tax notice provisions modified.
House HF2660 1 01/26/1998 Text icon Johnson, A. Public libraries and school media center database access program established, and money appropriated.
House HF2657 1 01/26/1998 Text icon Schumacher Public library accessibility grant amounts modified, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1466 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Leppik Public library and school media center data access program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1124 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Schumacher Regional library basic system support grant distribution formula modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2321 2 01/22/1998 Text icon Seagren Residential academies for at-risk students provided program grants, and money appropriated.
House HF3002 2 02/05/1998 Text icon Wolf Retired principal or superintendent allowed to serve as an interim administrator without financial penalty.
House HF1893 1 03/24/1997 Text icon Dempsey School abatement aid funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0084 7 02/24/1997 Text icon Carlson School boards permitted to begin the school year prior to Labor Day.
House HF2162 1 04/21/1997 Text icon McCollum School building handicapped access and fire safety requirements modified; and disabled access revenue, aid, and levy established.
House HF2638 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Luther School bus passive restraint system installation grants authorized, study required, and money appropriated.
House HF1720 2 04/15/1997 Text icon Rhodes School closings by governor provisions clarified.
House HF0303 1 01/30/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. School district disciplinary policy evaluation and implementation grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF3455 1 02/09/1998 Text icon Delmont School district equalization aid funded through education trust fund revenue, and money appropriated.
House HF1408 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Peterson School district fundraising foundations established, professional staff assistance provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0937 2 03/19/1997 Text icon Carlson School district interim superintendent retirement provisions modified.
House HF0012 1 01/09/1997 Text icon Carlson School district levy recognition eliminated, and money appropriated.
House HF3523 1 02/09/1998 Text icon Biernat School district operating capital revenue use restriction on building acquisition or construction removed.
House HF1063 1 02/27/1997 Text icon Tomassoni School district retired employee health benefit levy increase provided.
House HF3522 1 02/09/1998 Text icon Hilty School district special education assessments modified.
House HF1899 3 04/01/1997 Text icon Kelso School district state aid payment provisions modified.
House HF0998 1 02/27/1997 Text icon Biernat School district superintendent licensure requirement exemption provided.
House HF0897 4 04/07/1997 Text icon Greiling School district superintendent performance contracts authorized, and salary increases provided.
House HF2872 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Greiling School district superintendents performance contracts and salary increases authorized.
House HF1970 1 03/25/1997 Text icon Ness School district title I replacement aid provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2445 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Leppik School districts authorized to establish parking fees contingent upon school bus ridership.
House HF2276 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Biernat School districts authorized to require summer school attendance.
House HF0884 2 03/24/1997 Text icon McElroy School districts permitted to include attendance information on secondary student transcripts.
House HF2345 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Entenza School lunch and food storage aid increased, and money appropriated.
House HF3117 1 02/02/1998 Text icon Paulsen School plan or school closure provided to improve student achievement levels based on minimum state expectations, and unrequested leave of absence provisions modified for teachers at closed schools.
House HF3646 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Johnson, A. School restructuring grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2571 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Kelso Scott county workforce center construction in Valley Green industrial park provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1932 2 04/02/1997 Text icon Biernat State graduation rule applicability extended to all children required to receive instruction under the compulsory attendance law.
House HF3528 1 02/09/1998 Text icon Jennings State lottery retailer study task force established.
House HF2179 18 05/06/1997 138 Text icon Opatz Statewide educational testing and reporting system formulated.
House HF3214 1 02/02/1998 Text icon Opatz Successful schools defined, at-risk school improvement plans developed, school improvement fund and distinguished educators program established, at-risk to charter schools transformation provided, studies required, and money appropriated.
House HF1498 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Leighton Summer food service replacement aid provided, school breakfast outreach programs established, and money appropriated.
House HF1969 1 03/25/1997 Text icon Ness Summer school funding provided for elementary pupils.
House HF3004 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Wolf Superintendent salary cap removed.
House HF0652 1 02/12/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. Targeted breakfast grant program established to analyze the nutritional components of school meals, and money appropriated.
House HF1754 2 03/20/1997 Text icon Kelso University of Minnesota board of regents at-large positions appointed by the governor, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1245 1 03/05/1997 Text icon Hasskamp University of Minnesota women's athletic budget conditions specified.
House HF2975 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Kelso Vietnam war veterans bonus additional payments authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF1741 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Biernat Violence, abuse, and harassment prevention provided through theatrical plays, workshops, and peer education; grant program established; and money appropriated.
House HF1210 2 03/17/1997 Text icon Kraus Year-round school extended week or day pilot program extended, and money appropriated.
House HF1028 1 02/27/1997 Text icon Dawkins Youth works program repeal removed, youth works commission director selection provisions modified, and money appropriated.