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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

23 Documents Found in Legislative Session 80 (1997-1998)
for Authors of "Krinkie"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3819 1 03/02/1998 Text icon Paulsen Tobacco litigation proceeds deposited in a special account in the general fund to be used only for attorney fees and tax relief.
House HF3814 1 02/27/1998 Text icon Knight Two-thirds legislative majority required to establish or raise a tax or license fee, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2900 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Krinkie Income tax rates and brackets modified, property tax reform account repealed, and money appropriated.
House HF2705 1 01/26/1998 Text icon Kahn Electronic state agency guidebooks and Internet availability of the State Register required, and money appropriated.
House HF2070 1 04/02/1997 Text icon Lindner Locally controlled graduation rule aid and district assistance provided, locally controlled graduation rule offered, and money appropriated.
House HF1974 1 03/25/1997 Text icon Broecker County state-aid highway fund turnback account and construction account fund transfers authorized.
House HF1630 2 04/21/1997 Text icon Krinkie Sales and use tax rate lowered.
House HF1596 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Broecker Trunk highway No. 49 in North Oaks Chippewa middle school pedestrian safety measures required.
House HF1555 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Rifenberg Business regulation legislative bill economic impact statement required.
House HF1488 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Knight Personal and dependent income tax credit provided.
House HF1326 3 04/02/1997 Text icon Kahn Public pension plan fiduciary economic interest statement filing failure penalty provided.
House HF0989 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Greiling High school league interschool competition authority modified.
House HF0893 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Delmont Independent school district No. 12, Centennial, class size reduction project established, and money appropriated.
House HF0783 5 03/20/1997 Text icon Larsen Metropolitan council, metropolitan sports facilities commission, metropolitan radio board, and metropolitan mosquito control district abolished, duties transferred, and money appropriated.
House HF0694 6 04/24/1997 Text icon Koppendrayer Employee relations department technical and administrative changes provided, and state employment provisions modified.
House HF0618 1 02/10/1997 Text icon Ness Administrative rules periodic repeal provided.
House HF0538 7 04/10/1997 1 Text icon Knoblach Business incentives; Congress memorialized to mitigate economic competition among states related to targeted business incentive programs.
House HF0427 10 04/02/1997 Text icon Dawkins St. Paul, Ramsey county, and independent school district No. 625 joint property tax advisory committee duration extended.
House HF0356 9 04/18/1997 56 Text icon Greiling Newspapers of official publication designation criteria provisions modified.
House HF0212 1 01/27/1997 Text icon McCollum Ramsey county soil and water conservation district supervisor election requirements modified.
House HF0120 1 01/23/1997 Text icon Kahn Office of technology established as a state agency, north star information access account created, and money appropriated.
House HF0081 2 02/17/1997 Text icon Murphy Corrections facilities multiple occupancy requirements modified.
House HF0049 1 01/13/1997 Text icon Swenson, D. Medium security corrections facilities minimum capacity requirement imposed.