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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

166 Documents Found in Legislative Session 80 (1997-1998)
for Authors of "Entenza"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3845 1 03/16/1998 Text icon Evans BWCA; motorboat use prohibited in boundary waters canoe area, and civil penalty provided.
House HF3841 7 03/25/1998 Text icon Entenza Air carrier agreements retroactive exemption from the franchise law removed.
House HF3804 2 02/27/1998 Text icon Peterson Grade 13 program created to provide new high school graduates with the first year at a public two-year college tuition free, and higher education income tax credit allowed.
House HF3773 1 02/19/1998 Text icon Clark, K. Same-sex marriages authorized.
House HF3653 1 02/12/1998 Text icon Entenza Board of teaching membership requirements modified to include teachers currently teaching in a public school.
House HF3652 1 02/12/1998 Text icon Entenza School districts required to provide community outreach coordinators and guidance counselors, textbooks provided for each student, lifework and staff development plans modified, and student assessment and preschool study required.
House HF3645 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Chaudhary Health professional reporting requirements expanded relating to injuries resulting from alcohol- or controlled substance-related accidents, and civil and criminal immunity expanded.
House HF3642 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Entenza Indian family preservation act primary support funded, and money appropriated.
House HF3622 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Delmont Children's endowment fund established, money appropriated, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3610 1 02/11/1998 Text icon Carruthers Graduation standards and graduation rule implementation funded, and money appropriated.
House HF3468 1 02/09/1998 Text icon Entenza Collaborative urban educator program funding increased, and money appropriated.
House HF3431 1 02/05/1998 Text icon Kelso Office of educational responsibility established, and money appropriated.
House HF3336 1 02/04/1998 Text icon Biernat Alternative program and area learning center graduation standards grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF3328 1 02/04/1998 Text icon Entenza Learn and earn graduation achievement program grant award timeline modified.
House HF3307 1 02/04/1998 Text icon Biernat Minnesota learning resource center established to treat children with learning problems, and money appropriated.
House HF3284 1 02/04/1998 Text icon Entenza Minnesota free flow of information act; witness information disclosure conditions fixed.
House HF3223 2 02/11/1998 Text icon Slawik Class size reduction program funding enhanced, school district debt service levy full equalization provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3185 1 02/02/1998 Text icon Boudreau Children in need of protection case plans expanded, maltreatment of minors provisions modified, and risk assessment alternatives and performance measurement task forces established.
House HF3090 1 02/02/1998 Text icon Schumacher Unlimited possibilities plan grant provided for high school to college or work assistance, and money appropriated.
House HF3025 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Entenza K-12 education finance supplemental appropriations bill.
House HF3017 2 02/23/1998 Text icon Entenza Elementary class size reduction program funding enhanced, and money appropriated.
House HF3014 5 03/05/1998 Text icon Pugh Contributing to a child's delinquency, juvenile petty offender status, and need for protection services laws clarified; and penalties imposed.
House HF2985 11 04/09/1998 406 Text icon Entenza Child welfare reform; certain child abuse information release restricted, citizen review panels established relating to child protection services, and risk assessment considerations modified.
House HF2977 2 02/04/1998 Text icon Dawkins Temporary on-sale liquor license restrictions modified.
House HF2971 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Entenza Residential mortgage loans regulated, and table funding requirements established.
House HF2969 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Entenza Post-secondary state grant student share reduction decreased.
House HF2919 2 02/11/1998 Text icon Biernat Independent school district No. 625, St. Paul, and special school district No. 1, Minneapolis, metropolitan council student transport contract authorized.
House HF2882 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Entenza Full-day kindergarten phase-in provided, first-grade preparedness program expanded, and money appropriated.
House HF2861 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Entenza Child support orders and maintenance enforcement administrative hearing procedures modified, and terminology modified to agree with court rules.
House HF2842 1 01/29/1998 Text icon Tuma License plate display of illegally obtained tab or stickers prohibited.
House HF2805 1 01/26/1998 Text icon Wejcman Sale of alcohol to under age persons provided minimum mandatory civil penalties, regular compliance checks for licensees required, home delivery regulated, under age purchasers provided minimum fines, and 50 milliliter bottle ban allowed.
House HF2796 1 01/26/1998 Text icon Lieder Dealer licensing and motor vehicle registration enforcement task force established.
House HF2785 5 02/26/1998 Text icon Entenza Civil commitment release on pass provisions modified for mentally ill and dangerous persons, temporary jail confinement authorized for sexually psychopathic personalities and sexually dangerous persons, and technical changes provided.
House HF2767 2 02/09/1998 Text icon Entenza Data practices act modified relating to the statewide Minnesota family investment program and child support obligees.
House HF2757 6 03/10/1998 Text icon Entenza Residential mortgage loans regulated, and table funding requirements established.
House HF2723 2 01/26/1998 Text icon Entenza Child welfare reform; certain child abuse information release restricted, citizen review panels established relating to child protection services, and money appropriated.
House HF2677 2 01/29/1998 Text icon Entenza Home visiting program grant requirements specified, and money appropriated.
House HF2520 1 01/22/1998 Text icon Huntley Health care conscience and religious liberty protection provided.
House HF2510 3 02/11/1998 Text icon McElroy Minnesota collection agency collector license holders prohibited from using assumed names.
House HF2431 5 02/18/1998 Text icon Paymar Fair housing initiative established, grants provided for enforcement, education, and outreach, and money appropriated.
House HF2406 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Entenza Nonprofit organization grants for statewide literacy support services provided funding through adult basic education.
House HF2405 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Johnson, A. School immunization program created, student health services aid provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2392 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Leppik Life insurance proceeds considered income for the purpose of determining child support obligation.
House HF2389 7 03/19/1998 Text icon Entenza DWI; maximum allowable blood alcohol level lowered for operation of motor vehicles and while hunting, impounded plate reinstatement fee credited to the trunk highway fund, study required, and money appropriated.
House HF2386 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Skoglund Special registration plate and regular reissue plate fees increased for repeat DWI violators following an impoundment order, and remote electronic alcohol monitoring program funded.
House HF2381 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Chaudhary DWI; driver's license reinstatement fee increased to fund the remote electronic alcohol monitoring pilot program, and money appropriated.
House HF2345 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Entenza School lunch and food storage aid increased, and money appropriated.
House HF2311 1 01/20/1998 Text icon Greiling Nonpublic schools subject to state graduation requirements if families of students have claimed education-related expense tax reimbursements.
House HF2221 1 05/15/1997 Text icon Entenza Service station business operating hours regulated, and motor fuel retailer fuel purchase options provided.
House HF2213 1 05/13/1997 Text icon Workman Media center revenue provided to eligible school districts, and money appropriated.
House HF2188 1 05/05/1997 Text icon Entenza Civil commitment provisions modified related to release on pass for persons committed as mentally ill and dangerous.
House HF2146 1 04/14/1997 Text icon Johnson, R. Flood-related disaster relief provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2093 1 04/07/1997 Text icon Entenza Deaf, deaf-blind, and hard-of-hearing children education bill of rights provided.
House HF2039 1 04/01/1997 Text icon Entenza Collaborative urban educator program funded, and money appropriated.
House HF2036 1 04/01/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. School district and library system telecommunications access grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2018 1 03/26/1997 Text icon Swenson, D. Juvenile petty offender definition limited.
House HF1991 1 03/25/1997 Text icon Entenza Contempt of court distinctions clarified.
House HF1916 2 03/25/1997 Text icon Entenza Independent school district No. 625, St. Paul, community-based school program funded, and money appropriated.
House HF1887 1 03/20/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. Juvenile court jurisdiction extended, and money appropriated.
House HF1865 1 03/20/1997 Text icon Entenza General education revenue increased, pupil transportation formulas modified, limited English proficiency program funding increased, special education funding increased, and money appropriated.
House HF1839 2 03/24/1997 Text icon Dawkins Firearms tracking system established, weapon transfers regulated, pistol and semiautomatic weapon possession by convicted felons prohibited, penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF1834 1 03/20/1997 Text icon Entenza Metropolitan regional parks maintenance and operation funded, and money appropriated.
House HF1764 1 03/19/1997 Text icon Entenza Children attending schools with concentrated levels of poverty provided enhanced educational experience, general education formula allowance increased, and money appropriated.
House HF1706 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Entenza Down syndrome information distribution provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1703 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Entenza St. Paul civic center intoxicating liquor sales authorized at professional athletic events.
House HF1668 4 02/11/1998 Text icon Entenza Minnesota free flow of information act disclosure conditions provided.
House HF1666 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Biernat Housing inspection error or omission civil action statute of limitations provided.
House HF1657 3 04/22/1997 Text icon Skoglund Children in need of protection or services uniform process provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1656 1 03/17/1997 Text icon Entenza DWI; suspected drug-impaired drivers required to submit to drug recognition evaluation, implied consent law expanded, peace officer drug recognition training required, and money appropriated.
House HF1565 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Entenza Educational savings plan account contributions and interest income tax exemption provided.
House HF1563 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Garcia STAR; system of training to achieve results program for persons with disabilities established, and money appropriated.
House HF1543 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Weaver DWI; snowmobile, motorboat, and all-terrain vehicle operator alcohol concentration test refusal deemed a crime.
House HF1533 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Jennings Heating and ventilating advisory council established, penalties prescribed, and money appropriated.
House HF1504 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Pugh Sex offender probation term extension authorized.
House HF1498 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Leighton Summer food service replacement aid provided, school breakfast outreach programs established, and money appropriated.
House HF1461 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Entenza Uniform business identifier system established, and money appropriated.
House HF1414 5 02/27/1998 Text icon Leighton Probate guardian and conservator appointment provisions modified.
House HF1406 1 03/13/1997 Text icon Seagren Adults with disabilities program aid provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1302 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Chaudhary Attorney general required to investigate unfair drug price discrimination, prescription drug price negotiation authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF1297 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Entenza Sign language interpreter certification required, standards established, and penalties provided.
House HF1272 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Kelso Professional teaching standards promotion established, grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1260 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Clark, K. Child in need of protection or services petition provided for homeless children in certain licensed facilities.
House HF1259 1 03/10/1997 Text icon Entenza School districts prohibited from requiring schools to start prior to 8:00 a.m.
House HF1216 1 03/05/1997 Text icon Entenza Limited English proficiency program funding increased, statewide revenue cap removed, student instructor ratio lowered, and money appropriated.
House HF1192 2 03/24/1997 Text icon Leighton Municipal corporate aid reporting requirements modified.
House HF1181 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Pugh Title insurance company certificates of release regulated.
House HF1174 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Carruthers Tobacco self-service merchandising prohibited.
House HF1160 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Greenfield HIV; prenatal HIV transmission prevention education campaign provided, HIV and hepatitis B testing provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1159 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Greenfield HIV AIDS prevention education demonstration project established, grants provided to school districts, and money appropriated.
House HF1150 2 04/02/1997 Text icon Greenfield HIV hepatitis B; corrections guards and peace officers provided testing for HIV and hepatitis B under certain circumstances, hypodermic needle sales permitted without prescription, and money appropriated.
House HF1136 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Biernat Community crime prevention program grant award procedures modified, learn and earn graduation incentive grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1115 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Tunheim Sign contractor licensure required, rule adoption and penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1114 4 04/14/1997 Text icon Boudreau Minnesota state academies provided technology improvements, and money appropriated.
House HF1107 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Tuma Options plus teacher support pilot program extended, and money appropriated.
House HF1094 1 03/03/1997 Text icon Boudreau DWI; driver's license revocation period doubled for persons who violate driving while intoxicated laws with a blood alcohol level of 0.20 or greater, and penalty assessment provided.
House HF1034 2 03/10/1997 Text icon Entenza Animal cruelty penalties increased and definitions provided.
House HF1033 1 02/27/1997 Text icon Entenza Fraudulent acts against senior citizens and disabled persons provided criminal penalties.
House HF1032 6 03/25/1997 Text icon Entenza Commerce department powers and duties specified, regulatory provisions modified, and technical corrections provided.
House HF1020 1 02/27/1997 Text icon Entenza High school graduation incentives grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1016 1 02/27/1997 Text icon Leighton Child support enforcement provisions modified, driver's license suspension provisions modified, most wanted list published, mandatory jail time required for certain offenders, data disclosure required, and money appropriated.
House HF1004 2 04/21/1997 Text icon Entenza DWI; omnibus driving while intoxicated penalty and enforcement bill, blood alcohol concentration limit reduced, zero-tolerance standard adopted for school bus drivers, and criminal penalties modified.
House HF0963 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Wagenius Early reading instruction included as part of teacher candidate curriculum, challenge grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0925 7 05/05/1997 Text icon Entenza Omnibus child support, custody, and visitation bill.
House HF0918 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Skoglund DWI; electronic alcohol monitor use mandated during pretrial release and following conviction for certain driving while intoxicated violations.
House HF0916 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Entenza Wine tasting event restrictions modified, and malt liquor consumption authorized at wine tasting events.
House HF0912 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Sviggum Public official communication record data classification provisions modified.
House HF0904 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Larsen Student tobacco use reporting required.
House HF0902 1 02/24/1997 Text icon Entenza Public official telephone record data classification provisions modified.
House HF0897 4 04/07/1997 Text icon Greiling School district superintendent performance contracts authorized, and salary increases provided.
House HF0890 5 04/23/1997 Text icon Entenza New motor vehicle dealer licensure requirement established, and penalties provided.
House HF0879 1 02/20/1997 Text icon Seagren Adult basic education revenue formula modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0872 7 04/14/1997 Text icon Seagren Pupil fair dismissal act provisions modified.
House HF0857 5 04/28/1997 Text icon Rhodes Metropolitan council cost allocation system for wastewater services modified.
House HF0849 1 02/20/1997 Text icon Weaver Emergency vehicle operation requirements modified.
House HF0847 1 02/20/1997 Text icon Entenza School lunch program funded, and money appropriated.
House HF0846 5 05/16/1997 Text icon Leighton Sexual abuse statute of limitations delayed discovery rule provisions clarified.
House HF0831 1 02/20/1997 Text icon Biernat Alternative education program equitable funding ensured.
House HF0822 1 02/20/1997 Text icon Pugh Employer reference check civil liability immunity provided.
House HF0819 2 02/27/1997 Text icon Wagenius First-grade preparedness program eligibility provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0811 2 02/24/1997 Text icon Entenza Minnesota futures fund appropriated money to provide technical assistance to nonprofit organizations.
House HF0792 1 02/17/1997 Text icon Biernat Cigarette and tobacco product sales tax increased, and revenue dedicated to tobacco and drug use prevention programs.
House HF0784 4 03/20/1997 Text icon Leighton Unclaimed property uniform act adopted.
House HF0746 1 02/17/1997 Text icon Pugh Corrections department privatization service contract limitations and conditions provided, and inmate work standards adopted.
House HF0735 19 01/20/1998 217 Text icon Entenza Civil commitment act provisions modified related to voluntary treatment of certain incompetent persons, neuroleptic medication administration standards and procedures modified, and provisional discharge procedures modified.
House HF0699 2 03/20/1997 Text icon Dawkins St. Paul rental tax equity pilot project reinstated, property tax refunds provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0695 1 02/13/1997 Text icon Entenza Child support enforcement provisions modified, financial institution data match system established, and civil penalties provided.
House HF0688 9 05/16/1997 Text icon Paymar Cigarette advertising restricted and regulated, and penalties provided.
House HF0671 1 02/12/1997 Text icon Entenza Higher education state grant student share reduced, living and miscellaneous allowance increased, work-study provided for grant recipients, and money appropriated.
House HF0659 1 02/12/1997 Text icon Pugh Outdoor power and sport equipment dealerships regulated.
House HF0652 1 02/12/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. Targeted breakfast grant program established to analyze the nutritional components of school meals, and money appropriated.
House HF0635 4 04/09/1997 Text icon Entenza North Star government on-line service and information initiative provided, information and telecommunications technology community resource development initiative established, MNcard projects implemented, and money appropriated.
House HF0576 1 02/10/1997 Text icon Greiling School district learning and development revenue use flexibility provided.
House HF0552 4 03/17/1997 Text icon Entenza Rental housing discrimination studied by human rights commission, and money appropriated.
House HF0543 1 02/10/1997 Text icon Entenza Child and family program outcome accountability mechanism provided and working group established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0541 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Bishop Sex offender release community notification provisions clarified.
House HF0531 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Pawlenty Tobacco smoke exposure considered in child custody and visitation decisions.
House HF0526 3 02/12/1997 Text icon Entenza Animal cruelty penalties increased and definitions provided.
House HF0518 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Entenza Sign language interpreters provided for meetings with legislators.
House HF0452 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Entenza Cottage and camp federal land use property tax exemption provided.
House HF0448 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Chaudhary Fraudulent acts against senior citizens and disabled persons provided civil penalties.
House HF0440 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Chaudhary Family support interstate uniform act enforcement provisions modified.
House HF0439 1 02/06/1997 Text icon Leighton Alternative dispute resolution presiders provided immunity from civil liability.
House HF0433 1 02/03/1997 Text icon Entenza Equal rights provided to men and women, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0432 2 02/27/1997 Text icon Entenza Civil commitment act provisions clarified and reorganized.
House HF0416 1 02/03/1997 Text icon Entenza Teachers retirement association service credit purchase allowed for certain members on leave due to illness.
House HF0380 1 02/03/1997 Text icon Swenson, D. DWI-related offense license plate impoundment and vehicle forfeiture criteria expanded.
House HF0365 2 02/24/1997 Text icon Swenson, D. Liquor sale practices restricted between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. to prohibit discounted prices, multiple drinks, and increased alcohol volume or percentage.
House HF0362 2 02/19/1998 Text icon Weaver Public accommodation access discrimination based upon clothing insignia prohibited, and civil cause of action provided.
House HF0303 1 01/30/1997 Text icon Johnson, A. School district disciplinary policy evaluation and implementation grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0296 4 04/22/1997 Text icon Wejcman Father registry created, and adoption notice and consent provisions modified.
House HF0250 2 02/03/1997 Text icon Entenza DWI; maximum allowable blood alcohol level lowered to 0.08 for adults and 0.04 for minors while operating motor vehicles, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and while hunting.
House HF0246 5 04/24/1997 Text icon Dawkins Public nuisance definition expanded.
House HF0238 3 02/20/1997 Text icon Leppik Third-party income tax bulk filer registration required, and civil penalty provided.
House HF0229 1 01/27/1997 Text icon Weaver DWI repeat offender violations provided enhanced gross misdemeanor penalty.
House HF0227 2 03/05/1997 Text icon Goodno Human rights department investigative data reclassification provided.
House HF0208 1 01/27/1997 Text icon Swenson, D. Vehicle license plate impoundment criteria expanded.
House HF0201 1 01/27/1997 Text icon Swenson, D. DWI; snowmobile, motorboat, and all-terrain vehicle operator alcohol concentration test refusal deemed a crime.
House HF0191 1 01/27/1997 Text icon Pugh DWI; criminal penalties enhanced for repeat DWI offenses involving commercial vehicles, commercial vehicle definition modified, and technical corrections provided.
House HF0189 1 01/27/1997 Text icon Pugh DWI; repeat DWI offenders provided felony penalties, prior offense definition provisions modified, and sentencing guidelines commission criminal history point weighting provisions modified.
House HF0156 18 05/06/1997 137 Text icon Slawik Secretary of state filing fees and procedures regulated.
House HF0129 1 01/23/1997 Text icon Opatz Statewide uniform educational testing provided, improvement plans provided for schools in crisis, distinguished teachers designated, school improvement fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF0128 2 03/13/1997 Text icon Luther Shoplifting; merchant physical search of suspected shoplifters prohibited.
House HF0117 18 05/19/1997 227 Text icon Rest Tobacco retail license establishment required by local units of government, mandatory penalties provided for sales to minors, compliance checks required, self-service sales restricted, and tobacco product substance disclosure required.
House HF0064 1 01/16/1997 Text icon Pawlenty Biological specimens required from persons convicted of causing the death of a person while committing criminal sexual conduct.
House HF0062 1 01/16/1997 Text icon Swenson, D. DWI; maximum allowable blood alcohol level lowered for operation of motor vehicles, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and motorboats.
House HF0005 15 04/30/1997 96 Text icon McGuire Harassment and stalking crime statutory elements clarified and expanded, domestic abuse protection order violation penalties increased, and sentencing provisions modified.