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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

79 Documents Found in Legislative Session 79 (1995-1996)
for Authors of "Mulder"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF2480 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Abrams Health maintenance organization regulatory authority transferred to commerce commissioner, and health commissioner duties specified.
House HF0085 2 04/26/1995 Text icon Bertram Workers' compensation insurance regulation and benefits modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2054 3 01/29/1996 Text icon Bettermann Prevailing wage hours of labor, wage rate, contract requirement, and minimum labor standard provisions modified.
House HF2755 1 01/29/1996 Text icon Bradley Health care cost containment goals provided.
House HF0145 6 04/10/1995 Text icon Brown Corrections officer defensive use of force authorized in certain correctional facilities.
House HF1373 1 03/15/1995 Text icon Cooper Hospital peer groups eliminated for payment purposes.
House HF1038 3 03/13/1995 Text icon Delmont Sport shooting ranges exempted from noise liability.
House HF0015 1 01/05/1995 Text icon Goodno Work first; human services public assistance eligibility provisions modified, work first program detailed and established, and money appropriated.
House HF1602 11 05/02/1995 135 Text icon Greenfield Mobile health care providers defined and regulated.
House HF2765 1 01/29/1996 Text icon Gunther Omnibus state medical aid program consolidation bill.
House HF0075 2 01/18/1995 Text icon Hackbarth Motor vehicle emission inspection requirement waived for newer vehicles.
House HF1587 1 03/22/1995 Text icon Harder Ethanol and wet and anhydrous alcohol producer payments modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2115 10 03/14/1996 347 Text icon Harder Rural finance agency program net worth definitions modified.
House HF0254 1 01/26/1995 Text icon Huntley Medical care savings account act adopted, health plan accountability and competition provided, professional liability provisions modified, safety helmet and seat belt requirements provided, and health data institute duties modified.
House HF2389 6 03/13/1996 Text icon Huntley Health plan companies required to offer at least one point-of-service product in each market of operation.
House HF2412 1 01/18/1996 Text icon Huntley Duluth Miller-Dwan hospital appropriated money for remodeling, and bonds issued.
House HF2655 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Jennings Medical assistance and general assistance medical care prospective reimbursement rates modified.
House HF0038 2 01/17/1995 Text icon Johnson, V. Veterinarians exempted from sales tax for horse and agricultural production animal care material purchases.
House HF3178 2 02/19/1996 Text icon Johnson, V. Farm transfer pilot project established in Wabasha county for retiring farmers, and money appropriated.
House HF0697 18 03/21/1996 389 Text icon Kalis Long-term care insurance policy sale requirements modified.
House HF0226 7 04/10/1995 44 Text icon Kelley Medical practice board to receive reports of insurance settlements from all persons regulated by the board.
House HF0231 9 03/23/1995 18 Text icon Kelley Physicians convicted of certain felonies provided license revocation penalty, medical practice board license requirements for foreign applicants changed, and disciplinary procedures modified.
House HF0452 5 05/02/1995 Text icon Kelley Physician assistants registered by the board of medical practice, and rules and penalties provided.
House HF0724 7 04/06/1995 Text icon Kelley Social worker home care provider, nursing home, and hospital licensure requirements modified.
House HF1157 6 03/07/1996 Text icon Kelley Psychology board duties, licensure provisions, and discipline procedures modified, and penalties provided.
House HF0251 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Kelso Interactive television school district capital levy access increased.
House HF2084 3 02/15/1996 Text icon Koppendrayer Vouchers; school voucher program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0227 4 01/29/1996 Text icon Leppik MinnesotaCare; medical care access denial provisions specified, and penalties provided.
House HF2314 7 03/13/1996 Text icon Leppik Controlled substances; physicians allowed to prescribe and administer controlled substances in cases of intractable pain.
House HF1225 1 03/09/1995 Text icon Lourey Rural physician substitute demonstration project established, and money appropriated.
House HF2339 1 01/18/1996 Text icon Lourey Senior nutrition fund use flexibility provided to area aging agencies, and money appropriated.
House HF0940 1 02/27/1995 Text icon Macklin Welfare fraud provisions extended to family investment plan, AFDC lien enforcement method provided, and AFDC voluntary vendor payments authorized.
House HF1049 2 03/15/1995 Text icon Mahon Emergency rescue vehicles exempted from registration tax and fees.
House HF0174 3 01/29/1996 Text icon McGuire Alcohol retailers and municipal liquor stores required to post signs warning of the dangers of alcohol consumption by pregnant women.
House HF0228 9 04/10/1995 43 Text icon Mulder Physical therapy council, physician assistant advisory council, and respiratory care practitioners' advisory council reinstated.
House HF0243 2 05/02/1995 Text icon Mulder Prepaid medical assistance demonstration project statewide capitation rate established by human services commissioner.
House HF0296 2 05/02/1995 Text icon Mulder Firearms; right to keep and bear arms not abridged and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0449 2 02/23/1995 Text icon Mulder Pipestone county bond issuance authorized for county courthouse repair.
House HF0552 10 02/15/1996 Text icon Mulder Split Rock Creek state park in Pipestone county provided territory addition.
House HF0820 2 04/24/1995 Text icon Mulder Wind energy conversion system taxation provided.
House HF0822 2 05/02/1995 Text icon Mulder School district noncompliance with unfunded state mandates permitted.
House HF0861 1 02/23/1995 Text icon Mulder Independent school district No. 583, Pipestone, fund transfer authorized from debt redemption fund to capital expenditure fund.
House HF1293 2 05/08/1995 Text icon Mulder Rural hospital alternative licensing model study by health commissioner required, and rural health advisory committee regulatory barrier study required.
House HF1319 2 05/02/1995 Text icon Mulder Ambient air health risk values for pollutants established.
House HF1369 5 04/27/1995 Text icon Mulder Breast feeding encouraged and exempted from indecent exposure laws.
House HF1459 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Mulder Woman's right to know act adopted, and money appropriated.
House HF1569 1 03/22/1995 Text icon Mulder Rock county aggregate removal tax imposed.
House HF1634 2 05/02/1995 Text icon Mulder Wind energy conversion systems provided tax liability in lieu of property taxes.
House HF2271 2 02/15/1996 Text icon Mulder Waste combustor operation authorized for burning of blood, meat, contaminated cardboard, and cellulose, and installation date provisions modified.
House HF2432 2 03/07/1996 Text icon Mulder Abortion informed consent required.
House HF2657 2 02/19/1996 Text icon Mulder Medical assistance and general assistance medical care prospective reimbursement rates modified.
House HF2750 1 01/29/1996 Text icon Mulder Rock county aggregate removal tax imposition provided.
House HF2751 2 02/15/1996 Text icon Mulder State-funded abortion right prohibited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3058 2 02/08/1996 Text icon Mulder Luverne wastewater treatment facility improvements provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3073 2 02/15/1996 Text icon Mulder Gambling control board license issuance and renewal authority provided.
House HF3102 2 02/15/1996 Text icon Mulder Deer; extended muzzleloader deer hunting season repealed.
House HF3107 5 02/26/1996 Text icon Mulder Nursing home nursing director requirements modified.
House HF2031 3 02/07/1996 Text icon Ness Food sales license exemption provided for sales at county or community fairs, and farmers' markets.
House HF1969 2 01/16/1996 Text icon Onnen Medical care savings account act adopted and MinnesotaCare program abolished.
House HF1059 2 03/13/1995 Text icon Orenstein Government innovation and cooperation board to study the elimination of unfunded state mandates, and money appropriated.
House HF2644 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Osskopp Airport construction restricted, noise mitigation plan inclusion and soundproofing provided, transitway construction required, met center purchase authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF1295 3 03/27/1995 Text icon Ostrom Alternative fuel vehicle permits eliminated and fee refund provided, and gasoline and special fuel taxes specified.
House HF1458 1 03/20/1995 Text icon Paulsen General assistance medical care recipient reimbursement provided for video teleconferencing medical device used to measure vital signs.
House HF1363 8 04/18/1995 66 Text icon Pelowski Prescription drug dispensing regulations modified to allow dispensing of drugs prescribed by a doctor licensed in a state bordering Minnesota.
House HF2519 17 03/26/1996 397 Text icon Pelowski Petroleum release cleanup reimbursement provisions modified, corrective action performance audits required, and petroleum tank cleanup contract spending limitation exemption provided.
House HF2264 8 03/14/1996 Text icon Peterson State park additions and deletions provided for Charles Lindbergh, Lake Carlos, Split Rock Creek, Savanna Portage, and William O'Brien state parks.
House HF0903 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Rest Tobacco retail license established, vendor compliance checks provided, and mandatory penalties provided for sales to minors.
House HF2179 1 01/16/1996 Text icon Rostberg Property tax valuation exclusion provided for certain improvements to homestead property.
House HF2212 3 02/05/1996 Text icon Rostberg Deceased volunteer firefighter survivor benefits provided to dependent children.
House HF1062 2 03/09/1995 Text icon Simoneau Product liability claim state-of-the-art defense established.
House HF3228 1 02/21/1996 Text icon Smith Airport construction restricted, noise mitigation plan inclusion and soundproofing provided, transitway construction required, met center purchase authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0012 3 02/19/1996 Text icon Sviggum Term limits imposed on legislative, constitutional, county, and other local offices, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2660 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Van Dellen Hospital and health care provider gross revenue tax rate reduced.
House HF2343 3 02/07/1996 Text icon Van Engen Kandiyohi county; Prairie Woods environmental learning center construction authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2256 15 03/19/1996 369 Text icon Warkentin Trade and economic development department bill, tourism director classification modified, business finance program provisions modified, and main street program and rural development board abolished.
House HF0485 5 04/11/1995 Text icon Winter Waste combuster operation permitted by pollution control agency in certain cases.
House HF0924 1 02/27/1995 Text icon Winter Groundwater exploration matching grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF2246 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Winter Independent school district No. 918, Chandler-Lake Wilson, aid and levy adjustment modified.
House HF1722 1 03/29/1995 Text icon Workman Vouchers; educational certificate aid act of 1995 adopted to allow lower-income students to choose their school of attendance.