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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

99 Documents Found in Legislative Session 79 (1995-1996)
for Authors of "Huntley"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3291 1 03/30/1996 Text icon Jaros Minnesota Point; Duluth federal land conveyance legal status report required.
House HF3234 1 02/22/1996 Text icon Bakk Taconite company occupation tax proceeds appropriated to the University of Minnesota natural resources research institute.
House HF3187 2 02/22/1996 Text icon Entenza Student bill of rights task force established to develop effective learning rights and responsibilities.
House HF3185 1 02/12/1996 Text icon Rukavina Pull-tabs; unsold pull-tab and tipboard ticket tax refund or credit provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3180 1 02/12/1996 Text icon Murphy Snowmobile trails and enforcement account grants-in-aid provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3166 1 02/12/1996 Text icon Huntley Human services intermediate care facility reimbursement county geographic designation provisions modified.
House HF2878 1 01/31/1996 Text icon Huntley Home energy assistance program funded, and money appropriated.
House HF2763 1 01/29/1996 Text icon Murphy Western Lake Superior sanitary district sewer interceptor extension provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2702 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Huntley Medical assistance prepayment program expansion prohibited.
House HF2681 7 02/08/1996 Text icon Huntley Seaway port authority lease and management contract rights and responsibilities clarified.
House HF2655 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Jennings Medical assistance and general assistance medical care prospective reimbursement rates modified.
House HF2646 2 02/15/1996 Text icon Cooper Mandated health benefit proposal assessment process established.
House HF2609 2 02/15/1996 Text icon Anderson, R. Minnesota family investment plan statewide implementation provided, employment program established for aid recipients, public assistance residency provisions modified, MNJOBS program modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2579 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Huntley Nursing home contractual alternative payment demonstration project provisions modified.
House HF2576 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Huntley Minnesota comprehensive health association eligibility requirements modified, cigarette tax apportionment provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2563 1 01/25/1996 Text icon McCollum City and county record and account examination by certified public accountants authorized.
House HF2513 6 03/14/1996 349 Text icon Huntley Port authorities authorized to use certain provisions of the uniform municipal contracting law.
House HF2507 2 02/07/1996 Text icon Osthoff Port development grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2424 3 02/01/1996 Text icon Huntley Duluth special service districts established.
House HF2420 12 03/15/1996 317 Text icon Huntley Home rule charter city sanitary sewer system inflow and infiltration prevention program authorized.
House HF2418 1 01/18/1996 Text icon Anderson, R. Welfare reform bill providing overpayment recovery, family investment plan modifications, employment and training services modifications, and GAMC eligibility modifications.
House HF2412 1 01/18/1996 Text icon Huntley Duluth Miller-Dwan hospital appropriated money for remodeling, and bonds issued.
House HF2389 6 03/13/1996 Text icon Huntley Health plan companies required to offer at least one point-of-service product in each market of operation.
House HF2373 2 01/31/1996 Text icon Jaros Duluth housing replacement districts established.
House HF2312 4 02/15/1996 Text icon Cooper MinnesotaCare program eligibility expanded, financial management provisions modified, and provider reimbursement rate increased.
House HF2222 7 03/13/1996 339 Text icon Delmont Economic security department technical and administrative changes provided.
House HF2217 2 01/18/1996 Text icon Anderson, R. Welfare reform provided with work requirements, benefit caps, and fraud penalties.
House HF2060 1 01/16/1996 Text icon Huntley Contact lens prescription and dispensing requirements established, and penalties provided.
House HF2022 2 01/18/1996 Text icon Cooper Hospital and health care provider tax rates reduced.
House HF2013 5 02/12/1996 Text icon Delmont Medical assistance recipient screening requirements modified.
House HF1981 1 05/22/1995 Text icon Huntley Lake Superior Center Authority bond issuance authorized for facility construction, and money appropriated.
House HF1926 6 02/15/1996 273 Text icon Huntley Dental hygienist practice regulation provided.
House HF1901 2 02/07/1996 Text icon Huntley St. Louis county heritage and arts center addition construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1845 1 04/18/1995 Text icon Huntley Education cost financing with property taxes prohibited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1821 1 04/06/1995 Text icon Jaros Sewage treatment system pollution control agency grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1812 1 04/05/1995 Text icon Huntley Physician groups authorized to collectively bargain with benefit payors.
House HF1805 1 04/03/1995 Text icon Huntley Technical college student housing property tax exemption provisions modified.
House HF1804 1 04/03/1995 Text icon Huntley Border city enterprise zone duration extended.
House HF1727 2 03/30/1995 Text icon Jaros Taconite company occupation tax proceeds appropriated to the University of Minnesota natural resources research institute.
House HF1672 2 04/10/1995 Text icon Jaros Energy efficient investment opportunity identification grants provided to businesses, and money appropriated.
House HF1666 8 05/08/1995 Text icon Bertram Geoscientist licensure required by board of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, and interior design, board duties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1565 2 03/30/1995 Text icon Hausman Civic and convention center benefit assessment required.
House HF1546 1 03/20/1995 Text icon Munger Environmental cleanup cost reimbursement provided to potentially responsible persons related to oil re-refinery operation.
House HF1361 1 03/15/1995 Text icon Greenfield Hospital peer groups eliminated for payment purposes.
House HF1356 5 05/05/1995 Text icon Kelley Telephone company local exchange service territory sales regulated.
House HF1299 1 03/13/1995 Text icon Huntley Secondary vocational education aid formula funded, and money appropriated.
House HF1290 6 05/05/1995 Text icon Delmont Emergency 911 telephone system regulated, private switch telephone service requirement imposed, and civil penalty provided.
House HF1225 1 03/09/1995 Text icon Lourey Rural physician substitute demonstration project established, and money appropriated.
House HF1215 1 03/09/1995 Text icon Huntley WAPA; President and Congress memorialized to abandon the proposed sale of the Western Area Power Administration.
House HF1199 1 03/09/1995 Text icon Simoneau Post-secondary education credit bank established, and money appropriated.
House HF1191 3 04/03/1995 Text icon Carlson, L. Trout and salmon stamp required to possess trout or salmon taken by angling.
House HF1188 1 03/09/1995 Text icon Van Engen Health care access offices provided grants, and money appropriated.
House HF1154 1 03/09/1995 Text icon Lynch Independent living skills training and support services for hearing impaired persons pilot project established.
House HF1142 1 03/09/1995 Text icon Jaros Duluth teachers retirement association benefit computation formulas increased.
House HF1099 3 04/11/1995 Text icon Greenfield MinnesotaCare health data institute data and research initiatives modified.
House HF1093 7 05/04/1995 Text icon Lynch TACIP; telecommunication access for communication impaired persons board eliminated, and duties transferred to public service and human services departments.
House HF1077 21 05/05/1995 Text icon Cooper MinnesotaCare integrated service network requirements established, penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1069 1 03/02/1995 Text icon Huntley Contract for deed mortgagees required to provide vendees with default notice.
House HF1063 8 04/19/1995 90 Text icon Huntley Duluth storm water infiltration and inflow prevention demonstration project authorized, and public utility statutory provisions modified.
House HF1038 3 03/13/1995 Text icon Delmont Sport shooting ranges exempted from noise liability.
House HF1037 12 05/09/1995 165 Text icon Huntley Health commissioner public pool, enclosed sports arena, and health care facility and clinic rule enforcement and fee provisions modified, hearing instrument dispenser trainee period modified, and penalties provided.
House HF1025 1 03/02/1995 Text icon Huntley Day training and habilitation services payment rate variance provisions modified.
House HF1023 1 03/02/1995 Text icon Huntley Rural psychiatry program established at the University of Minnesota Duluth campus.
House HF1017 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Huntley Duluth family practice residency program facility capital loan provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1016 1 03/02/1995 Text icon Jaros Duluth teachers retirement association postretirement benefit increase mechanism modified.
House HF1003 10 05/02/1995 146 Text icon Huntley X-ray equipment operator examination and certification required, and advisory committee established.
House HF0979 2 03/20/1995 Text icon Osthoff Port development assistance provided, grant and loan application provisions specified, port development project cost payment provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0951 1 02/27/1995 Text icon Wejcman Mental health professional defined for medical assistance coverage purposes.
House HF0872 1 02/23/1995 Text icon Huntley Long-term care insurance sales regulated, and technical modifications provided.
House HF0858 1 02/23/1995 Text icon Munger Lake Superior Zoological Gardens in Duluth appropriated money.
House HF0850 2 04/05/1995 Text icon Munger Water pollution inflow and infiltration revolving fund created.
House HF0818 1 02/23/1995 Text icon Haas MinnesotaCare private sector administration evaluated by administration commissioner.
House HF0805 1 02/23/1995 Text icon Lourey Pharmaceutical care research project provided medical assistance reimbursement, and money appropriated.
House HF0782 6 04/10/1995 41 Text icon Munger Western Lake Superior sanitary district internal revenue code compliance provided.
House HF0708 1 02/16/1995 Text icon Huntley MinnesotaCare regulated all-payer option repealed, and tax payment procedures modified.
House HF0706 1 02/16/1995 Text icon Huntley Duluth Hartley nature center appropriated money for improvements.
House HF0697 18 03/21/1996 389 Text icon Kalis Long-term care insurance policy sale requirements modified.
House HF0694 8 05/01/1995 139 Text icon Huntley Child care human services programs and county contribution provisions modified.
House HF0690 1 02/16/1995 Text icon Cooper University of Minnesota-Duluth medical education program expanded, federal area health education center program grant request required, physician substitute demonstration project established, physician associate program, money appropriated.
House HF0680 1 02/16/1995 Text icon Huntley Home rule charter cities authorized to issue tax anticipation certificates.
House HF0673 7 05/22/1995 253 Text icon Huntley Risk-based capital for insurers regulated, and national association of insurance commissioners (NAIC) model act adopted.
House HF0661 1 02/16/1995 Text icon Murphy Restraint of trade sales discrimination law price markup provisions repealed.
House HF0649 1 02/16/1995 Text icon Jaros Designer selection state board membership increased, and representation from each congressional district required.
House HF0632 3 04/21/1995 Text icon Van Engen Grocery store and delicatessen civil liability limited related to food donations to the elderly or needy.
House HF0627 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Huntley Labor management council employee or officer provided elective individual paid insurance and benefit eligibility.
House HF0612 7 04/12/1995 69 Text icon Cooper Health plan prescription drug coverage to include prescriptions by certain nurses and assistants, and legend drug prescription practice guidelines role clarified.
House HF0532 9 03/29/1996 429 Text icon McCollum Persian gulf war veteran bonus payments permitted and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0516 3 04/10/1995 Text icon Lourey Managed care health plans required to provided certain enrollees with expanded geographic access to primary care physician services.
House HF0415 1 02/06/1995 Text icon Huntley Minimum wage increased and adjustment provided based on the consumer price index.
House HF0365 14 05/22/1995 227 Text icon Jennings No-fault automobile insurance taxi coverage priorities regulated.
House HF0299 1 01/30/1995 Text icon Jaros Minors provided simulated elections.
House HF0260 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Munger Western Lake Superior sanitary district bonding authority allocation provided.
House HF0254 1 01/26/1995 Text icon Huntley Medical care savings account act adopted, health plan accountability and competition provided, professional liability provisions modified, safety helmet and seat belt requirements provided, and health data institute duties modified.
House HF0216 5 04/10/1995 46 Text icon Huntley Motor vehicle registration fleet definition modified.
House HF0212 2 01/30/1995 Text icon Kahn Parliamentary government provided and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0193 1 01/26/1995 Text icon Huntley Prepaid medical assistance demonstration project statewide capitation rate established by human services commissioner.
House HF0180 3 05/01/1995 Text icon Bishop Vasectomy; informed consent required prior to procedure, and civil cause of action provided.
House HF0137 5 02/23/1995 6 Text icon Jacobs Electric utility competitive rate sunset provision abolished.
House HF0130 1 01/19/1995 Text icon Kahn County consolidation feasibility studied by state auditor, and money appropriated.