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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

85 Documents Found in Legislative Session 79 (1995-1996)
for Authors of "Sviggum"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3281 1 03/29/1996 Text icon Jefferson Public pension benefit accrual rates increased, pension plan financing adjusted, defined contribution early retirement options authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF3278 1 03/27/1996 Text icon Rest National guard and reserve members serving in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Macedonia provided income tax return and property tax refund filing extension.
House HF3138 2 02/15/1996 Text icon Sviggum Recall provided for elected state officers and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3125 5 02/22/1996 Text icon Hasskamp Snowmobile trails and enforcement account grants-in-aid provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3050 1 02/05/1996 Text icon Milbert Pull-tabs; unsold pull-tab and tipboard ticket tax refund or credit provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3039 1 02/05/1996 Text icon Sviggum Independent school district No. 204, Kasson-Mantorville, special assessment levy authorized.
House HF2877 1 01/31/1996 Text icon Macklin Joint and several liability apportionment abolished in certain environmental and health cases.
House HF2867 7 02/28/1996 Text icon Leighton Workers' compensation premium calculation provisions modified, and independent contractor provisions modified.
House HF2862 1 01/31/1996 Text icon Sviggum Agricultural land property tax classification provisions modified.
House HF2830 1 01/29/1996 Text icon Sviggum Taconite production tax permanent rate established, and taconite economic development fund distribution provisions modified.
House HF2810 2 02/19/1996 Text icon Van Dellen Personal injury civil action noneconomic damages limited, joint and several liability eliminated, and attorney fees provided.
House HF2803 1 01/29/1996 Text icon Worke Cemetery lawn and garden care sales tax exemption provided.
House HF2757 8 02/26/1996 Text icon Rest Metropolitan airports commission revenue bond issuance authorized and parking privileges regulated.
House HF2693 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Jefferson Public pension benefit accrual rate increase provided, defined contribution early retirement option authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2683 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Sviggum Iron range resources and rehabilitation board composition and appointment provisions modified.
House HF2645 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Knight Legislator retirement service credit forfeiture provided upon misdemeanor or felony conviction.
House HF2511 3 02/12/1996 Text icon Dorn Mankato sales tax revenue use authorized for airport operation and improvements.
House HF2491 1 01/22/1996 Text icon Sviggum Employer civil liability immunity provided for information disclosure regarding former employees.
House HF2481 1 01/22/1996 Text icon Brown Airport construction restricted, noise mitigation plan inclusion and soundproofing provided, transitway construction required, met center purchase authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2475 1 01/22/1996 Text icon Sviggum Sports facilities commission membership modified.
House HF2433 1 01/22/1996 Text icon Macklin Moving property lease or rental income apportionment provided, property tax refund provided for small manufacturing businesses, sales tax exemption provided for replacement capital equipment, and money appropriated.
House HF2202 2 02/19/1996 Text icon Sviggum Legislative commissions on planning and fiscal policy, economic status of women, health care access, and the electric energy task force abolished, and appropriations reduced.
House HF2200 6 02/27/1996 Text icon Sviggum Adulterated dairy products law violation penalties modified, dairy assistance program authorized, milk standards for manufacturing modified, milk tanker inspections required, and money appropriated.
House HF2199 2 02/07/1996 Text icon Sviggum Controlled substance importation across state lines punishable by life imprisonment.
House HF2197 5 02/29/1996 Text icon Sviggum Economic development department permitted to receive donations for economic development training.
House HF2186 3 02/19/1996 Text icon Sviggum Term limits imposed on legislative and executive offices, biennial legislative sessions, unicameral legislature, and initiative and referendum provided, legislative procedures modified, and constitutional amendments proposed.
House HF2178 4 02/22/1996 Text icon Bishop Speed limits raised, fines provided for certain speeding violations, and lane use provisions specified.
House HF2140 4 02/22/1996 Text icon Frerichs Highway helper program abolished and prohibited.
House HF2033 2 02/01/1996 Text icon Wenzel Constitutional standard established relating to abortion, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2010 1 01/16/1996 Text icon Luther Initiative and referendum implementation act adopted, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2009 1 01/16/1996 Text icon Van Engen Convicted offenders ordered to pay restitution as a condition of probation to remain on probation until restitution has been fully paid.
House HF1999 2 01/16/1996 Text icon Mahon Charitable and endorsement solicitation information disclosure required, solicited party cancellation right provided, and penalties prescribed.
House HF1931 1 05/18/1995 Text icon Simoneau Claims against accountants limited, health care provider and medical product manufacturer noneconomic loss liability limited and contingency fees provided, attorney fee agreement provided, and punitive damages limited.
House HF1720 1 03/29/1995 Text icon Sviggum Statutory and line liability insurance policies to include punitive damage coverage.
House HF1637 1 03/23/1995 Text icon McGuire Custodial parents allowed to relocate children to other states, and procedures and standards provided.
House HF1623 10 05/17/1995 Text icon Wenzel Legislative session timing, length, schedule, and calendar studied.
House HF1518 1 03/20/1995 Text icon Jennings Minnesota ski safety act of 1995 adopted.
House HF1504 2 04/03/1995 Text icon Tuma Northfield tax increment financing district duration extended.
House HF1480 1 03/20/1995 Text icon Sviggum Independent school district No. 763, Medford, authorized to deposit land sale proceeds into general fund.
House HF1471 1 03/20/1995 Text icon Sviggum Independent school district No. 531, Byron, fund transfer authorized.
House HF1468 5 04/21/1995 98 Text icon Sviggum Governor authorized to declare an inability to discharge duties of the office.
House HF1435 3 03/29/1995 Text icon Pelowski High school league tournament admissions exempted from sales tax.
House HF1411 1 03/15/1995 Text icon Winter Eurasian wild hog importation, ownership, and possession prohibited.
House HF1395 1 03/15/1995 Text icon Sviggum Ethanol and wet and anhydrous alcohol producer payments modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1351 1 03/15/1995 Text icon Molnau Green acres program applicant income requirements modified, and property classification provided.
House HF1331 2 04/25/1995 Text icon Sviggum Bond issuance authorized for payment of a judgment against the state, and lottery and health care reimbursement revenues appropriated for payment of debt service.
House HF1330 1 03/13/1995 Text icon Sviggum Teacher retirement plans modified to account for certain extracurricular activity management compensation accounts, and rules required.
House HF1281 1 03/13/1995 Text icon Pugh Pull-tab and tipboard tax modified, lawful purpose expenditure definition modified, bingo occasion increase authorized, and bingo prize determination provisions clarified.
House HF1265 1 03/13/1995 Text icon Sviggum Government innovation and cooperation board abolished, and strategic and long-range planning office and legislative auditor to monitor local government waiver and combination requests.
House HF1226 1 03/09/1995 Text icon Sviggum Recall provided for elected state officers and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1207 13 05/19/1995 223 Text icon Winter Vehicle combination length increase authorized.
House HF1108 2 04/26/1995 Text icon Bettermann Little Davis-Bacon Act; prevailing wage provisions modified.
House HF1004 1 03/02/1995 Text icon Sviggum School districts authorized to levy for special assessments.
House HF0991 1 03/02/1995 Text icon Sviggum School district architectural safety and access barrier removal levy restrictions modified.
House HF0967 1 02/27/1995 Text icon Sviggum Canada; fish importation from Canada to Minnesota requirements modified.
House HF0890 1 02/23/1995 Text icon Molnau Wetland replacement, protection, and management provisions modified.
House HF0709 1 02/16/1995 Text icon Tunheim Property value reduction as a result of government action civil cause of action provided, and attorney general required to review proposed rules relating to taking property.
House HF0685 2 04/26/1995 Text icon Simoneau Workers' compensation self-insurance provisions modified.
House HF0641 10 04/13/1995 Text icon Brown Land use request response by government entities provided time limitation.
House HF0630 2 04/24/1995 Text icon Macklin Agricultural tax credits and block grants provided, used farm machinery sales tax exemption extended permanently, political contribution refund eliminated, local government flexibility and accountability provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0622 2 03/22/1995 Text icon Tunheim Wetland management and protection provisions modified.
House HF0615 2 04/26/1995 Text icon Girard Little Davis-Bacon Act; prevailing wage payment requirement eliminated on state government contracted projects.
House HF0593 1 02/13/1995 Text icon Tunheim Wetland management and protection provisions modified.
House HF0580 1 02/13/1995 Text icon Sviggum LCMR; environmental trust fund and future resources fund money availability expanded, legislative commission on Minnesota resources (LCMR) eliminated, and money appropriated.
House HF0521 1 02/09/1995 Text icon Sviggum State department and legislative appropriations provided.
House HF0507 1 02/09/1995 Text icon Koppendrayer Omnibus K-12 education finance appropriations bill.
House HF0483 2 04/05/1995 Text icon Pellow Salaries; county commissioner salaries limited, and other compensation and conditions of service provisions modified.
House HF0440 2 03/06/1995 Text icon Winter Horse feed and bedding exempted from sales tax.
House HF0391 2 04/26/1995 Text icon Girard Workers' compensation benefits and procedures modified, and penalties provided.
House HF0352 1 02/02/1995 Text icon Sviggum Budget; Congress memorialized to ratify balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
House HF0339 3 04/18/1995 Text icon Wenzel Salaries; local government official compensation limits revised.
House HF0329 1 02/02/1995 Text icon Jennings Firearms; right to keep and bear arms not abridged and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0323 14 05/16/1995 192 Text icon Dawkins Landlord deemed billpayer and customer of record on utility accounts in single-metered multiunit residential buildings.
House HF0280 7 02/23/1995 Text icon Sviggum Buses; school bus driver employment first aid training requirements governed by school districts, temporary school bus driver license endorsement provided, biennial driver training and evaluation required, and chrome bus grills allowed.
House HF0255 3 03/20/1995 Text icon Van Dellen MinnesotaCare modifications provided.
House HF0241 1 01/26/1995 Text icon Kalis Prepaid medical assistance demonstration project statewide capitation rate established by human services commissioner.
House HF0215 4 02/13/1995 Text icon Greiling Governor authorized to veto certain rules and terminate rule proceedings.
House HF0139 5 04/06/1995 Text icon Pawlenty Tenth Amendment; federal government mandate reporting and analysis required.
House HF0117 2 01/26/1995 Text icon Smith Visitation interference or denial provided as grounds for custody order modification.
House HF0089 2 01/30/1995 Text icon Hackbarth Firearms; right to keep and bear arms not abridged and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0065 1 01/12/1995 Text icon Luther Dependent care income tax credit provisions modified.
House HF0062 2 01/30/1995 Text icon Onnen Unicameral legislature provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0022 5 02/06/1995 Text icon Anderson, I. Tenth Amendment; Conference of States memorialized to convene Council of State Governments to restore balance to federal system.
House HF0012 3 02/19/1996 Text icon Sviggum Term limits imposed on legislative, constitutional, county, and other local offices, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0011 2 01/30/1995 Text icon Paulsen Initiative and referendum implementation act adopted, and constitutional amendment proposed.