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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

81 Documents Found in Legislative Session 79 (1995-1996)
for Authors of "Bishop"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF3216 1 02/19/1996 Text icon Bishop Local voter-approved bond proceed use requirements specified.
House HF3051 1 02/05/1996 Text icon Kelso Nonschool property tax increases levied against market value.
House HF3030 1 02/05/1996 Text icon Wagenius Firearm storage and locking requirements established.
House HF2808 4 02/15/1996 Text icon Long Government official compensation limit provisions modified.
House HF2782 19 03/27/1996 400 Text icon Orenstein Intergovernmental relations advisory council established.
House HF2777 2 02/05/1996 Text icon Delmont National sports center and national volleyball center construction and land acquisition provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2710 4 02/22/1996 Text icon Bishop General education levy decreased, and nonschool property tax increase provisions modified.
House HF2632 1 01/25/1996 Text icon Entenza St. Paul science museum design and construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2499 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Bishop Rochester state hospital site regional juvenile residential treatment center remodeling authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2497 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Swenson, D. Juvenile petty offense definition, and application of the juvenile petty offender law modified.
House HF2455 1 01/22/1996 Text icon Dempsey Bonding bill providing public improvements of a capital nature, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2447 2 01/29/1996 Text icon Bishop Rochester public utilities provided grant for repair of the Lake Zumbro hydroelectric dam, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2349 1 01/18/1996 Text icon Tunheim Speed limits raised on highways, speed violation penalty provisions modified, and speed limits designated for fuel conservation purposes.
House HF2320 1 01/18/1996 Text icon Kalis Cambridge state bank; payment provided for judgement against the state, and money appropriated.
House HF2178 4 02/22/1996 Text icon Bishop Speed limits raised, fines provided for certain speeding violations, and lane use provisions specified.
House HF2148 2 02/12/1996 Text icon Bishop Community criminal justice intervention development grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF2112 17 03/29/1996 427 Text icon Bishop Sewage treatment system license regulation provisions modified, and municipal individual sewage treatment system loan program established.
House HF2045 5 02/19/1996 Text icon Skoglund Sex offender registration act expanded to include child pornography offenses, sex offender release notification required, and sex offender end-of-confinement review committee established.
House HF1998 7 03/11/1996 314 Text icon Bishop Prudent investor uniform act adopted as proposed by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
House HF1995 1 05/22/1995 Text icon Leighton Status of children of assisted conception uniform act adopted.
House HF1962 1 05/22/1995 Text icon Bishop Municipal eminent domain restrictions removed related to electric service.
House HF1912 1 05/15/1995 Text icon Bishop Polytechnic institute development plan requested for Rochester community college campus.
House HF1849 1 04/18/1995 Text icon Bishop Attorney General candidates required to be learned in the law, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1807 2 05/03/1995 Text icon Kahn Budget and oversight state council created, and duties specified.
House HF1695 2 03/29/1995 Text icon Delmont Legislative commission to review rules; children, youth, and families; water; economic status of women; child protection; health care access; long-term health care; waste; and tax study commissions abolished, and LCMR duties transferred.
House HF1626 6 04/26/1995 122 Text icon Bishop Public fund investment in certain assets prohibited.
House HF1591 2 03/30/1995 Text icon Kraus Technical college purchase by municipalities, counties, or school districts authorized.
House HF1567 17 03/26/1996 399 Text icon Long Public fund agreements, deposit, and investment regulated.
House HF1565 2 03/30/1995 Text icon Hausman Civic and convention center benefit assessment required.
House HF1556 1 03/20/1995 Text icon Milbert Revisor's bill correcting erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references; eliminating certain redundant, conflicting, and superseded provisions; and making miscellaneous technical corrections to statutes and other laws.
House HF1529 1 03/20/1995 Text icon Kahn Paternity standards established for certain children conceived by artificial insemination after the death of the father.
House HF1528 1 03/20/1995 Text icon Skoglund Stun Guns Tasers; Electronic incapacitation devices operated by means of carbon dioxide propellants possession, use, and sale prohibited.
House HF1513 1 03/20/1995 Text icon Rostberg Forfeited bail proceeds disposition provided.
House HF1450 8 05/18/1995 211 Text icon Bishop Living will form to include provisions for organ donations, and health care durable power of attorney provided for organ donations.
House HF1371 6 05/03/1995 148 Text icon Opatz Investment securities order flow direction payment disclosure required.
House HF1321 1 03/13/1995 Text icon Lourey Cigarette and tobacco product tax rate increase provided, and proceeds provided for tobacco prevention and control program.
House HF1249 1 03/09/1995 Text icon Pugh Adult basic education violence prevention funding expanded, and money appropriated.
House HF1066 1 03/02/1995 Text icon Knoblach Finance commissioner to establish listing of state bonds and certificates of indebtedness to facilitate secondary market sales.
House HF1064 6 05/15/1995 Text icon Johnson, R. Automatic sprinkler installation required in certain existing high-rise buildings, and report required.
House HF1061 2 03/27/1995 Text icon Greenfield STARS; statewide telecommunications access routing system program to include public and private schools as eligible system recipients and users.
House HF1010 19 05/16/1995 Text icon Kalis Omnibus bonding bill providing public improvements of a capital nature, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0997 2 03/23/1995 Text icon Delmont Legislative joint administrative services provided, and legislative commissions and programs abolished.
House HF0945 1 02/27/1995 Text icon Swenson, D. Driving without a valid license and failure to provide or show proof of insurance crimes provided vehicle license plate impoundment penalty.
House HF0927 9 05/03/1995 142 Text icon Bishop Domestic abuse hearing requirement eliminated in certain cases, and notices provided.
House HF0911 1 02/27/1995 Text icon Skoglund DNA crime evidence analysis statute of limitations provisions modified.
House HF0890 1 02/23/1995 Text icon Molnau Wetland replacement, protection, and management provisions modified.
House HF0856 8 05/15/1995 Text icon Bishop Ethical practices board public official gift enforcement authority extended, advisory opinions classified as public data, civil penalties provided, gift ban exceptions authorized and clarified, and state agency report required.
House HF0838 11 04/24/1995 102 Text icon Bishop Olmsted county authorized to create a nonprofit corporation to own and operate a hospital and medical center, and county board powers and duties modified.
House HF0768 2 02/23/1995 Text icon Delmont Evidentiary privilege and confidentiality provided for public safety peer counseling debriefing information, and municipal civil action liability provided.
House HF0701 2 04/06/1995 Text icon Pugh Administrative law judges and workers' compensation court judges salaries set.
House HF0646 2 04/10/1995 Text icon Bishop Peace officer firearms use report, and bias crime report required annually by public safety commissioner.
House HF0643 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Bishop Water quality best management practices assessment required, well sealing cost share grants increased, water appropriation fees increased, and money appropriated.
House HF0628 13 05/22/1995 242 Text icon Bishop Parental right termination; presumption of refusal or neglect of parental duties created for failure to cooperate with court orders.
House HF0550 2 02/16/1995 Text icon Bishop Sentencing guidelines modifications provided for certain violent crimes.
House HF0526 2 01/25/1996 Text icon Trimble Waste management and treatment procedures modified in unincorporated areas.
House HF0517 2 02/27/1995 Text icon Rest Education now and babies later (MN ENABL) teen pregnancy reduction program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0503 5 04/21/1995 Text icon Bishop Water supply systems and wastewater treatment facilities classified and operators certified by health department and pollution control agency, and money appropriated.
House HF0473 1 02/09/1995 Text icon Trimble Human development center established, private sector collaboration provided, and money appropriated for planning and development.
House HF0445 1 02/06/1995 Text icon Skoglund Bureau of criminal apprehension criminal assessment program enhancements provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0443 1 02/06/1995 Text icon Dempsey Public land and building acquisition and other public improvements of a capital nature spending authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0442 1 02/06/1995 Text icon Swenson, D. Public defense, criminal justice, corrections, and judicial appropriations provided.
House HF0421 1 02/06/1995 Text icon Smith Noncustodial parents authorized to provide child care in certain cases.
House HF0404 1 02/06/1995 Text icon Peterson Employees provided time off to donate blood.
House HF0372 1 02/02/1995 Text icon Bishop Town governments and organized towns dissolved, dissolved town territory governance provided, and county and city powers and duties modified.
House HF0283 1 01/30/1995 Text icon Kahn Legislature required to establish annual state budgets.
House HF0261 1 01/26/1995 Text icon Bishop Occupational therapists included in civil action limitation period for health care professionals.
House HF0230 2 05/08/1995 Text icon Simoneau Joint and several liability apportionment regulated.
House HF0214 1 01/26/1995 Text icon Murphy Prepaid medical assistance demonstration project statewide capitation rate established by human services commissioner.
House HF0182 5 02/23/1995 Text icon Simoneau Automobile insurance medical expense benefits regulated, benefits offered through managed care plans, commerce commissioner powers and duties prescribed, and premium reductions and rules required.
House HF0181 3 03/29/1995 Text icon Bishop Sex offender release notification required, registered sex offender information release authorized, HIV testing of convicted offenders law clarified, and end-of-sentence review committee established to assess offender release risks.
House HF0180 3 05/01/1995 Text icon Bishop Vasectomy; informed consent required prior to procedure, and civil cause of action provided.
House HF0178 2 01/30/1995 Text icon Skoglund Sex offender registration act expanded, and registration law violation penalty increased.
House HF0177 2 03/29/1995 Text icon Skoglund Sex offender registration act expanded, repeat registration law violator penalties increased, patterned sex offender sentencing law scope expanded, judge training required, and indecent exposure in presence of a child penalties increased.
House HF0176 1 01/26/1995 Text icon Skoglund Criminal sexual conduct crimes statute of limitations lengthened.
House HF0136 3 02/23/1995 Text icon Clark Forcible entry and unlawful detainer court filing fee refund provided.
House HF0130 1 01/19/1995 Text icon Kahn County consolidation feasibility studied by state auditor, and money appropriated.
House HF0129 5 03/22/1995 Text icon Bishop Medical examiner data shared with state or federal agencies investigating a death.
House HF0126 1 01/19/1995 Text icon Bishop County service districts established, county service delivery cooperation required, and board and advisory committee creation authorized.
House HF0125 6 03/20/1995 16 Text icon Bishop Inmate name change restrictions imposed.
House HF0107 2 02/13/1995 Text icon Farrell School locker statewide inspection policy established.
House HF0096 17 05/19/1995 219 Text icon Bishop Health carrier subrogation rights restricted.