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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

185 Documents Found in Legislative Session 89 (2015-2016)
for Bill Numbers SF*

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House SF3589 12 05/18/2016 Text icon Smith REAL ID Act implementation authorized and governed, driver's license and Minnesota identification card requirements amended, fees amended, legislative reporting required, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
House SF3572 2 05/16/2016 Text icon   Clean water fund appropriations modified, and money appropriated.
House SF3483 5 05/20/2016 Text icon Hilstrom Court reporter outdated statutes updated, direct appeals of referee orders and decrees in probate or civil commitment court proceedings to the Court of Appeals authorized, and statutes clarified relating to penalty of perjury for documents provided to the court.
House SF3481 8 05/20/2016 160 Text icon Cornish Controlled substance crime thresholds modified, new offenses created specific to possession of marijuana plants and possession of trace amounts of controlled substances, mandatory minimum sentences eliminated for lower level controlled substance crimes, new account established in the state treasury, and money appropriated while other appropriations reduced.
House SF3376 7 05/21/2016 165 Text icon Metsa Sulfate effluent permit compliance provided.
House SF3368 18 05/21/2016 168 Text icon Drazkowski Temporary use of rights-of-way permit requirements modified.
House SF3367 2 05/20/2016 Text icon Applebaum Interest for Others Act of 2016; a resolution urging Congress to take action on the Interest for Others Act of 2016.
House SF3327 5 05/22/2016 Text icon Kelly Ignition interlock required for repeat offenders to reinstate driving privileges, time periods extended, DWI offenders not required to take a specified examination as a condition of reinstatement, DWI Forfeiture Law application prohibited to motor vehicles operated by persons who enter the ignition interlock program, and DWI forfeiture laws innocent owner defense modified.
House SF3317 7 05/13/2016 123 Text icon Hackbarth Dry cleaner response and reimbursement account provisions modified, prior appropriation modified, and rulemaking required.
House SF3272 8 05/09/2016 104 Text icon Fabian Wastewater treatment technology incentive provided.
House SF3262 7 05/12/2016 118 Text icon Backer Trunk Highway 28 segment designated as Staff Sergeant Kevin Witte Memorial Highway.
House SF3216 4 05/11/2016 Text icon O'Neill Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council recommendations adopted.
House SF3208 8 05/21/2016 174 Text icon Franson Child care legislative task force created, and report to legislature and governor required.
House SF3175 7 05/17/2016 134 Text icon Hoppe Bullion product dealers regulated.
House SF3162 5 05/11/2016 Text icon Baker Propane education research council assessable amount modified.
House SF3147 2 05/16/2016 Text icon O'Neill Employment agents, construction codes and licensing, and combative sports modified; commissioner prohibited from adopting rules requiring fire-extinguishing equipment; and housekeeping changes made.
House SF3131 7 05/20/2016 157 Text icon Melin Hibbing's Public Utility Commission membership increase authorized, reimbursable costs for purposes of a power purchase agreement listed, existing council member wards of Hibbing abolished and replaced, and Hibbing's form of government changed.
House SF3113 7 05/20/2016 158 Text icon Smith Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected.
House SF3084 7 05/04/2016 96 Text icon Mariani Small vehicle passenger service ordinances that regulate pedicabs requirements amended.
House SF3064 2 05/13/2016 Text icon Kahn Democratic Republic of the Congo; agencies prohibited from procuring goods or services from persons that fail to disclose as required by federal law information relating to conflict minerals originating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or its neighboring countries, and agencies required to provide notice of the prohibition in any solicitation for goods or services.
House SF3047 7 05/20/2016 155 Text icon Davids Health carriers permitted to not renew conversion individual health plans, and notice to affected policyholders required.
House SF3028 2 04/27/2016 Text icon Nornes Higher education; remediation and testing and teacher shortage loan forgiveness program regulated, child care grants broadened, information about federal loan forgiveness programs and school acceptance of dual credits required, credit transfer and curriculum policies regulated, pilot program created for developmentally disabled students, and state grants regulated.
House SF3018 18 05/22/2016 184 Text icon Anderson, P. Agriculture policy and technical changes made to provisions and programs, solar site management provided, elk management plan modified, previous appropriation modified, Farmer Lender Mediation Task Force and Farm Safety Initiative established, and reports required.
House SF3001 2 05/16/2016 Text icon Garofalo Economic development policy changes made, agency programs modified, commissioner's promotional authority modified, workforce development outcomes modified, and Workforce Development Board created.
House SF2986 7 05/05/2016 102 Text icon Pugh Cities authorized to exempt land less than 20 acres from the fence-viewing process, and cities authorized to adopt fence policies.
House SF2985 8 05/20/2016 162 Text icon Sanders Presidential nomination primary established, provisions related to precinct caucuses modified, technical and conforming changes made, rulemaking authorized, and base appropriation adjustment provided.
House SF2963 17 05/22/2016 186 Text icon Hackbarth Environment and natural resources trust fund appropriations specified, Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) provisions modified, and University of Minnesota reimbursement procedures established.
House SF2930 2 05/05/2016 Text icon Wills Manufactured home relocation trust fund changes made.
House SF2896 6 05/05/2016 101 Text icon Kresha Child foster care provider training required.
House SF2891 7 03/24/2016 81 Text icon Anzelc Employer tax liability modified.
House SF2881 7 05/18/2016 144 Text icon Mack Consumer-directed community supports budget methodology existing exception sunset extended.
House SF2869 7 05/05/2016 100 Text icon Smith Tax debt included as debt that is covered under debt settlement services regulation.
House SF2862 4 04/28/2016 Text icon Pinto Attempting to hire a minor for prostitution penalties increased.
House SF2860 2 05/16/2016 Text icon Albright Commercial parking facility heating restriction exception provided.
House SF2857 7 05/18/2016 143 Text icon Peterson Disability waiver rate system modified.
House SF2850 7 04/14/2016 84 Text icon Urdahl Minnesota State Capitol grand reopening fundraising authorized.
House SF2815 7 05/19/2016 149 Text icon Scott Corrections Department authorized access to employment data for research of effectiveness of employment programming for offenders in the community.
House SF2802 7 05/16/2016 127 Text icon Franson Eyelash extension services regulated.
House SF2793 4 05/02/2016 Text icon McNamara Invasive special control provided, wild rice license requirements modified, streamlined review of plans and regulations provided, civil penalties provided and modified, new muskellunge waters prohibited, and reports required.
House SF2791 5 05/20/2016 Text icon Hilstrom Commerce Fraud Bureau authority to apply for or execute search warrants clarified.
House SF2772 4 05/17/2016 Text icon Laine Ramsey County; human resource statutes technical changes made.
House SF2771 2 05/18/2016 Text icon Pinto Small business certification program data classified.
House SF2764 7 05/19/2016 151 Text icon Pugh Hennepin County; central purchasing and energy forward pricing sections amended, and job order contracting authority established.
House SF2760 16 05/19/2016 154 Text icon Kiel Omnibus lands bill.
House SF2759 12 05/21/2016 Text icon Hackbarth Gross overlimit penalties modified, and criminal penalties provided.
House SF2757 4 05/17/2016 Text icon Hackbarth Northern pike management provided, and rulemaking and report required.
House SF2752 5 05/20/2016 Text icon Halverson School bus stops in right-turn lanes prohibited; and use of prewarning amber signals, flashing red signals, and stop-signal arms required when stopping in right-turn lanes.
House SF2745 2 05/18/2016 Text icon Runbeck Barber Examiners Board provisions modified, and rulemaking authorized.
House SF2744 4 05/04/2016 Text icon Erickson Omnibus education policy bill.
House SF2733 7 05/17/2016 128 Text icon Rarick Workplace Accident and Injury Recovery program modified.
House SF2713 7 05/16/2016 126 Text icon Lesch Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images and nonconsensual sexual solicitation civil cause of action created, crime of stalking amended, qualified domestic violence related offense definition expanded, criminal penalties established, and criminal defamation law clarified.
House SF2709 7 05/17/2016 129 Text icon Gunther Workforce development areas modified.
House SF2680 2 05/09/2016 Text icon Hilstrom Felony level assaults motivated by bias maximum penalty increased.
House SF2678 2 04/27/2016 Text icon Hertaus Sophia's Law created; marine carbon monoxide detection systems required on motorboats, safety information on carbon monoxide poisoning from motorboats required, report required, and money appropriated.
House SF2665 7 05/20/2016 156 Text icon O'Driscoll Appraiser fees, investigation costs, and appraisal management companies regulated.
House SF2649 7 05/19/2016 152 Text icon Anderson, P. Damage to energy transmission or telecommunications equipment crime expanded.
House SF2626 8 05/21/2016 173 Text icon Lillie Minnesota State Retirement System board of directors provisions changed, labor agreements and compensation plans ratified, and agency director salary increase ratified.
House SF2614 10 04/21/2016 86 Text icon O'Neill Dual training grant program clarified.
House SF2603 7 05/19/2016 150 Text icon Daniels Closed captioning requirement on televisions in medical facilities added.
House SF2555 7 05/11/2016 111 Text icon Peterson Temporary family health care dwelling zoning regulated, and temporary dwelling permits established.
House SF2548 7 05/13/2016 122 Text icon Peterson Pharmacists allowed to dispense a 90-day supply of a prescription drug.
House SF2542 4 04/26/2016 Text icon Newton Military personnel on active duty outside Minnesota allowed to retake failed road test before termination of practice period.
House SF2539 10 05/05/2016 99 Text icon Schomacker Nursing facility payment language recodified, conforming changes made, and obsolete provisions repealed.
House SF2527 18 05/21/2016 172 Text icon Urdahl Outdoor heritage fund and clean water fund money appropriated, Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council provisions modified, legacy fund provisions modified, and prior appropriations modified.
House SF2525 2 05/19/2016 Text icon McNamara Nonwoven disposable product labeling provided.
House SF2503 7 04/21/2016 85 Text icon Torkelson Buffer requirements on public waters and drainage ditches clarified and modified.
House SF2498 7 05/09/2016 106 Text icon Albright Co-occurring mental health and chemical dependency disorders screening requirements modified.
House SF2474 4 05/17/2016 Text icon Pierson Positive support strategies and restrictive intervention; Minnesota Rules, chapter 9544 legislatively approved, and technical changes made.
House SF2459 4 04/28/2016 Text icon Zerwas Children's advocacy center membership on multidisciplinary child protection teams provided.
House SF2430 7 05/09/2016 105 Text icon Schomacker Median total care related per diem technical corrections made.
House SF2428 17 05/19/2016 153 Text icon Kresha Child protection legislative task force extended.
House SF2426 7 05/11/2016 112 Text icon Cornish Medical treatment for mental health excluded from inmate co-payment.
House SF2416 4 05/09/2016 Text icon Atkins Cell phone cases resembling a firearm possession, manufacture, or sale prohibited.
House SF2414 9 05/20/2016 163 Text icon Albright Ombudsman office for long-term care, chemical and mental health treatment services, and miscellaneous policy provisions modified; and Minnesota Eligibility System Executive Steering Committee established.
House SF2405 2 05/11/2016 Text icon Garofalo Electric vehicle promotion program established.
House SF2385 2 05/11/2016 Text icon Albright Metropolitan Council staggered terms provided, nomination committee membership expanded, additional information required to be made publicly available, council member qualifications clarified, new advisory committee required, and sewer availability charges stakeholder group established.
House SF2381 9 05/20/2016 161 Text icon Sanders Omnibus elections bill.
House SF2378 8 05/21/2016 170 Text icon Dean, M. Continuum of treatment for individuals with substance use disorders reform required.
House SF2330 2 05/09/2016 Text icon Howe Flame-retardant chemical use in products prohibited.
House SF2315 7 05/12/2016 117 Text icon Urdahl McLeod County; Trunk Highway 7 segment designated as Patrol Officer Michael Alan Hogan Memorial Highway.
House SF2227 7 05/02/2016 93 Text icon Cornish Fourth-degree assault against a peace officer offense clarified.
House SF2101 12 05/04/2015 Text icon Garofalo Omnibus agriculture, environment, natural resources, jobs, and economic development bill.
House SF2090 2 05/20/2016 Text icon Kahn Organ harvesting; a resolution expressing concern over reports of forced organ harvesting from prisoners for their spiritual beliefs and other minority groups in the People's Republic of China.
House SF1974 2 03/08/2016 Text icon Dean, M. Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center; a resolution memorializing the President and Congress to provide reimbursement under Medicaid for services provided at the Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center.
House SF1973 7 05/17/2015 61 Text icon Quam Claims against the state settlement provided for losses suffered while incarcerated, and money appropriated.
House SF1898 7 05/17/2016 133 Text icon Rarick Building and construction contracts regulated, and progress payments and retainages provided.
House SF1876 4 05/14/2015 Text icon Mullery Child protection legislative task force established.
House SF1854 7 05/14/2015 46 Text icon Lillie Maplewood; Trunk Highway 36 segment designated as Sergeant Joseph Bergeron Memorial Highway.
House SF1816 7 05/05/2015 17 Text icon Smith Property transfers regulated, and Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act amendments recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws enacted.
House SF1771 2 05/13/2015 Text icon Albright Medical cannabis program provisions changed.
House SF1765 2 05/07/2015 Text icon Peterson Pharmacy technician to pharmacist permitted ratio increased, definitions modified, and Pharmacy Board size increased.
House SF1757 2 05/14/2015 Text icon Pierson Lodging establishment definition modified.
House SF1741 7 05/05/2015 20 Text icon Hilstrom Patient allowed to enjoin collection actions taken by a nonprofit hospital if the hospital has failed to provide a financial assistance policy.
House SF1735 2 05/08/2015 Text icon   Guaranteed energy-savings program modified; natural gas utilities size limit increased; performance based, multiyear plans and rate recovery allowed; renewable energy standard, certificate of need exemptions, and energy auditor standards modified; energy improvement programs changed; eligibility modified; competitive rate schedules provided; and definitions modified and added.
House SF1698 4 05/08/2015 Text icon Loonan Commerce commissioner's powers modified, diesel fuel advertisement sign requirements clarified, ethanol flex fuel definition modified, and fuel standard references updated.
House SF1694 7 05/16/2015 60 Text icon Green Autopsy religious objection provided.
House SF1679 8 05/14/2015 48 Text icon Swedzinski Transportation network financial responsibility provided.
House SF1647 21 05/18/2015 75 Text icon Kelly Omnibus transportation bill.
House SF1646 8 03/29/2016 83 Text icon Smith Public safety commissioner directed to plan for eventual implementation of REAL ID program, commissioner required to appear before legislative committees to present oral and written summaries of REAL ID planning activities and to submit fiscal notes, and commissioner directed to seek extension of enforcement of REAL ID requirements.
House SF1603 2 05/13/2015 Text icon Slocum Automated sale suppression device use criminal penalties provided.
House SF1597 2 05/01/2015 Text icon Howe Firefighter licensure requirements modified, license reciprocity provided, and technical changes made.
House SF1587 7 05/14/2015 50 Text icon Franson Equity stripping law protection extended to owners of agricultural property.
House SF1563 8 04/20/2015 8 Text icon Green Bureau of Criminal Apprehension required to do background checks at the request of Indian tribes.
House SF1535 4 04/23/2015 Text icon Nornes Higher education technical and policy provision changes made including provisions related to grants, loans, registration, and various higher education programs; institutions prohibited from limiting access to a student's transcript; various statutes modernized, streamlined, and clarified; and obsolete language and unnecessary verbiage deleted.
House SF1523 8 04/28/2016 Text icon Smith Health coverages regulated and modified.
House SF1504 7 05/13/2015 42 Text icon Pierson E-Health Advisory Committee, Trauma Advisory Council, and Maternal and Child Health Advisory Task Force expiration date changed; and review requested for stillbirth data collection, prenatal protocols, and family supports.
House SF1499 7 05/05/2015 19 Text icon Vogel Cedar Lake area water and sanitary sewer district special law certificate filing time period extended.
House SF1495 2 04/30/2015 Text icon Erickson Omnibus education policy bill.
House SF1478 7 05/12/2015 35 Text icon Nash Old Interstate Compact for Juveniles repealed.
House SF1474 4 05/13/2016 Text icon Zerwas Body piercing technician licensing requirements modified.
House SF1458 23 05/17/2015 71 Text icon Dean, M. Omnibus health and human services finance bill.
House SF1455 7 05/01/2015 16 Text icon Newton Veterans affairs commissioner guardianship program repealed.
House SF1444 7 04/30/2015 13 Text icon O'Driscoll Foreclosure sale provisions clarified.
House SF1440 17 05/22/2016 185 Text icon Baker Prescription monitoring program changes made.
House SF1438 7 05/07/2015 26 Text icon Loonan Retired workers' compensation judges provision requirements modified.
House SF1432 4 05/13/2015 Text icon McNamara Public entity purchasing requirements modified, solid waste provisions modified, subsurface sewage treatment systems provisions modified, compensable losses due to harmful substances modified, grant eligibility modified, various recreational vehicle and natural resources provisions modified, and rulemaking required.
House SF1425 8 05/13/2016 124 Text icon Barrett Practice of pharmacy definition provisions added, legend drug collection and disposal as pharmaceutical waste changes made, and opiate antagonist protocol required.
House SF1413 4 05/07/2015 Text icon Simonson Trespass crime expanded to include trespassing on a school bus, and criminal penalty imposed.
House SF1406 9 05/06/2015 25 Text icon Dill Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Crow Wing, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Hubbard, Lake, Martin, Pine, Rice, St. Louis, Todd, Washington, and Winona Counties; public and private sales and conveyances of state lands provided, and prior sale authority modified.
House SF1398 8 05/17/2015 68 Text icon O'Driscoll Omnibus pensions and retirement bill.
House SF1374 2 05/12/2015 Text icon Atkins Survival or continuation of an action after the death or disability of a party provided.
House SF1372 7 05/17/2016 130 Text icon Hoppe Legislative Coordinating Commission provisions changed, and ethnic council provisions modified.
House SF1371 9 05/15/2015 54 Text icon O'Neill Construction Codes and Licensing Division housekeeping changes made; Office of Combative Sports and apprenticeship program housekeeping changes made; safe patient handling requirements clarified; obsolete, redundant, and unnecessary laws and rules removed; conforming changes made; and rulemaking authorized.
House SF1350 7 05/14/2015 51 Text icon Atkins Mendota Heights; Trunk Highway 149 segment designated as Officer Scott Patrick Memorial Highway.
House SF1293 2 05/07/2015 Text icon Hilstrom Fifth-degree criminal sexual conduct expanded, and crime of adulteration by bodily fluid created.
House SF1270 2 05/06/2015 Text icon Quam Data privacy, evidence, crime victim protections, and criminal defenses relating to sex trafficking provisions amended; and new criminal penalties created.
House SF1265 17 05/16/2015 58 Text icon Davids Individuals permitted to contract with insurance producer to advocate on the individual's behalf with respect to health coverage with an insurance company, and payment of commissions by issuers of qualified health plans regulated.
House SF1244 3 05/14/2015 Text icon Hertaus Persons placed on intensive supervised release from prison required to be placed on electronic monitoring immediately upon release.
House SF1238 10 04/28/2015 9 Text icon Sanders Brewer and licensing provisions recodified, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages regulated, and various liquor licenses authorized.
House SF1219 4 04/30/2015 Text icon Barrett Controlled substance schedules modified.
House SF1218 8 05/05/2015 21 Text icon Schomacker Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected.
House SF1215 11 05/16/2015 62 Text icon Howe Flame-retardant chemical use in products prohibited.
House SF1191 7 05/08/2015 30 Text icon Scott Best interests of the child standards, custody, parenting time, maintenance, child support, judgment, and award provisions modified; Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act provided; and technical changes made.
House SF1147 7 04/30/2015 14 Text icon O'Driscoll Mortgage foreclosure by advertisement publication requirements clarified.
House SF1137 6 03/29/2016 Text icon Lohmer Criminal sexual conduct offenses expanded for persons in current or recent positions of authority over juveniles.
House SF1120 7 05/06/2015 23 Text icon Cornish Fourth-degree assault protections expanded to employees supervising and working directly with mentally ill and dangerous patients.
House SF1111 20 05/21/2016 169 Text icon Swedzinski Drivers required to stop vehicles at direction of school bus flagger, and bus drivers exempted from seat belt fines arising out of violations by passengers.
House SF1081 4 04/16/2015 Text icon Schoen Untested sexual assault test kits accounted for, and report required.
House SF1075 7 05/17/2016 131 Text icon Anderson, S. Online hunting and fishing license application required to provide for organ donation, and report required.
House SF1073 2 04/22/2015 Text icon Hertaus Driving while impaired; various DWI provisions modified relating to implied consent, review requests, screening tests, enhanced standards, plate impoundment, driver's license reinstatement, ignition interlock program, fees and surcharges, and criminal penalties.
House SF1025 7 05/14/2015 49 Text icon Lohmer Public participation in government protections modified.
House SF1006 6 03/24/2016 82 Text icon Metsa Extended unemployment insurance benefits provided.
House SF0997 18 05/16/2015 59 Text icon Schomacker Disability income coverage regulated, long-term care insurance partnership policy minimum permitted inflation protection reduced, inflation protection continuation permitted, and commerce commissioner authorized to make long-term care policy rate recommendations.
House SF0986 4 04/30/2015 Text icon Garofalo Reckless driving definition revised, and reckless driving resulting in death or great bodily harm penalties enhanced.
House SF0888 18 05/18/2015 77 Text icon Anderson, S. Omnibus state government finance bill.
House SF0878 18 05/17/2015 65 Text icon Cornish Omnibus public safety finance and policy bill.
House SF0877 8 05/22/2016 180 Text icon Kiel Utilities crossing railroad right-of-way requirements established, and money appropriated.
House SF0871 2 05/08/2015 Text icon Urdahl Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; process for determining whether a student requires remedial education regulated.
House SF0857 7 05/12/2015 36 Text icon Youakim Silver Alert system working group established to study and make recommendations on establishing a Silver Alert system, and report required.
House SF0856 2 05/08/2015 Text icon Urdahl Public postsecondary institutions directed to give full credit to students for completed Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) courses, and report required.
House SF0706 4 05/14/2015 Text icon Halverson Correction order and conditional license requirements established, settlement agreements provided, health care delivery pilot program authorized, licensing requirements for foster care providers modified, home and community based service standards modified, and language stricken establishing the Monitoring Technology Review Panel in the disability waiver rate system.
House SF0698 16 05/18/2015 76 Text icon Torkelson Environment and natural resources trust fund appropriation provided, and Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources provisions modified.
House SF0694 4 03/08/2016 Text icon Mahoney Saint Paul Port Authority governing provisions modified.
House SF0674 4 05/07/2015 Text icon Uglem Synthetic plastic microbead in personal care products sale prohibited.
House SF0634 7 05/14/2015 52 Text icon Atkins Lawful gambling game, licensing, reporting, and other regulatory provision changes made; and technical, clarifying, and conforming changes made.
House SF0619 4 04/07/2015 Text icon Zerwas Victims of violence address protection clarified in legal proceedings.
House SF0588 9 05/22/2016 177 Text icon O'Driscoll Omnibus state retirement bill.
House SF0578 7 03/16/2015 5 Text icon Hortman Minnesota Trust Code established; provisions recodified; power of appointments modified; and conforming and technical changes made.
House SF0542 3 05/12/2015 Text icon Murphy, E. Residential hospice facility definition modified.
House SF0498 23 05/21/2016 171 Text icon Cornish Portable recording system data classified, data destruction requirements established, written policies and procedures required, requirements on vendors imposed, damage awards provided, and legislative auditor review required.
House SF0495 7 05/15/2015 56 Text icon Zerwas Stroke transport protocols required.
House SF0464 2 05/01/2015 Text icon Schoen Technical changes made to Minnesota Statutes resulting from repeal of outdated and redundant statutes relating to public safety.
House SF0462 7 05/08/2015 28 Text icon Lohmer Health care practitioners required to deliver information relating to trisomy 13, 18, and 21; and duties imposed on the health commissioner.
House SF0455 17 05/17/2015 70 Text icon Sanders Election administration provisions modified, military and overseas absentee voting provisions modified, definitions provided and modified, Election Emergency Planning Task Force established, Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act provided, technical and conforming changes made, and money appropriated.
House SF0417 7 05/05/2015 18 Text icon O'Neill Professional engineer license requirements clarified.
House SF0406 2 04/24/2015 Text icon Allen Omnibus judiciary finance bill.
House SF0383 2 05/13/2015 Text icon Peterson Optometrist licensing provisions changed.
House SF0362 4 05/15/2015 Text icon Dettmer Honor and Remember Flag designated as an official symbol of the state's commitment to military service members who have lost their lives in service to our country, and display of flag encouraged on certain days in certain public locations.
House SF0337 4 03/12/2015 Text icon Pinto Directory information definition changed to conform with federal law.
House SF0280 7 05/14/2015 47 Text icon Knoblach Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
House SF0253 7 05/15/2015 55 Text icon Mack Interstate medical licensure compact project provided.
House SF0239 2 05/06/2015 Text icon Norton Vulnerable adult financial exploitation crime added to definition of designated offense in forfeiture laws.
House SF0233 4 05/08/2015 Text icon Zerwas Additional accrediting organization for ambulatory health care provided.
House SF0229 9 05/14/2015 45 Text icon Sanders Lawful gambling; clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made; games, prizes, and other provisions regulating conduct of lawful gambling modified; and director of State Lottery prohibited from offering casino-style games.
House SF0209 17 03/23/2016 Text icon Garofalo Unemployment insurance extended benefits provided, and unemployment insurance taxes reduced.
House SF0205 17 05/18/2015 73 Text icon Sanders Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board provisions modified; enforcement, registration, fees, data, contributions, statements of economic interest, and other provisions administered by the board modified; penalties provided; and technical changes made.
House SF0174 17 02/26/2015 3 Text icon Knoblach Deficiency funding provided for food assistance, the Minnesota Security Hospital, natural resources enforcement activities, Ebola related costs, and the Zoological Board; legislative approval required for salaries of executive branch officials; salary increases frozen; and money appropriated.
House SF0152 4 03/25/2015 Text icon Anderson, P. Agritourism activities liability immunity provided.
House SF0128 3 04/07/2015 Text icon Hancock Interactive video conference alternative use clarified in civil commitment hearings.
House SF0113 2 03/08/2016 Text icon Moran Equal Rights Amendment; a resolution memorializing Congress to remove deadline for ratification of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution by the states.
House SF0107 9 05/05/2016 103 Text icon Zerwas Hospital required to provide a patient the opportunity to designate a caregiver upon entry, and hospital required to provide discharge plan and aftercare instructions to designated caregiver prior to discharge.
House SF0100 7 05/01/2015 15 Text icon Zerwas Right to Try Act established; investigational drug, biological product, or device use permitted by eligible patients; and medical assistance and early periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment program specified as not covering costs for investigational drugs, biological products, or devices.
House SF0086 17 05/17/2015 67 Text icon Cornish Automated license plate reader data classified and governing policy required, log of use required, data destruction required, and report required.
House SF0005 25 05/17/2015 69 Text icon Nornes Omnibus higher education policy and finance bill.
House SF0001 8 01/26/2015 2 Text icon Knoblach Disaster assistance deficiency funding provided, local match funding provided to repair local roads and bridges, water and soil disaster area protection resources funding provided, and money appropriated.