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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

137 Documents Found in Legislative Session 88 (2013-2014)
for Bill Numbers SF*

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House SF2887 7 05/15/2014 281 Text icon Garofalo Electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle purchase by state agencies barriers eliminated, and report required.
House SF2782 19 05/13/2014 265 Text icon Winkler Campaign finance contribution limits modified, and reports required to be made available online.
House SF2736 17 05/13/2014 263 Text icon Johnson, C. Domestic abuse offender GPS monitoring pilot project establishment by counties authorized, and reports required.
House SF2718 7 05/02/2014 202 Text icon Hilstrom District judge disposition monthly review authorized for compliance with 90-day disposition requirement.
House SF2712 7 05/09/2014 242 Text icon Mullery Court-ordered child support failure to pay crime clarified.
House SF2642 19 05/16/2014 303 Text icon Atkins Lawful gambling clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made; games, prizes, and regulatory provisions modified; state lottery director prohibited form offering casino-style games; state lottery ticket sale through a website or self-service devices suspended; and legislative enactment clarified.
House SF2614 7 05/09/2014 243 Text icon Masin Connector highway length limit removed, and trunk highway contracts one-week bid advertisement period allowed.
House SF2609 7 05/06/2014 224 Text icon Anzelc Grand Rapids Public Utilities Commission four-year terms authorized.
House SF2608 7 05/01/2014 195 Text icon Anzelc Grand Rapids Central School Commission creation authorization repealed.
House SF2571 7 04/28/2014 180 Text icon Slocum Criminal vehicular homicide or operation statute technical amendments provided, and driving while impaired law clarified to work with amendments to criminal vehicular homicide and operation statute.
House SF2569 7 04/08/2014 161 Text icon Isaacson Minnesota Housing Finance Agency obsolete, redundant, and unnecessary laws and rules repealed; conforming changes made; and State Register notice requirement changed.
House SF2546 7 05/13/2014 259 Text icon Slocum Predatory offender registration requirements modified and clarified, and criminal sexual conduct in the third degree crime sentence clarified.
House SF2490 8 05/06/2014 223 Text icon Anzelc Employee protections provided in joint powers agreements.
House SF2470 20 05/16/2014 311 Text icon Melin Medical Cannabis Therapeutic Research Act; medical cannabis registry program provided; rulemaking authorized; patient, health care practitioner, and medical cannabis manufacturer duties established; patient protections and fees established; penalties imposed; medical cannabis therapeutic research impact assessment and audits required; and money appropriated.
House SF2466 18 05/14/2014 278 Text icon Atkins Law enforcement required to secure a tracking warrant in order to receive electronic device location information.
House SF2454 8 05/09/2014 248 Text icon Dill Natural Resources Department; obsolete laws modified and repealed, and regulatory efficiencies provided.
House SF2449 7 05/05/2014 217 Text icon Erickson, R. Omnibus lands bill.
House SF2438 5 05/14/2014 Text icon Mahoney Combative Sports Office, and Construction Codes and Licensing Division housekeeping changes made; obsolete, redundant, and unnecessary laws and rules removed; and conforming changes made.
House SF2423 8 05/08/2014 234 Text icon Laine Incarcerated women; pregnancy and childbirth-related needs addressed, and advisory committee authorized.
House SF2422 5 05/08/2014 Text icon Lesch Notaries authorized to perform civil marriages.
House SF2398 8 05/05/2014 215 Text icon Halverson Personal property in self-storage laws regulating liens updated.
House SF2390 17 05/13/2014 264 Text icon Bernardy Election administration-related provisions modified; voting, voter registration, absentee ballots, ballots, soil and water conservation districts, candidates, municipal elections, school district elections, recall of elected officials, and other election-related provisions changed; and dissolution of specific election districts provided.
House SF2377 4 05/01/2014 Text icon Wagenius Textile reuse and recycling goal established.
House SF2343 8 05/16/2014 307 Text icon Murphy, M. Investment reporting modified.
House SF2336 14 05/08/2014 240 Text icon Atkins Omnibus gambling and liquor bill.
House SF2322 7 05/08/2014 233 Text icon Lesch Human rights; jury trials required for unfair discriminatory practice civil actions.
House SF2312 7 05/01/2014 196 Text icon Nelson State government technical changes made; sections renumbered; antiquated, unnecessary, and obsolete language eliminated or modernized; and existing provisions updated.
House SF2310 8 04/24/2014 Text icon Nelson MN.IT Services; antiquated, unnecessary, and obsolete language eliminated or modernized.
House SF2271 4 04/28/2014 Text icon Nelson Metropolitan Council obsolete governing provisions repealed, and conforming technical changes made.
House SF2268 8 05/14/2014 276 Text icon Masin Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee jurisdictional scope expanded.
House SF2255 11 05/15/2014 292 Text icon Nelson Metropolitan Council additional investment authority granted, investments by a Minnesota joint powers investment trust authorized, and conforming technical changes made.
House SF2245 7 04/28/2014 179 Text icon Freiberg Tony Caine's Law; lifeguards at public beaches required to have minimum training.
House SF2221 7 04/10/2014 164 Text icon Hansen Drainage system provisions modified.
House SF2192 17 05/14/2014 277 Text icon Hortman Lead and mercury products prohibited and regulated, children's products formaldehyde ban modified, and cleaning products containing triclosan prohibited.
House SF2175 17 05/16/2014 304 Text icon Carlson State agencies prohibited from paying more than ten percent over the appraised value to acquire real property, and report required.
House SF2168 4 05/01/2014 Text icon Garofalo Electric generation facility exception provided to certificate of need requirements.
House SF2162 11 05/07/2014 229 Text icon Nelson Hennepin County; multijurisdictional reinvestment program modified.
House SF2108 7 04/10/2014 165 Text icon Schoen Sales representative agreement practices prohibited.
House SF2103 7 05/01/2014 194 Text icon Erickson, R. Vehicle testing permitted uses modified.
House SF2100 7 03/31/2014 154 Text icon Schoen Deputy registrar residency requirement removed.
House SF2099 5 05/13/2014 Text icon Atkins Political contributions made from funds derived from revenues of a corporation or LLC required to be subject to the individual income tax.
House SF2076 8 04/22/2014 167 Text icon Hansen Dakota County; local county government plan adoption authorized.
House SF2066 7 04/30/2014 193 Text icon Holberg Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy Legislative Commission created.
House SF2065 17 05/16/2014 305 Text icon Mahoney Omnibus jobs and economic development bill.
House SF2060 11 04/09/2014 163 Text icon Barrett Farmers' market definition provided, food product sampling and demonstration permitted, and licensing exemption provided for a chili or soup cook-off event.
House SF2047 8 05/01/2014 203 Text icon Norton Newborn screening program modified.
House SF2004 7 04/04/2014 156 Text icon Huntley Human services commissioner grant program appropriations modified.
House SF1958 4 05/01/2014 Text icon Woodard Cedar Lake area water and sanitary sewer district maximum number of connections increased; and Helena Township in Scott County authorized to use surplus land, property, or money after removal of a subordinate service district.
House SF1952 8 03/24/2014 151 Text icon Lillie Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
House SF1926 3 05/05/2014 Text icon McNamar Building code inspection authority of local units of government regulated, and mandatory fire sprinkler regulations prohibited.
House SF1900 9 05/07/2014 232 Text icon Schoen Steve's Law; drug overdose prevention and medical assistance provided, and liability limited.
House SF1892 9 03/31/2014 155 Text icon Lillie Trunk Highway 36 marked segment designated as Officer Richard Crittenden, Sr., Memorial Highway.
House SF1770 9 05/15/2014 293 Text icon Lesch Government data practice act application clarified to parties contracting with a government entity, data security account established, bulk vehicle records request fees authorized, legislative commission on data practices required to study the use of motor vehicle and driver's license records, and health care study required.
House SF1762 7 04/09/2014 162 Text icon Uglem Cosmetologist Examiners Board changes made, exempt rulemaking authorized, professional associations offering continuing education requirements revised, and cosmetology postsecondary schools requirements revised.
House SF1747 4 04/04/2014 Text icon Anzelc Environmental review requirements modified for chemical production using cellulosic feedstock.
House SF1740 13 05/08/2014 241 Text icon Atkins Smart phone "kill switch" anti-theft functionality required to deter theft, and wireless communication device acquisition and resale requirements established.
House SF1737 7 04/07/2014 158 Text icon Rosenthal Continued employer insurance contributions required for former Corrections Department employees.
House SF1732 7 04/25/2014 176 Text icon Halverson Voting equipment purchase with Help America Vote Act grants deadline extended.
House SF1725 7 04/23/2014 168 Text icon Rosenthal Forensic laboratory accreditation provided.
House SF1722 8 05/12/2014 247 Text icon Yarusso Therapists included within the teacher bargaining unit.
House SF1689 7 04/29/2014 184 Text icon Atkins Minnesota FAIR plan employee benefits authorized, and conforming and technical changes provided.
House SF1664 6 05/20/2013 144 Text icon Freiberg State agency advisory inspections statute provision miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors corrected.
House SF1656 7 05/20/2013 141 Text icon Schomacker Disaster aid funding provided, and money appropriated to match federal aid for the April 2013 severe winter storm in southwest Minnesota.
House SF1641 2 05/07/2014 Text icon Melin Marijuana medical use permitted, fees set, rulemaking authorized, criminal and civil penalties provided, advisory council established, and money appropriated.
House SF1607 2 04/20/2013 Text icon   Omnibus environment, agriculture, energy, jobs, and commerce appropriations bill.
House SF1589 30 05/20/2013 142 Text icon Murphy, M. Omnibus state government finance and veteran affairs bill.
House SF1564 8 05/10/2013 66 Text icon Nelson Metropolitan Council redistricting provided.
House SF1509 9 04/07/2014 159 Text icon Mariani Cesar Chavez Day designated as March 31.
House SF1484 2 04/30/2014 Text icon Morgan Omnibus health-related licensing bill.
House SF1360 7 05/16/2014 306 Text icon Cornish Felony of fraudulent or other improper financing statements extended to include retaliation against a police officer or chief of police or correctional officer or employee for performing official duties.
House SF1340 11 05/06/2014 228 Text icon Abeler Licensing data, human services licensing, child care programs, financial fraud and abuse investigations, and vendors of chemical dependency treatment services provisions modified; background studies modified; and foreign trained physician task force established.
House SF1307 7 05/13/2013 72 Text icon Schoen Human Rights Department certificates of compliance provisions changed.
House SF1291 7 04/29/2013 38 Text icon Anzelc Mine inspector provisions and technical, clarifying, and other policy changes made.
House SF1276 7 05/19/2013 115 Text icon Hortman Mortgage lender and servicer loss mitigation required, and mortgage foreclosure dual tracking prohibited.
House SF1272 2 05/14/2013 Text icon Clark Healthy housing grant program established, funding provided for healthy housing grants and lead poisoning prevention activities, and money appropriated.
House SF1270 21 05/20/2013 127 Text icon Erhardt Omnibus transportation policy bill.
House SF1246 7 04/29/2014 186 Text icon Rosenthal Collision requirements clarified, and terminology change made.
House SF1236 17 05/17/2013 99 Text icon Pelowski Omnibus higher education finance and policy bill.
House SF1234 8 05/20/2013 70 Text icon Mahoney Workers' compensation; various policy and housekeeping changes made, advisory council recommendations adopted, and report required.
House SF1168 7 04/19/2013 20 Text icon Simon Emergency 911 call new crimes created, and criminal penalties provided.
House SF1160 2 04/20/2013 Text icon Poppe Omnibus agriculture policy bill.
House SF1086 7 04/16/2013 14 Text icon Dorholt Public accommodations for blind and disabled persons ensured.
House SF1016 7 04/25/2013 31 Text icon Fritz Minnesota Nurse Practicing Act definitions modified.
House SF1014 2 05/14/2013 Text icon Liebling Minnesota sex offender program provisions modified, public education campaign required, and Civil Commitment Act modified.
House SF1006 7 05/14/2013 79 Text icon Atkins Lawful gambling account, record keeping, and other regulatory provisions modified.
House SF0978 2 04/29/2013 Text icon Mariani Early childhood through grade 12 modified including general education student accountability, education excellence, charter schools, special programs, technology, libraries, early childhood education, self-sufficiency, and lifelong learning.
House SF0953 7 04/22/2013 25 Text icon Allen Social work licensure eligibility provision modified to include employment by a tribal agency.
House SF0924 2 04/23/2013 Text icon Mahoney Shared work program regulated to conform to federal law, and program provided for converting layoffs into businesses.
House SF0894 9 03/10/2014 147 Text icon Schomacker Resident reimbursement classification changes made.
House SF0887 10 05/01/2013 43 Text icon Laine Omnibus health policy bill, and Minnesota Radon Awareness Act enacted.
House SF0874 7 05/02/2014 201 Text icon Allen Judicial forfeiture provisions modified.
House SF0843 8 05/02/2013 46 Text icon Nelson Competitive bid advertisement publications in a recognized industry trade journal authorized.
House SF0840 17 05/16/2013 87 Text icon Hansen Personal sick leave benefit use modified, and report required.
House SF0834 8 04/26/2013 37 Text icon Hilstrom State Guardian Ad Litem Board provisions modified.
House SF0827 6 05/20/2013 125 Text icon Yarusso Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected; redundant, conflicting, and superseded provisions removed; miscellaneous corrections made to laws, statutes, and rules.
House SF0825 7 05/02/2013 44 Text icon Allen Medical Practice Act changes made.
House SF0796 8 05/19/2013 121 Text icon Dill Omnibus game and fish policy bill.
House SF0778 22 05/20/2013 128 Text icon Nelson Family child care providers and home and community-based long-term care services collective bargaining authorized, and money appropriated.
House SF0769 8 04/25/2013 34 Text icon Rosenthal Crime victim rights and programs statutory provisions clarified, and a restitution working group provided.
House SF0748 7 05/07/2013 53 Text icon Laine Preneed funeral insurance regulated.
House SF0745 18 05/15/2013 82 Text icon Simon Omnibus data practices bill.
House SF0723 2 05/02/2013 Text icon Mariani Undocumented immigrant treatment provided with respect to financial aid and tuition at public postsecondary institutions, and money appropriated.
House SF0716 4 04/08/2013 Text icon Anderson, S. Transmission line assessment of need and routing regulated.
House SF0693 13 05/16/2014 Text icon Atkins Survival or continuation of an action provided after the death or disability of a party.
House SF0685 9 04/23/2014 171 Text icon Hilstrom Simultaneous competency and civil commitment examinations required for defendants, and civil commitment hearings for defendants facilitated.
House SF0683 8 05/20/2013 69 Text icon Myhra Certified public accounting services exempted from licensure requirements.
House SF0671 18 05/16/2013 86 Text icon Paymar Omnibus public safety finance bill.
House SF0663 24 05/06/2014 225 Text icon Johnson, C. State agency resource recovery provisions changed.
House SF0661 16 05/20/2013 138 Text icon Winkler Campaign finance and public disclosure law; various policy, technical, conforming, and other changes made; additional disclosure provided; regulations, reporting, spending and contribution limits, registration, definitions, and various procedures modified; and public official definition and penalties related to corporate political contributions modified.
House SF0658 2 04/23/2013 Text icon Nelson Labor and industry commissioner allowed to issue compliance orders for violations of misrepresentations of employment relationships.
House SF0654 8 05/15/2013 81 Text icon Loeffler Health care and medical assistance provisions modified.
House SF0629 11 03/06/2014 146 Text icon Dill Jackson, Lake, Clay, Kandiyohi, and Lyon Counties; process provided to make county auditor-treasurer and recorder appointive.
House SF0561 7 05/17/2013 88 Text icon Atkins Building and construction contracts regulated, and third party insurance agreements prohibited.
House SF0541 9 05/01/2013 42 Text icon Atkins Omnibus liquor bill.
House SF0523 7 05/08/2013 61 Text icon Mahoney Criminal history reliance for employment purposes limited, and remedies provided.
House SF0521 9 05/07/2013 57 Text icon Melin Biomass mandate project and a proposed high-voltage transmission line regulated.
House SF0511 8 05/08/2014 235 Text icon Schoen Advanced practice registered nurse-delivered health care access improved, penalties provided, advisory council provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0510 7 05/02/2013 45 Text icon Slocum Solid waste collection organization implementation process for cities amended.
House SF0489 17 05/18/2013 111 Text icon Murphy, M. Omnibus pensions bill.
House SF0460 8 05/19/2013 Text icon Moran Children and family service provisions modified; data practice provisions changed; contractual agreement provisions changed with tribes, child care programs, community action agencies, the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), general assistance, group residential housing, and maltreatment reporting.
House SF0442 7 04/25/2013 29 Text icon Liebling Disability Council membership decreased from 21 to 17.
House SF0422 7 04/25/2013 30 Text icon Hilstrom Family Reunification Act of 2013 created.
House SF0380 7 05/03/2013 48 Text icon Albright Adult basic education program representative added to the Workforce Development Council.
House SF0359 9 04/23/2013 26 Text icon Hornstein Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month designated in April.
House SF0346 7 05/15/2013 80 Text icon Hilstrom Money used or intended for use to facilitate a prostitution or sex trafficking offense forfeiture provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0345 8 04/29/2013 39 Text icon Hilstrom Crime victim's estate authorized to request or enforce an order for restitution.
House SF0340 7 05/10/2013 64 Text icon Mahoney Loans to development authorities modified.
House SF0324 9 04/26/2013 35 Text icon Hilstrom Employees and officers of local public pension plans required to report unlawful actions to the state auditor.
House SF0321 2 04/19/2013 Text icon Liebling Minnesota Task Force on Prematurity duties and reporting dates amended.
House SF0319 4 04/08/2013 Text icon Erhardt Active duty service members allowed to take a peace officer reciprocity examination.
House SF0271 2 05/20/2013 Text icon Clark Driver's license application procedures and requirements modified.
House SF0250 7 05/10/2013 65 Text icon Allen Indian child placement proceedings modified.
House SF0166 7 04/11/2013 13 Text icon Schoen Advanced emergency medical technician provisions modified, inspection provisions updated, and requirements provided for emergency medical responder registration.
House SF0076 6 04/11/2013 12 Text icon Howe Trunk Highway 23 marked segment designated as Officer Tom Decker Memorial Highway.
House SF0058 9 02/14/2013 2 Text icon Lillie Labor agreements and compensation plans between Minnesota and employee associations ratified.
House SF0028 2 04/08/2013 Text icon Yarusso Timely filing for appeals from orders provisions modified.
House SF0017 10 05/15/2014 Text icon Dehn, R. Constitutional amendments; a resolution requesting Congress propose a constitutional amendment and if not, applying to Congress to call a constitutional convention to propose an amendment clarifying that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not artificial entities, and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment.