as introduced - 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) Posted on 02/28/2024 04:35pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 02/27/2024 |
A bill for an act
relating to transportation; modifying and clarifying various policies related to
Driver and Vehicle Services, including but not limited to noncompliant driver's
licenses and identification cards, recreational vehicles, and driver education
programs; making technical corrections; amending Minnesota Statutes 2022,
sections 168.002, subdivisions 26, 27; 168.013, subdivision 1d; 171.01, subdivision
47; 171.0605, subdivision 2; 171.072; Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement,
sections 168.1235, subdivision 1; 171.06, subdivision 3; 171.395, subdivision 1;
171.396; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 171;
repealing Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 171.0605, subdivision 4.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 168.002, subdivision 26, is amended to read:
"Pickup truck" means any truck with a manufacturer's nominal
rated carrying capacity of three-fourths ton or less and commonly known as a pickup truck.
If the manufacturer's nominal rated carrying capacity is not provided or cannot be determined,
then the value specified by the manufacturer as the gross vehicle weight as indicated on the
manufacturer's certification label must be deleted text begin less thandeleted text end 10,000 poundsnew text begin or lessnew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 168.002, subdivision 27, is amended to read:
(a) "Recreational vehicle" means travel trailers including
those that telescope or fold down, chassis-mounted campers, motor homes, tent trailers,new text begin
teardrop trailers,new text end and converted buses that provide temporary human living quarters.
(b) "Recreational vehicle" is a vehicle that:
(1) is not used as the residence of the owner or occupant;
(2) is used while engaged in recreational or vacation activities; and
(3) is either self-propelled or towed on the highways incidental to the recreational or
vacation activities.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 168.013, subdivision 1d, is amended to read:
(a) On trailers registered at a gross vehicle weight of greater than
3,000 pounds, the annual tax is based on total gross weight and is 30 percent of the Minnesota
base rate prescribed in subdivision 1e, when the gross weight is 15,000 pounds or less, and
when the gross weight of a trailer is more than 15,000 pounds, the tax for the first eight
years of vehicle life is 100 percent of the tax imposed in the Minnesota base rate schedule,
and during the ninth and succeeding years of vehicle life the tax is 75 percent of the
Minnesota base rate prescribed by subdivision 1e. A trailer registered at a gross vehicle
weight greater than 3,000 pounds but no greater than 7,200 pounds may be taxed either: (1)
annually as provided in this paragraph; or (2) once every three years on the basis of total
gross weight and is 90 percent of the Minnesota base rate prescribed in subdivision 1e,
provided that the filing fee under section 168.33, subdivision 7, paragraph (a), is multiplied
by three, with funds collected by the commissioner allocated proportionally in the same
manner as provided in section 168.33, subdivision 7, paragraph (e).
(b) Farm trailers with a gross weight in excess of 10,000 pounds and as described in
section 168.002, subdivision 8, are taxed as farm trucks as prescribed in subdivision 1c.
(c) Effective on and after July 1, 2001, trailers registered at a gross vehicle weight of
3,000 pounds or lessnew text begin , excluding recreational vehicles,new text end must display a distinctive plate. The
registration on the license plate is valid for the life of the trailer only if it remains registered
at the same gross vehicle weight. The onetime registration tax for trailers registered for the
first time in Minnesota is $55. For trailers registered in Minnesota before July 1, 2001, and
for which:
(1) registration is desired for the remaining life of the trailer, the registration tax is $25;
(2) permanent registration is not desired, the biennial registration tax is $10 for the first
renewal if registration is renewed between and including July 1, 2001, and June 30, 2003.
These trailers must be issued permanent registration at the first renewal on or after July 1,
2003, and the registration tax is $20.
For trailers registered at a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or less before July 1, 2001, but
not renewed until on or after July 1, 2003, the registration tax is $20 and permanent
registration must be issued.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 168.1235, subdivision 1, is amended
to read:
(a) The commissioner shall issue a special
plate emblem for each plate to an applicant who:
(1) is a member of a congressionally chartered veterans service organization and is a
registered owner of a passenger automobile, pickup truck, van, or self-propelled recreational
vehiclenew text begin , or is a congressionally chartered veterans service organization that is the registered
owner of a passenger automobile, pickup truck, van, or self-propelled recreational vehiclenew text end ;
(2) pays the registration tax required by law;
(3) pays a fee in the amount specified for special plates under section 168.12, subdivision
5, for each set of two plates, and any other fees required by this chapter; and
(4) complies with this chapter and rules governing the registration of motor vehicles and
licensing of drivers.
(b) The additional fee is payable at the time of initial application for the special plate
emblem and when the plates must be replaced or renewed. deleted text begin An applicant must not be issued
more than two sets of special plate emblems for motor vehicles listed in paragraph (a) and
registered to the applicant.
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(c) The applicant must present a valid card indicating membership in the American
Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, or Disabled American Veterans.
Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 171.01, subdivision 47, is amended to read:
"State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia,
Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject
to the jurisdiction of the United Statesnew text begin , including a United States military base located on
foreign soilnew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 171.06, subdivision 3, is amended
to read:
(a) An application must:
(1) state the full name, date of birth, sex, and either (i) the residence address of the
applicant, or (ii) designated address under section 5B.05;
(2) deleted text begin as may be required by the commissioner,deleted text end contain a description of the applicant deleted text begin and
any other facts pertaining to the applicantdeleted text end ,new text begin including the applicant's height in feet and inches,
weight in pounds, eye color, and sex;new text end the applicant's driving privilegesdeleted text begin ,deleted text end new text begin ;new text end and the applicant's
ability to operate a motor vehicle with safety;
(3) state:
(i) the applicant's Social Security number; or
(ii) if the applicant does not have a Social Security number and is applying for a
Minnesota identification card, instruction permit, or class D provisional or driver's license,
that the applicant elects not to specify a Social Security number;
(4) contain a notification to the applicant of the availability of a living will/health care
directive designation on the license under section 171.07, subdivision 7;
(5) include a method for the applicant to:
(i) request a veteran designation on the license under section 171.07, subdivision 15,
and the driving record under section 171.12, subdivision 5a;
(ii) indicate a desire to make an anatomical gift under subdivision 3b, paragraph (e);
(iii) as applicable, designate document retention as provided under section 171.12,
subdivision 3c;
(iv) indicate emergency contacts as provided under section 171.12, subdivision 5b;
(v) indicate the applicant's race and ethnicity; and
(vi) indicate caretaker information as provided under section 171.12, subdivision 5c;
(6) meet the requirements under section 201.161, subdivision 3.
(b) Applications must be accompanied by satisfactory evidence demonstrating:
(1) identity, date of birth, and any legal name change if applicable; and
(2) for deleted text begin driver'sdeleted text end new text begin drivers'new text end licenses and Minnesota identification cards that meet all
requirements of the REAL ID Act:
(i) principal residence address in Minnesota, including application for a change of address,
unless the applicant provides a designated address under section 5B.05;
(ii) Social Security number, or related documentation as applicable; and
(iii) lawful status, as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 6, section 37.3.
(c) An application for an enhanced driver's license or enhanced identification card must
be accompanied by:
(1) satisfactory evidence demonstrating the applicant's full legal name and United States
citizenship; and
(2) a photographic identity document.
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(d) A valid Department of Corrections or Federal Bureau of Prisons identification card
containing the applicant's full name, date of birth, and photograph issued to the applicant
is an acceptable form of proof of identity in an application for an identification card,
instruction permit, or driver's license as a secondary document for purposes of Minnesota
Rules, part 7410.0400, and successor rules.
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deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (d)new text end An application form must not provide for identification of (1) the accompanying
documents used by an applicant to demonstrate identity, or (2) except as provided in
paragraphs (b) and (c), the applicant's citizenship, immigration status, or lawful presence
in the United States. The commissioner and a driver's license agent must not inquire about
an applicant's citizenship, immigration status, or lawful presence in the United States, except
as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c).
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(e) A Minnesota driver's license, permit, or identification card must be issued only to
an individual who has a residence address in the state at the time of the application.
Applications for an enhanced driver's license or enhanced identification card must include
proof of residency in accordance with section 171.063, subdivision 6. An individual may
only have one residence address where the individual is domiciled at any particular time.
The residence address of the individual is presumed to continue until the contrary is shown.
The applicant must provide the following information about the residence address: residence
number, street name, street type, directional, city or town, state, and zip code.
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 171.0605, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) Only the following is satisfactory evidence
of an applicant's identity and date of birth under section 171.06, subdivision 3, paragraph
(1) a driver's license or identification card that:
(i) complies with all requirements of the REAL ID Act;
(ii) is not designated as temporary or limited term; and
(iii) is current or has been expired for five years or less;
(2) a valid, unexpired United States passport, including a passport booklet or passport
card, issued by the United States Department of State;
(3) a certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a government bureau of vital statistics
or equivalent agency in the applicant's state of birth, which must bear the raised or authorized
seal of the issuing government entity;
(4) a consular report of birth abroad, certification of report of birth, or certification of
birth abroad, issued by the United States Department of State, Form FS-240, new text begin Form new text end DS-1350,
or new text begin Form new text end FS-545;
(5) a valid, unexpired permanent resident card issued by the United States Department
of Homeland Security or the former Immigration and Naturalization Service of the United
States Department of Justice, Form I-551new text begin . If the Form I-551 validity period has been
automatically extended by the United States Department of Homeland Security, it is deemed
unexpired, regardless of the expiration date listednew text end ;
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(6) a foreign passport with an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp or a temporary I-551
printed notation on a machine-readable immigrant visa with a United States Department of
Homeland Security admission stamp within the validity period;
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(7) a United States Department of Homeland Security Form I-94 or Form I-94A with a
photograph and an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp;
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(8) a United States Department of State Form DS-232 with a United States Department
of Homeland Security admission stamp and validity period;
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deleted text begin (6)deleted text end new text begin (9)new text end a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Department of Homeland
Security, Form N-550 or Form N-570;
deleted text begin (7)deleted text end new text begin (10)new text end a certificate of citizenship issued by the United States Department of Homeland
Security, Form N-560 or Form N-561;
deleted text begin (8)deleted text end new text begin (11)new text end an unexpired employment authorization document issued by the United States
Department of Homeland Security, Form I-766 or Form I-688Bnew text begin . If the Form I-766 validity
period has been automatically extended by the United States Department of Homeland
Security, it is deemed unexpired, regardless of the expiration date listednew text end ;
deleted text begin (9)deleted text end new text begin (12)new text end a valid, unexpired passport issued by a foreign country and a valid, unexpired
United States visa accompanied by documentation of the applicant's most recent lawful
admittance into the United States;
deleted text begin (10)deleted text end new text begin (13)new text end a document as designated by the United States Department of Homeland
Security under Code of Federal Regulations, title 6, part 37.11 (c)(1)(x);
deleted text begin (11)deleted text end new text begin (14)new text end a copy of the applicant's certificate of marriage certified by the issuing
government jurisdiction;
deleted text begin (12)deleted text end new text begin (15)new text end a certified copy of a court order that specifies the applicant's name change; or
deleted text begin (13)deleted text end new text begin (16)new text end a certified copy of a divorce decree or dissolution of marriage that specifies
the applicant's name change, issued by a court.
(b) A document under paragraph (a) must be legible and unaltered.
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(a) For a noncompliant permit, driver's license,
or identification card, an applicant must submit either (i) one primary document and one
secondary document, or (ii) two primary documents, if the applicant cannot present:
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(1) a Minnesota driver's license, identification card, or permit that is current or has been
expired for five years or less with a color photograph or electronically produced or digitized
image; or
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(2) a Minnesota driver's license, identification card, or permit that is current or has been
expired for one year or less without a color photograph or electronically produced or digitized
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(b) A document submitted under this section must include the applicant's name and must
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(1) issued to or provided for the applicant;
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(2) legible and unaltered;
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(3) an original or a copy certified by the issuing agency or by a court; and
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(4) accompanied by a certified translation or an affidavit of translation into English, if
the document is not in English.
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(c) If the applicant's current legal name is different from the name on a document
submitted under subdivision 2 or 3, the applicant must submit:
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(1) a certified copy of a court order that specifies the applicant's name change;
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(2) a certified copy of the applicant's certificate of marriage;
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(3) a certified copy of a divorce decree or dissolution of marriage that specifies the
applicant's name change, issued by a court; or
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(4) similar documentation of a lawful change of name, as determined by the
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(d) A form issued by a federal agency that is specified under this section includes any
subsequent form or version.
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(e) The commissioner must establish a process to grant a waiver from the requirements
under this section.
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(f) The same document must not be submitted as both a primary document and a
secondary document.
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(g) For purposes of this section:
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(1) "court" includes a foreign court of competent jurisdiction; and
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(2) "foreign" means a jurisdiction that is not, and is not within, the United States, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam,
the United States Virgin Islands, or a territory of the United States.
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(h) For all documents submitted to the department in a language other than English:
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(1) the document must be accompanied by a translation of that document into the English
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(2) the translation must be sworn to by the translator as being a true and accurate
translation; and
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(3) the translator must not be related by blood or marriage to the applicant. The translator
must be:
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(i) accredited by the American Translators Association;
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(ii) certified by a court of competent jurisdiction;
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(iii) approved by an embassy or consulate of the United States or diplomatic or consular
official of a foreign country assigned or accredited to the United States;
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(iv) affiliated with or approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
or a government jurisdiction within the United States;
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(v) an attorney licensed to practice in the United States or affiliated with that attorney;
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(vi) a vendor listed to provide translation services for the state of Minnesota; or
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(vii) a qualified individual who certifies the individual is competent to translate the
document into English.
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(a) For purposes of a noncompliant driver's license or
identification card, a primary document includes:
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(1) a copy of the applicant's record of birth, or an original certificate of birth that is in
the files of the applicable bureau or board under item (iii) and can be readily viewed by the
official accepting the application, certified by the issuing government jurisdiction of the
United States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the United States Virgin
Islands that:
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(i) is not issued by a hospital and is not a baptismal certificate;
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(ii) bears the raised or authorized seal of the issuing government jurisdiction or a
protective equivalent; and
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(iii) is issued by:
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(A) a government bureau of vital statistics or community health board;
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(B) the United States Department of State as a Record of Birth Abroad, Form FS-545
or Form DS-1350; or
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(C) a United States embassy as a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, Form FS-240;
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(2) a certified copy of an adoption certificate with the applicant's full name and date of
birth from a United States court of competent jurisdiction that bears the raised court seal or
other court certification;
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(3) an unexpired identification card issued to the applicant by the United States
Department of Defense for active duty, reserve, or retired military personnel, Form DD-2
or Common Access Card;
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(4) a valid, unexpired passport issued to the applicant by the United States Department
of State;
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(5) a Canadian birth certificate or Canadian naturalization certificate;
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(6) one of the following documents issued by the United States Department of Justice
or the United States Department of Homeland Security or any subsequent form or version
of the documents:
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(i) Certificate of Naturalization, Form N-550, Form N-570, or Form N-578;
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(ii) Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560, Form N-561, or Form N-645;
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(iii) United States Citizen Identification card, Form I-179 or Form I-197;
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(iv) valid, unexpired Permanent Resident or Resident Alien card, Form I-551 or Form
new text end
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(v) Northern Mariana card, Form I-873, with "Northern Mariana" imprinted instead of
"Resident Alien";
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(vi) American Indian card, Form I-872, with "American Indian" imprinted instead of
"Resident Alien";
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(vii) unexpired employment authorization document with a photograph, Form I-688,
Form I-688A, Form I-688B, or Form I-766; or
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(viii) unexpired Re-entry Permit/Refugee Travel Document, Form I-571;
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(7) an unexpired passport or a consular identification document that bears a photograph
of the applicant;
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(8) a certified birth certificate issued by a foreign jurisdiction; and
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(9) a certified adoption certificate issued by a foreign jurisdiction that includes the
applicant's name and date of birth.
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(b) A document submitted under this subdivision must contain security features that
make the document as impervious to alteration as is reasonably practicable in its design and
quality of material and technology.
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(c) Submission of more than one primary document is not required under this subdivision.
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(a) For purposes of a noncompliant driver's license or
identification card, a secondary document includes:
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(1) a second primary document listed under subdivision 2, paragraph (a);
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(2) a driver's license, identification card, or permit, with a photograph or digitized image,
issued by a United States state other than Minnesota or a foreign jurisdiction and that is
current or has expired no more than five years before the application;
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(3) a certified copy of a court order or judgment from a United States or Canadian court
of competent jurisdiction containing the applicant's full name and date of birth and bearing
the raised court seal or other court certification;
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(4) a current United States or Canadian government jurisdiction employee photo
identification card;
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(5) a certified copy of a record of birth issued by a government jurisdiction other than
one in the United States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the United States
Virgin Islands;
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(6) a current identification card or document issued to the applicant by the United States
Department of Defense, described as:
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(i) DD Form 1173 series, for dependents of active duty personnel; or
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(ii) DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty;
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(7) a copy of a marriage certificate certified by the issuing government jurisdiction or
the original certificate only if it is in the files of the issuing jurisdiction and can be readily
viewed by the official accepting the application;
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(8) an unexpired permit to carry a firearm or concealed weapon bearing a color photo
of the applicant issued by a chief of police in an organized, full-time United States police
department or by a United States county sheriff;
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(9) a current pilot's license issued by the United States Department of Transportation,
Federal Aviation Administration;
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(10) a copy of a transcript containing the applicant's full legal name and date of birth
certified by the issuing secondary or postsecondary school;
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(11) a United States nonmetal Social Security card or a Canadian social insurance card;
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(12) a current secondary school student identification card with the student's name, a
photograph or electronically produced image of the student, and the student's date of birth
or unique student identification number;
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(13) a notice of action on or proof of submission of a completed Application for Asylum
and for Withholding of Removal issued by the United States Department of Homeland
Security, Form I-589;
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(14) a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status issued by the United
States Department of Homeland Security, Form I-20;
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(15) a Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status issued by the United
States Department of State, Form DS-2019;
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(16) a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival approval notice issued by the United States
Department of Homeland Security;
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(17) an employment authorization document issued by the United States Department of
Homeland Security, Form I-688, Form I-688A, Form I-688B, or Form I-766;
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(18) a document issued by the Internal Revenue Service with an individual taxpayer
identification number;
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(19) a Social Security card;
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(20) a Supplemental Security Income award statement;
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(21) a Selective Service card;
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(22) military orders that are still in effect at the time of the application with a copy of a
DD Form 2058 State of Legal Residence Certificate;
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(23) a Minnesota unemployment insurance benefit statement;
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(24) a valid identification card for health benefits or an assistance or social services
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(25) a Minnesota vehicle certificate of title;
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(26) mortgage documents for the applicant's residence;
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(27) a filed property deed or title for the applicant's residence;
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(28) a Minnesota property tax statement or a proposed Minnesota property tax notice;
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(29) a certified copy of a divorce decree or dissolution of marriage issued by a court that
specifies the applicant's name or name change;
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(30) a valid Department of Corrections or Federal Bureau of Prisons identification card
containing the applicant's full name, date of birth, and photograph; and
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(31) any of the following documents issued by a foreign jurisdiction:
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(i) a driver's license that is current or has been expired for no more than five years before
the application;
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(ii) a high school, college, or university student identification card with a certified
transcript from the school;
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(iii) an official high school, college, or university transcript that includes the applicant's
date of birth and a photograph of the applicant at the age the record was issued;
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(iv) a federal electoral card that contains the applicant's photograph issued on or after
January 1, 1991;
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(v) a certified copy of the applicant's certificate of marriage; and
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(vi) a certified copy of a court order or judgment from a court of competent jurisdiction
that contains the applicant's name and date of birth.
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(b) Submission of more than one secondary document is not required under this
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The department must be able to verify with the issuing jurisdiction
the issuance and authenticity of the primary or secondary documents submitted under this
section. Verification is required if:
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(1) the document provided by the applicant is inconsistent with the department record;
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(2) the document provided by the applicant appears to be altered or fraudulent; or
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(3) there is reason to believe the applicant is not who the applicant claims to be.
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As proof satisfactory of date of birth, an applicant for an
enhanced driver's license or an enhanced identification card must present one of the following
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(1) original or certified copy of a United States or United States territory birth certificate
that bears the raised or authorized seal of the issuing jurisdiction or a protective equivalent;
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(2) United States Department of State Consular Report of Birth Abroad, Form FS-240,
Form DS-1350, or Form FS-545;
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(3) valid, unexpired United States passport or United States passport card;
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(4) Certificate of Naturalization, Form N-550 or Form N-570;
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(5) Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560 or Form N-561;
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(6) American Indian card, Form I-872, or Minnesota tribal identification card that meets
the requirements of section 171.072; or
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(7) United States military photo identification card issued to active duty, reserve, or
retired military personnel.
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As proof satisfactory of full legal name, an applicant for an
enhanced driver's license or enhanced identification card must present one of the following
documents that was not also presented for proof of photographic identity under subdivision
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(1) original or certified copy of a United States or United States territory birth certificate
that bears the raised or authorized seal of the issuing jurisdiction or a protective equivalent;
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(2) United States Department of State Consular Report of Birth Abroad, Form FS-240,
Form DS-1350, or Form FS-545;
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(3) valid, unexpired United States passport or United States passport card;
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(4) Certificate of Naturalization, Form N-550 or Form N-570;
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(5) Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560 or Form N-561;
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(6) American Indian card, Form I-872, or Minnesota tribal identification card that meets
the requirements of section 171.072;
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(7) United States military photo identification card issued to active duty, reserve, or
retired military personnel;
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(8) federal or Minnesota income tax form W-2;
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(9) federal or Minnesota income tax form SSA-1099;
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(10) non-SSA federal or Minnesota income tax form 1099;
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(11) United States high school identification card with a certified transcript from the
same school if issued no more than 180 days before the application;
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(12) United States college or university identification card with a certified transcript
from the same college or university if issued no more than 180 days before the application;
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(13) Minnesota unemployment insurance benefit statement issued no more than 90 days
before the application;
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(14) life, health, automobile, homeowner's, or renter's insurance policy that is issued no
more than 90 days before the application. The commissioner must not accept a proof of
insurance card;
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(15) federal or state income tax return or statement for the most recent tax filing year;
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(16) Minnesota property tax statement for the current year that reflects the applicant's
principal residential address both on the mailing portion and the portion stating what property
is being taxed;
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(17) Minnesota vehicle certificate of title if issued no more than 12 months before the
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(18) filed property deed or title for the applicant's current residence if issued no more
than 12 months before the application;
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(19) Supplemental Security Income award statement that is issued no more than 12
months before the application;
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(20) valid Minnesota driver's license, valid Minnesota identification card, or valid permit;
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(21) unexpired Minnesota professional license;
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(22) unexpired Selective Service card;
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(23) military orders that are still in effect at the time of the application;
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(24) copy of the applicant's certificate of marriage certified by the issuing government
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(25) certified copy of a court order specifying a name change; or
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(26) certified copy of a divorce decree or dissolution of marriage granted to the applicant
that specifies a name change requested from a court of competent jurisdiction.
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As proof satisfactory of Social Security number, an
applicant for an enhanced driver's license or an enhanced identification card must present
the applicant's original Social Security card or one of the following:
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(1) federal or Minnesota income tax form W-2;
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(2) federal or Minnesota income tax form SSA-1099;
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(3) non-SSA federal or Minnesota income tax form 1099; or
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(4) United States employment computer-printed pay stub containing the applicant's
name, address, and full Social Security number.
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As proof satisfactory of photographic identity, an
applicant for an enhanced driver's license or an enhanced identification card must present
one of the following documents:
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(1) valid Minnesota driver's license, identification card, or permit;
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(2) valid driver's license, identification card, or permit issued by another United States
state, including the District of Columbia and any United States territory;
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(3) United States military identification card issued to active duty, reserve, or retired
military personnel;
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(4) United States military dependent identification card;
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(5) valid, unexpired United States passport or United States passport card;
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(6) American Indian card, Form I-872, or Minnesota tribal identification card that meets
the requirements under section 171.072;
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(7) valid city, county, state, or federal employee identification card;
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(8) United States high school identification card with a certified transcript from the same
school, both issued no more than 180 days before the application;
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(9) United States college or university identification card with a certified transcript from
the same college or university, both issued no more than 180 days before the application;
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(10) veterans universal access identification card.
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As proof satisfactory of United States citizenship,
an applicant for an enhanced driver's license or enhanced identification card must present
one of the following documents:
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(1) original or certified copy of a United States or United States territory birth certificate
that bears the raised or authorized seal of the issuing jurisdiction or a protective equivalent;
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(2) United States Department of State Consular Report of Birth Abroad, Form FS-240,
Form DS-1350, or Form FS-545;
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(3) valid, unexpired United States passport or United States passport card;
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(4) Certificate of Naturalization, Form N-550 or Form N-570; or
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(5) Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560 or Form N-561.
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As proof satisfactory of residency, an applicant for an enhanced
driver's license or enhanced identification card must present two different forms of the
following documents that list the applicant's name and address:
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(1) United States home utility services bill that is issued no more than 90 days before
the application. The commissioner must not accept a United States home utility bill if two
unrelated people are listed on the bill;
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(2) United States home utility services hook-up work order that is issued no more than
90 days before the application. The commissioner must not accept a United States home
utility services hook-up work order if two unrelated people are listed on the work order;
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(3) United States financial information with account numbers redacted that is issued no
more than 90 days before the application, including a:
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(i) bank account statement;
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(ii) canceled check; or
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(iii) credit card statement;
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(4) United States high school identification card with a certified transcript from the same
school if issued no more than 180 days before the application;
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(5) United States college or university identification card with a certified transcript from
the same college or university if issued no more than 180 days before the application;
new text end
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(6) United States employment pay stub that lists the employer's name, address, and
telephone number that is issued no more than 90 days before the application;
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(7) Minnesota unemployment insurance benefit statement issued no more than 90 days
before the application;
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(8) assisted living or nursing home statement that is issued no more than 90 days before
the application;
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(9) life, health, automobile, homeowner's, or renter's insurance policy that is issued no
more than 90 days before the application. The commissioner must not accept a proof of
insurance card;
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(10) federal or state income tax return or statement for the most recent tax filing year;
new text end
new text begin
(11) Minnesota property tax statement for the current year that reflects the applicant's
principal residential address both on the mailing portion and the portion stating what property
is being taxed;
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(12) Minnesota vehicle certificate of title if issued no more than 12 months before the
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(13) filed property deed or title for the applicant's current residence if issued no more
than 12 months before the application;
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(14) Supplemental Security Income award statement that is issued no more than 12
months before the application;
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(15) mortgage documents for the applicant's principal residence;
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(16) residential lease agreement for the applicant's principal residence that is issued no
more than 12 months before the application;
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(17) valid Minnesota driver's license, identification card, or permit;
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(18) unexpired Minnesota professional license;
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(19) unexpired Selective Service card; or
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(20) military orders that are still in effect at the time of the application with a copy of a
DD Form 2058 State of Legal Residence Certificate.
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The commissioner must verify with the United States Postal Service the address information
provided under this subdivision.
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The department must be able to verify with the issuing jurisdiction
the issuance and authenticity of the documents submitted under this section. Verification
is required if:
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(1) the document provided by the applicant is inconsistent with the department record;
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(2) the document provided by the applicant appears to be altered or fraudulent; or
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(3) there is reason to believe the applicant is not who the applicant claims to be.
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 171.072, is amended to read:
(a) If a Minnesota identification card is deemed an acceptable form of identification in
Minnesota Statutes or Rules, a tribal identification card is also an acceptable form of
identification. A tribal identification card is a primary document for purposes of deleted text begin Minnesota
Rules, part 7410.0400, and successor rules,deleted text end new text begin section 171.062new text end when an applicant applies for
a noncompliant license or identification card.
(b) For purposes of this section, "tribal identification card" means an unexpired
identification card issued by a deleted text begin Minnesotadeleted text end tribal government of a tribe recognized by the
Bureau of Indian Affairs, United States Department of the Interior, that contains the legal
name, date of birth, signature, and picture of the enrolled tribal member.
(c) The tribal identification card must contain security features that make it as impervious
to alteration as is reasonably practicable in its design and quality of material and technology.
The security features must use materials that are not readily available to the general public.
The tribal identification card must not be susceptible to reproduction by photocopying or
simulation and must be highly resistant to data or photograph substitution and other
(d) The requirements of this section do not apply: (1) except as provided in paragraph
(a), to an application for a driver's license or Minnesota identification card under this chapter;
or (2) to tribal identification cards used to prove an individual's residence for purposes of
section 201.061, subdivision 3.
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 171.395, subdivision 1, is amended
to read:
A licensednew text begin or approvednew text end driver education program that
provides both classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction may offer teleconference driver
education as provided in this section. For purposes of this section, the driver education
program must offer both classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction. deleted text begin If a program partners
or contracts with a second program to provide any portion of classroom or behind-the-wheel
instruction, the first program is not eligible to offer teleconference driver education
deleted text end
Minnesota Statutes 2023 Supplement, section 171.396, is amended to read:
(a) A licensednew text begin or approvednew text end driver education program may offer online driver education
as provided in this section. The online driver education program must satisfy the requirements
for classroom driver education as provided in section 171.0701, subdivision 1, and Minnesota
Rules, chapter 7411. In addition, an online driver education program must:
(1) include a means for the student to measure performance outcomes;
(2) use a pool of rotating quiz questions;
(3) incorporate accountability features to ensure the identity of the student while engaged
in the course of online study;
(4) measure the amount of time that the student spends in the course;
(5) provide technical support to customers that is available 24 hours per day, seven days
per week;
(6) require a licensed Minnesota driver education instructor to monitor each student's
progress and be available to answer questions in a timely manner, provided that the instructor
is not required to monitor progress or answer questions in real time;
(7) store course content and student data on a secure server that is protected against data
breaches and is regularly backed up;
(8) incorporate preventive measures in place to protect against the access of private
(9) include the ability to update course content uniformly throughout the state; and
(10) provide online interactive supplemental parental curriculum consistent with section
171.0701, subdivision 1a.
(b) Except as required by this section, the commissioner is prohibited from imposing
requirements on online driver education programs that are not equally applicable to classroom
driver education programs.
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Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 171.0605, subdivision 4,
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is repealed.
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Repealed Minnesota Statutes: 24-05376
The following is satisfactory evidence of an applicant's Social Security number or related documentation under section 171.06, subdivision 3, paragraph (b):
(1) a Social Security card;
(2) if a Social Security card is not available:
(i) a federal Form W-2;
(ii) a federal Form SSA-1099 or other federal Form 1099 having the applicant's Social Security number; or
(iii) a computer-printed United States employment pay stub with the applicant's name, address, and Social Security number; or
(3) for an applicant who provides a passport under subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (9), documentation demonstrating nonwork authorized status.