as introduced - 92nd Legislature (2021 - 2022) Posted on 02/14/2022 01:57pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 02/14/2022 |
A bill for an act
relating to human services; establishing a state-issued identification process for
certain persons eligible for medical assistance; amending Minnesota Statutes 2020,
section 171.06, by adding a subdivision.
Minnesota Statutes 2020, section 171.06, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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(a) A subject of
an identification card or driver's license who is eligible for medical assistance according to
chapter 256B and who has been treated for a substance use disorder within the last 12 months
of application may apply to the commissioner or driver's license agent for an identification
card or driver's license according to this section. The commissioner or driver's license agent
shall issue an identification card or driver's license and waive all fees to a person who
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(1) a completed application signed by the subject of the identification card or driver's
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(2) a statement that the subject of the identification card or driver's license is eligible
for medical assistance according to chapter 256B and has been treated for substance use
disorder in the last 12 months, signed by the subject of the identification card or driver's
license; and
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(3) a statement verifying that the subject of the identification card or driver's license is
eligible for medical assistance according to chapter 256B and has been treated for substance
use disorder in the last 12 months that complies with the requirements in paragraph (b) and
is from an employee of a human services agency that receives public funding to provide
services to people with substance use disorders.
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(b) A statement verifying that a subject of an identification card or driver's license is
eligible for medical assistance according to chapter 256B and has been treated for a substance
use disorder within 12 months must include:
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(1) the following information regarding the individual providing the statement: first
name, middle name, if any, and last name; home or business address; telephone number, if
any; and e-mail address, if any;
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(2) the first name, middle name, if any, and last name of the subject of the birth record;
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(3) a statement specifying the relationship of the individual providing the statement to
the subject of the identification card or driver's license and verifying that the subject of the
identification card or driver's license is eligible for medical assistance according to chapter
256B and has been treated for a substance use disorder within the last 12 months.
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(c) For identification cards and driver's licenses issued under this section:
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(1) the commissioner must not impose a fee, surcharge, or filing fee under section 171.06,
subdivision 2; and
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(2) a driver's license agent must not impose a filing fee under section 171.061, subdivision
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