as introduced - 91st Legislature, 2020 1st Special Session (2019 - 2020) Posted on 06/19/2020 09:06am
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 06/18/2020 |
A bill for an act
relating to agriculture; appropriating money for Farm Business Management
scholarships to distressed farmers.
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$300,000 in fiscal year 2020 is appropriated from the
coronavirus relief federal fund to the commissioner of agriculture to award scholarships to
distressed farmers as provided in this section. Scholarships must equal 75 percent of a
distressed farmer's Farm Business Management tuition. For purposes of this section,
"distressed farmer" means an individual who regularly participates in physical labor or
operations management in the individual's farming operation and files Schedule F as part
of the person's annual Form 1040 filing with the United States Internal Revenue Service,
or a family farm organized under Minnesota Statutes, section 500.24, if the individual or
family farm:
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(1) has a total net worth of less than $1,200,000 in calendar year 2020; and
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(2) is in mediation proceedings under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 583; has received a
mediation notice under Minnesota Statutes, section 583.26, subdivision 1, paragraph (a);
or has filed a petition for bankruptcy.
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(a) Money appropriated in subdivision 1
may not be spent until the commissioner of management and budget determines that the
expenditure is an eligible use of the coronavirus relief federal fund.
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(b) The appropriation in subdivision 1 is available until December 30, 2020.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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