2nd Engrossment - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 04/18/2018 01:31pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 03/01/2018 | |
1st Engrossment | Posted on 04/18/2018 | |
2nd Engrossment | Posted on 04/18/2018 |
A bill for an act
relating to health occupations; requiring the Council of Health Boards to study
and make recommendations on increasing access to clinical experiences through
the use of technology; appropriating money.
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(a) The Council of Health Boards shall convene a work group to study and make
recommendations on:
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(1) increasing the use of telehealth technologies including, but not limited to, high-fidelity
simulation and teleconferencing to complete portions of the clinical experiences required
as part of postsecondary educational programs that relate to counseling. Clinical experiences
may include supervised practicum and internship hours. The study shall include the
parameters in which the proposed technology may be utilized in order to ensure that students
are integrating classroom theory in a lifelike clinical setting without compromising clinical
competency outcomes;
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(2) increasing access to telehealth technologies for use in supervision of persons
completing postdegree supervised practice work experience and training required for
licensure. The study shall include the parameters in which the proposed technology may be
utilized for supervision to ensure the quality and competence of the activities supervised;
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(3) increasing client access to mental health services through use of telehealth
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(b) The work group must consist of representatives of:
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(1) the Boards of Psychology, Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Behavioral
Health and Therapy;
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(2) postsecondary educational institutions that have accredited educational programs
for social work, psychology, alcohol and drug counseling, marriage and family therapy,
and professional counseling; and
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(3) the relevant professional counseling associations, including the Minnesota Counseling
Association; Minnesota Psychology Association; National Association of Social Workers,
Minnesota chapter; Minnesota Association for Marriage and Family Therapy; and the
Minnesota Association of Resources for Recovery and Chemical Health.
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(c) By February 1, 2019, the council shall submit recommendations for using telehealth
technologies to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with
jurisdiction over health occupations and higher education, and shall include a plan for
implementing the recommendations and any legislative changes necessary for
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$25,000 in fiscal year 2019 is appropriated from the state government special revenue
fund to the health-related licensing boards administrative services unit for the Council of
Health Boards Work Group. This is a onetime appropriation.
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