1st Engrossment - 90th Legislature (2017 - 2018) Posted on 03/08/2017 12:45pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 02/27/2017 | |
1st Engrossment | Posted on 03/08/2017 |
A bill for an act
relating to taxation; providing regulation of sales suppression devices; imposing
criminal penalties; amending Minnesota Statutes 2016, sections 289A.60, by adding
a subdivision; 289A.63, by adding a subdivision; 609.5316, subdivision 3;
proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 289A.
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(a) For the purposes of sections 289A.60, subdivision 32, 289A.63, subdivision 12, and
609.5316, subdivision 3, the following terms have the meanings given.
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(b) "Automated sales suppression device" or "zapper" means a software program, carried
on any tangible medium, or accessed through any other means, that falsifies the electronic
records of electronic cash registers and other point-of-sale systems including, but not limited
to, transaction data and transaction reports.
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(c) "Electronic cash register" means a device that keeps a register or supporting documents
through the means of an electronic device or computer system designed to record transaction
data for the purpose of computing, compiling, or processing retail sales transaction data in
whatever manner.
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(d) "Phantom-ware" means hidden preinstalled or later-installed programming option
embedded in the operating system of an electronic cash register or hardwired into the
electronic cash register that can be used to create a virtual second electronic cash register
or may eliminate or manipulate transaction records that may or may not be preserved in
digital formats to represent the true or manipulated record of transactions in the electronic
cash register.
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(e) "Transaction data" includes items purchased by a customer, the price of each item,
the taxability determination for each item, a segregated tax amount for each of the taxed
items, the date and time of the purchase, the name, address, and identification number of
the vendor, and the receipt or invoice number of the transaction.
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(f) "Transaction report" means a report documenting, but not limited to, the sales, taxes
collected, media totals, and discount voids at an electronic cash register that is printed on
cash register tape at the end of a day or shift, or a report documenting every action at an
electronic cash register that is stored electronically.
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This section is effective for activities enumerated in Minnesota
Statutes, section 289A.63, subdivision 12, or 289A.60, subdivision 32, that occur on or after
August 1, 2017.
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 289A.60, is amended by adding a subdivision to
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(a) A person who:
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(1) sells;
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(2) transfers;
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(3) develops;
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(4) manufactures; or
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(5) possesses with the intent to sell or transfer an automated sales suppression device,
zapper, phantom-ware, or similar device capable of being used to commit tax fraud or
suppress sales is liable for a civil penalty calculated under paragraph (b).
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(b) The amount of the civil penalty equals the greater of (1) $2,000, or (2) the total
amount of all taxes and penalties due that are attributable to the use of any automated sales
suppression device, zapper, phantom-ware, or similar device facilitated by the sale, transfer,
development, or manufacture of the automated sales suppression device, zapper,
phantom-ware, or similar device by the person.
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(c) The definitions in section 289A.14 apply to this subdivision.
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This section is effective for activities enumerated that occur on
or after August 1, 2017.
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 289A.63, is amended by adding a subdivision to
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(a) A person who knowingly:
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(1) sells;
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(2) purchases;
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(3) installs;
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(4) transfers;
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(5) possesses;
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(6) develops;
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(7) manufactures;
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(8) accesses; or
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(9) uses an automated sales suppression device, zapper, phantom-ware, or similar device
knowing that the device or phantom-ware is capable of being used to commit tax fraud or
suppress sales is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than
five years or to a payment of a fine of not more than $10,000, or both.
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(b) An automated sales suppression device, zapper, phantom-ware, and any other device
containing an automated sales suppression, zapper, or phantom-ware device or software is
contraband and subject to forfeiture under section 609.5316.
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(c) The definitions in section 289A.14 apply to this subdivision.
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This section is effective for activities enumerated that occur on
or after August 1, 2017.
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Minnesota Statutes 2016, section 609.5316, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
Weapons used are contraband and must be summarily
forfeited to the appropriate agency upon conviction of the weapon's owner or possessor for
a controlled substance crime; for any offense of this chapter or chapter 624, or for a violation
of an order for protection under section 518B.01, subdivision 14. Bullet-resistant vests, as
defined in section 609.486, worn or possessed during the commission or attempted
commission of a crime are contraband and must be summarily forfeited to the appropriate
agency upon conviction of the owner or possessor for a controlled substance crime or for
any offense of this chapter. Telephone cloning paraphernalia used in a violation of section
609.894new text begin , and automated sales suppression devices, phantom-ware, and other devices
containing an automated sales suppression or phantom-ware device or software used in
violation of section 289A.63, subdivision 12,new text end are contraband and must be summarily forfeited
to the appropriate agency upon a conviction.
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This section is effective for activities enumerated in Minnesota
Statutes, section 289A.63, subdivision 12, that occur on or after August 1, 2017.
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