1st Engrossment - 89th Legislature (2015 - 2016) Posted on 04/07/2015 12:29pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 03/09/2015 | |
1st Engrossment | Posted on 03/25/2015 |
A bill for an act
relating to human services; modifying provisions related to individuals who
are committed as mentally ill and dangerous to the public; imposing duties on
special review board and the head of the treatment facility; amending Minnesota
Statutes 2014, section 253B.18, subdivisions 4c, 5.
Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 253B.18, subdivision 4c, is amended to
(a) The commissioner shall establish one or more
panels of a special review board. The board shall consist of three members experienced
in the field of mental illness. One member of each special review board panel shall be a
psychiatrist or a doctoral level psychologist with forensic experience and one member
shall be an attorney. No member shall be affiliated with the Department of Human
Services. The special review board shall meet at least every six months and at the call of
the commissioner. It shall hear and consider all petitions for a reduction in custody or to
appeal a revocation of provisional discharge. A "reduction in custody" means transfer
from a secure treatment facility, discharge, and provisional discharge. Patients may be
transferred by the commissioner between secure treatment facilities without a special
review board hearing.
Members of the special review board shall receive compensation and reimbursement
for expenses as established by the commissioner.
(b) new text begin The special review board must review each denied petition under subdivision
5 for barriers and obstacles preventing the patient from progressing in treatment. Based
on the cases before the board in the previous year, the special review board shall provide
to the commissioner an annual summation of the barriers to treatment progress, and
recommendations to achieve the common goal of making progress in treatment.
new text end
new text begin (c) new text end A petition filed by a person committed as mentally ill and dangerous to the
public under this section must be heard as provided in subdivision 5 and, as applicable,
subdivision 13. A petition filed by a person committed as a sexual psychopathic personality
or as a sexually dangerous person under chapter 253D, or committed as both mentally ill
and dangerous to the public under this section and as a sexual psychopathic personality or
as a sexually dangerous person must be heard as provided in section 253D.27.
Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 253B.18, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
(a) A petition for
a reduction in custody or revocation of provisional discharge shall be filed with the
commissioner and may be filed by the patient or by the head of the treatment facility. A
patient may not petition the special review board for six months following commitment
under subdivision 3 or following the final disposition of any previous petition and
subsequent appeal by the patient. new text begin The head of the treatment facility must schedule a
hearing before the special review board for any patient who has not appeared before the
special review board in the previous three years, and schedule a hearing at least every
three years, thereafter. new text end The medical director may petition at any time.
(b) Fourteen days prior to the hearing, the committing court, the county attorney of
the county of commitment, the designated agency, interested person, the petitioner, and
the petitioner's counsel shall be given written notice by the commissioner of the time and
place of the hearing before the special review board. Only those entitled to statutory notice
of the hearing or those administratively required to attend may be present at the hearing.
The patient may designate interested persons to receive notice by providing the names
and addresses to the commissioner at least 21 days before the hearing. The board shall
provide the commissioner with written findings of fact and recommendations within 21
days of the hearing. The commissioner shall issue an order no later than 14 days after
receiving the recommendation of the special review board. A copy of the order shall be
mailed to every person entitled to statutory notice of the hearing within five days after it
is signed. No order by the commissioner shall be effective sooner than 30 days after the
order is signed, unless the county attorney, the patient, and the commissioner agree that
it may become effective sooner.
(c) The special review board shall hold a hearing on each petition prior to making
its recommendation to the commissioner. The special review board proceedings are not
contested cases as defined in chapter 14. Any person or agency receiving notice that
submits documentary evidence to the special review board prior to the hearing shall also
provide copies to the patient, the patient's counsel, the county attorney of the county of
commitment, the case manager, and the commissioner.
(d) Prior to the final decision by the commissioner, the special review board may be
reconvened to consider events or circumstances that occurred subsequent to the hearing.
(e) In making their recommendations and order, the special review board and
commissioner must consider any statements received from victims under subdivision 5a.