1st Engrossment - 88th Legislature (2013 - 2014) Posted on 05/10/2013 02:09pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 02/18/2013 | |
1st Engrossment | Posted on 04/02/2013 |
A bill for an act
relating to debt management and debt settlement; clarifying exemption for
attorneys at law; modifying regulation of debt settlement services; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 332A.02, subdivision 8, by adding a
subdivision; 332B.02, subdivision 13, by adding a subdivision; 332B.06,
subdivisions 1, 4; 332B.09.
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 332A.02, subdivision 8, is amended to read:
"Debt management services
provider" means any person offering or providing debt management services to a debtor
domiciled in this state, regardless of whether or not a fee is charged for the services and
regardless of whether the person maintains a physical presence in the state. This term
includes any person to whom debt management services are delegated, and does not
include services performed by the following when engaged in the regular course of their
respective businesses and professions:
(1) new text begin exempt new text end attorneys at law, escrow agents, accountants, broker-dealers in securities;
(2) state or national banks, credit unions, trust companies, savings associations,
title insurance companies, insurance companies, and all other lending institutions duly
authorized to transact business in Minnesota;
(3) persons who, as employees on a regular salary or wage of an employer not
engaged in the business of debt management, perform credit services for their employer;
(4) public officers acting in their official capacities and persons acting as a debt
management services provider pursuant to court order;
(5) any person while performing services incidental to the dissolution, winding up,
or liquidation of a partnership, corporation, or other business enterprise;
(6) the state, its political subdivisions, public agencies, and their employees;
(7) collection agencies, provided that the services are provided to a creditor;
(8) "qualified organizations" designated as representative payees for purposes of the
Social Security and Supplemental Security Income Representative Payee System and the
federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, Public Law 101-508;
(9) accelerated mortgage payment providers. "Accelerated mortgage payment
providers" are persons who, after satisfying the requirements of sections 332.30 to 332.303,
receive funds to make mortgage payments to a lender or lenders, on behalf of mortgagors,
in order to exceed regularly scheduled minimum payment obligations under the terms of
the indebtedness. The term does not include: (i) persons or entities described in clauses (1)
to (8); (ii) mortgage lenders or servicers, industrial loan and thrift companies, or regulated
lenders under chapter 56; or (iii) persons authorized to make loans under section 47.20,
subdivision 1. For purposes of this clause and sections 332.30 to 332.303, "lender" means
the original lender or that lender's assignee, whichever is the current mortgage holder;
(10) trustees, guardians, and conservators; and
(11) debt settlement services providers.
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 332A.02, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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"Exempt attorney at law" means an attorney
licensed or otherwise authorized to practice law in this state:
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(1) whose exclusive or principal practice does not involve the provision of debt
management services; and
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(2) who does not have a business relationship with a debt management services
provider that involves the provision of debt management services.
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Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 332B.02, subdivision 13, is amended to read:
"Debt settlement services provider"
means any person offering or providing debt settlement services to a debtor domiciled
in this state, regardless of whether or not a fee is charged for the services and regardless
of whether the person maintains a physical presence in the state. The term includes any
person to whom debt settlement services are delegated. The term shall not includenew text begin an
exempt attorney at law and new text end persons listed in section 332A.02, subdivision 8, clauses deleted text begin (1)
deleted text end new text begin (2)new text end to (10), or a debt management services provider.
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 332B.02, is amended by adding a subdivision
to read:
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"Exempt attorney at law" means an attorney
licensed or otherwise authorized to practice law in this state:
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(1) whose exclusive or principal practice does not involve the provision of debt
settlement services; and
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(2) who does not have a business relationship with a debt settlement services
provider that involves the provision of debt settlement services.
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Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 332B.06, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) A debt settlement services
provider may not perform, or impose any charges or receive any payment for, any debt
settlement services until the provider and the debtor have executed a debt settlement
services agreement that contains all terms of the agreement between the debt settlement
services provider and the debtor, and the provider complies with all the applicable
requirements of this chapter.
(b) A debt settlement services agreement must:
(1) be in writing, dated, and signed by the debt settlement services provider and
the debtor;
(2) conspicuously indicate whether or not the debt settlement services provider is
registered with the Minnesota Department of Commerce and include any registration
number; and
(3) be written in the debtor's primary language if the debt settlement services provider
advertises in that languagenew text begin , or in the language in which the agreement was negotiated,
regardless of whether the debt settlement services provider advertises in that languagenew text end .
(c) The registrant must furnish the debtor with a copy of the signed contract upon
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 332B.06, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
(a) A person offering to provide or providing debt settlement
services must disclose both orally and in writing whether or not the person is registered
with the Minnesota Department of Commerce and any registration number.
(b) No person may provide debt settlement services unless the person first has
provided, both orally and in writing, on a single sheet of paper, separate from any other
document or writing, the following verbatim notice:
We CANNOT GUARANTEE that you will successfully reduce or eliminate your
If you stop paying your creditors, there is a strong likelihood some or all of the
following may happen:
• YOU MAY STILL BE SUED BY CREDITORS for the money you owe.
Even if we do settle your debt, YOU MAY STILL HAVE TO PAY TAXES on
the amount forgiven.
Your credit rating may be adversely affected.
(c) The heading, "CAUTION," must be in bold, underlined, 28-point type, and the
remaining text must be in 14-point type, with a double space between each statement.
(d) The disclosures and notices required under this subdivision must be provided in
the debtor's primary language if the debt settlement services provider advertises in that
languagenew text begin , or in the language in which the agreement was negotiated, regardless of whether
the debt settlement services provider advertises in that languagenew text end .
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 332B.09, is amended to read:
A debt settlement services provider may
calculate fees on a percentage of debt basis or on a percentage of savings basis. The fee
structure shall be clearly disclosed and explained in the debt settlement services agreement.
(a) The total amount of
the fees claimed, demanded, charged, collected, or received under deleted text begin this subdivisiondeleted text end new text begin a debt
settlement services agreement new text end shall be deleted text begin calculated as 15 percent of the aggregate debt. A
debt settlement services provider that calculates fees as a percentage of debt maydeleted text end :
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(1) charge an origination fee, which may be designated by the debt settlement
services provider as nonrefundable, of:
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(i) $200 on aggregate debt of less than $20,000; or
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(ii) $400 on aggregate debt of $20,000 or more;
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(2) charge a monthly fee of:
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(i) no greater than $50 per month on aggregate debt of less than $40,000; and
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(ii) no greater than $60 per month on aggregate debt of $40,000 or more; and
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(3) charge a settlement fee for the remainder of the allowable fees, which may be
demanded and collected no earlier than upon delivery to the debt settlement services
provider by a creditor of a bona fide written settlement offer consistent with the terms of
the debt settlement services agreement. A settlement fee may be assessed for each debt
settled, but the sum total of the origination fee, the monthly fee, and the settlement fee
may not exceed 15 percent of the aggregate debt.
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(b) The collection of monthly fees shall cease under this subdivision when the
total monthly fees and the origination fee equals 40 percent of the total fees allowable
under this subdivision.
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(c) In no event may more than 40 percent of the total amount of fees allowable be
claimed, demanded, charged, collected, or received by a debt settlement services provider
any earlier than upon delivery to the debt settlement services provider by a creditor of
a bona fide written settlement offer consistent with the terms of the debt settlement
services agreement.
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(1) for fees calculated on a percentage of debt basis, no greater than 15 percent of
the aggregate debt; and
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(2) for fees calculated on a percentage of savings basis, no greater than 30 percent
of the savings actually negotiated by the debt settlement services provider. The savings
shall be calculated as the difference between the aggregate debt that is stated in the debt
settlement services agreement at the time of its execution and the total amount that
the debtor actually pays to settle all the debts included in the debt settlement services
agreement, provided that only savings resulting from concessions actually negotiated by
the debt settlement services provider may be counted.
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(a) The total amount
of the fees claimed, demanded, charged, collected, or received under this subdivision
shall be calculated as 30 percent of the savings actually negotiated by the debt settlement
services provider. The savings shall be calculated as the difference between the aggregate
debt that is stated in the debt settlement services agreement at the time of its execution
and total amount that the debtor actually pays to settle all the debts stated in the debt
settlement services agreement, provided that only savings resulting from concessions
actually negotiated by the debt settlement services provider may be counted. A debt
settlement services provider that calculates fees as a percentage of savings may:
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(1) charge an origination fee, which may be designated by the debt settlement
services provider as nonrefundable, of:
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(i) $300 on aggregate debt of less than $20,000; or
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(ii) $500 on aggregate debt of $20,000 or more;
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(2) charge a monthly fee of:
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(i) no greater than $65 on aggregate debt of less than $40,000; and
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(ii) no greater than $75 on aggregate debt of $40,000 or more; and
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(3) charge a settlement fee for the remainder of the allowable fees, which may be
demanded and collected no earlier than upon delivery to the debt settlement services
provider by a creditor of a bona fide, final written settlement offer consistent with the
terms of the debt settlement services agreement. A settlement fee may be assessed for each
debt settled, but the sum total of the origination fee, the monthly fee, and the settlement
fee may not exceed 30 percent of the savings, as calculated under paragraph (a).
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(b) The collection of monthly fees shall cease under this subdivision when the
total of monthly fees and the origination fee equals 50 percent of the total fees allowable
under this subdivision. For the purposes of this subdivision, 50 percent of the total fees
allowable shall assume a settlement of 50 cents on the dollar.
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(c) In no event may more than 50 percent of the total amount of fees allowable be
claimed, demanded, charged, collected, or received by a debt settlement services provider
any earlier than upon delivery to the debt settlement services provider by a creditor of a
bona fide, final written settlement offer consistent with the terms of the debt settlement
services agreement.
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A debt settlement services provider may not impose or collect any payment pursuant
to a debt settlement services agreement before the debt settlement service provider has
fully performed all of the following:
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(1) the debt settlement services contained in the agreement; and
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(2) any additional services the debt settlement services provider has agreed to
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If more than one debt is the subject of the debt settlement services agreement, a
debt settlement services provider may only charge or collect that proportion of total fees
allowable under this section that equals the proportion of the aggregate debt the individual
settled debt represents.
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No fees, charges, assessments, or any other compensation
may be claimed, demanded, charged, collected, or received other than the fees allowed
under this section. Any fees collected in excess of those allowed under this section must
be immediately returned to the debtor.
Whenever a creditor withdraws from a debt
settlement services plan, the debt settlement services provider must promptly notify the
debtor of the withdrawal, identify the creditor, and inform the debtor of the right to modify
the debt settlement services agreement, unless at least 50 percent of the listed creditors
withdraw, in which case the debt settlement services provider must notify the debtor of the
debtor's right to cancel. In no case may this notice be provided more than 15 days after the
debt settlement services provider learns of the creditor's decision to withdraw from a plan.
A debt settlement services
provider must make all reasonable efforts to notify the debtor within 24 hours of a
settlement offer made by a creditor.
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Sections 5 to 7 are effective for debt settlement service agreements entered into on
or after August 1, 2013.
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