as introduced - 88th Legislature (2013 - 2014) Posted on 03/17/2014 01:53pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 03/17/2014 |
A bill for an act
relating to taxation; property; modifying the definition of real property; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 272.03, subdivision 1.
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 272.03, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
(a) For the purposes of taxation, "real property"
includes the land itself, rails, ties, and other track materials annexed to the land, and all
buildings, structures, and improvements or other fixtures on it, bridges of bridge companies,
and all rights and privileges belonging or appertaining to the land, and all mines, iron ore
and taconite minerals not otherwise exempt, quarries, fossils, and trees on or under it.
(b) A building or structure shall include the building or structure itself, together with
all improvements or fixtures annexed to the building or structure, which are integrated
with and of permanent benefit to the building or structure, regardless of the present use
of the building, and which cannot be removed without substantial damage to itself or to
the building or structure.
(c)(i) Real property does not include tools, implements, machinery, and equipment
attached to or installed in real property for use in the business or production activity
conducted thereon, regardless of size, weight or method of attachment, and mine shafts,
tunnels, and other underground openings used to extract ores and minerals taxed under
chapter 298 together with steel, concrete, and other materials used to support such openings.
(ii) The exclusion provided in clause (i) shall not apply to machinery and equipment
includable as real estate by paragraphs (a) and (b) even though such machinery and
equipment is used in the business or production activity conducted on the real property if
and to the extent such business or production activity consists of furnishing services or
products to other buildings or structures which are subject to taxation under this chapter.
(iii) The exclusion provided in clause (i) does not apply to the exterior shell of a
structure which constitutes walls, ceilings, roofs, or floors if the shell of the structure has
structural, insulation, or temperature control functions or provides protection from the
elementsnew text begin , unless the structure is primarily used in the production of biofuels, wine, beer,
distilled beverages, or dairy productsnew text end . Such an exterior shell is included in the definition
of real property even if it also has special functions distinct from that of a buildingnew text begin , or if
such an exterior shell is primarily used for the storage of ingredients or materials used in
the production of biofuels, wine, beer, distilled beverages, or dairy products or the storage
of finished biofuels, wine, beer, distilled beverages, or dairy productsnew text end .
(d) The term real property does not include tools, implements, machinery,
equipment, poles, lines, cables, wires, conduit, and station connections which are part of a
telephone communications system, regardless of attachment to or installation in real
property and regardless of size, weight, or method of attachment or installation.
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This section is effective for assessment year 2015 and for
taxes payable in 2016 and thereafter.
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