as introduced - 88th Legislature (2013 - 2014) Posted on 02/18/2013 06:46pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 01/22/2013 |
A bill for an act
relating to elections; soil and water conservation districts; modifying timeline
in which a copy of the resolution establishing supervision districts is filed;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 103C.311, subdivision 2.
Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 103C.311, subdivision 2, is amended to
(a) The district board, with the approval
of the state board, may by resolution provide that supervisors will be elected by supervisor
districts as provided in this subdivision.
(b) The supervisor districts must be composed of precincts established by county and
municipal governing bodies under section 204B.14. The districts must be compact, include
only contiguous territory, and be substantially equal in population. The districts must be
numbered in a regular series. The districts must be drawn by the county board of the county
containing the largest area of the soil and water conservation district, in consultation with
the district board and with the approval of the state board. The boundaries of the districts
must be redrawn after each decennial federal census as provided in section 204B.135. A
certified copy of the resolution establishing supervisor districts must be filed by the chair
of the district board with the county auditor of the counties where the soil and water
conservation district is located, with the state board, and with the secretary of state deleted text begin at least
30 days before the first date candidates may file for the office of supervisor.deleted text end new text begin , and the filings
must occur within 80 days of the time when the legislature has been redistricted or at least
15 weeks before the state primary election in a year ending in two, whichever comes first.
new text end
(c) Each supervisor district is entitled to elect one supervisor. A supervisor must be a
resident of the district from which elected.
(d) The district board shall provide staggered terms for supervisors elected by
district. After each redistricting, there shall be a new election of supervisors in all the
districts at the next general election, except that if the change made in the boundaries of a
district is less than five percent of the average population of all the districts, the supervisor
in office at the time of the redistricting shall serve for the full term for which elected. The
district board shall determine by lot the seats to be filled for a two-year term, a four-year
term, and a six-year term.