1st Engrossment - 88th Legislature (2013 - 2014) Posted on 04/04/2013 04:43pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 02/28/2013 | |
1st Engrossment | Posted on 03/20/2013 |
A bill for an act
relating to human services; creating the Emerging Adulthood Task Force.
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(a) The commissioner of human services shall convene an
Emerging Adulthood Task Force to study challenges encountered by disconnected youth
and to make recommendations to the governor, legislature, and state director to prevent
and end homelessness and on interventions, programs, and policies that will support
disconnected youth in achieving safety, stability, and opportunity for productive futures.
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(b) The task force shall be organized according to Minnesota Statutes, section
15.059, subdivision 6.
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(a) The task force shall consist of no more than 15 members
and shall be chaired by the commissioner of human services. Membership of the task
force shall include:
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(1) the commissioner of human services, or designee;
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(2) the commissioner of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, or designee;
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(3) the director of the Office of Higher Education, or designee;
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(4) the commissioner of education, or designee;
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(5) the commissioner of the Department of Corrections, or designee;
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(6) a representative from an agency providing foster care and adoption services;
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(7) a representative from a program providing services to homeless youth;
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(8) a representative from a children's advocacy organization;
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(9) a representative from the Minnesota Association of County Social Service
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(10) a representative from a philanthropic organization with an interest in youth
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(11) a representative from a faith-based organization with child welfare expertise;
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(12) a representative from a social service agency that serves all Minnesota counties;
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(13) two youth who have experienced homelessness or are at risk of experiencing
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(b) At least two members of the task force must be from greater Minnesota.
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(c) The commissioner of human services may create up to four subgroups of task force
members to develop specific recommendations for consideration by the full task force.
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The task force shall:
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(1) review existing research, data, programs, and resources in order to identify and
define challenges faced by disconnected youth;
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(2) identify points of transition and vulnerability for youth, and best practices in
order to support youth who are in foster care, corrections placement, or exiting mental
health treatment;
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(3) develop strategies to increase awareness of youth populations who
disproportionately experience the status of homelessness or are at risk of experiencing
homelessness including youth of color, youth who identify as GLBT, youth in homeless
families, youth who experience an emotional disturbance or mental illness, and youth
who are state wards;
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(4) enhance strategies for family unification where possible and establish adult
connections when family unification is not possible;
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(5) identify and advance strategies that are tailored to meet key developmental needs;
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(6) develop methods and tools for early identification of youth who are at risk of
disconnection and homelessness; and
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(7) develop methods for measurable evaluation of programs designed to decrease the
number of youth experiencing homelessness.
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The commissioner must submit the recommendations
of the task force to the governor, legislature, and state director to prevent and end
homelessness no later than January 15, 2014. Recommendations must address the
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(1) methods to assure well-planned transitions to stable, appropriate living
arrangements, with identified emergency supports, for all youth exiting child welfare,
corrections, mental health, or other placements;
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(2) barriers to housing, employment, and education;
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(3) methods to promote stable, supportive connections with kin and community; and
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(4) methods to increase high school graduation and enrollment in postsecondary
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The task force shall expire June 30, 2014.
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