as introduced - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 05/03/2011 10:13am
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 05/03/2011 |
A bill for an act
relating to natural resources; modifying watercraft surcharge; modifying aquatic
plant management fees; amending Minnesota Statutes 2010, sections 86B.415,
subdivision 7; 103G.615, subdivision 2.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 86B.415, subdivision 7, is amended to read:
A deleted text begin $5deleted text end surcharge is placed on each watercraft
licensed under subdivisions 1 to 5 for control, public awareness, law enforcement,
monitoring, and research of aquatic invasive species such as zebra mussel, purple
loosestrife, and Eurasian water milfoil in public waters and public text begin The
surcharge is:
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(1) $10 for watercraft licensed under subdivision 1, clause (2);
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(2) $20 for watercraft licensed under subdivision 1, clause (6); and
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(3) $25 for all other watercraft.
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Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 103G.615, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
(a) deleted text begin The commissioner shall establish a fee schedule for permits to
control or harvest aquatic plants other than wild rice. The fees must be set by rule, and
section 16A.1283 does not apply, but the rule must not take effect until 45 legislative
days after it has been reported to the legislature. The fees shall be based upon the cost
of receiving, processing, analyzing, and issuing the permit, and additional costs incurred
after the application to inspect and monitor the activities authorized by the permit, and
enforce aquatic plant management rules and permit requirements.deleted text end new text begin The fees shall be based
upon the cost of receiving, processing, analyzing, and issuing the permit and additional
costs incurred after the application to inspect and monitor the activities authorized by the
permit and enforce aquatic plant management rules and permit requirements.
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(b) When application is made to control two or more shoreline nuisance conditions,
only the larger fee applies. A permit application fee, in the form of a check or money order
payable to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, must accompany each permit
application when required by the following fee schedule:
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deleted text begin (b) A fee for a permit for thedeleted text end new text begin (1) tonew text end control deleted text begin of rooteddeleted text end aquatic deleted text begin vegetationdeleted text end new text begin plants by
pesticide or mechanical means, $90new text end for each contiguous parcel of shoreline owned by
an owner deleted text begin may be chargeddeleted text end new text begin , including a permit valid for three yearsnew text end . This fee may not
be charged for deleted text begin permits issued in connection withdeleted text end purple loosestrife control or lakewide
deleted text begin Eurasian water milfoil control programs.deleted text end new text begin or baywide invasive aquatic plant management
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(2) to control filamentous algae, snails that carry swimmer's itch, or leeches, singly
or in combination, $40 for each contiguous parcel of shoreline with a distinct owner;
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(3) for offshore control of submersed aquatic plants by pesticide or mechanical
means, $90;
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(4) to control plankton algae or free-floating aquatic plants by lakewide or baywide
application of approved pesticides, $90;
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(5) for the control of rooted aquatic vegetation in a public water basin that is 20 acres
or less in size, one-half of the fee established under clause (1);
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(6) for a commercial mechanical control permit, $100 annually; and
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(7) for a commercial harvest permit, $100 plus $300 for each public water listed on
the application that requires an inspection. An inspection is required for waters with no
previous permit history and may be required at other times to monitor the status of the
aquatic plant population.
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(c) There is no permit fee for:
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(1) permits to transplant aquatic plants in public waters;
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(2) permits to move or remove a floating bog in public waters if the floating bog is
lodged against the permittee's property and has not taken root;
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(3) permits to control purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria);
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(4) invasive aquatic plant management permits; or
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deleted text begin (c) A fee may not be charged todeleted text end new text begin (5) permits applied for bynew text end the state or a federal
governmental agency deleted text begin applying for a permitdeleted text end .
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(d) A fee for a permit for the control of rooted aquatic vegetation in a public
water basin that is 20 acres or less in size shall be one-half of the fee established under
paragraph (a).
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(d) If the fee does not accompany the application, the applicant will be notified and
no action will be taken on the application until the fee is received.
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(e) The fee is refundable only when the application is withdrawn prior to field
inspection or issuance or denial of the permit or when the commissioner determines that
the activity does not require a permit.
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deleted text begin (e)deleted text end new text begin (f)new text end The money received for the permits under this subdivision shall be deposited
in the deleted text begin treasury and credited to thedeleted text end water recreation accountnew text begin in the natural resources fundnew text end .