1st Engrossment - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 05/09/2011 03:13pm
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 04/04/2011 | |
1st Engrossment | Posted on 05/09/2011 |
A bill for an act
relating to economic development; providing for transition activities and
termination of a neighborhood revitalization program in a city of the first class;
amending Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 469.1831, by adding a subdivision.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 469.1831, is amended by adding a
subdivision to read:
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(a) Notwithstanding any law,
charter, or ordinance to the contrary, termination of a neighborhood revitalization program
created by a city of the first class is subject to the requirements of this subdivision.
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(b) Funds dedicated for neighborhood revitalization program activities under this
section and received by the neighborhood revitalization program prior to January 1, 2011,
any interest derived from those funds in the future, and program income derived from the
expenditure of any funds allocated to a neighborhood under an approved action plan, that
is retained by the neighborhood, the program, or the city may only be expended for a
purpose listed in subdivision 3, 4, or 5, and in accordance with the process required in
subdivision 6.
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(c) When the agreement creating the policy board required under this section
terminates on or after December 31, 2011, the respective existing governing body
members of the policy board identified in the agreement shall continue to operate the
program under the terms of the agreement for the purpose of providing the functions and
oversight of the program required by subdivisions 4 to 7, subject to the requirements of
this subdivision. This continuation shall be in effect until all the contracts have been
transferred as described in paragraph (d).
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(d) The policy board shall oversee and manage the development and implementation
of all contracts necessary and convenient for the implementation of neighborhood action
plans, and all administrative contracts necessary to conduct the required activities of the
policy board, until contracts have been entered into that obligate all remaining funds. All
funds must be spent or obligated by December 31, 2014. After the contracts have been
executed, the board may transfer the duties and obligations of the contract to another
entity. After all contracts have been transferred, the city that created the program may
terminate the program. Prior to termination, the city and the policy board shall provide for
an orderly transition of program staff and duties.
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This section is effective the day following final enactment.
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