as introduced - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 03/09/2011 10:16am
Engrossments | ||
Introduction | Posted on 03/09/2011 |
A bill for an act
relating to taxation; individual income; reducing certain rates; amending
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.06, subdivision 2c.
Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.06, subdivision 2c, is amended to read:
(a) The income
taxes imposed by this chapter upon married individuals filing joint returns and surviving
spouses as defined in section 2(a) of the Internal Revenue Code must be computed by
applying to their taxable net income the following schedule of rates:
(1) On the first $25,680, 5.35 percent;
(2) On all over $25,680, but not over $102,030, deleted text begin 7.05deleted text end new text begin 6.95new text end percent;
(3) On all over $102,030, 7.85 percent.
Married individuals filing separate returns, estates, and trusts must compute their
income tax by applying the above rates to their taxable income, except that the income
brackets will be one-half of the above amounts.
(b) The income taxes imposed by this chapter upon unmarried individuals must be
computed by applying to taxable net income the following schedule of rates:
(1) On the first $17,570, 5.35 percent;
(2) On all over $17,570, but not over $57,710, deleted text begin 7.05deleted text end new text begin 6.95new text end percent;
(3) On all over $57,710, 7.85 percent.
(c) The income taxes imposed by this chapter upon unmarried individuals qualifying
as a head of household as defined in section 2(b) of the Internal Revenue Code must be
computed by applying to taxable net income the following schedule of rates:
(1) On the first $21,630, 5.35 percent;
(2) On all over $21,630, but not over $86,910, deleted text begin 7.05deleted text end new text begin 6.95new text end percent;
(3) On all over $86,910, 7.85 percent.
(d) In lieu of a tax computed according to the rates set forth in this subdivision, the
tax of any individual taxpayer whose taxable net income for the taxable year is less than
an amount determined by the commissioner must be computed in accordance with tables
prepared and issued by the commissioner of revenue based on income brackets of not
more than $100. The amount of tax for each bracket shall be computed at the rates set
forth in this subdivision, provided that the commissioner may disregard a fractional part of
a dollar unless it amounts to 50 cents or more, in which case it may be increased to $1.
(e) An individual who is not a Minnesota resident for the entire year must compute
the individual's Minnesota income tax as provided in this subdivision. After the
application of the nonrefundable credits provided in this chapter, the tax liability must
then be multiplied by a fraction in which:
(1) the numerator is the individual's Minnesota source federal adjusted gross income
as defined in section 62 of the Internal Revenue Code and increased by the additions
required under section 290.01, subdivision 19a, clauses (1), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (12),
(13), (16), and (17), and reduced by the Minnesota assignable portion of the subtraction
for United States government interest under section 290.01, subdivision 19b, clause
(1), and the subtractions under section 290.01, subdivision 19b, clauses (8), (9), (13),
(14), (15), and (17), after applying the allocation and assignability provisions of section
290.081, clause (a), or 290.17; and
(2) the denominator is the individual's federal adjusted gross income as defined in
section 62 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, increased by the amounts specified in
section 290.01, subdivision 19a, clauses (1), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (12), (13), (16), and
(17), and reduced by the amounts specified in section 290.01, subdivision 19b, clauses (1),
(8), (9), (13), (14), (15), and (17).
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This section is effective for taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2010.
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